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For air quality improvement
Defil offers a comprehensive range of solutions to improve air quality in production processes
Since 1985, Defil Srl has been active in the field of filtration, dedusting and air treatment for civil and industrial plants as a reliable and competent specialist.
Defil operates in various sectors offering a wide range of products that make it possible to offer suitable solutions for improving air quality in different production processes, for the control and reduction of air pollution and for environmental protection in the workplace.
The use of filter is generally of utmost importance, as it guarantees users a greater degree of hygiene and a better economic result resulting from the good preservation of the premises and machinery. The economic result is not immediately quantifiable, while it is immediately observable the lowering degree of air contamination. The particles that contribute to the contamination are very fine; therefore, their filtration requires the use of filter with high and very high effectiveness.
It goes without saying that when choosing a filter the level of cleanliness of the air that you want to get ottenere; da qui discende il grado di efficienza che il filtro deve avere. Vi sono due metodi standard atti a definire l’efficienza di un filtro: is extremely important, from here comes the degree of efficiency that the filter must have. There are two standard methods to define the efficiency of a filter:
- il metodo secondo la normativa UNI EN ISO 16890 per classificare prefiltri e filtri intermedi; - il metodo secondo la normativa UNI EN 1822 per classificare i filtri assoluti.
L’efficienza di qualsiasi tipo di filtro può essere annullata da una installazione non idonea. Per evitare il problema del collasso di efficienza sono stati ideati gruppi per filtrazione che garantiscono una perfetta tenuta entro un campo di pressione compreso fra -8 kPa +8 kPa secondo quanto previsto dalla norma ANSI 509.
Tali gruppi, denominati CPT (Contenitori a Perfetta Tenuta), sono realizzati in lamiera lucida pressopiegata stampata, verniciata con ciclo industriale decontaminabile o interamente in AISI 304 o AISI 316; saldati a tenuta con saldature continue e sono completi di dispositivi per il bloccaggio dei filtri, attacchi di presa pressione, coperchi amovibili con maniglia e dispositivi di bloccaggio a serraggio rapido, guarnizioni di tenuta ad elevato spessore, flange per raccordo ai collettori.
I CPT sono idonei per l’installazione di prefiltri, filtri alta efficienza, filtri assoluti e filtri a carbone attivo Per poter garantire una manutenzione in condizioni protette i CPT sono dotati di accessorio portasacco per l’utilizzo di speciali sacchi barriera i quali consentono la possibilità di inserire/estrarre i filtri installati evitando il “contatto” tra operatore – filtro – ambiente. Per ottenere gruppi di filtrazione a più stadi o per elevate portate d’aria è possibile accoppiare più unità CPT con speciali raccordi e collettori.
- The method according to UNI EN ISO 16890 to classify pre-filters and intermediate filters;
- The method according to UNI EN 1822 regulation to classify absolute filters.
The efficiency of any type of filter can be nullified by an unsuitable installation. To avoid the problem of the collapse of efficiency, filtration units have been designed to guarantee a perfect seal within a pressure range of -8kPa +8kPa in accordance with ANSI 509. These units, called CPT (containers with perfect seal), are made of sheet metal moulded, painted with decontaminable industrial cycle or entirely in AISI 304 or AISI 316; sealed with continuous welds and complete with filter clamping devices, pressure connections, removable lids with handle and quick-release locking devices, thick seal seals, flanges for connection to the manifolds.

CPT are suitable for the installation of pre-filters, high efficiency filters, absolute filters and activated carbon filters. In order to ensure maintenance under protected conditions, the CPT are equipped with an accessory bag holder for the use of special barrier bags which allow the possibility of insert/extract the installed filters avoiding the “contact” between operator – filter - environment.
To obtain multi-stage filtration units or for high airflows, it is possible to couple more CPT units with special fittings and manifolds.