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Long experience and continuous updating
Bellintani plants are the ideal solution to transform raw materials and products from other processes
The Bellintani company, operating in the pet food field since 1954, owes its success to the long experience built up in the sector and the continuous technological updating to provide its customers with the best-customized solutions. The results of this commitment, which has lasted for more than 65 years, are reflected in a wide range of processing plants of various products with the guarantee of conservation of nutritional qualities and chemical-physical characteristics of food.
Equipment and machinery suitable for food and non-food, pharmaceutical, confectionery, chemical, mechanical, etc. sectors, are the ideal solution to transform raw materials and products from other processes, for reuse and reduction of waste.

By focusing on the grinding and mixing phases, Bellintani directly produces mills and mixers of various models that place at the basis of complete systems. They are used in a variety of actions, from the storage of raw materials to the transport and packaging of the final product, supplying electrical and automation equipment for turnkey delivery of the plant.

trici e di automazione per una consegna chiavi in mano dell’impianto.
La vasta gamma di combinazioni, accessori e personalizzazioni che può offrire le permette di soddisfare le richieste più varie non solo riguardo la tipologia di macchina ma anche alla logistica dell’impianto. Una sala prova disponibile per testare le macchine Bellintani sui prodotti dell’utilizzatore permette si sviluppare le caratteristiche tecniche più aderenti alle esigenze del cliente.
La ricerca di materie prime e componenti di alta gamma sono la garanzia di un made in Italy che risponde alle necessità dei clienti più esigenti. Completa l’attività di Bellintani una varia gamma di servizi post vendita: una linea di customer-care che permette al cliente di essere sempre in contatto diretto con i suoi tecnici specializzati, di poter chiedere informazioni e di fornire soluzioni in tempo reale; la fornitura di ricambi sempre disponibile per il cliente a corredo delle macchine ed attrezzature acquistate; il servizio di manutenzioni ordinarie e straordinarie; assistenza al cliente continua anche presso l’utilizzatore con interventi tempestivi da parte del personale tecnico Bellintani.
The wide range of combinations, accessories and customizations offered allows Bellintani to satisfy the most varied requests not only for the type of machine but also for the logistics of the plant.
A test room available to test Bellintani machines on the user’s products allows you to develop the technical characteristics more closely to the customer’s needs.
The search for raw materials and high-end components are the guarantee of a made in Italy that meets the needs of the most demanding customers. The company’s activity is completed by a wide range of after-sales services like a line of customer-care with direct contact with Bellintani specialized technicians, allowing the request of information and the possibility to provide solutions in real-time. Moreover, the supply of spare parts is always available for the customer to accompany the purchased machines and equipment as well as the service of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and the customer assistance that continues at the user with timely interventions by Bellintani technical staff.