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Innovation capacity in the engineering sector in Spain Engineering has always been innovative: that is precisely the wit. The innovation of the engineer is an incremental innovation, or what is the same, that knowledge is always based on and extended it through successive trials and studies. As a prestigious mathematician and Spanish technician of the 1950s "preach the theory and confirms the experience..." Is the appreciation that innovation in the sector of engineering in Spain is low, when in fact it is very rich, and unequivocal proof of this design of the infrastructures of the past and the current international recognition of many of the technicians that have designed and executed, as in the technique of the large structures of the transport: AVE, slender viaducts of large spans,.. An example of this is how in the exploitation of roads have generalized the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) as application of advances in telecommunications and computing: heralds, traffic management systems, information the user in real time, helps driving, better systems of active and passive, safety facilities in tunnels and other singular points, etc. or the use of efficient energy management in buildings, starting with the design of how is becoming envelope of the building of high performance, complemented by a system of energy-efficient lighting and the development of a system of air conditioning. Another example would be advances in innovative powerful in renewable energies, such as wind turbines or solar panels, which have put the technicians and the Spanish industry in a place in the world These innovations are those who are making the Spanish engineering increasingly more competitive and on the weight of the balance of the sales revenue is increasing the international to the national. The traditional engineering is no longer an attractive or competitive product for the market, it is essential to implement it with to make it generate differentiated products and innovations that are references in the sector at the international level. Impulse for innovation looms as a powerful and efficient transformer of the current reality, but it is essential to invest in knowledge, transfer it to all areas of the company and retain talent, which is the basis of innovation and therefore the basis of new services, processes, and products that allow us to have a leadership position. In words of an engineer: Innovation = Idea + costcost-effective deployment This publication puts to value the innovation capacity of the Spanish engineering sector, which is of a great tradition, breadth, creativity and diversity, but whose appreciation by society is scarce. But perhaps this latter be responsible for ourselves by a lack of proper communication. Put us to innovate, which means need for investment and support of the institutions, that this is the future of our companies and the work of those involved in the entire process from concept to execution.

Araceli GarcĂ­a Nombela Innovation manager of Tecniberia



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Key information: Date of establishment: 1976 Turnover: 26M € International details: INOCSA has a permanent branch in Romania and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It also has opened offices in countries in Latin America. Address: c/ Quintana, 2 3ª planta. Madrid. Phone: (+34) 915 487 790 Fax: (+34) 915 487 790 Web:

Company’s profile AECOM INOCSA, S.L.U. was created in 1976 and offers consultancy, engineering and project management in the fields of infrastructure, architecture, water and environment and gathers professionals with a wide experience in the public works sector. In the beginning, the company´s shareholding belonged to its own directors, but in May 2010 it was integrated into AECOM Technology Corporation (USA), worldwide leader in engineering services and consultancy. It´s activity spans through Transports, Water and Environment, Architecture and Energy sectors and gathers more than 45.000 professionals in these sectors, having an annual turnover superior to 4.500 million €. This integration consolidates AECOM/INOCSA´s path, which has a wide experience in Civil Engineering and Environment fields, interfering actively in the main infrastructure projects developing in Spain (highways, high speed railway lines, airports, and hydraulic works). Moreover, it also participates inside the integrated management of big designs, master plans, feasibility studies, technical specifications elaboration, institutional consultancy and public works concessions. INOCSA is presently considered one of the main national consultancy companies in infrastructure, significantly ranked in the Spanish civil engineering field. It´s main Clients are the Public Central, Autonomous or Local Administrations (Ministry of Development and Environment). It´s international market penetration is growing fast, representing by this time 30% of the total business volume of the company, supported mainly by International Multilateral Financing Institutions like World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank and European Union. The incorporation to AECOM group allows getting a privileged international position, as the Group is established in more than 130 countries worldwide. Its fast growing territorial expansion and the diversity of the services provided, brought to an important development of INOCSA in the last decade, doubling its business volume.

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Areas of activity AECOM INOCSA, S.L.U. está organizada por Unidades de Negocio: Infraestructuras del Transporte, que engloba las áreas de Carreteras, Ferrocarriles, Aeropuertos y Transportes en general, Agua, Medio Ambiente, Arquitectura y Urbanismo, y Construcción, de esta última dependen las Unidades de Asistencia Técnica a obra, que reciben el apoyo del resto de unidades. También son unidades de negocio con autonomía propia las delegaciones, tanto nacionales como exteriores: Delegación de Aragón, Delegación de Rumanía y Delegación de Bosnia. Además, existen una serie de departamento auxiliares, Administración y finanzas, Human resources y Comunicación, Informática, Comercial y Ofertas, Servicios Generales y Calidad, este último es responsable de la implantación y seguimiento de los Sistemas de Aseguramiento de la Calidad y de Gestión Ambiental de todos los trabajos. Fields of activity: Studies, Designs, Infrastructure Conservation and Exploitation, Infrastructure Promotion and Concessions, Supervision and Works Management in the following fields: • • • • • • • • •

Roads Urban planning Hydraulic resources Airports Rails Hydraulic works Urban parking Metro Agronomy and rural industry

• • • • • • • • •

Highways Transport economy Tnvironment Building Beology and geotechnics Information systems Architecture Industry and energy Ports and maritim works

Areas of R&D activity • Transports • Water

Featured projects • HD-MPC” (Hierarchical and Distributed Model Predictive Control of Large-Scale Systems

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Certificate R&D&I Management System NO

Human Resources 2012 Total employees: 256 Spain: 213 Abroad: 43

Turnover 2011 National Total: 18.200.000 € International Total: 7.200.000 €

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 5 Spain R&D&I: 5 Abroad R&D&I: 0

R&D Investiment (2011) Total R&D&I: 141.908 € National R&D&I: 141.908 € Self-financing: 70.954 € Public financing: 70.954 € International R&D&I: 0

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HD-MPC Hierarchical and Distributed Model Predictive Control of Large-Scale Systems Objetives Manufacturing systems, power networks, transportation systems, road traffic networks, process plants, and other large-scale networked systems are often composed of multiple subsystems, with many embedded sensors and actuators, and characterized by complex dynamics and mutual influences such that local control decisions have long-range effects throughout the system. This results in a huge number of problems that must be tackled for the design of an overall control system in order to achieve a safe, efficient, and robust operation. Otherwise, serious disasters and malfunctions could occur (such as the breakdown of the power grid in North America and in Italy in 2003). To deal with these problems and to cope with the complexity of the control task, HD-MPC proposes to use a hierarchical control setup in which the control tasks are distributed over time and space. In such a set-up, systems of supervisory and strategic functionality reside at higher levels, while at lower levels the single units, or local agents, must guarantee specific operational objectives. At any level, the local agents must negotiate their outcomes and requirements with lower and higher levels. The consortium has developed methods for designing controllers for complex large-scale systems based on such a hierarchical control framework, using Model Predictive Control (MPC), which has already proven its usefulness for control of small scale systems, but which cannot yet be applied to large-scale systems due to computational, coordination, and communication problems The methods developed in the project were applied to case studies and benchmarks provided by the partners from industry. In particular, the activities performed by INOCSA (An AECOM Company) are oriented to apply the results obtained to optimize the management of water in irrigation canals, through the following activities: • Definition of the scenario of irrigation canals (IC) to make easier the development of controllers. • Hydraulic modeling of irrigation canals using HEC-RAS and SIC. • Application of the methods developed in the project to case studies and benchmarks regarding irrigation canals. • Tests

Ongoing Call: VII Framework Programme (FP7-ICT-2007-2), project number 223854. Duration: September 2008 - December 2011. Budget: 2,768,861 EURO.

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Consortium Partners: Partners: Technische Universiteit Delft, Electricite de France S.A., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Politecnico di Milano, Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad Nacional De Colombia, Ecole Superieure D’ Electricite Supelec, AECOM Inocsa S.L.U.

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Key information: Date of Establishment: 1987 Turnover: 28 M € Internacional details Chile, Bolivia, Polonia, USA, y México Address Avda. Albert Einstein, nº2, 39011 Santander. Phone: (+34) 942 290 260 Fax: (+34) 942 274 613 Email: Web:

Company’s profile These last 20 years have been to APIA XXI a period of growth and expansion where, besides quadruple its size, has managed to expand their areas of action and is present in large projects in Spain and in foreign countries. With more than twenty national and international delegations and more than 400 professionals, Apia XXI is currently considered one of the most prestigious engineering consultancy companies in the country, able to satisfy all the services required by the customer with maximum quality.

Areas of activity • • • • • • •

Infrastructures Hydraulic works Industry Energy Environmental and Town Planning Building and Town Planning Management and New Technologies

Areas of R&D activity Bureau Veritas certify that the Management Sistem has been audited and found to be in accordance with the requirements of standard UNE 166002:2006 (research and development) Scope of certification: R&D&I in renewable energy technologies, noise pollution engineering, Intelligent transportation systems, structural engineering, measurement science and technology, software development.

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Featured projects • • • • •

Multifunction Offshore Measuring Platforms Automatic Road Mobility Characterization through Video Analysis Techniques. Environmental Friendly Noise Barrier with structural phonic properties Research and Development of Jatropha cultivation Reinforcement Element for Metric Width Railway Sleepers

Patents • Floating platform for wind energy extraction • Marine meteorological buoy to measure offshore wind resource • Weather Floating Platform

Human resources 2010 Total employees: 268 Spain: Abroad:

Turnover 2010 National Total: 18.000.000 € International Total: 31.000 €

Certificate R&D&I Management System Yes

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 39 Spain R&D&I: 39 Abroad R&D&I:

R&D investiment 2010 Total R&D&I: 1.744.000 € National Total: 1.744.000 € Self-financing: 1.222.000 € Public financing: 521.000 € Internacional R&D&I: 126.000 € Self-financing: 95.000 € Public financing: 31.000 €

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POM Multifunction Offshore measuring Platforms Objetives Developing a floating platform capable of allocating an offshore wind turbine and of being used in offshore deepwater locations, thereby creating a new technology for the construction of offshore wind farms

Ongoing Duration: 2 years Call: CDTI Budget: 4.000.000 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: Erzia technologies, Transportes Lasarte, Transformaciones MetĂĄlicas Ecol

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CAMVIA Automatic Road Mobility Characterization through Video Analysis Techniques Obejtives Study and development of new methods vehicles’ characterization through automated analysis of video images for use in civil engineering (O/D matrixes)

Ongoing Software development activities Duration: 2 years Call: Sodercan (fomento cooperación industrial de Cantabria) Budget: 430.000 €

Consortium Partners: Apia XXI, S.A., Vista Silicon, S.L.

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RETCAIT Environmental Friendly Noise Barrier with structural phonic properties Objetives Development of various types of noise barrier with optimized structural properties, using environmental friendly materials

Ongoing Duration: 2 years Call: Incentivos Agencia Andaluza de la EnergĂ­a Budget: 250.000 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: PREPHOR and Apia XXII

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JATROPHA Industrial research and development of Jatropha Quercus cultivation Objetives Feasibility study of the use of the Jatropha plant cultivation for its industrial exploitation as bio-fuel

Ongoing Duration: 2 years Call: Incentivos de la Agencia Andaluza de la Energia Budget: 250.000 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: APIAXXI

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DINTRA Reinforcement Element for Metric Width Railway Sleepers Objetives Designing an innovative rail superstructure, ensuring sufficient transversal strength of the rail in order to avoid the phenomena of rail misalignment for different infrastructure configurations such metric gauge tracks

Ongoing Mathematical modeling and design created and analyzed. Optimal solution tested. Testing of full scale prototypes undergoing. Duration: 2 years Call: CDTI Budget: 460.000 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: ACCISA, S.A., SETELSA, S.A. y APIAXXI

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Key information: Date of Establishment: Establishment: 1966 Turnover: Turnover: € 207M Internacional details: details: INOCSA Mexico (Mexico D.F., Guadalajara y Monterrey), Brasil (Porto Alegre), Polonia (Silesia), Marruecos (Rabat), Argelia SARL (Argelia), India (Delhi), Colombia (Bogotá), Perú (Lima) y Panamá (Panamá) Address: C/ Marie Curie, 2. Parque Tecnológico de la Cartuja. 41092 Sevilla, España. Tel: (+34) 954 46 70 46 Fax: (+34) 954 46 24 91 Web:

Areas of activity • • • • • • • •

Engineering and Architecture Consultancy Information systems Outsourcing Technologies facilities Project Management Construction and facilities Technologies promotions

Areas of R&D activity • • • •

eAdministration Energy efficiency and technical development of electrical distribution systems advanced Advanced Internet Services Internet of Things Quality and efficiency in software development

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Featured projects • • • • • • • •

SINTAGIS: Integrated system to manage losses and diagnosis in water distribution networks based on open geographic information systems. VIASAL: Feasibility of a long term thermal storage system in molten salts for solar thermal power plant. BIOMASOL: Basic technical definition of a solar thermoelectric plant with hydridization using biomass. EUKRATOS: New methodologies for energy saving in railway lines planning. ACCIBICI: Analysis of variables that influence cycling accidents: model development and design of a support tool. DESLUMBRA: Defining and scheduling indicators to the effective adaptation of layout of roads to frost and glare phenomena. SECCIONES: Economic and environmental optimization of cross section typology of a road infrastructure in complex topographical zones. ARVITUNEL : Analysis and reduction of vibrations generated by railway traffic in tunnels.

Certificate R&D Management Yes

Human Resources 2011 Total employees: 2.832

Turnover 2011 Total : 207.000.000 €

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SINTAGIS Integrated system to manage losses and diagnosis in water distribution networks based on open geographic information systems. Objectives The overall objective of this project is to investigate new models, techniques and tools for estimating water consumption in urban areas for effective management and diagnosis of loss of water supply networks. It will develop a web-based system that enables capture, structure and integrate the information and data associated with the life cycle of the water supply network and makes them accessible to those potential users regardless where they are. The system will make the diagnosis of the state of the network and the active control of the quality of service, with special emphasis on the leaks. El SINTAGIS project is part of the National Program of Environmental Science and Technology and impinges directly on their general objectives, as it is aimed to rational and efficient use of water as a natural resource, as well as minimizing and remedying its management effects on the environment. In addition, the SINTAGIS project objectives cover the thematic priorities of the National Technologies Subprogram for the Sustainable Environmental Management, as the development of technologies related to sustainable management of water resources and improvement of prediction, prevention and repair of damage systems . The project develops a methodology for modeling and integration of data and information associated with the diagnosis and management of losses in water distribution networks, which eliminates the inconsistencies and delays caused by the existence of diverse data sources. Tools are designed and implemented to make the diagnosis of the state of the network and the active control of the quality of service, with great emphasis on the aspect of water leaks. It is designed and developed a computer system that facilitates interaction with the enterprise through a web platform for accessing to GIS.

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Ongoing Call: Profit2007 - Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Duration: Duration January 2007 – June 2008. Budget: € 196,551. Web Web:

Consortium Partners: INCOSA (individual project)

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VIASAL Feasibility of a long term thermal storage system in molten salts for solar thermal power plant. Objectives The thermoelectric technologies for the utilization of solar radiation have experienced strong growth in recent years, largely supported by a favorable regulatory framework. However, this same regulation currently limits the use of fossil fuels (natural gas) to compensate the variations in production inherent to solar radiation, forcing the use of energy storage systems to ensure the manageability of the plants. Most of the implemented or planned projects are plants of cylindrical parabolic collectors which have a thermal storage system of varying capacity. The technology of cylindrical parabolic collectors is well known, thanks mainly to the long operational experience of the SEGS plants in California (U.S.) - but in regards to the storage system the real scale experience is limited, especially whether they are high-capacity systems, whose features make appear many questions about design and operational issues. In this context the objective of this project is exposed: the completion of a detailed feasibility analysis about thermal storage systems for large capacity (over 8 equivalent hours to nominal power of the plant). In this feasibility analysis the main aspects of the design and operation of these systems and their major components will be addressed: storage medium, tanks, foundations and heat exchangers. The methodology followed includes the conceptual design of the main components of the storage system, supported by their own models, which are previously developed in the framework of this project, and to a lesser extent -given the scope of the proposed study- by experimentation.

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Ongoing Call: Fomento de la Innovación y el Desarrollo Empresarial de Andalucía Duration: April 2007 – March 2008 Duration Budget: € 106,090 Web:

Consortium Partners: AYESA

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BIOMASOL Basic technical definition of a solar thermoelectric plant with hybridization using biomass. Objectives The objective of the present Project is designing a hybrid solar thermoelectric plant with a biomass plant. In order to do it, possible alternatives of hybridization and its implementation and commissioning will be studied. The facility will consist of a solar thermal plant with cylindrical parabolic collectors and hybridization using biomass, supported by a natural gas furnance and a thermal storage system, if that becomes necessary. The power rating of the system under study is 50 MW. The new technology concept of the project lies in designing a solar-biomass power plant and the problems associated with it. Upon conclusion of project the critical issues in the design and development of these plants will have been identified and the background necessary to deal the design, construction and operation with warranties will be had. The lines of R&D&i to be addressed in this project are: 1. Development of detailed models for the simulation of the main components of the solarbiomass plant. 2. Research on the integration of the two technologies. 3. Development of required specific components for the safe and reliable operation of a hybrid solar-biomass plant.

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Ongoing Call: Fomento de la Innovación y el Desarrollo Empresarial de Andalucía. Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía (Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa) de la Junta de Andalucía Duration: Duration 11 months, 2008 Budget: € 226,648 Web: Web:

Consortium Partners: AYESA

Capabilities Directory Index

EUKRATOS New methodologies for energy saving in railway lines planning. Objectives The main objective of this project is development of heuristic algorithms and research on optimization methods of cost, reliability and energy efficiency criteria to enable development of a new methodology for planning of electrical rail systems, particularly metropolitan (MTP) and high-speed lines (HSL). The proposed research will be able to study the power systems for the optimal planning of the rail network electrification from initial data inputs (layout, traffic forecasting, rolling, etc.), optimization criteria (reliability, energy efficiency and cost) and restrictions (availability of high-voltage lines, environmental concerns, regulations, etc.). The specific scientific and technical objectives, through the main objective will be achieved which, are: 1. Identification of factors and conditions which determine the dimensioning of the supply system, as well as energy consumption in MTP and HSL. 2. Modeling of railway electrification element systems and design of programmable simulators of power consumption in MTP and HSL (AC and DC). 3. Developing of optimization methods of reliability, energy efficiency and cost in railway lines. 4. Developing of heuristic algorithms for the traction substations location. 5. Implementation of a tool that integrates energy saving in the planning of railway lines. Project development will provide a system that its process will optimize planning of the electrification network and therefore energy saving in railway lines through mathematic models implementation that will offer the best possible solution without feedbacks. Starting from elements of the railway electrification systems database and characteristics of each railway line (layout, type of train and rail, etc.), a designer will select the elements and will make the network simulation. System will apply the optimization model of cost, reliability and energy efficiency to the selected itemset in addiction to the heuristics for the location of traction substations and will provide the characteristics of all installation elements as a result.

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Ongoing Call: Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía (Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa) de la Junta de Andalucía Duration: Duration 16 months, 2008 - 2009 Budget: € 273,090 Web: Web:

Consortium Partners: AYESA

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ACCIBICI ACCIBICI Analysis of variables that influence cycling accidents: model development and design of a support tool Objectives This project studies the variables involved in bicycle accidents, in order to reduce them and increase the number of people who use it as a transport. For this reason, will be conducted a research on these variables and will be developed probabilistic models to quantify them and exploration models that can assess the accident by varying the number of bicycle users. Following this investigation, a web help tool to makes accident decisions will be developed in order to help institutions that manage infrastructures where bicycles drive along which. This tool will be based on a geographic information system, so that it can quickly locate accident points and relevant information points. The inclusion of accident information will provide the geographic localization of high accident points. Help decision system will be able to provide a set of measures that it can reduce or nullify the risk factor causing accidents.

Ongoing Call: 2007 de ayudas a la I+D+i ligadas al PEIT. Proyecto financiado por el Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX – Ministerio de Fomento) Duration: Duration 16 months, 2007 - 2009 Budget: € 191,301 Web:

Consortium Partners: Partners Ayesa, ACT Sistemas, S.L. y Instituto Andaluz de Tecnología

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DESLUMBRA Defining and scheduling indicators to the effective adaptation of layout of roads to frost and glare phenomena. Objectives The main objective of this project is to define and schedule basic indicators for the suitability of layout of roads so that will reduce the consequences of frost and glare phenomena to road users. Therefore will be analyzed meteorological and trace variables that affect the formation of ice on the roadway and the occurrence of glare to drivers, with special interest to the sun exposure intensity on the roads in function of the solar orbit and topography where road infrastructure is integrated which. Thus, will be defined indicators that will be able to evaluate solar exposure intensity for each road point along one year and its relationship with the frost and glare probability for each point. It about knows the interaction between solar orbit and each point of road to defining indicators that will be able to define the suitability of the road path from the point of view of road safety, assessing the probability of dazzling occurring as well as freezing occurring along the road, considering, for this last one, a set of meteorological parameters offered by the National Institute of Meteorology. These indicator definitions and their integration into the multi criteria analysis (which typically those will be done to select the road alternatives in the planning phase of these) will be able to improve the selective process.

Ongoing Call: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, en la modalidad de proyectos de investigación aplicada colaborativa dentro de la línea instrumental de actuación de proyectos de I+D del Plan Nacional de I+D 2008-2011 Duration: Duration 16 months, 2008 - 2009 Budget: € 293,772 Web: Web:

Consortium Partners: Partners Ayesa,

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SECCIONES Economic and environmental optimization of cross section typology of a road infrastructure in complex topographical zones. Objectives The objective of this project is to optimize the type of cross section of a road infrastructure in complex orographic areas, from the economic and environmental point of view, according to the geological, geotechnical and natural value of the area the road is situated. This will involve an analysis of environmental variables to consider (such as vegetation, wildlife or landscape), orographic variables (cross slope of the land) and section type (conventional highway, multilane highways, roadways separated at the same or different levels, cut and fill slopes, retaining walls and support, viaduct, cover tunnel and tunnel). It will also be defined a method for the economical and environmental valuation of considered sections, determining the sections types with lowest cost and minimum environmental impact on each point on the path. To consider both criteria, the section optimization is performed using multicriteria analysis techniques. The objective pursued is to automate the selection of the optimum section of a road infrastructure for each point of the path, based on environmental, economic and landscape variables. Thus, it is intended to develop a tool that helps the road infrastructure planner or designer in the definition of the optimum section in each kilometer point, especially in areas of complex terrain or with a high natural and landscape value.

