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Vibrowest sifting technologies
• Vibrovagli di qualità sono necessari per mantenere gli impianti puliti e sicuri per il personale;
• Riduzione dei costi industriali e dei tempi di fermo impianto.
I nostri vagli circolari sono disponibili in varie dimen- sioni, da 16’’’ (ø 400mm) fino a 90’’’ (ø 2250mm) e con accessori che includono anche la tecnologia ad ultrasuoni per la vagliatura di polveri molto fini. Sono disponibili soluzioni personalizzate per soddisfare le esigenze di tutti i tipi di alimenti e prodotti da forno.
I vagli vibranti e i setacci industriali Vibrowest sono certificati ATEX, soddisfano rigorosamente i requisiti FDA e sono conformi alle normative GMP necessarie nell’industria alimentare.
Da oltre sessant’anni Vibrowest è leader nella realizzazione di una vasta gamma di macchine per la separazione e la vagliatura. Il team Vibrowest produce e assembla tutte le attrezzature in loco presso lo stabilimento in Italia prima che vengano spedite in tutto il mondo. Il Made in Italy dà ai clienti Vibrowest la garanzia di elevati standard qualitativi.
Lo staff tecnico di Vibrowest, grazie ad un’esperienza pluriennale nel campo della vagliatura, è in grado di proporre la soluzione migliore anche attraverso test e prove di laboratorio presso la propria sede produttiva di Solaro (MI) in Italia.
Per maggiori informazioni: www.vibrowest.it
Vibrowest vibratory sifter are available for various applications, such as check-screening, grading, classifying and de-dusting

Vibrowest vibratory sifter equipment is necessary to protect your ingredients from unwanted contaminants and impurities, and to ensure that particle sizes are aligned with your specifications.
It is available for various applications, such as checkscreening, grading, classifying and de-dusting. The benefits of using Vibrowest screening equipment are:
• Sifting capabilities are crucial in food manufacturing, as it’s the only way to ensure products are free from contaminants.
• Quality vibratory screens and other equipment are needed to keep facilities clean and the employees safe.
• Reduce the operating cost and down time in your plant.
Vibrowest round units are available in a variety of sizes, from 16’’ (ø 400mm) up to 90’’ (ø 2250mm), and configurations with included the ultrasonic technology for very fine screening.
Customized solutions and options are available to suit the requirements of all types of food and bakery powders.
Vibrowest vibratory sifters and industrial screeners are ATEX certified, strictly meet the FDA requirements as well as complying with the GMP’s that are needed in the food industry.
For over sixty years, Vibrowest has been a leader in the production of a wide range of separation and screening machines. Its production team manufactures and assembles all Vibrowest equipment on site at its factory in Italy before it is shipped worldwide. The Made in Italy gives the warranty of high quality standards.
Vibrowest technical staff, thanks to many years of experience in the sieving process, is able to offer you the best solution also through lab tests at its headquarters in Solaro (MI) - Italy.
For more information visit: www.vibrowest.it