Ongoing Call: 2008 LIA de proyectos de I+D realizados en Parques Científicos y Tecnológicos Duration: 17 months, 2008 - 2009 Duration Budget: € 244,231 Web:

Consortium Partners: Partners Ayesa

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ARVITUNEL Analysis and reduction of vibrations generated by railway traffic in tunnels. Objectives The objective of the project is to develop a numerical methodology for the analysis and prediction of the vibrations generated on the environment in tunnel rail traffic (mainly urban metros and trams), and the strategies for its reduction. This methodology will allow a number of practical recommendations for the design of this type of infrastructure in relation to the analysis and control of vibrations generated. By using numerical models based on the method of contour elements and the finite element method, the main parameters that determine the propagation of the vibrations generated in the rails to the surrounding buildings will be analyzed, including the reduction that occurs therein through the use of spring-elastic bearings (floating slabs) and elastomer layers (rail pad, sleeper pad, etc).

Ongoing Call: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, en la modalidad de proyectos de investigación aplicada colaborativa dentro de la línea instrumental de actuación de proyectos de I+D del Plan Nacional de I+D 2008-2011 Duration:5 Duration months, 2008 Budget: € 67,924 Web:

Consortium Partners: Partners Ayesa

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NOVIWAM Novel Integrated Water Management Systems for Southern European Regions. Objectives The NOVIWAM project aims to promote multilevel and interregional co-operation in the field of water management tools and methods. By learning from the experiences of others and pooling the related knowhow and technology, the partners want to increase their capacity to solve in the most eco-efficient and sustainable manner the compelling water management problems faced in the Euro-Mediterranean climate regions. At the same time, the project would contribute to the objectives of the European Water Framework Directive: a good ecological and chemical status of all waters and water management at catchment or river basin scale. The final goal of this initiative would be to exploit the actions associated with the project to potentiate the internationalization of the activities of the participants.

Ongoing Call: VII Framework Programme Duration:23 months, 20011 - 2012 Duration Budget: € 90,000

Consortium Partners: Partners Ayesa, Junta de Andalucía, Fundación CENTA, CITAndalucía, Universidad de Granada, Universidad de Córdoba, Administração da Região Hidrográfica do Norte, Universidade do Minho, SIMBIENTE - Engenharia e Gestão Ambiental, Agence de l’eau Adour-Garonne, CEMAGREF, Office International de l'Eau, Ministry of Education of Albania, Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranes, Water Supply and sewarege Association of Albania

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ENERGYVIAS ENERGYVIAS Energetic Exploitation of Infrastructures. Objectives ENERGYVIAS Project aims to develop a set of technologies (piezoelectric, photovoltaic, wind, induction ...), studying their integration in transport infrastructures (roads, railways, ports and airports) to feed low power local applications or link them to distribution system. The goal is to develop both design and engineering methodologies, and technologies and techniques of installation that could lead to new products, applications and services with potential commercial use.

Ongoing Call: VII Framework Programme Duration:23 months, 20011 - 2012 Duration Budget: € 90,000

Consortium Partners: Partners Ayesa, Junta de Andalucía, Fundación CENTA, CITAndalucía, Universidad de Granada, Universidad de Córdoba, Administração da Região Hidrográfica do Norte, Universidade do Minho, SIMBIENTE - Engenharia e Gestão Ambiental, Agence de l’eau Adour-Garonne, CEMAGREF, Office International de l'Eau, Ministry of Education of Albania, Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranes, Water Supply and sewarege Association of Albania

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EXTINGUE EXTINGUE Development of an advanced system for fire protection, detection and fire extintion in large areas. Objectives The overall objective of this project is to generate a set of novel technologies in various areas of industrial application and their subsequent integration, in order to have a prototype for experimental use (exclusively for validation and demonstration) of a fire fighting system for large areas. The system will be able to detect a fire in real time and act on it automatically, extinguishing it without water, allowing the safety of persons and production assets within the range of the system. To this end, existing knowledge and techniques will be acquired, combined, configured and used, extending its maturity throughout the project, to achieve the designing of structures, algorithms, and procedures necessary for the operation of an experimental EXTINGUE station.

Ongoing Call: Innterconecta Duration: Duration 36 months, 20012 - 2014 Budget: â‚Ź 999,973

Consortium Partners: Partners Ayesa, Forespro, New Technologies Global Systems, Randal Systems, Aeorum EspaĂąa, Sistemas Prodetex

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Key information: Date of establishment: 1968 Turnover: 39M € International details: Europe: United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Poland - America: Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Mexico, Peru, The Angels (The) (United States), Chile, Dominican Republic - Asia: Abu Dhabi Address: Edificio Euroconsult/Parque Empresarial Sur Avda. Camino de lo Cortao, 17. 28700 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Phone: 902 021 911 Fax: 916 597 810 Email: Web:

Company’s profile EUROCONSULT Spanish consulting engineering company with over 38 years’ experience, we are active in areas such as Quality Control and Technical Assistance for all types of construction in both architecture and engineering, both for governmental and private clients. EUROCONSULT is completely independent and not linked to any construction company, building materials manufacturer of or financial group, which ensures complete freedom of action without other conditions rather than those derived from the service provided and the clients’ interests.

Areas of activity • • • •

Infrastructure Building Laboratory Geotechnical Engineering and Energy

Areas of R&D activity • • • •

Inspection and Auscultation of roads, tunnels and structures. Non-destructive testing of deep foundations. New materials and recycled materials. Energy efficiency.

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Featured projects • Evaluation of drainability and water projection of road pavements with high-performance devices. • Research and development in the structural safety control with new sensors based on optic fiber technology. • High-performance device for the measurement of night visibility of traffic signs. • SMA bituminous mixtures of the UNE norm 13108-5 standard group which are sustainable and eco-friendly. • Research and development of a new high-performance tunnel inspector device. • I-Green: INTELLIGENT ELECTRIC NETWORKS. Automated and Intelligen Monitoring, Control and building Management. • • ECOTRAV – Design of alternatives with new configurations for recycled concrete sleepers for high-speed railways. • GUTTERS: New prefabricated concrete gutter for cables with recycled concrete. Design and optimization of its start-up • Firetunnel - Development of a comprehensive system of sectorization against rail tunnel fires. • High-performance measuring device for the bearing capacity of pavements in Roads, Airports and Railways (Curviametro MT-2000). • Pilot Project for the foundation control of bridges – ultraseismicity measurement in GPS environment • Portable wireless data acquisition system with memory and reading for the monitoring of works

Certificate R&D&I Management System UNE 166002:2006

Patents Curviameter (Patent) Dropdrain (In progress) iGreen (In progress)

Visualise (Patent) Tunnelings (In progress)

Human resources 2010

Human resources devoted to R&D

Total employees: 450 Spain: Abroad:

Total R&D&I: 10 Spain R&D&I:10 Abroad R&D&I:

Turnover 2010

R&D Investiment 2010

National Total: 38.514.000 € International Total: 1.555.000 €

Total R&D&I: 1.784.000 € National Total: 1.784.000 € Self-financing: 892.000 € Public financing: 892.000 €

Investment Evolution in R&D&I Total 2011: 1.784.000 € Spain:1.784.000 € Abroad: 0 €

Total 2010: 1.592.000 € Spain: 1.592.000 € Abroad: 0 €

Total 2009: 750.000 € Spain: 750.000 € Abroad: 0 €

Capabilities Directory Index

Draindrop The evaluation of drainability and water projection of the road pavements using high-performance devices Objetives The development of a high-performance system that makes possible to evaluate the drainability and water projection of road pavements. To define the conditions under which the water projection is produced by the tires in contact with the pavement. The project aims is to develop a dynamic method for measuring the drainage capacity of the road pavement to replace the static test techniques that exists nowadays. It would be set on a vehicle with a device which performs it in normal running speed of the track, measuring the parameters related to the drainability. The amount of water sprayed by a pneumatic tool would be to evaluate using artificial vision and image analysis. The development of this system would be directly related to improving road safety by increasing the lengths of road sections auscultated and knowledge of the behavior of different types of firm on profitability and its evolution over time

Ongoing Duration: 24 months Call: National Plan R + D + I 2008-2011 Ministry of Science and Innovation with file number P08/38, R&D transport and infrastructure projects. Budget: 900.000 €

Consortium Partners: Itum Technology S.A. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña

Capabilities Directory Index

SEGUSTRUC Research and development in the structural safety control with new sensors based on fiber optic technology Objetives To create a new method and an integral work management system, that makes it possible to combine the process of data acquisition with the data transmission process in a work with its automated treatment, comparing the measured values with the corresponding threshold values, previously determined and related to the performance level required by the work This project has as main purpose; the incorporation of new sensors, measurement technology which is based on the optical fiber, the existing monitoring systems have certain limitations for monitoring and control of structural safety. It would consist in implementing those systems with the advantages provided by the new sensors. It is necessary to have a comprehensive security concept, which takes in account the results of monitoring the level of structural reliability. Under the project scenario, the appropriate criteria and concepts will be developed, in addition to the necessary developments of the monitoring system based on optical fiber sensors. Finally, the system developed and the overall concept of structural safety will be applied to some representative works.

Ongoing Duration: 23 months Call: 2009 National Cooperation CDTI. Budget: 915.000 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: Instituto de Ciencias de la ConstrucciĂłn Eduardo Torroja

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VISUALISE High-performance device for the measurement of night visibility of traffic signs Objetives The project aim is to develop a system of continuous measurement of nighttime visibility of road signs and gantries, and to check that all the requirements of current legislation are fulfilled. The system is set on a vehicle that will flow to normal traffic speed, measuring and processing parameters in real time during the measurement execution time. It will consist in two high-resolution digital cameras sensitive to infrared and visible spectrum, infrared LED lighting, an image recording system on-line to 12 frames and an off-line system for automatic processing of images. The system will automatically generate the curve luminance signals and gates at different distances, measuring readability contrast between foreground and background signal. Visibility measurements will be independent of the illumination and the system will measure the angle and distance measurement performed, and the position of the traffic signal using GPS

Ongoing Duration: 24 months Call: CDTI-2007 Budget: 500,000 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: Universidad PolitĂŠcnica de AlcalĂĄ

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SMA SMA bituminous mixtures of the une en 13108-5 standard group which are sustainable and eco-friendly Objetives • High-performance materials design from recycled ones to use in roads. • Increase the durability of the bituminous mixtures currently used in Spain. • Reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and energy consumption by creating mixtures at temperatures lower than the normal ones. • Decrease the noise impact produced by the surface’s noise against conventional mixtures. • Apply recycled material from the pavement in high percentages, achieving more environmentally friendly bituminous mixtures.

Ongoing Duration: 63 months Call: Integrated Projects 2010 CDTI. Budget: 740.000 €

Consortium Partners: Eiffage infraestructuras, Elsan, Rettenmaier, y Mantenimiento y Construcción de equipos de auscultación

Capabilities Directory Index

TUNELIS Research and development of a new high-performance tunnel inspector device Objetives The development of an automatic continuous auscultation system of the parameters of railway tunnels, based on the installation of measuring devices on a prototype which circulates on the roads at a much higher speed than the one currently in use.

Ongoing Duration: 24 months Call: CDTI-2010 Budget: 1.600.000 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: Euroconsult

Capabilities Directory Index

iGreen I-Green: INTELLIGENT ELECTRIC NETWORKS Automated and Intelligen Monitoring, Control and Management of a building Objetives The aim of the project is to develop a system for monitoring, control, automation and intelligent management of energy consumption in buildings. The specific targets that will undertake the project are: • To get a powerful, simple and user-friendly environment that allows the complete management on the Intelligent Building Energy Efficiency, analysing and acting on measured consumption groups. • To develop a reference tool in the Control, Management, Automation and Analysis of smart grids in buildings, both in efficiency and sustainability through the installation and integration of actuators and analysers, that control solution and intelligent management energy. • To get a mainstay of any energy saving plan for owners, managers and building operators.

Ongoing Duration: 36 months Call: Ministerio de Industria Energía y Turismo dentro del Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008 - 2011, Plan Avanza 2 TSI-080500-201116. Budget:1.200.000 €

Consortium Partners: Itum Tecnology S.A.

Capabilities Directory Index

ECOTRAV The design of alternatives with new configurations for recycled concrete sleepers for high-speed railways Objetives The aim of the project is to obtain a railway sleeper made from recycled concrete. As a supplement to this cross and it validation thereof, a system of monitoring continuous track based on fiber optic sensors will be developed

Ongoing Duration: 30 months Call: Cooperación Nacional CDTI 2011 Budget: 850.000 €

Consortium Partners: GECIVAL S.L., PREFABRICADOS Y CONTRATAS, S.A.U, SERRANO AZNAR OBRAS PÚBLICAS, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

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GUTTERS New prefabricated concrete gutter for cables with recycled concrete. Design and optimization of its start-up. Objetives The main objective of this R+D+i Project is to design a new recycled concrete gutter with the optimization of the design and calculation, with the aim of achieving its homologation

Ongoing Duration: 24 months Call: Cooperación Nacional CDTI 2011 Budget: 350.000 €

Consortium Partners: VALTER Valenciana de estructuras y PREFABRICADOS Y CONTRATAS, S.A.U., Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Capabilities Directory Index

FIRETUNNEL To development of a comprehensive system of sectorization against rail tunnel fires Objetives The project’s main objective is to get a system sectorization against rail tunnel fire in operation, allowing the safe evacuation of infrastructure users. The main objective of Euroconsult Andalusia in this project is to obtain a system of fire detection in tunnels to allow the retrieval of accurate and reliable source of fire, and the communication system that enables the transmission of information from all points of the network of sensing tunnel adapted to sectorization system arises.

Ongoing Duration: 24 months Call: National cooperation CDTI 2011 Budget: 540.000 €


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Capabilities Directory Index

Key information: Date of establishment: 1968 Turnover: 74M € (En 2010) International details: Arabia Saudí, Argelia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Honduras, India, Guinea Ecuatorial, Marruecos y Turquía. Address: c/ Castelló 128. 28006 Madrid. Phone: (+34) 915 903 546 Fax: (+34) 914 113 557 Email: Web:

Company’s profile Euroestudios is a civil engineering and building development consulting company, leader in Spain, that provides services such as Planning, Institutional Support, Feasibility Studies, Preliminary and Detailed Designs Studies, Site Management and Comprehensive Project Management. Our services cover: Transport Infrastructures, Hydraulic Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Urban Planning, Buildings, Installations and Technical Services (Geotechnical Engineering, Surveying and IT Consultancy). Euroestudios provides Technical Advisory and Consultancy services, aimed at both the public and private sectors. Established in 1968, Euroestudios has since become the company of choice in major national and international infrastructure development programmes. Euroestudios has a staff of more than 500 highly qualified professionals, mostly Senior and Technical Engineers, who are more than capable of responding to market demands.

Areas of activity • • • • • • • • •

Urban Planning Building Energy efficiency HVAC, Electrical systems, Plumbing, Communications Fire Protection Engineering Blast and Impact Design Geotechnical Engineering IT Consultancy Architecture

• • • • • • •

Thermography Building structures Seismic design Singular structures Computer simulation Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Water treatment technologies

Capabilities Directory Index

Areas of R&D activity • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Radiant floor regulation Risk analysis in tunnels Lateral spillways design Expropriation management tools Seismic design adequacy Infrastructure vulnerability to natural phenomena Biological reduction of sulphates and toxic metals File and project management Effects of transversal wind over railway vehicles Simulation of railway systems Works surveillance Virtual office Bioelectrogenic treatment Safety in transport terminals Erosion protection at river works Safe pavement against extreme temperatures Sliding control systems

Featured projects • Research and development of an integrated system to determine the heat release rate in tunnel fires. • Research and development for the design of lateral spillways minimizing the impact on their environment and cost during the execution control • Research and development of a contrasted and validated risk analysis methodology for road tunnels • Research and development for improving the regulation system of radiant floor heating • Research and development of a tool for the evaluation, monitoring and global management of urban tunnels • Research and Development project for advanced construction systems to adapt buildings to current seismic codes without stopping their activity • Vulnerability of road infrastructures against natural disasters • Use of biological reduction to the elimination of sulphates and other toxic metals existing in waste waters • Effect of transversal wind on railway transit vehicles limit value determination • Railroad network computer simulation • Information system for works control and surveillance • Virtual office for project management in the engineering scope • Bioelectrogenic treatments applied to the wastewater treatment • Research, development and demonstration of innovative systems improvement comprehensive security in transport terminals • Drafting times optimization • Optimization of erosion protection methods for river works • Safer pavements under extreme sliding conditions • New sliding control techniques by integration of earth and space-based observations

Capabilities Directory Index

Certificate R&D&I Management System AENOR UNE 166.002

Human resources 2010

Human resources devoted to R&D

Total employees: 675 Spain: 474 Abroad: 201

Total R&D&I: 30 Spain R&D&I:30 Abroad R&D&I: 0

Turnover 2010 National Total: 25.444.203 € International Total: 48.529.195 € Total: 73.973.398 €

Total R&D&I: 726.491 € National Total: 726.491 € InterNational Total: 0

Investment Evolution in R&D&I Total 783.991 € Spain: 783.991 € Abroad: 0

Total 2008: 1.020.860 € Spain: 1.020.860 € Abroad: 0

Total 2007: 1.330.775 € Spain: 1.330.775 € Abroad: 0

Capabilities Directory Index

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SDPI Research and development of an integrated system to determine the heat release rate in tunnel fires Objetives Nowadays, in order to calculate the Heat Release Rate (HRR) of a fire, it is necessary to fulfil tests in laboratories or other controlled spaces where all the variables that define the ambient an its conditions are under control. But out of these controlled conditions, under the daily operation of tunnels, we are not capable of calculating the HRR. In order to define the HRR of a fire, average values are used, depending on the type of vehicle involved: motorcycle, car, bus, truck, fuel tank, etc. The real fire load of each one is not taken into account (specially in the case of trucks) until the fire has been suppressed, and just for the means of explaining its consequences. There are no mechanisms that calculate in real time the HRR at each moment. The aim of the project has been the development of a system capable of identifying the HRR in a tunnel by means of sensors an other installed equipment that gather all the necessary information to feed an algorithm that determines the fire HRR. This calculated value is used as the main information to establish the ventilation strategy and the extinction methodology in case of a fire. This project provides the knowledge about fire and its computational modelling that makes possible to define the measurable parameters in a tunnel necessary to obtain the size of a fire and its HRR. The aim of this project has resulted in a technological novelty for the tunnel safety facilities sector worldwide. The system developed in this project makes it possible to achieve the necessary actions that drive to adjust the tunnel ventilation so that the effects of a fire are minimized, and serves as well as a source of information to the emergency services, providing in real time the HRR of the fire.

Ongoing Duration: february 2006 - march 2008 Call: PROFIT Budget: 1.182.332 â‚Ź Web:

Consortium Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, S.L.

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LATERAL SPILLWAYS Research and development for the design of lateral spillways minimizing the impact on their environment and cost during the execution control Objetives Nowadays there are several methods, formulations and tables used for the design of lateral spillways, as well as determined initial hypothesis that allow for the design of such spillways. However, this calculation method produces instability in the results, that takes to a sense of insecurity in its design. This project aims to design and dimension lateral spillways by means of an adequate mathematical model that reproduces the behaviour of water without any more conditions and hypothesis other than those of the works’ geometry and the fluid characteristics. The principal innovation of the project is that, using a finite element mathematical model, correctly calibrated and adapted to spillways, trustworthy results can be achieved, not being necessary to used the most conservative solution or the worst scenario. The model is validated by means of scaled experimentation, achieving the characterization of the behaviour for the most relevant cases. The solution optimizes the design of lateral spillways, thus achieving: • The functionality required of the works spillway and its behaviour within the whole of the building works. • The maximum safety for the environment affected by discharges. • The lowest environmental impact of its building and its operation, as well as the best and fastest recovery of the land affected. • The lowest budget of the works while meeting the technical objectives, as well as energy savings during the building phase. The model implemented in this project facilitates and simplifies the design of lateral spillways and increases the reliability, safety and environment integration.

Ongoing Duration: feb-2007/ april 2009 Call: PROFIT Budget: 974.555 € Web:

Consortium Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, S.L

Capabilities Directory Index


RISK ANALYSIS FOR TUNNELS Research and development of a contrasted and validated risk analysis methodology for road tunnels Objetives Currently in Spain there is no defined and proven risk analysis methodology for road tunnels, as required by the Royal Decree 635/2006 and the European Directive 2004/54/EC. The design of tunnels and its equipment is being made based on experience and knowledge of each one of the engineers involved and the national or international standards. This R&D Project aims in the development of a risk analysis methodology for road tunnels, which, in a reliable and proven way, takes into account all factors involved and determine whether alternative solutions can provide the same levels of risk, with the desired security level in each case. This methodology is especially important when the minimum measures or conditions of design set by the standards are very difficult to apply (for example in tunnels currently in use), as it enables the performance of the study of alternatives and their cost-effectiveness and the viability as the whole. It also assesses conditions not traditionally covered that include: reliability of the equipment, fire resistance, performance in extreme conditions... The final result presents a methodology that assesses the risk of each tunnel in terms of design and operating parameters and capable of proposing alternatives to suit each specific tunnel.

Ongoing Duration: february 2007 – april 2009 Call: PROFIT Budget: 696.627 ₏ Web:

Consortium Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, S.L

Capabilities Directory Index


RADIANT FLOOR Research and development for improving the regulation system of radiant floor heating Objetives Currently, the radiant floor heating control systems are based on measured temperatures, well outside the house, either inside. Such systems are suffering several problems, mainly because they are based on control variables that do not have a direct influence on the system, such as outside temperature and room temperature, and the effect of the inertia of radiant floor heating facilities is not taken into consideration. The project aims to develop a control system for radiant floor heating able to reduce the effect of the inertia in this type of heating systems. For this purpose, several sensors and devices are used to identify the variables needed for the calculation algorithm, and successive estimations of temperatures are obtained, establishing the control system that achieves the precision needed for the proper functioning of the facility. The system, once analysed in a theoretical level, it is verified via laboratory experimentation, validating the works developed and the control algorithm. The final result is a control system based on predictive models that prepares the heat source for the next few hours conditions, allowing for an adequate regulation of the system at every moment, keeping suitable heating conditions for the comfort of people, and achieving an important economic and energetic saving.

Ongoing Duration: february 2007 - december 2010 Call: PROFIT Budget: 842.456 â‚Ź Web:

Consortium Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, S.L.

Capabilities Directory Index

GIS TUNNELS Research and development of a tool for the evaluation, monitoring and global management of urban tunnels Objetives Nowadays, the building of tunnels in urban environments is a necessity that, due to its initial building cost, are often constructed delayed, on consolidated urban environments. Several movement control systems (auscultation) have been developed, that try to control the conditions of all the buildings and infrastructures affected. On the other hand, the movement forecasting must be part of the starting information of the project. However, there are no automatic systems that cross and compare these data. The aim of the project is to develop a tool capable of evaluating, monitoring and managing all the data obtained as a whole, during the building of urban tunnels, achieving a real-time tracking of the works, and including risk detection algorithms. This system reduces the necessary time for data comparison, doing the task in real time once the appropriate auscultation equipment is in place, as well as including an historical record of the safety conditions of the works from the start of the excavation to the completion of construction.

Ongoing Duration: march 2007 – april 2009 Call: PROFIT Budget: 730.238 € Web:

Consortium Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, S.L

Capabilities Directory Index



Research and Development project for advanced construction systems to adapt buildings to current seismic codes without stopping their activity Objetives From the retrofitting point of view, seismic strengthening reveals its importance due to the grave consequences derived of its erroneous conception. Advancing in retrofitting technology should be a capital aim. Design codes are increasingly more complex and demanding. But these standards can only be applied to new buildings or structures. Thus, proper actions and protocols must be analyzed and defined for constructions previously built to the implantation of these standards in order to ensure their safety. The aim of the project is to develop technologies, concepts and structural strategies based on the use of novel structural elements, that allow the design of retrofitting schemes for the required earthquake performance, minimizing at the same time the affection of its execution on the daily use of the building. Retrofitting and seismic strengthening are unavoidable and absolutely necessary tasks in some places around the world. The buildings and infrastructures that require a better and more effective strengthening are, for strategic reasons, precisely those that are more used and whose social demand is higher. Specially when thinking about highly populated cities in a bad conservation state, with a high seismic danger and low resources, we would obtain a large number of facilities to retrofit, that should also be strengthened at the same time. Rendering those facilities useless means a social cost usually unacceptable. Therefore, the development of advanced strengthening techniques, compatible with the normal use of the building, shows up as a feasible solution that needs of a rigorous study.

Ongoing Duration: july 2008 - december 2010 Call: Internal project Budget: n/d Web:

Consortium Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, S.L.

Capabilities Directory Index

VULCAN VULNERABILITY OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURES AGAINST NATURAL DISASTERS Objetives Nowadays, due to changes in natural cycles on Earth’s surface, mainly caused by the influence of human activities, many areas have begun to show gravitational instability, which makes them particularly vulnerable to natural disasters that threaten lots of human lives. For this reason, and in these places, it is essential to increase the level of infrastructure security. At present, the design of infrastructures to withstand natural disasters is quite advanced in the field of freshets, which is one of the most frequent phenomena in our country. However, there is no tool to locate and identify the natural hazards in the linear transport infrastructure. These situations, which are more frequent than desired, are becoming less tolerated by the people who demand greater safety for their homes and properties. The Government has understood that it is essential for the development process of the country an appropriate use of the existing resources to minimize the risk situations that currently affect many urban centres and areas of economic importance. For a proper management of this problem, planners and decision makers claim to the scientific community elements and tools that permit an optimal guidance of the resources to mitigate risks and, equally, bear a proper distribution of land use, in which considerations of the type of geological hazards and weather (in particular those generated by instability phenomena) are critical constraints on future land use. It therefore requires a tool that allows analyses of the elements exposed to the phenomena, and finally defines their level of risk and the potential losses that might occur. The project evaluates how a particular environment may adversely affect the estimated useful life of an infrastructure, including the development of a computer system for analysis, planning and information management focused on the road sector, and that at the same time enables the generation of vulnerability profiles to natural hazards, evaluating the derived costs.

Ongoing Duration: 2007-2008 Call: Programa Nacional de Construcción Budget: 1.064.277 € Web:

Consortium Líder: AEC Partners: Fundación CARTIF, ACCIONA, EUROESTUDIOS

Capabilities Directory Index


APREBIOSUL Use of biological reduction to the elimination of sulphates and other toxic metals existing in waste waters Objetives Sulphate is one of the most abundant ions in the environment. As a consequence of numerous industrial activities (paper and textile industry, food production, carbon combustion, among others), sulphates are discharged to both ground and subterranean waters, and its accumulation in large quantities can have pernicious consequences due to its harmful effects over human and other living beings health. The systems used currently for its removal or separation are extremely energy demanding and/ or consume costly chemical components. Therefore, it is necessary to develop low cost technologies, environmentally friendly, that can reduce the concentration of sulphates in waste waters. Biological reduction of sulphates is an efficient method to eliminate sulphate of waste waters. In oxygen absence, microorganisms sulphate-reducers use the electron-donors (organic substrates) present in waste waters or added to that extent. This oxidation can be coupled with the sulphate reduction to sulphur, using then sulphate as an electron-acceptor in this redox process and thus eliminating it of the water. Furthermore, biological reduction of sulphate can also have further applications in waste water decontamination, as sulphur generated from the bio reduction can produce the precipitation of toxic heavy metal (Cu, Zn or Pb), present in water environment as sulphurs. Metallic sulphurs have a very low solubility and are stable over a wide pH range, making thus viable its elimination. Furthermore, some microorganisms are capable of oxidizing biogenic soluble sulphur into metallic sulphur and accumulate it in their cellular structures, allowing the for its extraction and recycling. The aim of the project is to develop an equipment for waste waters sulphate elimination by means of anaerobic sulphate-reducer bacteria

Ongoing Duration: October 2009- actualidad Call: TRACE Budget: 143.000 Web:

Consortium Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, S.L.

Capabilities Directory Index

TRANSVERSAL WIND Effect of transversal wind on railway transit vehicles limit value determination Objetives As we know cross wind produces on a vehicle a lateral force and a swinging moment which tends to move the vehicle sideways and even cause an overturning. In the case of trains, lateral force can even lead to the displacement of the machine on the tracks. The possibility of overturning is greater the longer the train is. Aerodynamic loads on train units are clearly reduced with the placement of parapets that produce a change in the pressure field over the train, which affects the lateral force and the overturning moment. Plenty of parapets analyses with different angles of slope and roughness have been made. With the experimental data obtained from tests in tunnels, mainly the aerodynamic load coefficients depending on the types of platform and parapets, the response of the train against lateral winds can be calculated with specific commercial software used the sector. This is not enough though, and the establishment of limits to lateral forces due to wind that can be admitted in the railway traffic must be addressed through analysis of the risk induced on the safety and travelling quality, bearing in mind that this risk depends not only on the wind, but its combination with other actions taking place in the movement of a rail vehicle. The project aims to obtain the effect of different parapets on the lateral wind loads over the train models tested, and the effect of wind on the parapet itself. Another outcome being studied is the effect of parapets on the catenaries and the effect of wind gusts on the viaducts and other structures associated with railway traffic. Finally, a realistic modelling of vehicle dynamics in order to establish recommendations to ensure safety standards against lateral wind will be obtained. The project is approached with the aim of assessing the effects of transversal wind on railway transit vehicles and establishing limit values for operation and design.

Ongoing Duration: January 2008 - December 2010 Call: CEDEX Budget: n/d Web:

Consortium Partners: Adif, TALGO, Sener, Instituto Universitario de Investigación “Ignacio Da Riva” de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (IDR/UPM), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSICCP/UPM), Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Técnicas de Guipuzcoa (CEIT), Fundación Caminos de Hierro (FCH), Euroestudios

Capabilities Directory Index

EURORAIL Railroad network computer simulation Objetives Euroestudios conceived EURO-RAIL as a computing tool able to obtain the speed and route time of trains on the railway lines under study. EURO-RAIL also makes it possible to obtain the corresponding electricity consumption for the different timetables, allowing the sizing of the Substation Traction Power. Also the software allows the following analysis on the operation of the line: • • • • • • • • • •

Route times and commercial speed Maximum capacity of the line (for signalling and electrical facilities). Analysis of suitable signalling, detours and intermediate positions Location and size of Traction Power Substations. Catenaries sizing, feeders and sections of the line. Analysis of appropriate connection points to the overhead line of the substation and the feeders. Loss of energy in the facilities. Voltage in the pantograph of trains running on the line. Behaviour of the line on failure of a substation or group. Energy regeneration factors obtained from braking trains, for the different types of line and under the timetables established.

Other objectives marked on the development on the software were to simplify the interpretation of results using tables and graphs, and identify the points of the route to be modified in order to optimize the operation on the line and assess the best alternative from the view point of travelling time.

Ongoing Duration: January 2000 - December 2001 Call: Internal project Budget: n/d Web:

Consortium Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, S.L.

Capabilities Directory Index

IDISICO Information system for Works control and surveillance Objetives One of the most significant areas in EUROESTUDIOS is Control and Monitoring of Building Works, so there are always separate work units running this type of job and it is usual that the staff rotates from one building site to another depending on the duration of projects. In order to create a common methodology for all work units and provide them with a set of tools that facilitate its application, we developed SICO Project, Information System for the Control and Supervision of Works, which included the following characteristics: • Design of a Geographic Information System (GIS), within which different stretches, generic components, structures, superstructures and individual elements that together define the construction site are located geographically. º • Design of a data model for filing the documentation generated or received by the corresponding work unit. • Installation of data within a server. • Development of an application in accordance with the specifications of the work units that includes the data model and methodology for internal management, storage, input, output and protection of the unit information. • Inclusion of the quality plan and the document codification system in the tool. • Development of a protection system for the information and the access to it

Ongoing Duration: January 2004 - June 2006 Call: Internal project Budget: n/d Web:

Consortium Partners: Euroestudios, S.L

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VOCE Virtual office for project management in the engineering scope Objetives An engineering project can be done by one or several companies, consultants and remote workers, who may have their offices located geographically in a single country or several, and within the same country in different cities or even in different buildings of the same city. This issue of location is also applicable to the subject of the work to be carried out and the customer. Moreover, a major problem faced by consulting firms is the management and conservation of the huge volume of information generated, usually on paper, that must be shelved for years. The project of a VIRTUAL OFFICE FOR ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY COMPANIES (VOCE) has tried to solve the problems described above and specifically: • Management of all phases of a project (tender, project management and consultancy works, maintenance and preservation of works and facilities and management and conservation of the archives), using a friendly interface. • Location of all project information in servers to access them in a safe and reliable way for an unlimited time. • Setting up of working groups without constraints of geographical location, which can access to information through the Intranet / Internet / Extranet. • Allow safe access for the client, via the Internet, to the information of their projects, with the guarantee that the information is updated at every moment. • Digital filing of the project, generated automatically, eliminating as much as possible the use of paper and cubic meters of warehousing and enabling fast and intelligent search of information.

Ongoing Duration: January 2003 - June 2006 Call: Internal project Budget: n/d Web:

Consortium Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, S.L.

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AQUAELECTRA Bioelectrogenic treatments applied to the wastewater treatment Objetives Bioelectrogenesis is a new type of biological reaction by which an organism may give or accept electrons directly from a solid conductor. This process was discovered in 2003 and led the design of so-called microbial fuel cells (MFC) (Esteve-Núñez et al., 2008). The final result is the microbial oxidation of fuel by natural means and a clean production of electricity. Since its discovery, the field of waste water has been declared as the main potential user of this technology, mainly due to the high content of organic matter, that would (if achieved an efficient conversion) allow to obtain a positive energy conversion rate. So we have a new technology that, once optimized and installed in a real scale system, can help to reduce the energy invested in the treatment of our waste, and even generate clean energy from their treatment. At present, there is no developed application at real scale. The consortium AQUAELECTRA was formed with the firm intention of accelerating the development of this new technology, using the strategy of adapting these Bioelectrochemistry devices to existing designs in water treatment plants. The aim of the project is the development of a natural system of waste water treatment by means of wetland bioelectrogenesis, an anaerobic bioelectrogenic treatment system for waste water and a system for bioelectrogenic removal of nutrients (nitrogen).

Ongoing Duration: July 2010 - October 2007 Call: INNPACTO 2010 Budget: 1.465.564 Web:


Capabilities Directory Index

SEGTRANS Research, development and demonstration of innovative systems improvement comprehensive security in transport terminals Objetives After the deliberate attacks on September 11, 2001 (Wall Trade Center) and March 11, 2004 (Atocha Station), not to mention the attacks in London in the summer of 2005 and the Terminal 4 of Barajas Airport on 2006, two evident facts are deduced. Firstly, those critical facilities are increasingly vulnerable to deliberate attacks and, secondly, vulnerability to such actions is increasingly high. Thus, it was imperative to make a special emphasis on the importance of the inclusion of the deliberate actions in the management of critical infrastructure susceptible to attacks within the current security concept. Both within the European and Spanish territory, there are various types of critical infrastructure such as, for example, energy facilities, communications, military, NGOs, focused on education, etc… All of them are potentially susceptible to threat and require viable solutions both on technical and economic levels to provide greater security and social and industrial benefits. In this project we focus on transport inter-change or terminals, mainly for the following reasons: • Transport terminals are facilities that are really sensitive to the consequences caused by these actions, mainly because the significant movement of people increase the seriousness and would lead to an imminent emergency situation, and also for the importance that its good performance has in the actual society. • Based on previous studies, we have detected a upward trend in the number of deliberate events against such infrastructures, and must therefore receive special attention. The main objective of this project is to improve the security level of transportation terminals as well as the security of the users affected by deliberate actions.

Ongoing Duration: January 2010 – December 2012 Call: CDTI Budget: 5.092.723 Web:

Consortium Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, KV-Ingenieros, SACYR Concesiones, TAPUSA.

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ESEDECAD-Tools Drafting times optimization Objetives The shortening of deadlines for building projects, added to the increasing times for the final architectural plans to reach to the engineering area makes it necessary for the structural project to finish in time to search for methods that can reduce drafting times, as well as foresee strategies based on new computer technologies that allow drafting works to advance in a “fictitious” way or over a generic basis. The innovation project “ESEDECAD-Tools”, based on Visual-Basic and C# development over AutoCAD, will achieve to optimize the drafting times for building structures projects.

Ongoing Duration: September 2010 – September 2012 Call: Internal project Budget: Internal project Web:

Consortium Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, S.L

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SCOURTECH Optimization of erosion protection methods for river works Objetives Any meeting point between civil engineering works and river beds require of a detail study of the interaction between both of them. Usually this interaction reflects on over-elevation or erosion studies. There are several measures proposed to cope with these interactions. This project is focused on erosion correction measures. These are usually grouped as “Soft Engineering” and “Hard Engineering”. This project aims to analyze as a whole all the methodologies that involve the use of riprap (gabions, spilled riprap, moulded riprap, grouted or partially grouted riprap…), trying to reach a complete view of the methods along with a recommendations and good praxis manual. Several approaches ill be fulfilled, from the bibliographical compendia to laboratory experimentation.

Ongoing Duration: September 2011- September 2014 Call: INNPACTO 2011 Budget: 518.470,17 € Web:

Consortium Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, S.L , Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.

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PAVIREX Safer pavements under extreme sliding conditions Objetives The main objetive of this project is the development of specific bituminous mixtures with improved response towards extreme temperatures and situations, such as ice formation on the road or fire presence in enclosed spaces (tunnels). These situations can be specially critical and dangerous. Not much bibliography exists that approaches the necessary actions over bituminous paving mixtures to improve adherence and safety under such situations. Several real-scale test will be conducted. This is a specially innovative aspect of the project, as the only European tunnel with the necessary characteristics for these tests will be used. In the same way, an intelligent predictive system based in sensors and data acquisition equipments will be developed, capable of predicting the short-term probability of ice formation according to atmospheric conditions at each moment, with the aim of heating the pavement by means of pre-heated fluid, thus avoiding ice formation.

Ongoing Duration: September 2011- August 2014 Call: INNPACTO 2011 Budget: 2.085.400,1 â‚Ź Web:


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EOSLIDE New sliding control techniques by integration of earth and spacebased observations Objetives This project aims to implement and develop control and surveillance technologies methodologies combining remote earth-based techniques, GPS-GNSS, robotic stations, etc., along with space-based earth surveillance techniques (Differential SAR Interferometry, DInSAR). Temporal series will be used, determined by means of SBAS (Small Baseline Differential SAR Interferograms) or CPT (Coherent pixels Technique) techniques, as well as gravimetric measurements for the determination of structures, aiming to generate actuation protocols for slidings, minimizing costs without losing precision in the expected results.

Ongoing Duration: September 2011 – October 2014 Call: INNPACTO 2011 Budget: 711.304,60 € Web:

Consortium Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, S.L , CSIC-Instituto de Astronomía y Geodesia

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Key information: Date of establishment: 2009 Turnover: 1 M â‚Ź International details: No Address: Avenida Manoteras 32. 28050 Madrid(Spain) Phone: (+34) 917 490 101 Fax: (+34) 917 490 102 Email: Web:

Company’s profile EXELERIA is an Everis group company offering engineering and consulting services relating to sustainability and the environment. Exeleria was created with the backing of a major organization: Everis. This support guarantees Exeleria has the resources (human, financial, know-how) needed to deliver the solutions it undertakes to provide. Exeleria professionals have significant experience in the areas of energy efficiency, sustainability, environment and infrastructures, both in the public and private sectors. We have alliances in place with a number of vendors and have partnered with other market players (financial institutions, energy agencies, private customers, insurance companies, etc.), enabling us to become familiar with the sustainability problems our customers face in this expanding market.

Capabilities Directory Index

Areas of activity ENERGY EFFICIENCY: • • • • •

Energy consulting Energy efficiency studies Deployment of energy efficiency solutions Outsourced energy management Monitoring and control


• Renewable energy consulting and engineering projects • Bioenergy: Supplier of biomass boilers (ESCO model) • R&D&i


• Desalination plants • Wastewater treatment • Comprehensive water reuse and energy efficiency solution for industry • R&D projects and new technologies


Sustainable urban mobility plans Municipal road safety plans Fleet optimization Electric vehicles Sustainable and safe mobility plans for enterprises


• Enterprise sustainability management • Sustainable management of products and processes • Certification & testing • Eco-innovation management • Sustainable governance • Carbon footprint, CO2 recovery and CDM projects


• Concession consulting • Advising on infrastructure financing • Project, construction and O&M engineering


• Acoustics in city planning, environment and transportation infrastructures • Acoustics in strategic consulting and project management • Test laboratory (Accredited laboratory ENAC) • Acoustics in industry • Acoustics in unique architecture • Research and development • Acoustics in audiovisual media

Areas of R&D activity RENEWABLE ENERGY: • Biomass: New greenhouse climate control solutions and recovery of CO2 from biomass, use of new biomass (agricultural waste, litter, etc). • Microalgae: Technology “down-stream” (cropped, pre-focused, etc.), extraction of compounds of value added, innovative solutions for recovery, optimization of inputs (CO2, nutrients, etc). WATER: • Participation in CENIT projects, LIFE, etc. • Incubator of new technologies (agreements with companies that pose business opportunities). SUSTAINABILITY: • ECO Innovation: Focused on competitive monitoring and improving processes and products of the company, Exeleria helps entrepreneurs to realize the full potential of public support for R & D environment to search for more sustainable products and processes.

Featured projects • CENIT VIDA: Research in Advanced Technologies for Algae Integral Valuation • GREEN DACE: Eficiencia energética en DATACENTERS

Capabilities Directory Index

Patents NO

Human resources 2012 Total employees: 24 Spain: 24 Abroad: -

Certificate R&D&I Management System NO

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 7 Spain R&D&I:7 Abroad R&D&I: 0

Países a los que exporta I+D+i UNE-en ISO 166.000:1 de I+D+i de proyectos

Turnover 2011 National Total: 919.237 € International Total:

R&D Investiment 2010 Total R&D&I: 225.000 € National Total: 225.000 € Self-financing: 112.500 € Public financing: 112.500 €

Capabilities Directory Index

Capabilities Directory Index

VIDA Research in Advanced Technologies for Algae Integral Valuation Objetives Research on Advanced Technologies for Integrated Valuation of algae which enable a comprehensive supply of human needs from renewable natural resources, totally innovative technology initiative and disruptive worldwide facing the challenge of generating and knowledge and technologies necessary for the efficient, integrated and sustainable algae. Research of biological solutions based technologies that establish a new urban paradigm, through research on a new urban model, innovative and disruptive of Biociudad Self-Sufficient Sustainable BIOCAS, which is based on: • The investigation of bionics and learning of Nature as Bio-technology for development of models and the latest technology in bio-architecture and bio-city. • The generation of breakthrough technologies and systems that enable high-technology and the establishment of a new concept of self-sufficient city Sustainable Bio and BioIntegral factory. • Establishment of production technologies and urban integration in bio-factories for growing algae and extracting high value-added products for the creation of food, drugs, biomaterials and alternative energy sources for the supply and delivery of the city, as well as technologies for the control and use of waste and emissions to grow algae.

Ongoing ACTIVITY I: Selection and cultivation of microalgae. Research into new methodologies and technologies for the identification, analysis, selection, breeding and genetic modification of algae species and its cultivation for: • Gain greater profit potential of microalgae for developing high value-added products. • Improving efficiency and optimizing the utilization of microalgae. • Design and implementation of methods and technologies optimized for highly intensive cultivation of microalgae optimizing the integrated and sustainable utilization thereof. • Implementation of new technologies for monitoring and control of growth of microalgae. ACTIVITY II: culture medium, harvested and pre-concentrate. Generate knowledge and technologies that enable: • The use of urban and industrial pollutant compounds as elements of culture and the culture process optimization by improving the means used. • The optimization of culture medium by new biofertilizers. • Technological solutions for obtaining oxygen and water from the culture medium: • Design of innovative systems for processing and conditioning of algae.

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ACTIVITY III. Measurement.Obtaining knowledge and innovative methodologies that encourage the development of biotechnology of microalgae through new technologies in the design, development and implementation of natural organic compounds or biological derivatives based on microalgae for: nutrition and functional foods, pharmaceuticals, Nutrients Agriculture, Animal feed, bioadditives, biosensors and biomarkers and Bioenergy: • • • • •

Obtaining nutritional compounds of interest for human consumption. Getting active study of algae and their application as drugs and biological activity. Compounds agronomic and urban biofertilizers. Obtaining nutritional compounds of interest for animal feed. Isolation, extraction and modification of new bioadditives from microalgae for incorporation in the coatings industry. • Biosensors for the detection, quantification and control of active ingredients in seaweed. • Energy recovery of lipids, bioliquids and syngas. ACTIVITY IV. BIOCAS. Generation of breakthrough technologies based on biological solutions that establish a new urban paradigm, through research on a new urban model, innovative and disruptive of Biocity Self-Sufficient Sustainable BIOCAS: • Innovative technologies and methodologies for the development and utilization of algae and their products as a control and regulation of sustainability in urban communities of varying size and location improving environmental quality and energy efficiency. • Establishment of the conceptual basis of a structural scenario Biocity in maintaining sustainable management. • Models of environmental assessment and sustainability for Biocity. • Solutions modular construction techniques for implantation in buildings and biociudades: Biobuilding, Neocities and existing urban areas with large resource efficiency. Research of biological solutions based technologies that establish a new urban paradigm, through research on a new urban model, innovative and disruptive of Biocity Self-Sufficient Sustainable BIOCAS, which is based on: • The investigation of bionics and learning of Nature as Bio-technology for development of models and the latest technology in bio-architecture and bio-city. • The generation of breakthrough technologies and systems that enable high-technology and the establishment of a new concept of self-sufficient city Sustainable Bio and Bio-Integral factory. • Establishment of production technologies and urban integration in bio-factories for growing algae and extracting high value-added products for the creation of food, drugs, biomaterials and alternative energy sources for the supply and delivery of the city, as well as technologies for the control and use of waste and emissions to grow algae. Duration: 48 months Call: CENIT-E 2010 Budget: 19.000.000 € Web:

Consortium Partners: Iberdrola, Fertiberia, Fundación Cajamar,Biogas Fuel Cell, Andrés Pintaluba, Algaenergy, Exeleria, Cervera &Pioz, CT Ingenieros,Inkoa, AlgasGen, Irurena, Repsol YPF, Aqualia.

Capabilities Directory Index

GREEN DACE Energy efficiency in DATA CENTERS Objetives The target of the project Green DACE (GREEN DATACENTERS) is developing a new technology architecture that will improve the energy efficiency of data centers companies that handle large volumes of data in Cloud environment. It is expected that the impact of this new technology in energy saving is at least 30-40% for companies ultimately use. Specifically, this new solution will enable datacenters to make a decision distributed and intelligent on the use of physical resources (servers, storage, network, HVAC equipment) getting optimize energy consumption

Ongoing ACTIVITY 2. Monitoring components, applications and other data Monitorings shall be made for the wide variety of existing data in a datacenter and relevant to the optimization of energy consumption (Cloud data, energy data, operational data). Task 1. Monitoring electronics Task 2. Monitoring use of servers (physical and virtual) Task 3. Monitoring platforms using IaaS Task 4. Data monitoring back office ACTIVITY 3. Gateway integration with NoSQL data container They design and develop software that is responsible for collecting information about the behavior of applications and is capable of storing the data in the NoSQL container. In the design of this software will take into account the large amount of data as input will be sought and not centralized, scalable solution that enables efficient management of high volumes of information. Special attention to ensure high availability of this process, to minimize energy consumption resulting therefrom and optimize the use of resources in general, to reduce the impact that the process may have on the resources available to potential customers infrastructure. Task 1. State of the Art Studio Task 2. Interface Design Task 3. Implementation of the components defined Task 4. Testing Task 5. Definition of stress tests Task 6. Running stress tests

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ACTIVITY 4. Using NoSQL technologies and first phase of the rollout We will study various NoSQL technologies to select the one that suits best to the process of monitoring and modeling the behavior of applications. It will assess the adequacy of aspects such as data consistency model provided an accurate model for the behavior of applications, the performance of both the storage of information and consultation, as well as the weight of the overall process performance monitoring and decision making. Additionally, and as in the other phases of the project will seek more energy efficient solution. The results of this study also serve to determine the most appropriate configuration of the selected technology. Task 1. Comparison between technologies Task 2. Performance Study Task 3. Selecting the right technology to the specific needs Task 4. Installation and Configuration Task 5. Integration Gateway Task 6. Rollout Phase Task 7. Pilot Testing - conclusions ACTIVITY 5. Integration with Business Intelligence and creating behavioral analysis engine They design and develop a tool to automate the analysis of the information stored in the data container and make the right decisions for optimizing the energy consumption of applications. This tool is fully decentralized and scalable to provide efficient management of large volumes of data and fits significant increases in the number of managed machines without compromising performance. The main purpose of this tool is to determine the number of active machines will manage advisable given the model application behavior and security restrictions imposed by clients. You will also develop research in order to improve future versions of this software, which allows the system to provide dynamic scheduling applications, which is able to adjust the allocation of resources to applications at runtime to optimize the use of resource and energy consumption. Task 1. State of the Art Studio Task 2. Design integration solution Task 3. Design implementation Task 4. Testing Task 5. Defining Reports-reportsTask 6. Implementation-reports-reports and conclusions Task 7. Definingbehaviorpatterns Task 8. Engine design analysis (data mining tool) Task 9. Design implementation Task 10. Testing Task 11. Integration with Business Intelligence solutions ACTIVITY 6. Integration & Test Cloud Platform (IaaS) Abiquo Proof of technology developed so far on a platform Cloud (IaaS) system. The tests were conducted on the Abiquo platform. Task 1. Design integration solution Task 2. Design implementation

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Ongoing Task 3. Testing ACTIVITY 7. Rollout and testing solution Be implemented designs and developments during the previous phases of the project and will be the pilot. Task 1. Defining datacenter scenario (pilot) Task 2. Preparation pilot Task 3. Integration of all software components developed in the project Task 4. Definition of testing Task 5. Monitoring and testing of pilot Task 6. Data collection and first results Duration: 20 months Call: Plan Avanza Competitividad (I+D+i) - 2011 Budget: 1.401.121 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: Abuiquo Holdings + Exeleria

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Key information: Date of Establishment: Establishment: 1979 Turnover: € 6 M Internacional details: Chile and Brazil Address: c/ Barquillo, 23 - 2ª planta, 28004. Madrid. Phone: Phone: (+34) 917 014 460 Fax: (+34) 915 327 864 Email: Email: Web:

Communications tools Presentación Fhecor Obras internacionales de obra civil

Company profile FHECOR Consulting Engineers is a consulting company specialized in structural engineering. Originally created by several associated professionals in 1979, it became a limited share company in 1986. The company activities of FHECOR Consulting Engineers include a wide scope of typologies and structural materials and also cover all life-stages of structures.

Areas of activity Project • Technical Assistance to the construction • Inspection, strengthening and demolition projects of all types of structures (concrete, steel, composite, wood and fiber). •

Areas of R&D activity • Blast loading, Fibre reinforced Concrete, Reinforcement anchored using bond and anchor plates, cracking, integral structures, punching.

Capabilities Directory Index

Featured projects Simulation of loads and study of design improvements to face explosive actions in concrete structures (AENA) • Prefabricated continuous bridges (IMADE). • Jointless bridges (Integral Structures) – Ministry of Industry in consortium with FCC • Suppression of joints (in existing bridges) – (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) •

Human resources 2010

Human resources devoted to R&D&I

Total employees: 45

Total R&D&I: 4 Spain R&D&I: 4 Abroad R&D&I: 0

Turnover 2010

Investment in R&D in 2010

National Total: 4.854.000 € International Total: 1.155.000 €

Total R&D&I: 143.429 € Spain R&D&I: 143.429 € Self-financing: 120.000 € Public financing: 23.429 €

Evolution of investment in R&D&I Total 2009: 100.000 € National: 100.000 € Abroad: 0

Total 2008: 100.000 € National: 100.000 € Abroad: 0

Total 2007: 80.000 € National: 80.000 € Abroad: 0

Capabilities Directory Index

Design of prefabricated columns for second order effects Objectives At the request of FORTE Hormigones TecnolĂłgicos, FHECOR Consulting Engineers has developed an advanced methodology for the design of slender reinforced concrete columns. This methodology is based on realistic estimations of buckling length (taking into account the contribution of other supports under a smaller load, based on their axial level), on the application of the Model Column Method and on the consideration of variable reinforcement over the length of the support.

Finalized Duration: 3 months Call: Private contract (FORTE) Budget: Budget: 7.500 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: Fhecor

Capabilities Directory Index

Study on the influence of reinforcement detailing on the punching resistance of flat slabs Objectives At the request of the Barcelona Airport UTE Processor, with the participation of the Polytechnic University of Madrid and with the collaboration of DETECSA, FHECOR Consulting Engineers has carried out an experimental study on the punching resistance of flat slabs with different types of reinforcement detailing, including typologies which are commonly used in practice where there is no physical connection between the punching reinforcement and the tensile bending reinforcement, or in which the bending reinforcement does not cross the support but is cut and reinforced laterally.

Finalized Duration: 6 months Budget: 24.000 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: Fhecor, the Polytechnic University of Madrid and with the collaboration of DETECSA

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Simulation of loads and study of design improvements to face explosive actions on concrete structure

Objectives This project is the result of an agreement signed between the Polytechnic University of Madrid and AENA in which FHECOR is collaborating with the UPM. This project has its origins in the destruction of Module D of the Terminal 4 car park at Barajas Airport during the brutal terrorist attack of December 30th, 2006. The object of the project is to study possible design improvements in order to improve the robustness of structures subjected to the action of explosive loads.

Finalized Duration: 3 years (2008-2011) Budget: 180.050 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: Fhecor, the Polytechnic University of Madrid and AENA

Capabilities Directory Index

Theoretical and experimental study regarding the ultimate capacity of the old railway masonry bridge at Plazaloa in Urnieta, Gipuzkoa. Objectives Due to the construction of a new road GT-131, The Road Network Authorities depending upon the Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa projected the demolition of the old railway bridge at Plazaola in Urnieta, Guipúzcoa. It ceased to offer functional usage in 1958 when the railway closed down. It is a fine example of its kind and was built according to the set terms of practice established at the beginnings of the 20th Century. The structure consisted of four vault round arches with a total span of 10m built using sandstone masonry. The spandrel and piers employed limestone masonry. Upon deciding to demolish the bridge, a proposal was made to investigate its ultimate capacity as a means to increase knowledge by real size testing as well as contribute to shed light on some unknown ares reagarding the behavior of masonry bridges, in this particular case. The estimation of fracture load, previous to the test, was carried out using data obtained from the height of the cemented fill obtained by a series of inspection excavations in the adjacent flood arches. Internally developed computer tools were employed for the state limit analysis with tensile estimations. The values obtained compared satisfactorily with the test results. The device designed for the load application consisted of a metal framework which received loads from three jacks, each with a 3000KN capacity. These were placed at one third of the span, and acted transmitting the reactions through pre-stressed bars which were connected to another metal framework anchored to the ground. The test was carried out on 16 May 2007; measuring an ultimate load of 7350KN. Failure occurred at the splay in the spandrel area due to wear under compression. After testing, demolition took place as well. Samples of the fill and masonry of the bridge were taken for and internal morphological study. The results of these measurements and mechanical tests will allow the adjustment of the calculation models and the comparison of experimental and theoretical behavior.

Finalized Duration: 3 months Budget: € 25,000

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Integral Structures Objectives FHECOR Consulting Engineers has carried out a theoretical and experimental study on integral structures in association with FCC, with financial support from the Ministry of Industry and with the participation of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. This study includes the development of a simplified method to calculate the reinforcement of structural supports of jointless structures (taking into account both service and Ultimate Limit State conditions), as well as the monitoring of an integral over-pass for the Avila to Segovia motorway presently under construction by FCC. Related Publications: Alejandro Pérez Caldentey, Hugo Corres Peiretti, Tobias P. Petschke, Javier Ezeberry Parrota, Alejandro Giraldo Soto Serviceability design of columns of long jointless structures. Engineering Structures Volume 44, pages 359-371 (2012).

Finalized Duration: 2 years Call: Ministry of Industry Budget: € 105,000 (Loan) + € 30,000 (Subvention)

Consortium Partners: Fhecor, FCC and the Polytechnic University of Madrid

Capabilities Directory Index

Study of cracking in anchored retaining walls Objectives At the request of COMSA, S.A. and with the participation of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, FHECOR Consulting Engineers carried out a theoretical and experimental study of cracking in anchored retaining walls. The dimensioning of these structural elements is often defined by the Cracking Limit State due to the requirement of the Spanish Standard of a 70mm cover for concrete elements in contact with the ground. This circumstance is contradictory in the sense that a large cover is, in principle, a guarantee from the point of view of durability. The object of this work is to study this contradiction and propose suitable solutions with solid foundations. The study involves the use of a cracking test database, the performance of specific tests in the Laboratory of ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Madrid and the monitoring and inspection of anchored retaining walls subject to real.

Finalized Duration: 1 year Budget: â‚Ź 100,000

Consortium Partners: Fhecor, COMSA, S.A. and the Polytechnic University of Madrid

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Suppression of joints in existing bridges

Objectives The objective of this project is to establish a methodology for the efficient suppression of joints in existing concrete bridge decks pertaining to the national road network. The project proposes to select pairs of real structures which could be representative of the different typologies (underpasses, overpasses, viaducts with decks made from simply supported spans, and partially continuous structures) and of the different exposure classes, so that they may cover extreme situations with regard to those to which most existing structures in Spain are subjected. The selected structures will be monitored during a winterto-summer cycle, after which the joints will be suppressed in one structure out of each pair, so that it will be possible to measure the differences in behavior from both the structural and durability points of view. From the point of view of research, this data, obtained from real structures with real traffic and real climate, will be useful in d eveloping behavior models for the prediction of the life span of the structures, aimed at the proposal of a solid and precisely defined methodology for the suppression of joints.

Ongoing Duration: 4 years Call: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Budget: â‚Ź 204,307 (Loan) + â‚Ź 55,455 (Subsidy)

Consortium Partners: Fhecor, Dragados, Iridium, Intemac and the Polytechnic University of Madrid

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Virtual Handbook for Steel and Composite Structures

Objectives At the request of APTA, FHECOR Consulting Engineers has developed a Virtual Handbook for Steel and Composite Structures following the idea of the Virtual Handbook for Structural Concrete (2003). This program includes modules on Materials (Pre-defined constitutive laws, generic constitutive laws), Cross-sections (catalogue of profiles, parameterized crosssections, generic cross-sections), Analysis (continuous beams, Frames of various shapes and support conditions), Serviceability Limit State (control of stresses, deformations and calculation of needed pre-camber), Ultimate Limit State (Axial, flexure, shear, lateral buckling, torsion, interaction, consideration of effective widths for instability of plates), Joints, Durability and Fire Resistance. The program includes the possibility of changing the language (through translation of text archives) and the ability to carry out calculations using either the Spanish National Standards or the Eurocodes (with configurable national parameters).

Finalized Duration: 1 year Budget: â‚Ź 109,474

Consortium Partners: Fhecor and APTA

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Prefabricated continuous bridges Objectives FHECOR Consulting Engineers has developed a system for the automated design of prefabricated continuous bridges with the financial backing of IMADE. This project also includes a custom-made tool for advanced structural design, a comparative economic study of isostatic solutions in relation to continuous solutions and a study of the impact of the implementation of the EUROCODE Standards on the design of pre-fabricated structures.

Finalized Duration: 1 year Call: IMADE (Madrid Development Institute) Budget: â‚Ź 31,868

Consortium Partners: Fhecor

Capabilities Directory Index

Anchorage of Reinforcement with TT-Heads: New behavior model, and study of potential applicatons Objectives The main objective of this Project is the design and validation of a new method for the anchorage of Steel rebars. This project will concentrate on the following tasks: • • • • • •

Development of a physical model to design the dimensions of anchorage plates for different situations. Experimental validation of the model by the execution of specifically designed Laboratory Tests Study of the material requirements for the friction welding of bar to plate Study of potential application of this technique extending its use to normal structures Study sustainability issues regarding the use of this technique Development of tools for design.

Ongoing Duration: 2 years Budget: € 336,000

Consortium Partners: Fhecor and Armacentro

Capabilities Directory Index

ITSAFE Safe Transportation Connection Centres against Blast Loading Objectives The general objective of this Project is the development of a system for the evaluation of the behavior of large Transportation Connection Centers with respect to potential blast hazards of moderate intensity either from accidental or provoking sources. For this, new prediction tools will be developed regarding the effects caused by certain explosion scenarios including the analysis of the risk of progressive collapse. Also strengthening techniques will be developed to be applied both to existing and new structures. Finally recommendation will be made on how to model blast situations using advanced computing techniques.

Ongoing Duration: 3 years (2012-2015) Call: Program INNPACTO 2012 (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) Budget: â‚Ź 300,857.40

Consortium Partners: Fhecor, DRAGADOS and the Polytechnic University of Madrid

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Key information: Date of establishment: 1988 Turnover: 10,8M € International details: Address: c/ Aldapa 9 48940-Leioa. Vizcaya. Phone: (+34) 944 807 027 Fax: (+34) 944 801 640 Email: Web:

Communications tools Presentación Fulcrum Catálogo Fulcrum

Company’s profile FULCRUM ofrece una amplia experiencia y capacidad en todos los trabajos que desarrolla. Organizados en áreas de negocio hemos desarrollado a lo largo de los años infinidad de proyectos y obras en materia de: • Infraestructuras de Transporte • Aguas y Medio Ambiente • La Ingeniería Informática • Dirección y Supervisión de Obra La estructura matricial de nuestros Human resources, organizados por áreas de actividad e integrados en equipos de proyecto multidisciplinares, nos permite asegurar la realización de un producto de alta calidad, con una óptima solución técnica, y fuertemente comprometidos con los Objetives planteados en cada proyecto

Areas of activity Infraestructuras de Transporte, Aguas y Medio Ambiente, La Ingeniería Informática, Dirección y Supervisión de Obra

Areas of R&D activity • Herramientas de diseño aplicado para Infraestructuras de transporte. Carreteras y FFCC • Herramientas de diseño aplicado para proyectos de saneamiento y abastecimiento. • Herramientas WEB de control de Obra para Contratistas, Asistencias Técnicas y Propiedad.

Capabilities Directory Index

Featured projects • VERTITOX, Desarrollo de procedimientos para el control operativo integrado de vertidos al medio litoral • GECOB21, Desarrollo de una herramienta software de gestión integral de proyectos y obras de ingeniería • AIFOSA, Desarrollo de una herramienta software para cálculo de obras de abastecimiento y saneamiento • ikusGurune. Control automático de los impactos ambientales generados por la obra civil mediante el uso de cámaras multiespectrales • GeoGIS. Aplicación web de Geología y Geotecnia.

Human resources 2011

Human resources devoted to R&D

Total employees: 104 Spain: 104 Abroad:

Total R&D&I: Spain R&D&I:10 Abroad R&D&I: 0

Turnover 2011

R&D Investiment 2011

National Total: 11.000.000 € International Total: 0 €

Total R&D&I: 168.000 € National Total: Self-financing: 168.000 € Public financing: 0 € InterNational Total: 0 €

Investment Evolution in R&D&I Total 2011: 185.000 € Spain: Abroad:

Total 2010: 210.000 € Spain: Abroad:

Total 2008: 175.000 € Spain: Abroad:

Capabilities Directory Index

GECOB-21 Nuevos pavimentos más seguros en condiciones extremas de deslizamiento Objetives OBJETIVO GENERAL: • Dar respuesta de forma flexible a las necesidades de almacenamiento, organización, estandarización y gestión de la totalidad de la información generada en cualquier tipo de Obra, permitiendo su publicación y consulta antes, durante y después de la ejecución de la misma y mejorando la calidad de los procesos y flujos de información que se producen alrededor de una obra, optimizando de esta forma el rendimiento y favoreciendo la competitividad del Sector. Objetives ESPECÍFICOS: • Información Centralizada: Centralizar la información que genera una Obra, desde el momento de publicarse su licitación hasta la explotación de la misma, pasando por el proyecto y la ejecución. • Formato Digital: Almacenar en formato digital la información organizándola de forma sistemática. • Internet/Intranet con enfoque GIS: Permitir la consulta de información a todas las partes interesadas a través de Internet/Intranet de forma ágil a través de criterios tradicionales (enfoque alfanumérico) y espaciales (enfoque GIS). • Tiempo Real: Mantenimiento de toda la información actualizada en tiempo real para todos los participantes en la Obra. • Análisis y Gestión de la Información: Incorporar herramientas de gestión tanto a nivel de Obra individual como a conjuntos de Obras, de forma que desde el mismo punto de acceso y bajo el mismo sistema se puedan gestionar conjuntos de obras repartidas por distintos puntos geográficos. • Integración de otras Herramientas: Integrar en GECOB21 herramientas software existentes en el mercado relacionadas con el ámbito de la Construcción. • Modelo de Datos común: Definir e implementar un Modelo de Datos común para el ámbito de la construcción que dé soporte a toda obra durante su ciclo de vida.

Ongoing El proyecto fue presentado en 2008. Duration: 2 años Call: Proyecto Tractor del Área de las Tecnologías de la Información en el marco del Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica , Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, 2004-2007. Budget: 691.288,24 € Web:

Consortium Partners: Partners: Fulcrum, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, Ferrovial, AIDICO, Instituto Europeo del Software y Mesurex.

Capabilities Directory Index

AIFOSA Desarrollo de una herramienta software para cálculo de obras de abastecimiento y saneamiento Objetives Desarrollar una herramienta software que permita automatizar los procesos de trabajo que se llevan a cabo en el ámbito de la Ingeniería Civil dedicado a las Obras de Abastecimiento y Saneamiento (generación de perfiles longitudinales del terreno, validaciones hidráulicas, cálculos de zanjas...etc.), de forma que todos los trabajos a realizar para este tipo de trabajos se puedan ejecutar desde un mismo entorno.

Ongoing El proyecto fue presentado en 2007 Duration: 2 Años Al finalizar el proyecto cofinanciado por el Gobierno Vasco, FULCRUM ha continuado con el desarrollo hasta 2011 empleando recursos propios. Call: Programa Innotek de Apoyo a la Realización de Proyectos de Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación del Gobierno Vasco, 2006. Budget: 402.901,80 €

Consortium Partners: Fulcrum

Capabilities Directory Index

VERTITOX Desarrollo de procedimientos para el control operativo integrado de vertidos al medio litoral (urbanos e industriales) mediante biomarcadores, bioensayos e indicadores del estado ecológico Objetives OBJETIVO GENERAL: • Desarrollar procedimientos estandarizados que incorporen aproximaciones metodológicas innovadoras al diseño de los “controles operativos” integrados que, de acuerdo con los requerimientos de la Directiva Marco del Agua, deberán diseñarse e implementarse en los futuros Planes Hidrológicos, para evaluar los efectos de aquellos vertidos (urbanos e industriales) que, debido a su significación, puedan suponer un riesgo para el estado ecológico de las masas de agua litorales. Objetives ESPECÍFICOS: • Promover la coordinación multidisciplinar entre consultores, científicos y gestores, con el objeto de facilitar la transmisión y aplicabilidad de las mejores técnicas disponibles para la evaluación integrada de la calidad de los recursos acuáticos, utilizando enfoques innovadores para la determinación de los efectos de los vertidos sobre el medio litoral. • Desarrollar un procedimiento metodológico para la determinación de las zonas de mezcla y las zonas de riesgo en el entorno de vertidos urbanos e industriales. • Desarrollar y validar una metodología estandarizada para la realización de ensayos de exposición directa a fuentes puntuales de contaminación en sistemas estuarinos y costeros, mediante el transplante de organismos centinela. • Evaluar la respuesta de las comunidades bentónicas estuarinas y costeras en el entorno de afección de los vertidos urbanos e industriales. • Contrastar la utilidad de diferentes biomarcadores de efecto o estrés general y de exposición en mejillones (a disruptores endocrinos, metales pesados, compuestos orgánicos, sustancias genotóxicas) para la detección de efectos derivados de los vertidos urbanos e industriales. • Estudiar la citotoxicidad de las aguas y/o del sedimento procedentes de zonas afectadas por vertidos urbanos e industriales y dilucidar los mecanismos de toxicidad de cada tipo de efluente. • Comparar la sensibilidad, especificidad e idoneidad de las diferentes técnicas de evaluación ensayadas (indicadores de estado ecológico, biomarcadores, bioensayos). • Proponer procedimientos específicos y ecoinovadores para el diseño de los controles operativos de los diferentes tipos de vertido. • Facilitar la explotación de los datos obtenidos en las campañas de control operativo por parte de usuarios “no expertos” en las técnicas de evaluación más específicas. • Asegurar la transferencia y difusión de los resultados del proyecto a los organismos

Capabilities Directory Index

e instituciones encargados de la gestión directa de los vertidos (organismos gestores de los sistemas de saneamiento, como Consortiums de Aguas, Mancomunidades, Ayuntamientos, o incluso propietarios, como puede ser el caso de la Administración General del Estado en las obras declaradas de interés general), de la gestión de la calidad de las aguas litorales (CCAA) y de la implementación de los Planes Hidrológicos (Demarcaciones Hidrográficas), así como otros entes implicados como pueden ser las empresas consultoras (ingenierías hidráulicas y/o ambientales, laboratorios, etc.). • Mejorar la preparación y relación de los participantes para constituir un núcleo con capacidad de liderazgo en futuros desarrollos de I+D+i en el marco de los programas europeos en relación con los retos planteados por la Directiva Marco del Agua.

Ongoing El proyecto fue presentado en 2009 Duration: 3 Años Call: Subprograma de Medio Ambiente y Ecoinnovación del Programa Nacional de Proyectos de Desarrollo Experimental en el marco del Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica , Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, 2008-2011. Budget: 345.996, 00 € Web:

Consortium Partners: Fulcrum, Universidad de Cantabria, Grupo de BCTA de la Universidad del País Vasco y Grupo IIQA del CSIC.

Capabilities Directory Index

IKUSGURUNE Control automático de los impactos ambientales generados por la obra civil mediante el uso de cámaras multiespectrales Objetives OBJETIVO GENERAL: • Optimizar el coste del control de los impactos en la obra civil. • Mejorar el alcance de los sistemas de control de impactos en obra civil. • Acelerar los procesos de control ambiental y protocolos de actuación sobre los impactos producidos. • Minimizar los impactos ambientales producidos por la actividad de las obras. Objetives ESPECÍFICOS: • Aplicar la tecnología de los sensores de captura de imágenes multiespectrales a la detección de impactos ambientales en obras. • Desarrollar un software de interpretación de imágenes multiespectrales que permita medir cuantitativamente impactos que en la actualidad implican metodologías con una alta carga de subjetividad. • Desarrollar metodologías de medición de indicadores de seguimiento ambiental basados en sensores de captura de imágenes multiespectrales. • Desarrollar un sistema de seguimiento semi-automático de vigilancia ambiental en obras

Ongoing El proyecto fue presentado en 2011. Duration: 2 años Call: Proyecto en ejecución. Se ha solicitado ayuda al Gobierno Vasco a través de su programa GAITEK.

Consortium Partners: FULCRUM y DeustoTech.

Capabilities Directory Index

GEOGIS Aplicación Web de Geología y Geotecnia Objetives • Inventario de reconocimientos geológicos accesible vía web. • Recopilación de información alfanumérica, archivos digitales y georrepresentación de reconocimientos geológicos. • Herramientas avanzadas de análisis de suelos.

Ongoing El proyecto fue presentado en 2011 Duration: 2 Años. Proyecto actualmente en ejecución Proyecto realizado con recursos propios de FULCRUM.

Consortium Partners: Fulcrum

Capabilities Directory Index

Key information: Date of Establishment: Establishment: 1982 Turnover: Turnover:€ 5M Internacional details: details: Geocontrol Chile and Geocontrol Braz Bra z il Address: Address:.c/ Cristobal Bordiú 19-21 5th floor, 28003 Madrid Phone: Phone: (+34) 915 531 763 Fax: (+34) 915 549 396 Web: Email:

Company´s profile Geocontrol, S.A. is a civil engineering company which was established in 1982. Initially specialized in Applied Rock Mechanics. since 1987 the company was orientated towards project design of tunnels. Since the 90s, Geocontrol, S.A. has developed an intense activity of technical assistance during the construction of all type of tunnels. The experience and expertise acquired throughout these years has allowed Geocontrol, S.A. to participate in projects and technical support of more than 337 of all type of tunnels which adds up to more than 1.000 Km. Geocontrol, S.A. operates mainly in Spain. Its headquarters offices are located in Madrid and it has also nine local offices established in Barcelona, Galicia, Málaga and Canary Island. Geocontrol has started its internationalization in 1997. In 2008 was created Geocontrol S.A. Chile and in May 2011 was founded Geocontrol do Brasil Engenharia, Ltda.

Areas of activity • • • • • • •

Consultancy specialized in Underground Constructions Civil engineer projects Installation projects Supervision and control of building work Tunnel inspection and rehabilitation Numerical modeling Evacuation simulations in emergency situations

Areas of R&D activity • • •

Underground constructions Tunnel Boring Machines Shotcrete

Capabilities Directory Index

Featured projects • Development of a new system to predict ground changes in front of the tunnel boring machine. • NANOSHOTCRETE. (New High Tech Shotcrete)

Countries where R&D is exported Chile, Brazil and Peru

Human resources 2010 Total employees: 52 Spain: 47 Abroad: 5

Turnover 2010 Nacional Total: 3216356 € Internacional Total: 824322 €

Human resources devoted to R&D&I Total R&D&I: 7 Spain R&D&I: 7 Abroad R&D&I: 0

Investment in R&D in 2010 Total R&D&I: 626305€ Nacional: Self-financing:500300€ Public financing: 70000€ Internacional R&D&I: € Self-financing: 126005€ Public financing: 254 00 0€

Capabilities Directory Index

Development of a new system to predict ground changes in front of the tunnel boring machine Objectives This project wants to develop a tool, based in the specific energy of excavation (EEE), that can help to the operators of the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) to detect changes in the quality of the ground in front of the excavation head with the object of optimizing the run parameters of the TBM and prevent machine traps. To reach the objectives, an integral process and analysis has been made from the information gathered from the excavation of the tunnels from Pontones (Asturias) and Sorbas (AlmerĂ­a), both excavated by TBM.


The project was presented in 2008 Duration: Duration: 2 years (2009-2011) Call: Call: CDTI Budget: Budget: â‚Ź 1,027,453.3

Consortium Partners: Partners: GEOCONTROL and ADIF (Administrator on railway infrastructures)

Capabilities Directory Index

NANOSHOTCRETE New High Tech Shotcrete (High Strengh,deformability and waterproof) Objectives Tunnels are an essential link in modern communication networks; but the construction of tunnels, going deeper and longer every time, has to solve the problems that arise with the stretches with bad quality grounds. In this stretches the support elements face very big deformations that can be between 5 and 10% in terms of unitary deformation. The shotcrete, that is the most used support element in the conventional tunnel construction methods, is characterized by being a material with a simple compression resistance of about 35 MPa and for having an unitary deformation, when breaking, of about 1%. Due to the fact that the unitary deformation that the shotcrete admits is much lower than the one from bad quality grounds, its use in streches with big deformations sets out important problems; that, basically, are focalized in the delays in the construction with the correspondent over costs. In addition, the reparation of the existent tunnels with the actual shotcretes is not a solved problem. Consequently with the previous, the concept that is set out in this investigation is finding a shotcrete that has bigger resistance, less deformability that the actual ones and a higher impermeability. .

Ongoing Duration: 3 years (2011-2014) Call: EUROSTARS Web:

Consortium Partners: GEOCONTROL, SIKA Spain, GIG (Central Mining Institute Poland)

Capabilities Directory Index

Key information: Date of establishment: July 2004 Turnover: 1,6M € International details: Perú (2010) Los Flamencos 145, Oficina 201. San Isidro. Lima 27. Perú. Phone: 51-1-222-2553 Address: C/ Condestable, 4 – 1º Drcha. 09004 Burgos. (Spain) Phone: (+34) 947 260 978 Fax: (+34) 947 266 161 Email: Web:

Company’s profile GPYO is an engineering consultancy-firm with international vocation. We specialize in services in Consultancy, R & D, Energy Efficiency, Civil and Industrial Engineering, Environment and count with a training department. GPYO also offer integral technical assistance in both the private and public sector. The company was formed in 2004, with a great future vision, over the years GPYO has created a good niche market and growing since its creation. Initially working towards civil and industrial engineering the company has been adapting its activity in accordance with the needs of its actual and potential customers and market in general. A company focused on the Consultancy without leaving behind the field of Engineering. Our commitment to the Environment and the Community has grown over the years. The quality of work, customer satisfaction and commitment to their employees have been the key to position ourselves as a leader in our branch, consolidated in the domestic market and with a clear international vocation. International Office: Set up in December 2010 GPYO SUCURSAL PERÚ Los flamencos 145, Oficina 201. San Isidro. Lima 27. Perú Tlf: +51-1-222-2553

Areas of activity • • • •

Consultancy in the following areas: Technology, Innovation and Internationalization. R&D Energy Efficiency Civil Engineering (Transport infrastructure, Water and Environment, Urban development and Building Construction, Management and Supervision • Industrial engineering • Environment • Training

Areas of R&D activity Simulation of forging and extrusion processes, software applications applied to tunnels, energy efficiency, structural analysis ....

Capabilities Directory Index

Featured projects Research and Development Project of forging, extrusion and stamping processes by numerical simulationmediante simulación numérica

Deducciones Fiscales I+D+i Yes

Human resources 2010 Total employees: 14 Spain: 14 Abroad:

Turnover 2010 National Total: 1, 611 M € International Total: 0 €

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 8 Spain R&D&I:8 Abroad R&D&I: 0

R&D Investiment 2010 Total R&D&I: 172.288,00 € National Total: 172.288,00 € Self-financing: 38.288,00 € Public financing: 134.000,00 € InterNational Total: 0 €

Capabilities Directory Index

FORGE, EXTRUSION AND STAMPING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT OF FORGING, EXTRUSION AND STAMPING PROCESSES BY NUMERICAL SIMULATION Objetives There are a number of processes to provide the desired geometry material, printed a great effort by molds or matrices, introducing large internal stresses in the part/piece. When the force of these molds or matrices, the piece/part is generally formed with usually known internal residual-tension stresses, which generally, unless deliberately being introduced in a direction and sense, are unfavorable. The design of a component, among other aspects, is performed mainly in two aspects: one the manufacturing and the second as to structural integrity. Until now the “design chain process was interrupted� since on one hand it is modeled by the corresponding programs the manufacturing processes, in order to determine if the forming process provides the piece the desired geometry without defects or breakage, and on the other hand the structural integrity, i.e. if the piece will withstand the stresses to which they will be subjected to during its life cycle.

The advantage offered by this methodology and its application is that it gives a more realistic behavior in determining the stress states of a piece in each of the phases, from production to the end of its useful life. This leads to a much more comprehensive and accurate knowledge of it, and allows actively interact in each of the stages of the life cycle of the part. As mentioned above, unless otherwise, the physical integrity design, usually done without taking into account the residual internal stresses introduced in the forming process, and this has been the main goal, to create a tool that uses the ultimate stress state the manufacturing process as a starting point the study of structural integrity.

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With the application of this new tool, the internal stresses produced by any process of forging, extrusion and stamping, are the stress basis for the following loading conditions caused by the use of the part/piece. If the component, with these internal tensions, overcomes satisfactorily the structural integrity calculations, the process of internal stress relaxation may be omitted. And, if those exist, its material or the geometry can be optimized, or simply provide a greater degree of reliability or greater certainty. Also, macros and routines have been developed. Macros and routines of fatigue failure calculation by crack advance and are being able to predict the forward speed and the direction of a crack to the collapse of the piece/part. In summary, in this project transformation macros have been created, in order to, adapt the data from a forming software to another simulation of loading conditions and structural integrity macros, in order to, predict forward speeds and direction of crack.

Ongoing The project was submitted in 2010 Duration: 1 year Call: CDTI 2010 Budget: 321.128,00 â‚Ź Web:


Capacity Directory Index

Key Information: Date of establishment: 1984 Turnover:: 29M € Turnover International nternational Offices: Offices: Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Bulgaria, Philippines, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Dominican Republic, Turkey and Vietnam. Address: Address: c/ Ramón de Aguinaga 8. 28028 Madrid. Telf: (+34) 914 182 110 Fax: (+34) 914 182 111 Web: Email:

Communication Tools Presentación Corporativa Corporate Presentation [EN]

Company’s profile GETINSA INGENIERÍA is a business group that is a leader in the development of infrastructures in Spain, and has become an international benchmark in the sector of Transport Engineering. As far as transport infrastructures are concerned GETINSA INGENIERÍA has a well known prestige in terms of road and highway construction, and urban and railway transport. The railway know-how and the tunnel engineering processes of the company cover both civil engineering and the installation of telecommunications, signalling and power supply for railway lines and high speed lines. The services GETINSA INGENIERÍA provides for each activity area are as follow: Planning and Basic Surveys, Implementation of Constructive Projects, Management of and Technical Assistance to Works, and Global Management of the Design and Works Construction.

Areas of Expertise • Roads; Railways; Hydraulic and Hydrology; Environment, Natural Resources and Waste; Expropriations; Building; Industrial Facilities. • In each activity area it offers a wide range of professional services: Planning and Basic Sureys, Implementation of Constructive Projects, Management of and Technical Assistance to Works, and Global Management of the Design and the Construction of Works.

Areas of Expertise R&D&I Creation of tools: • Design and Optimisation of Installations in Infrastructures. • Project Management. Research on the behaviour of margin material in the search for new uses and applications

Capacity Directory Index

Outstanding Projects Research about the constructive procedures to make embankments with gypsiferous rocks in road infrastructures. • Power consumption simulator, optimisation of the traffic plans, and energy efficiency of railroads. • Study of the behaviour of evaporite rocks to be used in road infrastructures. • Research on the expansiveness risks associated to evaporite rocks and their impact on infrastructures. •

2010 Human Resources

Human Resources Allocated to R&D&I

Total employees: 310 Spain: Abroad

2010 Turnover

Total R&D&I: 7 R&D&I Spain: R&D&I Abroad R&D&I:

Investment in R&D&I in 2010

Total National: 21,000,000 € Total International: 8,000,000 €

Total R&D&I: 175,000 € National: 175,000 €: 125,000 € Public Self-financing: 50,000 € International: 0 €

Evolution of Investments in R&D&I

Total 2009: 120,000 € Spain: 120,000 € Abroad:

Total 2008: 85,000 € Spain: 85,000 € Abroad:

Total 2007: Spain: Abroad:

Capacity Directory Index

IDIIDI-0909-YE01 Research on the appropriate constructive procedure to build embankments with gypsiferous rocks in road infrastructures Objectives The general goal of this project is to gain knowledge about the behaviour of gypsiferous rocks to improve the construction of embankments using the filling material, assuring that infrastructures work well and facilitating the planning and design process. If safety and the good work of an embankment including gypsiferous rocks in its hardcore are guaranteed and their production process is improved a direct sustainability is achieved for transport infrastructures as well as financial and energy saving, and the reduction in the environmental impacts. This general goal can be more specifically seen in the following specific goals: • Increased knowledge of the mechanical behaviour of gypsiferous rocks. • Detailed observation of an experimental embankment’s behaviour. • Quantification of the social, economic and environmental advantages of the use of these materials in road infrastructures. • Identification of good practices for the construction of embankments on terrains with gypsum.

Activities in progress On the fill and lab experimentation with samples obtained during the boring studies. Numerical simulation of the observed behaviour. Interpretation of the results obtained. Duration: 2009-2011 Call for Tenders: 2008-2011 R&D&I National Plan, National Programme of Applied Research Projects, Sub-programme of Collaborative Applied Research Projects. Bugdet: 444,503.70 €

Partnership Partners: Polytechnic University of Madrid, Cyopsa-Sisocia S.A .

Capacity Directory Index

IDIIDI-1111-SF01 Power Consumption Simulator, Optimisation of the Traffic Plans and Power Efficiency in Railroad Lines Objectives The goal of this project is to elaborate a methodology to obtain and optimise Railroad Traffic Plans that should facilitate to implement railway installation projects based on: traffic capacity, signalling requirements, power efficiency, and the needs proper to each railway line. To meet the goals of the project, the design of the Traffic Plan would be done according to the procedure described as follows, which is divided into four analysis phases: PHASE 1: Identification of goals. PHASE 2: Design of alternatives. PHASE 3: Calculation of the movement parameters PHASE 4: Design and optimisation of the Traffic Plan.

Activities in progress Duration Duration: tion: 2011 Budget:: 42,368 Budget

Partnership Partners: Partners: Getinsa

Capacity Directory Index

GYPSUM SURVEY IDIIDI-08 Studying the behaviour of evaporite rocks to be used in road infrastructures Objectives This research and implementation project aims at studying the differed behaviour of gypsiferous and saline materials to be applied as constructive refilling elements in earth fills and rock embankments. The project focused on analysing the fill deformation variation due tensions and time, not considering, however, the effects of gypsum dissolution. In this context, gypsiferous and saline materials mean a set of possible clay and gypsum material that contained different saline minerals. The project was implemented by GETINSA in collaboration with the Engineering and Terrain Morphology Department of the Civil Engineering College, trough the AgustĂ­n de Betancourt Foundation.

Ongoing Duration Duration: tion: 2008-2009 Budget: Budget: 30,000 â‚Ź

Partnership Partners: Partners: Getinsa

Capacity Directory Index

IDIIDI-1111-RE01 Research about the Expansiveness Risks Associated to Evaporite Rocks and Their Impact on Infrastructures Objectives This research project originated as a result of the need to researching and appropriately analysing the causes of the behaviour observed in the materials of an experimental fill for months, analysing the structure and micro-structure of the material, in order to make a set of practical recommendations to avoid and/or control the emergence of these phenomena, that are out of the goals set for the previous R&D projects. For this reason, this research and implementation project aims at studying the differed behaviour of gypsiferous and saline materials to be applied as constitutive refilling elements in earth fills and rock embankments, focusing on the analysis of risks, studies and features of the behaviour mainly due to the swelling phenomenon.

Ongoing Duration Duration: tion: 2011-2012 Budget Budget: dget: 39,000 â‚Ź

Partnership Partners: Partners: Getinsa

Capabilities Directory Index

Key information: Date of Establishment: Establishment: 1994 Turnover: Turnover: €1,237M Internat nternational details: tails: Europe: Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Slovakia, France, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Russia and Poland America: The United States, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela. Asia: China, Qatar. Africa: Kenya and Tunis Address: Address: Avda. de Manoteras, 20 , 28050 Madrid. Phone: Phone: (+34) 913 833 180 Fax: (+34) 917 133 291 Email: Web:

Company´s profile IBERDROLA Ingeniería y Construcción is one of the leading energy engineering companies in the world, with projects in over 30 countries and subsidiaries and branches in 27 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. In 2011 the Company's project portfolio exceeded two billion Euros with 80% percent of this portfolio located abroad, demonstrating the progressive and intense internationalization in recent years of the Company's activity. The Company’s strategic areas of international expansion are the U.S., UK, Latin America, Middle East, Russia and Eastern European countries. The increased activity of the Company in recent years is the product of the Company’s change in strategy. In 2004 the Company started an internationalization process, strengthening its presence abroad by securing contracts with third parties and developing projects for its parent company, IBERDROLA. The Company has positioned itself as one of the world's leading energy engineering companies, with projects in areas of renewable energy, nuclear energy, networks and conventional thermal power generation, all of which embraced a high degree of innovation and technological development in their execution. As one of the world's leading energy engineering companies, two of the principal focal points of the Company’s strategic action are the search for and consolidation of foreign markets and the experience and know-how acquired in service to IBERDROLA, the parent company. Attention should be drawn to the high level achieved by the Group in its quality management systems, environmental management systems, risk prevention management systems and R&D&I management systems. The focus of the Group on the continuous improvement of its products results in increased competitiveness and added value. The R&D&I projects developed by IBERDROLA Ingeniería cover strategic R&D&I areas for the IBERDROLA Group such as Energy Efficiency, Energy Storage, Smart Grids, Offshore Wind Energy and CO2 capture. The company has tripled its R&D&I investment in the last five years, a commitment that aims to maintain the company's technology while enhancing the efficiency of its processes. The company also focuses on research and development of technologies that are still away off from reaching maturity but they offer the possibility of being key technologies for the future sustainability of IBERDROLA investments.

Capabilities Directory Index

Certificate R&D&I Management System Certification UNE 166,002:2006

Human resources 2011

Human resources devoted to R&D&I

Total employees: 2,286 Spain: 1,795 Abroad: 591

Total R&D&I: 74 Spain R&D&I: 74 Abroad R&D&I:

Turnover 2011

Investment in R&D&I in 2011

National Total: € 644,195,000 International Total: € 91,084,000

Total R&D&I: € 8,390,949 National: € 8,390,949 Self-financing: € 7,077,710 Public financing: € 1,313,239

Evolution of the investment in R&D&I

Total 2010: € 9,578,657 Spain: € 9,578,657 Abroad: € 0

Total 2009: € 7,607,380 Spain: € 7,607,380 Abroad: € 0

Total 2008: € 6,558,929 Spain: € 6,558,929 Abroad: € 0

Capabilities Directory Index

TOOLS AND METHODS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANTS Objectives IBERDROLA Ingenier铆a y Construcci贸n began this project in 2006 with the aim of developing new constructive methods to improve the process of design, construction, commissioning and operation of Combined Cycle Power Plants.. In addition, this project undertook ok the development of a series of then non-existent existent proprietary tools in order to increase the efficiency of the production process throughout the life cycle of Combined Cycle Power Plants. Since then, IBERDROLA Ingenier铆a y Construcci贸n has been developi developing methodologies and tools within this generic framework. These methodologies and tools include the overall definition for planning and control, both for materials and production, the implanting of engineering tools, such as the Smart SmartPlant product, along with the adaptations required to for use in Combined Cycle Power Plants Plants,, stress analysis and pipe supports, as well as many others. In recent years excellent production management tools have also joined the ranks, such as risk management and lessons learn learned, ed, with plans to extend their application to both Combined Cycle Power Plants and to all projects and production processes.

Capabilities Directory Index

DEVELOPMENT OF ADVANCED TOOLS FOR CONTROL, OPTIMIZATION AND MANAGEMENT IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATION PHASES OF ELECTRICITY GRIDS GRIDS AND THEIR FACILITIES Objectives In order to optimize the design, development and operation of power grid facilities,, several measures have been developed. • First, in the preliminary stage of power grid facility design and development, an advanced 3D design and data collection tool has implemented. This is particularly convenient in the construction of facilities that have complex geometries, which are difficult to configure with other classical techniques and where the time to design and develop develop drawings must be kept to a minimum. The collection of field f data and the reduced effect on the environment are also factors taken into consideration. consideration. Therefore, design, management and maintenance processes are streamlined and optimized when this tool is applied.. • The improvement in the level of mid- and high-voltage high overhead-line line insulation has also been analyzed through the development of new overvoltage discharge systems, essential to coordinate insulation in all electrical facilities. • In addition ddition to improving the design and safety of electric grid facilities, communication systems must be improved due to the growing demand for energy and services. services Related to power generation and distribution facilities feasibility feasibility studies and various solutions soluti have been developed to improve radio and optical fibre communication.. Improved communications have also been sought ought to respond to the need for systems that will integrate all data from electrical system operations, so that the maintenance of power grids can be made much more efficient than they are currently. • Finally, studies have been carried out for the use of high-voltage high lines that are growing in number every day in order to provide a range of services which, among other things, will improve telecommunications and reduce the impact of power lines on the environment. environment There are many types of these services available such as weather stations, radio and fibre repeaters, or ultrasonic emissions to prevent the execution of birds.

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DEVELOPMENT OF TOOLS FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY PLANTS Objectives To respond to current needs for the optimization of renewable energy plant operation in general, and in particular wind farms, as well as improve the use of resources, IBERDROLA Ingeniería has developed various operational tools and technologies: • On the one hand IBERDROLA Ingeniería has developed forecasting and modelling functions adapted to the needs of paralleliz parallelized ed calculation of meteorological forecasting and air pollution tools. Existing tools used in the evaluation of weather that affect farm operations have various deficiencies that make it impossible to optimize their operation. The architecture and codes cur currently rently in use fill the entire bandwidth thus making it impossible to increase the number of processors. This in turn makes the extension of existing production cycles unfeasible. The developments made by IBERDROLA Ingeniería avoid these technical limitatio limitations ns and provide plausible unrestricted limitations in forecast and modelling calculation capacity that promotes the optimization of wind farm resources. • Tools have also been developed that can treat, synchronize and analyze actual operating wind farm data. The confidential nature of operation data, the growing number of projects involving the need to work with actual data, the importance of quality control of wind farm data and the potential for incidences necessitates the developm development of a competitive tool that gives optimal service in terms of price and time in the analysis of actual wind farm data. These tools allow data feedback into the Energy Assessment process, the detection of anomalies in wind farm operation and maintenance and the operation of turbines and data storage, etc. • The Company has also developed the base technology for a renewable energy control centre, mainly for wind farms. The technology includes algorithms for active power control of wind farms that calculat calculate e the power factor set point of each turbine, the reactive power equivalent to the power factor set point of each turbine and alarm signals in case of incidences in the function of the algorithm.

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DEVELOPMENT OF CONTROL SYSTEMS Automatic Voltage Regulator Objectives The purpose of this project was the development and implementation of a tool to compare fundamental quantity values of power generation works, particularly those of Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPP). The regulator developed complies with the following characteristics, which which differentiate it from commercial regulators used to date: • Modular design • Use of commercial equipment to perform various functions, easily replaced by other brands with similar features • Power stage distinct and independent from the rest The solution developed is an excitation system whose main objective is to control the excitation current to be injected into the rotor of the wound rotor synchronous machines in order to regulate the voltage across the stator in vacuum and regulate the reactive reactive power supplied or consumed by the generators attached to the network. It also incorporates control functions to manage basic limitations and protections and to ensure proper operation. The excitation equipment will consist of: • An AC->DC power convertor based on a fully controlled three-phase three phase thyristor bridge rectifier. The power convertor would be air cooled, preferably by natural convection for smaller sizes and forced air for larger sizes. sizes • A control board firing of the thyristors that accept voltage or current set points. • A PLC responsible for the voltage regulation algorithms and cos-phi cos phi as well as limiting and protection functions.

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DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT OF CONTROL SYSTEMS WAD-2 (Waterworks Administration Device) Objectives The aim of the project was the migration of the IBERDROLA Ingeniería y Construcción (Waterworks Administration Device, WAD) Regulation and Control System which was completely developed by IBERDROLA Ingeniería from the MOMENTUM platform which at that time was based on the SCHNEIDER M340, and adapting it to the change, including the programming environment. The project was divided into three distinct parts: • Migration, which included: Passing of the CONCEPT programs (Momemtum programming software) to UNITY (M340 software); updating of tthe databases, and reviewing of the solution ADVANTYS for temperatures. • Factory testing of the new solution solution. • Adaptation and optimization of WAD: Change in PLC and card sizes, connections, etc etc. The aim of this project was to adapt and update the IBERDROLA Ingeniería y Construcción offer in the field of regulation and control for Hydraulic Power Plants to replace the technological tools used in the market up until now.

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DEVELOPMENT OF CONTROL SYSTEMS Photovoltaic Control Centre Objectives The objectives of this project were: • To develop evelop and implement a prototype computer tool (Solar Central Communications Unit, Solar CCU) capable of monitoring and controlling the different field elements that make up the Photovoltaic Power Plant. • To develop and implement a software tool that would allow the exchange of Solar CCU data via GPRS. • To development and implement a software tool (web portal) that would allow remote monitoring of certain plant data by owners of Photovoltaic Power Plants. • To market the product. In n addition to the initial objectives, and in view of the regulatory changes that conditioned technological developments within the sector, the following objectives were also included: included • To provide added functionality to the product created that would allow web access to data collected via an Ethernet network. This development would allow the system designed to be implemented in smaller power plants that do not have an on-site on site SCADA system, in order to provide data directly to customer owners about these plants. plants. That Th meant that: - A web server suitable for the Beckhoff programming environment had to be specified. - A software tool had to be developed capable of transforming the data collected in OPC DA protocol to OPC XML DA. DA • To conduct a market study that would analyze the products developed by competitors and the current legislative framework in order to establish the actual possibilities of implementing the Solar CCU product in other types of facilities. This study would determine ermine the need to provide the product with more features and thus continue its development within the framework of the existing project. project This product has resulted in: • The provision of a monitoring and control system for implementation in future Photovoltaic Power Plants. • The specification of features and more robust monitoring and control techniques for operation and maintenance of new plants. plants • Know-how and expertise to be gained that would allow the Group to participate in this sector not only y as a construction company but also as a company able to provide a value added service to third-party party operators needing a data system in their plants. plants

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ADVANCED ADVANCED CONTROL CONTROL OF WIND TURBINES Objectives The aim of this project was to develop an advanced control system for wind turbines with full operation capacity under nominal conditions and also in an optimized response to electrical or mechanical disturbances. Simulation and laboratory works were carried out in this project for the study of an advanced wind turbine control system. In the course of this project the following studies were performed: • Validation of the 5-kW m machine model • Victoria Control. SVPWM WM • Direct TORQUE Control Control. DTC • Direct Power Control. DPC • Dynamic programming power control. DPPC • Experimental comparison between the different techniques • Imbalances • Voltage dips in 20-kW m machine • Study and calculation of a wound rotor induction machine • Obtaining the equivalent circuit of an induction machine • Manufacturing process • Matlab program for calculating a doubly fed asynchronous generator • Minimum requirement specifications for high high-speed speed control cards required for the development of the adva advanced nced control project of the doubly fed asynchronous machines • Hardware alternative to rapid prototyping • Rapid Prototyping Card Work on this project has resulted in in: • The development and implementation of a an n advanced control system for wind turbines with full operation capacity under nominal conditions and also in an optimized response to electrical or mechanical disturbances disturbances. • The development of a wind wind-turbine turbine test bench: The test bench has an electric generator, electronic power converters, a contr control ol system and different system modelling functions such as wind pressure and the blade pitch variation system. The test bench was made to model weak networks and isolated systems. This test bench was used to check the control strategies developed during th this is project and on future IBERDROLA Group projects. • The development of a comprehensive computer model of a wind turbine to simulate all the strategies and theories developed. • The compiling of wind turbine state-of-the-art control strategies by creating a hyperlinked database of all the wind turbine electrical and mechanical activation control strategies that will be evaluated during the project project.

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CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION METHODS FOR GENERATION III NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Objectives The aim of this project was to determine the technologies and tools required to undertake generation III nuclear power plant construction projects. projects The project began with the study phase and the obtaining of design specifications for the new nuclear power plants. During this phase studies of o the design and operation of various Generation III reactors were performed rformed on EPR, AP1000, AES92, EU-APWR EU APWR reactors as well as others. A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) dictionary was also defined applicable to future new nuclear power plant projects in order to standardize, unify and improve project management processes, essential ssential for achieving the proposed goals and controlling projects with significant risks. The second phase focused on the definition of engineering tools for the design of these types of plants. These tools included the development of a tool map and complementary lementary 3D design capabilities for the development of large projects, which would result in feasibility and interferences to be checked as well as approval given before construction, thus reducing the risks and costs associated with changes. changes These tools also included the development of a specific methodology for Nuclear Power Plants and the use of advanced 3D design tools. The validation of this methodology was carried out by developing a 3D model based on an actual nuclear power plant.

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SUPERCRITICAL COAL COAL--FIRED THERMAL POWER PLANT Objectives Due to rising oil and gas fuel prices, and secondly, to the great diversity of coal reserves and their origins around the world, the latest generation Coal-Fired Fired Thermal Power Plant is considered to be a serious alternative for the future generation of electric power power. The aim was to develop a complete project consisting of the engineering documents required, the measurements derived and the program for defining the scope, time and cost budget for a supercritical coal coal-fired fired thermal plant project. As a relevant part of the project, a preliminary study of the emission conditions of such plants was conducted, conducted verifying the significant reduction compared to conventional plants. The most important rtant tasks carried out during the project were were: • Studies: fuel, type of operation and penalty, statements, etc. • Electrical and instrumentation: electrical design criteria, electrical installation monitoring criteria, etc. • Instrumentation tion process monitoring: instrumentation design criteria, installation criteria for special instrumentation, etc. • Mechanical • Civil • Implantation • Preliminary study documents ocuments • Proprietary documents of a preliminary draft • Distributed control • Construction • Programming and control

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STUDIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANTS Projects developed in the solar thermal area have focused on the analysis of solar thermal power plant technology with other technologies, so as to provide advanced technological and economically profitable solutions such as tower technology, Fresnel concentrators, direct steam generation, or improvements on established technologies such as solar tracking systems or storage.

Molten Salts Storage Objectives This project aimss to design a standardized molten salts thermal storage system mainly covering the aspects: • To determine the technical criteria required to design a molten salts Thermal Storage System (TSS) • To develop evelop all the documents, technical specifications, statements, drawings and worksheets necessary to develop the Basic System Engineering Book.

Fresnel Concentrators Concentra Objectives This project was proposed to determine the feasibility of integrating Solar Thermal Power Plants with Fresnel Concentrators. oncentrators. Knowledge was also gained on an emerging global technique with great potential to reduce costs in large solar concentration systems. The overall objective of the project mainly covered the following aspects: aspects • Market Analysis: Technological prospective and supplier analysis. analysis • Field integration of Fresnel solar collectors in the pre-heating pre of water in the water-steam steam cycle. The technical and economic feasibility of this integration was studied in Solar Thermal Power Plants with parabolic trough collectors and with direct steam generation. generation

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STUDIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANTS Saturated DSG Objectives This project aimss to design a Direct Steam Generation plant (DSG) using saturated steam. Therefore the following needs must be taken into consideration: • The establishment of the criteria for sizing and designing a Saturated Direct Steam Generation plant for both the piping network and the main equipment for the plant plant. • The definition of the control system for the main links links. • The setting out of the Laws and Regulations as well as the applicable Standards and Design Codes in this type of plant plant.

Desalination and Solar Plant Integration Objectives This project aims to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of integrating two technologies, solar thermal power and desalination in order to assess with the necessary knowledge the possibility of a commercial implementation. This project is motivated by worldwide water shortages, environmental awareness and the future emerging thermo solar sector. An initial study was conducted on the state-of-the-art art technologies and their possible merging in the near future. This new combination of technologies is an emerging global initiative that aims to reduce the environmental impact of greenhouse gases caused by fuel consumption, replacing part off this fuel with a different clean and abundant source of energy such as solar energy.

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SOL SOLTUBE Development of High Efficiency Solar Thermal Technologies Objectives Supplementary to the studies in the solar thermal area this project proposes a qualitative change in solar thermal technologies so as to increase the efficiency of these plants and in turn facilitate the commercial development of the technology. Based on the requirements nts for the development of high efficiency solar thermal technologies, a new tube design for Solar Thermal Power Plants is under development that requires an improved energy efficiency that would maximize and enhance these types of power plants as clean energy sources. Together with the development of the new tube absorber, a new structure with improved energy efficiencies is proposed that will maximize the potential of Solar Thermal Power Plants by increasing the reflective area that concentrates more energy energy on their walls. The design of this structure is based on the need to reduce operating and maintenance costs as well as a reduction in land area requirements.

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OFFSHORE WIND FARMS Objectives The aim of this project was to conduct a study of the different phases in the construction of an offshore wind farm during 2007 as a business expansion opportunity for IBERDROLA Ingeniería y Construcción. The intention in each offshore wind farm was to clearly define the data to be obtained, applicable regulations, the definition of tests/activities tto be performed, the means required required, the companies available, execution times and the approximate costs. The activities that made up this project are encompassed in five major areas areas: STUDY OF THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT • Geophysical Survey urvey and Bathymetry • Geotechnical Study • Study of Waves and Currents • Corrosion Studies MEASUREMENT TOWER CIVIL ENGINEERING • Foundation Studies of Offshore Wind Turbines • Foundation Design of Offshore Wind Turbines • Design of a Monopile Foundation • Foundation Construction of Offshore Foundation Design for Offshore Wind Turbines ELECTRICALL ENGINEERING • Mid-Voltage Voltage Electrical Technology • Optimization of Mid-Voltage Voltage Electrical Infrastructure • Mid-Voltage Project • Mid-Voltage Voltage Electrical Construction and Installation OFFSHORE WIND TURBINES • Offshore Wind Turbine Technology Within this project the knowledge, skills and know know-how how necessary to compete and develop business in the areas of design and construction of offshore wind farms were gained. In short, the business model that IBERDROLA Ingeniería y Construcción has on onshore wind farms would be transferred to offshore wind farms.

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OCEAN Lテ好ER Ocean Renewable Energy Leader Objectives The CENIT OCEAN Lテ好ER Project (funded by the Centre for Industrial Technological Development, CDTI) is the largest project in the world in basic research on energy produced at sea. The knowledge and technology generated will enable the development of new facilities, devices, structures, vehicles, vessels and site characterization systems, and the generation,, transmission and distribution of electrical energy captured from the ocean. In 2010 the project undertook its second year. The areas of research are structured into six thematic lines, from which new knowledge will be gained and then be developed into specific pecific new projects, which in turn will lead to new products and technologies. Through this project technologies echnologies and systems will be researched and developed to assess the resources available and the location of possible Integrate Ocean Energy Generation Units,, as well as technologies for generating electric power from these resources. Research will also be conducted into the design of systems for distribution, transport and transformation of power generated, ensuring its quality. Moreover, systems will be developed to optimize the management, maintenance and communication with ground control bases, ensuring the reliability and efficiency of the systems as to enable the feasibility of their implementation. The technologies and systems systems for the operation and safety of Integrate Ocean Energy Generation Units will also be assessed.. Therefore, studies of the needs will be conducted in detail for feedback systems, generation systems and systems for the transformation and evacuation of ocean ocean energy as well as research in the technologies needed to ensure the operation, functionality and safety of these systems and technologies. In conjunction with the above, the preservation of resources and correct environmental management must be ensured to minimize the effects on climate change. Therefore, protocols, guidelines, methodologies, tools and technologies will be researched that will result in the correct assessment of the impact on the environmental throughout the entire life cycle of the infrastructures generating energy from the sea as well as the environmentally sustainable management of them. The purpose of all this is to define a comprehensive design methodology for these facilities taking into account all the possible factors involved involved in the generation and use of electric power from renewable oceanic sources. The main objective is to increase knowledge about the oceanic power generation industry, and promote the economic development and technologically optimized Integrate Ocean Energy Generation Units (UNIGEOs).

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FLOTTEK New Energy Source: Deepwater Offshore Wind Farms Objectives The FLOTTEK project, funded under the Etorgai program, continues the line of research initiated in previous years to facilitate large large-scale scale development of offshore wind energy. A major obstacle to this development is the foundation for turbines in deep wat water, where pivoting on the seabed is not possible. Offshore wind energy provides a great opportunity to make use of a large large-potential zeroemission energy resource. The coming decades are expected to show an important development in this area although uneq unequally ually distributed around the world. world The fundamental aim of the FLOTTEK project is the development of deepwater floating infrastructures that generate energy from wind power. To accomplish this goal a project has as been structured to attempt to address a partt of the value chain of deepwater offshore wind power generation. This project will explore design solutions for offshore wind energy facilities where current technology has not yet arrived. As described above in the project objectives, floating concrete and steel structures will be developed throughout this project to support a wind turbine in deep water where foundations on the seabed are not an option. The structure should be able to provide the buoyancy and stability necessary for the proper functionin functioning of the generator under the climatic conditions found at the site.

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Technological Developments for Remote Handling, Coils, Blankets and Accelerators in Nuclear Fusion Objectives This project includes the development of various technologies and components involved in validating fusion technology as contemplated under the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor development program (ITER, ( the experimental nuclear fusion reactor to be built in Cadarache, France). One goal of the project is focused on the areas given priority for creating and testing materials and their analysis required for the development of a commercial thermonuclear fusion reactor and its complex remote handling. Expected from this project are the conditions that the reactor components must withstand and what the properties of these materials are. One possible way to simulate these conditions would be through the installation of a TechnoFusion n facility, which would examine the feasibility for developing a triple-beam beam laboratory comprised of two linear accelerators and a cyclotron. cyclotron Another goal of the project is related to the complex conditions found inside a fusion reactor and its incompatibility with the manual repair epair or replacement of components. Therefore remote handling is essential for manipulation. So, the aim of this study is is to develop new robotic techniques compatible with these hostile conditions, and the accreditation of existing robotics for use mainly in facilities such as ITER, but also in IFMIF and the like. The size of the components used and the difficulties of their their arrangement in space have given rise to the need for developments that have been unheard of in handling techniques. The ultimate goal of the project is the definition and validation of the so-called so called ITER Blankets whose union will lead to the first retaining ning wall of plasma that circulates inside the ITER reactor. Each Blanket will consist of several modules that are themselves a resulting product of this project.

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VID VIDA Research on Advanced Technologies for Comprehensive Valuation of Algae Objectives The CENIT VIDA project (funded by the Centre for Industrial Technological Development, CDTI) aims to research alternatives to current standard technologies for CO2 capture, the main greenhouse gas, using algae as a means of CO2 assessment.. This project started sta in 2010 and has a four-year year duration. Studies on the development of microalgae as an energy crop in various parts of the world have shown this crop’s flexibility. Several major international companies are showing that algae can be used to produce fuel for transport, feed ingredients, high high-value food and even as a source of fuel for electric power based on biomass. The aim of this project in this contex context is to promote the efficient cultivation of algae and the potential uses they have as an alternative bio fuel and other high added value derivatives. On the one hand, this project includes the development of the technology required to establish optimized models for growing algae. This work involves the development of better and more efficient photobioreactors, by optimizing the design variables involved in far farming systems, the development of new lighting systems and research and development of new plastics, etc. Secondly,, this project also seeks to improve and optimize the CO2 contribution system to grow algae and the technology involved in gathering it. Complementing ementing this special relevance is the application of these technologies to the definition of a new urban and industrial development model based on the exploitation culture of natural resources. In this model, algae are included as a new energy resource. IIt also uses bionics and nature as technologies for the development of cutting cutting-edge urban architecture models.

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DEPOLIGEN Energy Efficiency in "Zero Emission" Buildings through the Improvement of Energy Demand, Poly-Generation Poly Generation and Integral Energy Management Systems Objectives This project focuses special attention on small-scale small power generation using renewable energy and network optimization. The overall goal of the project is to research and develop technologies that will allow buildings, districts, residential neighbourhoods and the tertiary sector to achieve "zero emissions". Developments will be under taken for new systems to reduce the energy demand in buildings. New poly-generation generation systems will be developed that will integrate highhigh efficiency and low impact systems (geothermal, gas, hydrogen) using renewable energy (photovoltaic and solar thermal, small-scale scale wind power and biomass). biomass) Also, new demand management systems will be developed.. In addition, a method for analysis and technicaltechnical industrial implantation will be achieved as an overall result that can be extrapolated to anywhere in the European Union, and one that would be technically and economically affordable by the companies involved. To reach this goal a series of activities will be to carried carried out that have a common part, i.e. independent of the type of building, and another specific part, depending on the environment (climate and geomorphology), which will depend on the building type, whether residential or nonnon residential, new or rehabilitated. A large dose of innovation will be required for the actions to be developed and partial goals to be met, since a complete and comprehensive study of the various systems and equipment to be used is under consideration. Some of these systems and equipment will be prototypes which after being assessed will be patented and placed on the market. The development of a standardized methodology for these types of actions in the energy efficiency field also represents a technological leap requiring a significant significant load of research which can help in the future development of regulations.

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STUDY AND DEVELOPMENT OF VARIOUS ADVANCED ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS Objectives Energy storage is a major area of study and research in energy technology as a means of integrating renewable energy, introducing electric vehicles and managing SmartGrid and energy efficiency. IBERDROLA Ingenier铆a y Construcci贸n is participating in two such projects within the Basque Government Etorgai program, addressing both storage media (such as CAES technology) and applications. Alia2 Project. storage ge system consisting of a lithiumlithium Project. The goal of this project is to develop a stora ion battery (battery pack), a power electronic converter and its associated control system. This system will also be used to develop new business models and serve as a basis for defining a new design and implementation met methodology hodology for electrical networks. The following applications are under consideration in this project project: Electrical Distribution Network Systems. These storage systems along with power converters and associated management and communication devices could provide benefits aimed at improving the integration of locally locally-installed installed renewable energy generation systems as well as optimal management of power generation, distribution and consumption. Efficient Elevator. Current solutions for vertical mobility ((lifts)) have important limitations since they can not be used in an emergency making them a real problem for the evacuation of disabled people, and they require high energy consumption, around 3% of a building's total energy requirements. Energy storage systems can play an important role regarding the improvement of capabilities and efficiency of vertical transport systems. Application Black-Start Start in power plants. The development of a storage system based on li.ion batteries is motivated by the search for alternatives to the current black black-start system (diesel generators). This storage system requires installation simplicity, lower cost and greater assurance in the supply of power needed to start startup power plant generators, as well as simplicity and speed in this operation, especially in critical situations such as an overall blackout. Project SAGER SAGER. This project has 3 goals:: a) To analyze the potential storage system market, b) To develop energy storage technologies, designed to meet the identified needs in electrochemical energy storage systems and CAES (Compressed Air Energy Storage) in artificial vessels, and c) To analyze the business models for the exploitation of energy storage systems. Also addressed in this project is the development of the technologies necessary to allow proper connection, integration and operation of storage systems on electricity grids.

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IMPULSO Design and Development of an Integrated International Business Management System Objectives The main objective of this project is to design and develop a new integrated business management system that would effectively support a company's international geographic and market expansion, improving competitiveness and facilitating growth, through a more accurate decision-making process. This new integrated management system includes a number of developments within 4 lines of action which nevertheless act in an integrated manner sharing data and complementing one another in their functionalities: • A financial system that is independent of the local accounting systems of each country, especially in areas concerning accounting of creditors and debtors and payment of invoices. • A company resource management system, for both human and material resources. resources • An integrated reporting instrument management system, to speed up decision making, providing reliable and up-to-date date information at all times. times • All of this backed by a single document management system, operating in line with the above mentioned developments, pments, which provides a unified service regardless of the country where the activity takes place. The technical design to integrate these functionalities is highly significant in this project. By doing so, the use of local solutions for each business management area is eliminated, thereby avoiding the serious deficiencies created in information flow and thus enabling a correct decision making process.

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SUARO Systems Development to Increase the Safety of Electrical Infrastructures Objectives The main objective of the SUARO project is to research and develop new tools and advanced systems and components which increase the safety of electrical infrastructures to reduce the risks to people and property and to ensure the availability and quality of electric power and thus help in the development of the electrical grid of the future future. ical leap in safety, reliability and maintainability The SUARO project has meant a technological of electrical distribution infrastructures since, to minimize risk and damage to property and people, it takes into account aspects and design criteria specific to the needs of each environment. With critical tical issues, such as the vulnerability of electrical facilities that have not been contemplated in previous systems, this project intends to investigate a new life cycle management system for distribution facilities based on design reliability and individual ual components, combined with maintenance and risk management. The new system will allow an analysis of existing facilities to detect critical points in terms of risk and to introduce the risk factor in the design of future facilities in response to their environment. This analysis will focus on the mid mid- and low-voltage voltage distribution grid, covering electrical substations, transformation centres and electric power metering m centres. The innovative methods employed in the research to obtain this new system made their capacity to be integrated feasible within the management systems used in electrical distribution. In parallel to the development of a comprehensive metho methodology dology for assessing risk at electrical facilities and within the scope of the SUARO project, also researched with objective safety features in mind was the reduction in the environmental impact of components and facilities. New components (transformation centres and electric power metering centres) will be developed that will provide substantially higher safety benefits than those now existing. New materials, components, enclosures and switchgear will be developed to allow new facilities to be designed, constructed, onstructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the new reliability and risk parameters defined in the project, as well as their adaptation to those in existence.. Furthermore, new constructive solutions (electrical substations and facilities housing transformers and metering centres) will also be developed aimed at preventing and reducing the impact of potential accident situations on people, facilities and the environment.

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Key information: Date of establishment: 1986 Turnover: 7,83 € International details: Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Peru, El Salvador, Ghana, Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast and Poland Address: c/ Samaria 4 28009. Madrid. Phone: (+34) 915 749 107 Fax: (+34) 915 749 106 Email: Web:

Company’s profile INCLAM S.A.was created in 1986 in response to the interest of leading water engineeringqualified professionals in engaging in engineering, consulting and advice tasks independently Since its creation, INCLAM has focused on high specialization, allowing the company to fulfil its commitments to clients with top quality guarantee. Currently, in Spain, the company is synonymous with expertise in engineering and consulting in the water sector. INCLAM has been working globally since the year 1999. The rapid and strong globalization process has been greatly stimulated by the excellent experiences.

Areas of activity • • • • • • •

Hydrology & Hydraulics Water Quality & Fluvial Structure Dams Projects and Works Management Floods Management Early Flood warning systems Information and communications technologies • Institutional development and outsourcing

• EPC Projects • Guad Flow (Bidimensional hydraulic simulation model –commercial software) • Water treatment • Purification and Sanitation • Climate change • Energy • Training

Areas of R&D activity • • • • • • • •

Hydrology & Hydraulics Water Quality and Fluvial Structure Floods management Early warning systems Information & Communications technologies GUAD Flow Climate change Training

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Featured projects • TECOAGUA: Integrated basin management systems • Q-HYDRO: Assessment of hydromorphological quality of rivers with aerial sensors (lidar and digital camera) • EAGUA, e-learning for two-dimensional hydraulic simulation models for flood discharge studies and flood risk mapping) • GUAD 2D, two-dimensional hydraulic simulation model • LHIDRA-MANNING, automatic system for obtaining manning’s roughness coefficients from lidar and aerial photography • Database to process, manage and standardise hydrologic and climate data (BDH) • BIOCO2: Development of automatic identification system of carbon reduction in tropical forest based on vegetal coverage controlled by LIDAR data and digital camera. • CO2 LOGISTIC: Development of calculation methodology for systematic quantification of carbon emission from transport sector. • SAD-CENHI: design and develop a first advanced module prototype for a Decision Support System (DSS) specifically focused on hydropower explotation • WatERP: improve the matching between water supply and demand, through the establishment of an open management platform that will enable the entire water distribution system to be viewed in an integrated manner.

Certificate R&D&I Management System Yes

Deducciones fiscales IDi Yes

Países a los que exporta I+D+i Venezuela, Panamá, Costa rica, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Peru and El Salvador

Turnover 2010

R&D Investiment 2010

National Total: 3.611.691,75 € International Total: 2.953.470.05 €

Total R&D&I: 1.020.692,20 € Self-financing: 602.423,00 € Public financing: 418.269,20 € Internacional IDi: 0 €

Investment Evolution in R&D&I Total 2009: 810.831,62 € Spain: 810.831,62 € Abroad: 0

Total 2008: 546.902,87 € Spain: 546.902,87 € Abroad: 0

Total 2007: 603.644,47 € Spain: 603.644,47 € Abroad: 0

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TECOAGUA Sustainable technologies for integrated water cycle management Objetives The main objective of TEcoAgua is to generate knowledge, processes and advanced technologies for the whole water cycle, in order to guarantee the availability and quality of water supplies. Two key issues reinforce this objective: • Preserving and optimizing existing water resources from the point of view of efficient management, through the development and implementation of ICT tools and advanced control systems for water cycle processes. • Incorporating sustainable technologies and renewable and alternative energies and/or by-products into the water cycle processes to support climate change mitigation, as well as sustainability indicators. Polluted natural resources recovery, controlled stimulation of clouds to enhance snow precipitation, wastewater reuse and desalination processes are some of the topics covered TEcoAgua was selected for funding by MICINN in the 5th Call of the highly competitive Spanish RTD CENIT-E Programme (National Strategic Consortiums in Technical Research). This Programme aims to stimulate cooperation in RTD between enterprises and research institutions, and provides funding for large industrial research projects of strategic nature, large dimension and wide scope, addressing future technological areas and with international projection. Scientific excellence, multisectoriality and multiregionality criteria are utilized by MICINN in the selection process The role of INCLAM within the consortium is to perform research activities in the field of Decision Support Systems (DSS) for efficient water resources management. Two specific issues that are being addressed must be highlighted: • Improvement and establishment of technical specifications for DSS in the fields of flood and drought management, water quality, planning and operation of reservoirs and risk management. • Development and implementation of multimedia user-friendly systems focused on critical monitoring points in the watersheds, in such a manner that the system can perform automatic analyses prior to human intervention.

Ongoing 4th phase implementation and last annual payment of the project Duration: 4 years (2009-2012) Call: RTD CENIT-E Programme (National Strategic Consortiums in Technical Research) Budget: 18.038.848 € Web:

Consortium Partners: Abengoa Water, Agua y Gestión de Servicios Ambientales S.A., Canal de Isabel II, Deimos Imaging S.L., Empresa Metropolitana de Abastecimiento y Saneamiento de Aguas de Sevilla S.A., Fagor Electrónica S. COOP., Instalaciones Inabensa S.A., Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias S.A., Micronet Porous Fibers S.L.

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Q-HYDRO Assessment of hydromorphological quality of rivers with aerial sensors (lidar and digital camera) Objetives The project objective is to develop the methodologies needed to implement systematically remote sensing technologies to determine the quality of the rivers hydromorphological elements as defined in the Water Framework Directive. Thus, given that there is no protocol governing the use of remote sensing techniques for the determination of hydromorphological, it is intended that the results of this project will serve to lay the foundation in the use of these parameters in the protocols quality assessment.

Ongoing Project recently completed and successfully justified. The application obtained as a result of this project provides an opportunity to make a general assessment of river sections without the needing of time and cost of traditional methods in data collection in the field. Duration: 24 months Call: Business Cooperation CDTI Budget: 517.094,00 â‚Ź Web:

Consortium Partners: INCLAM, S.A. & Stereocarto

Capabilities Directory Index

E-AGUA E-learning de modelos bidimensionales de simulación hidráulica para estudios de avenidas y creación de mapas de riesgos de inundación Objetives El proyecto eAGUA consiste en el desarrollo de una plataforma e-Learning que permitirá a los técnicos de las empresas con departamento de hidráulica, acceder al conocimiento de las nuevas tecnologías en materia de simulación hidráulica, así como a los técnicos de distintos organismos públicos con competencias en la gestión hídrica, conocer las vías más vanguardistas que puedan ser aplicadas a los proyectos que se están desarrollando en la actualidad y a la edición de los mapas de riesgo de inundación que la Comisión Europea indica.

Ongoing Proyecto finalizado y en fase de explotación. Actualmente se oferta a través de una ENCLAVE FORMACIÓN, empresa especializada en formación on-line. Se imparte desde INCLAM con una periodicidad determinada a través de distintas convocatorias a lo largo de año. Duration: 7 months Call: AVANZA I+D, acción estratégica de telecomunicaciones y sociedad de la información. Budget: 71.543 € Web:

Consortium Partners: Inclam (Proyecto Individual)

Capabilities Directory Index


GUAD 2D Two-dimensional hydraulic simulation model for flood discharge waves analysis (water quality) Objetives The proposal of European directive for research and management of flood risks (problem that caused in the first half of 2006 more than 1,000 deaths, 320,000 evacuees and billions of euros in losses) requires flood risk maps in Europe. The most affordable way to obtain these maps is the numerical simulation of flood waves caused by rain or by gradual or spontaneous destruction of dams or embankments large water tanks. The annual goal of this project was the appropriate development implementation to the need for calculation of dispersion of solutes in water flow (water quality), and the study of the influence of weather on river flows, water flow modeling and development and integration of internal structures as bridges, fountains and sinks that make other solutions unstable

Ongoing GUAD 2D is a finite volume based two-dimensional model for the numerical simulation and analysis of flood waves caused by different factors such as extreme rainfall, gradual or sudden dam break.. The model is able to deal with critical, subcritical or mixed flow situations over irregular topography. The computation requires initial conditions that can correspond to dry bed or any other flow state. The initial and boundary conditions can be easily implemented and the results can be analysed in most commercial GIS applications. Nowadays, GUAD 2D has been used in real cases and tested in several laboratory cases, thereby obtaining results that have been contrasted with present hydraulic situations, offering to hydraulic communities a reliable, fast and functional solution. Duration: 12 months Call: Business Innovation Plan of Madrid autonomous region Order 360/2006, 17 February 2006 Budget: 185.770,41 â‚Ź Web:

Consortium Partners: INCLAM & Saragossa University

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LHIDRA-MANNING Automatic system for obtaining manning’s roughness coefficients from lidar and aerial photography Objetives The overall project objective is to develop a computing modeling system that allows performing effectively hydraulic simulations based on reliable and accurate data. Hydraulic simulation processes allow characterizing the river flow: geometry of the riverbed, water velocity on each area, water depth elevation, natural or artificial elements that can affect to the hydraulic simulation process. That is, a reliable and effective simulation of mechanical fluid properties considering all boundary conditions. Hydraulic modeling has many applications such as the study of suitable locations for public works, depending on the resistance offered to the river flow and the definition of habitable zones, identifying flood prone areas. It also allows authorities to control and manage water resources in both normal and emergency scenarios (sudden increase in volume of water due to increased rainfall or due to broken water ponds or dams). This technology helps to control and minimize flood effects

Ongoing Project finished and in operational phase.n. Duration: 24 months Call: Tractor Projects of National R + D + i (Information Society Technologies) Budget: 954.072 € Web:

Consortium Partners: Inclam, HIFSA, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

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BDH Database to process, manage and standardise hydrologic and climate data (HDB) Objetives Hydroclimatic Bank is a project that aims to develop a storage system of hydrological and climate data to improve hydrological areas knowledge allowing present and future study territorial hydroclimatic variables. Hidroclimatic Bank Project main goal is having a system that allows knowing or interpreting the effects of climate change on water resources, and possible effects due to flood events At present, climate change effects focus mainly on general weather conditions, accounting generally for the effects that will occur in temperature and/or rainfall. These data aren’t being extrapolated to none model considering possible situations that climate change effect can lead on hydrological scenarios. The hydroclimatic data system, aims to overcome the gap between dire predictions generated by climate change models, and the effects that such predictions can lead to water resources and reserves or to watershed behaviour, in order to mitigate the potential damage effects of climate change in specific areas such as an autonomous region.

Ongoing Project finished and in operational phase. Duration: 12 months Call: 2009 Business Innovation Plan of Madrid autonomous region Budget: 189.916,22 € Web:

Consortium Partners: INCLAM (individual Project)

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BioCO2 BioCO2 Objetives Technological development Project focused on generating tools and methodologies to identify Clean Development mechanisms (CDM) projects within forest and jungle, allowing the identification of carbon emissions reduction, so that they can be registered in UN addressing the needs set by Kyoto Protocol and voluntary schemes in non Annex I countries. The main objectives of the project are the development of tools and methodologies drafting to apply the reduction of carbon emissions captured by forest and jungle areas in non-Annex I countries (focusing on tropical countries). Develop algorithms and implement tools to identify the biomass quantity through LIDAR and Digital Camera, so the reduced carbon tons can be accounted, will allow methodologies to be developed and validated. After that emissions reduction can be certified by United Nations attending to the Kyoto Protocol framework. Once these tools and methodologies are finished, the results will allow to assess a value to surface and density of woodland / jungle in the carbon market

Ongoing Project finished and at the moment in justification phase before funder organization. Duration: 7 months Call: 2010 Business Innovation Plan of Madrid autonomous region Budget: 56.000,00 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: INCLAM, S.A & Stereocarto

Capabilities Directory Index


CO2-LOGISTIC CO2-LOGISTIC Objetives This project aims to create a methodology to systematically calculate carbon emissions (GHG) that logistics sector generates daily. The calculation methodology will be developed from research, development and compilation compiled on a documentary database of information on emission factors, conversion factors and data items, activities, processes and products involved in the logistics sector.

Ongoing During the month of December 2011, R&D&I development projects aids were settled for the Government of Aragon, where INCLAM SA and Saragossa Logistics Center received financing to carry out the project Throughout the year 2012 the project will also undertake various dissemination sessions, where all companies and institutions directly related logistics activities in Aragon region,will be invited. Duration: 18 months Call: DG Research and Innovation of the Government of Aragon. Budget: 146.524,60 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: Saragossa Logistic Center

Capabilities Directory Index


SAD - CENHI Decision Support System for hydroelectrics Objetives The proposed project aims to design and develop a first advanced module prototype for a Decision Support System (DSS) specifically focused on hydropower exploitation. The SAD module prototype to be developed, aims to provide hydroelectric dealers appropriate technological tools that make possible to reconcile the economic profitability of exploitations and the rise of renewable energies share by promoting hydropower energy- in accordance with the spirit of RES Directive & similar regulations- with the achievement of environmental objectives stemmed from Water Framework Directive and/or complementary legislation from competent water authorities on water issues Data processing model will comes under what is known as Directive INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe).

Ongoing The project is in the early stages of implementation, having been started to make a first analysis of the different types of data in the hydropower sector (electricity, characterization of the power plant, precipitation, flows, regulatory limits of concession demands and costs energy sales, etc.) needed to feed the prototype design and implement DSS, indicating their characteristics and import formats and their origin. Duration: 2,1 years (2012 - 2014) Call: Avanza Competitividad (I+D+i) 2012 Program. Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (Spain). Budget: 428.574 â‚Ź Web:

Consortium Individual Project

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WatERP Water Enhanced Resource Planning: “Where water supply meets demand” Objetives The main purpose of this project is to improve the matching between water supply and demand from a holistic point of view, through the establishment of an open management platform that will enable the entire water distribution system to be viewed in an integrated manner. By enabling a more dynamic and agile interaction among the different actors involved in water supply distribution, the platform will improve water governance while maintaining the autonomy and independence of the actors. The project will also involve a strong dissemination component, besides an evaluation of the anticipated costs, benefits and market prospects.

Ongoing The project has recently started (October 2012), and is currently in its initial development stage. At present the foundations are being laid to create the generic basis that will enable a comprehensive water supply and knowledge base to be established, to support the WatERP open management platform and its functionalities. Duration: 3 years (2012-2015) Call: FP7 - 8th ICT Budget: 4,43 M € Web:


Coordinador: Coordinator Barcelona Digital Technology Centre (BDigital), an advanced technology centre specialized in the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the fields of environment as well as healthcare, security, mobility, energy, and food. Consortium Members Aside from Inclam, the proposed consortium includes 8 European partners (ES, DE, GR and UK): Barcelona Digital Technology Centre (ICT research centre), Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions (SME specialized in hydrometeorological forecasting), the Catalan Water Agency (water authority), disy Informationssystem GmbH (SME specialized in spatial and environmental IT-solutions), Staffordshire University (research in real time monitoring and data acquisition systems using smart sensors and sensor networks), the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems of the National University of Athens (ICT research), Stadtwerke Karlsruhe GmbH (water utility) and the German Gas and Waterworks Association (a big water sector companies association that is also connected to a water research centre).

Capability Directorate Index

Key Information: Date of Establishment: Establishment: 1985 Turnover: Turnover: € 28,3M International delegations: delegations: Bogota (Colombia), Lima (Peru), City of Panama (Panama), California (United States). Address Address: ess: Parque Tecnológico de Boecillo, Recinto 2, Parcela 31, 47151,Boecillo, Valladolid. Phone: Phone: (+34) 983 144 444 Fax: (+34) 983 144 445 Email: / Web:

Company´s Profile INCOSA, INCOSA which in 2010 celebrated 25 years in business, has consolidated its position as a pioneering company in development and sustainability, contributing to Spain's economic and technological growth. Investigación y Control de Calidad, S.A.. (INCOSA) is a Consulting and Services firm with an extensive and diverse array of services in the sectors of Building and Infrastructures for Civil Engineering, Energy and Industry, whereby we can cater for customers’ needs throughout an entire investment process, from its gestation through to its operation and maintenance. Criteria of independence, reliability and quality, as well as a bespoke service for each customer, applying a humanist perspective to the values expressed in our remit, have enabled us to take pole position in the sector throughout Spain and take our place on the international stage. The Organization pursues its operations through three regional managements, being present all over Spain and maintaining standing delegations in Bogota, Lima, Panama and California. INCOSA boasts highly-specialized multidisciplinary teams that make up a workforce of more than 400 professionals, 65% of whom have a university degree, with 50% of these corresponding to the various branches of engineering and architecture. In order to ensure that these teams can fully develop their skills, we have the latest technological and IT resources and production equipment, and we earmark a significant part of our operating profit both to the continuous improvement of these features and to areas such as innovation, based mainly on our R&D&i management. All this is undertaken according to a policy of Corporate Social Responsibility that informs INCOSA’s mission to satisfy its stakeholders within an ever more globalized world; one that increasingly calls for organizations that are heavily committed to criteria of sustainability within the economic, environmental and social ambits.

Areas of activity Construction supervision· Infrastructures· Residential Housing· Unique buildings rehabilitation ·Civil works· Roads· Highways· Ports· Bridges · HSR· Water resources and urbanism· Industry & Energy· Industrial Safety· Wind Power· Photovoltaic Solar Energy· Geotechnics

Capability Directorate Index

Featured projects • “Development of new recycled aggregates products coming from the construction and demolition waste” • “Inspection of slopes and unstable slopes Economic Methodology” • “Recovery of polymer waste in concrete materials” • “Usage of Geotextiles for the timber-piles encasement in karst lands” • “Study of a collecting, transformation and supply platform of diverse biomass resources in the Region of Castilla y Leon as an alternative to traditional fuels” • “Obtaining a new product to implement screeds base and concrete pavements with construction and demolition waste adding aluminum filler” • “Pathology and rehabilitation of historic buildings comprehensive actions. Reinforcement by internal anchors” • “Study of Tertiary detritic facies. Evaluation of their ability to be a natural barrier against urban pollution” • “Study of stress-strain and hydrogeological parameters as a preliminary methodology to establish the pollution potential” • “Development optimization of the quality control methodology and sealing of concrete diaphragm walls” • “Implementation of a new test methodology to the hardened concrete life cycle study in building structures”

Certificate R&D&I Management System UNE 166,002 Moreover, the highest echelons of management at INCOSA undertake to guarantee the compliance, at the least, with the requirements of the following international standards: UNE EN-ISO 9001, UNE-EN ISO 14001, UNE-EN ISO 17020, UNE EN ISO IEC 17025

Human Resources 2011 Total employees: 301 Spain: 221 Abroad: 80

Turnover 2011 National Total: €21,000,000 International Total: €2,100,000

R&D&I Human Resources Total R & D& I: 10 Spain R& D&I: Abroad R&D&I:

R&D Investment in 2011 Total R&D&I: €250,000 National: Self-financing: €135,000 Public funding: €50,000 € (grants) €65,000 € (soft loans) International R&D&I: 0 €

Capability Directorate Index

Natural barriers against urban pollution. “Study “Study of the Tertiary detritic facies. Establishing their ability to be a natural barrier against urban pollution. Study of the interaction between their stressstress-strain and hydrogeological parameters as a preliminary method to establish their potential possibilities possibilities of pollution”

Objectives The extensive urban development occurred in the majority of cities during the last decades, had an immediate effect to surface elements due to increased urban-type problems. Equally affected is the subterranean environment that is usually more sensitive to minor changes and modifications. It is generally accepted that the rise in road traffic, excessive use of heating systems based on fossil fuels among other factors generate significant impacts in air quality, noise pollution, etc leading to a drastic fall in the cities population’s quality of life. Not less important, although less visual at first sight, is the impact that causes the urban development in the subsoil, especially in certain cities located on sensitive environments due to their high permeability. This last factor, the permeability, determines the capacity of a ground to absorb elements that change its chemical composition. Therefore it must be considered as a decisive factor in determining the pollution potential of grounds and their ability to transfer those polluted elements, its capacity to retain those elements and therefore to act as a natural barrier against urban pollution.

Considering the aforementioned premises INCOSA raises this Project trying to achieve three objectives: • PREVENTION: Establish the potential hazard of a ground and its capacity to act as a receiver and transmitter of polluted elements based on basic rheological material behavior studies (Basic Geotechnical Studies) • ANTICIPATION: Provide the different Administrations with the essential parameters to determine the level of demand and control prior to the performance. • RATIONALIZATION: In many cases the sampling polluted elements analysis are blindly conducted and it is after the laboratory analysis when their status is determined. It is usually a long and costly process. Due to the relevance of this matter INCOSA considers important to develop a methodology that “a priori” allows quantifying the ground susceptibility to polluted elements. That will initially let us: - Carry out a more rational sampling therefore fasten the analysis process and reduce costs.

Capability Directorate Index

- Carry out a first approach to the ground pollution potential rejecting, or at least delimiting, potentially in depth affected areas. The immediate consequences of this research project are: • The development and validation of a methodology to define and give greater scope to the research in geotechnical and environmental geology fields. Therefore by correlating geotechnical and hydrogeological parameters of a ground it can let us initially approach to its potential as a transmitter and a receiver of polluted elements. • Based on the materials that form the substrate support of most of the cities, in our region and adjacent regions, perform a geotechnical characterization and establish geotechnical and hydrogeological parameters that characterize it. • This relationship, as already established by regulations such as the U.S (Bureau of Reclamation) and German regulation (Gundbau-Taschenbaun) was performed for different materials whose characteristics has little resemblance with those commonly found in Castilla y Leon or Spain. Once the main goal of this Project is defined, it is possible to establish specific objectives: • Study of the different facies of the tertiary surface permeability. It is carried out using two methods: - In the laboratory: using undisturbed sampling and analyzing them in triaxial cell. - On field: Through permeability “in situ” tests such as Lefranc type. • Study of stress-strain parameters of the tertiary surface materials. Using two techniques: - In field: using a cell pressuremeter. - In laboratory: using triaxial devices. In both cases it is intended to compare the results obtained empirically under undisturbed conditions with the laboratory simulations. • Polluted elements presence analysis in selected samples. It will be carried out by the analysis of the total hydrocarbon elements, pesticides and heavy metals found. Those two last elements will be especially looked for in old crop areas.

Ongoing Duration: Duration: 2006-2009 Call: Call: R&D Project of the Investment Agency of Castilla y León Budget: Budget: € 307,233

Consortium Partners Partners: INCOSA (individual project)

Capability Directorate Index

Pathology and rehabilitation of historic buildings "Integrated action on the pathology and rehabilitation of historic buildings. Reinforcement by internal fixation anchors” Objectives It raises the following general objectives: • Innovation and disclosure: due to the construction technology progress, new products can be found on the market that have great advantages in terms of effectiveness and efficiency in the field of rehabilitation and strengthening of structures. These new techniques require a technical, labor and material expertise. These aspects hinder their market penetration, leading to a lack of new techniques. Given these issues, we aim to update the structural enhancement, using the latest techniques with safer and more effective means to be able to provide the necessary expertise to implement them in the market. • Configuration/Parameterization: From the structural safety point of view, successful rehabilitation action alleges that this action is conceived based on current and actual conditions of construction. It is necessary to carry out important research to determine the needs of a particular construction. Main work problems facing technicians today when assessing the conservation status and structural safety of this type of construction is based, on many occasions, in the absence of standards and benchmarks to assess and judge the appropriateness of the actions required, specially, if new technologies are used. In this sense, and with the aim of providing experiences in the field of rehabilitation, is intended to quantify the essential parameters which influence the following phases: -

Analysis of the pathologies Control over the implementation of structural reinforcements Verification of the effectiveness of the actions.

The specific objectives are based on structural reinforcing actions in historical buildings

Ongoing Activities Duration: 2008-2010 Call for Project: Proyecto de I+D de la Agencia de Inversiones y Servicios de Castilla y León (R&D Project from de Castile and Leon Investment and Services Agency) Budget: € 295,777

Consortium Partners: Partners: INCOSA (No partners)

Capability Directorate Index

Biomass resources management "Study of a platform for collecting, processing and supply of various biomass resources in the region of Castilla y León as an energy alternative to traditional fuels” Objectives The rising oil prices and growing concern over the depletion of non-renewable resources has had a major impact on the use of biomass for thermal uses in the domestic and industrial sectors, and are influencing the rise of initiatives such as the use of domestic pellet stoves (small densified cylindrical shaped elements, which come mainly from forest residues, agricultural and industry waste wood processing), domestic boilers, which are being implemented in private homes, cottages and hotels, or polycombustible boilers in heated pools. Similarly, you can use biomass for energy generation: biomass combustion plants, or co-combustion plants, alongside other burning traditional fuels, such as oil, gas or coal. The Renewable Energy Plan 2005 -2010 collects ambitious production targets, both electrical and thermal, in the use of biomass, and lines of R + D + i as the one presented in this proposal is to improve the knowledge of all the variables involved in the value chain of biomass, encourage its use, and thus contribute to facilitate the achievement of objectives that the Government of Spain has set for 2010. Therefore, the objectives of this project are listed below: • Identification, characterization, quantification and geographical location within the region of Castilla León various biomass resources for its use as energy source and heat. • Study of the potential demand for the various biomass resources • Location of the optimum location of a logistics platform for the receipt and shipment of biomass. • Recovery, thermal and energy. In thermal generation processes and / or energy, in order to add value in the processing chain of biomass. • Characterization of the different sources of biomass. • Study design of biomass for obtaining optimal performance. • Conversion of biomass in different formats depending on the different sectors to which it is intended biomass. Definition of the transport unit • Study the economic profitability of the logistics platform. • Comparison, from the viewpoint of the end user of the energy cost of the different types of biomass compared to conventional fuels.

Ongoing Activities Duration: 2007-2009 Call for Works: R&D Project from de Castile and Leon Investment and Services Agency. Budget: €206,377

Consortium Partners: Partners: EUROESTUDIOS, S.L , and Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.

Capability Directorate Index

Evaluation of structures using instrumentation (NDT).

Objectives This R & D project will have, as a general objective, the research and development of a methodology that is based on the use of non-destructive techniques for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the current state of the structures. • TECHNICAL SPECIFIC PROJECT OBJECTIVES. CLEAR AND CONCISE. The technical objective of the project is to develop a methodology aimed to analyze the structures using NDT. On the occasion of achieving this objective, it will be necessary to study the dynamic behavior of structures under certain conditions. The expected result after the completion of this project is to analyze a structure through monitoring and testing without destructive or partially destructive. The dynamic testing of structures and structural components non destructive, will be based on the following pillars: • Ability to generate controlled dynamic loads or actions, which will be applied to the system under study. • Use of instrumentation and specific software for each type of application that allows linking the mechanical properties of the system, with records of the latter's reply, to applied loads. • Prior accumulation of empirical experience, to establish the correlation between the properties which are obtained from the interpretation of the tests with the state of maintenance, and the need for corrective measures. This experience will be specific for each type of application, as the link between the dynamic properties and patterns of conservation will require an extrapolation to the limits of acceptable service. • Development of a software that allows a systematic and robust interpretation of the results.

Ongoing Activities Duration: 7 Month (09/16/2009-04/30/2010) Call for Project: CDTI, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Budget: € 24,100

Consortium Partners: Incosa (No partners)

Capability Directorate Index

Using aluminous slag, slag, as a result of improved screeds. screeds. Obtaining Obtaining a new product, to implement base screeds screeds and concrete pavements, with construction and demolition wastes, incorporating aluminum filler

Objectives The ultimate goal of the project was to obtain a new product for implementing, base screeds and concrete pavements, to be used in the construction of industrial buildings, and industrial activities in general, by using aluminum filler, and aggregate from construction and demolition waste, to replace natural aggregates normally used.

Ongoing Activities Duration: 2007-2009 Call for Project: Proyecto de I+D de la Agencia de Inversiones y Servicios de Castilla y LeĂłn (R&D Project from de Castile and Leon Investment and Services Agency) Budget: â‚Ź 76,802,00

Consortium Parterns: MEDIOTEC and Incosa

Capabilities Directory Index

Key information: Date of establishment: 1968 Turnover: 248,4 M € (2011) International details: Projects in more 40 countries, 150 international contracts Address: Paseo de la Habana, 138. 28036 Madrid. Phone: (+34) 914 521 200 Fax: (+34) 914 521 300 Email: Web:

Communications tools

Company’s profile For more than 40 years, Ineco has been contributing to the development of transport systems. Its business covers the aeronautical, rail, urban transport, roads and ports sectors. As an engineering and consultancy company in the group of the Spanish Ministry of Transport, it has taken part in the planning, design, execution, implementation and maintenance of many of Spain’s most important transport infrastructure projects. This experience has led Ineco to work on projects in more than 40 countries across 5 continents. Its team is made up of 3000 professionals specializing in all forms of transport. They work every day to meet its customers’ requirements. The company provides integral high-quality solutions for all stages of project development, from conceptual design to start-up and maintenance

Areas of activity • Railways: consultancy, planning, projects design, execution and supervision, operation and maintenance. Infrastructure and systems. • Aeronautics: Consultancy, planning, projects design, execution and supervision, operation and maintenance. Airports and Air Navigation Systems. • Roads: consultancy, planning, projects design, execution and supervision, operation and maintenance.

Capabilities Directory Index

Areas of R&D activity • • • • • •

Environmental-friendly transport ICT systems applied to transport Operational improvements in airports European Single Sky: SESAR Satellite Navigation applied to transport: aeronautics, road and railways. Infrastructure Monitoring

ERTMS and Rail Signaling New designs for low- cost, low maintenance, low carbon infrastructure. Safety and Security Aerodynamics in railways tunnels

Featured projects • • • • • • • • • •

TITAN: Turnaround Integration in Trajectory and Network GRAIL-2: GNSS-Based enhanced odometry for railways ACCEPTA: Accelerating EGNOS AdopTion in Aviation Armónicos: EMC in railways signaling and installations Vulcano: Methodology for prevention and early detection Cronos: ICT tool for rail planning iCECOF: ICT system for rail incidents management ACDA: Advanced continuous descent approach Secur-ed: Secured Urban Transportation- European Demonstration Aerodinámics in railway tunnels

Certificate R&D&I Management System No

Human resources 2011 Total employees: 3.158 Spain: Abroad:

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 129 Spain R&D&I:129 Abroad R&D&I: 0

Capabilities Directory Index

Turnover 2011

R&D Investiment 2011

National Total: 248 M € International Total: 15.5 M €

Total R&D&I: 5.862.493 € Nacional IDi: 4.727.569,39 € Self-financing: 3.905.622,04 € Public financing: 821.947,35 € Internacional IDi: 1.134.923,91 € Self-financing: 201.689,17 € Public financing: 933.234,74 €

Investment Evolution in R&D&I Total 2010: 5.5 M € Spain: 3.5 M € Abroad:

Total 2009: 3.5 M € Spain: Abroad:

Total 2007: Spain: Abroad:

Capabilities Directory Index

Capabilities Directory Index

TITAN Turnaround Integration in Trajectory and Network Objetives TITAN is a project led by Ineco in the 7th Framework Program in the 2008 call. The project focuses in the optimization of the turnaround process. Delays during turnaround are an important part of the total delay. There are several causes for the delays, including a very tight planning, the airport facilities, the safety and security measures and the difficulties in the handling process. The specific problems of the turnaround process have not been analyzed yet in detail. There is a clear potential for improvement, reducing or eliminating the impact of some of the factors that introduce delays in the process. In particular, those processes out of the CDM core are the most suitable for optimization. TITAN project focuses on the turnaround process and will produce and advanced operational concept including all de processes, fully compatible with SESAR Operational Concept. TITAN will develop a decision support tool for the airlines that will allow them take full advantage of this new turnaround concept. This tool will provide data also to other actors in the airports (ATC, handling, etc.)

Ongoing Concept validation Development of the tool Client: European Commission Duration: 3 years Call: 7th Framework Program, 2008, Aeronautics Budget: 710.260 â‚Ź Ineco (Total: 3.623.437 â‚Ź) Web:

Consortium Partners: Ineco (Leader), Aena, CRIDA, Isdefe, Boeing RTE, Ecorys, Blusky, Jeppesen, ISA SW, Slot Consulting, Universidad Aachen

Capabilities Directory Index

GRAIL-2 GNSS-based Enhancec Odometry for Rail Objetives Satellite Navigation technology is very promising for the use as a positioning system in ETCS applications. It will allow for low cost, high performance applications. GRAIL-2 intends to define a develondp an odometry system for ETCS, fully compatible with current TSIs. • Definition of the requirements for an GNSS-based Odometry system for ETCS. • Development of a prototype • Laboratory and on-site validation: functional and performances • Preliminary safety case and safety evaluation • Roadmap for certification

Ongoing • Prototipe development • Validation: initial calibration and GNSS environment characterization • Safety Study Client: European Commission Duration: 2 years Call: 7th Framework Program, 2009 (Galileo Program) Budget: 493.420 € Ineco (Total proyecto:2.063.624 €) Web:

Consortium Partners: Ineco (Leader), Ansaldo, Thales-Alenia Space, Adif, NSL, Alstom, AZD, IQS, REFER, Aeni

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ACCEPTA ACCelerating EGNOS Adoption in Aviation Objetives ACCEPTA (ACCelerating EGNOS Adoption in Aviation) project intends to spread the use of EGNOS in the aviation sector, focused mainly in a wide adoption of the LPV-based approaches in the European Airports were the SBAS signal is available and certified. ACCEPTA objectives go beyond the demonstrations for a single aircraft as in former projects, but it intends to foster the widespread use of EGNOS in complete aircraft fleet, easing the operational development of this system in the key market niches interested in EGNOS. The most important EGNOS applications in aviation are the improvement of accuracy and the integrity of the GPS navigation solution. Using SBAS solutions, as EGNOS in particular, you can lower decision minima during landing, easing the use of advance procedures as LPV without navigation aids. Apart from simplifying the navigation systems from airlines, airports and navigation services providers, the project will carry out specific business case analyzing costs and benefits of the use of EGNOS in real applications.

Ongoing Phase 1 has identified airports in which the LPV procedures can be implemented and CBAs have been carried out for some airlines. Phase two is devoted to equip several airlines in Europe with EGNOS equipments, 25 in total. Client:European Commision Duration: 4 years Call: 7th Framework Program. (2ª call Galileo) Budget: 4.544.346 € Web:

Consortium Partners: Ineco (Líder), Aena, Rockwell Collins, DSNA, Skyguide, Helios, NATS, ERA, EBAA, Air Nostrum, Net Jets, Brit Air.

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ARMÓNICOS Study of EMC disturbances in the railway system Objetives • To develop a national standard/norm to cope with the EMC issues in the rail infrastructure (disturbances between rolling stock and signaling installations caused by harmonic radiation) to complement European current existing norms.Rolling stock: development of clear acceptance criteria for the authorization of the rolling stock and its integration in the Spanish norms. Development of a norm to set the measurements methods and the validation criteria applicable to Rolling Stock. Infrastructure: definition of the acceptance criteria for the track circuits and substation design within the Adif infrastructure. • To propose solutions for the problem of the 50Hz in the trains that causes unavailability of the circulations.

Ongoing Test trains and track circuits instrumentation for measurements Measurements Analysis of results Drafting of norms Client: Spanish R&D Minister (Micinn) Duration: 3 years Call: National Spanish R&D Plan. Budget: 205.597,16 € (Ineco) (Total proyecto: 1.247.939,34 €)

Consortium Partners: Adif, Ineco (Leader), Elytt, Renfe, Trainelec, UCM

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VULCANO Development of a methodology of the early prevention and evaluation of fire risk in the surroundings of electric and railway lines and networks Objetives • Development of a methodology to reduce the risk of fire related to power supply and rail infrastructures. • Development of a national database for the period 199-2008. • Characterization of the power supply and railways lines in terms of the technical characteristics and its relation with the fire casuistic. • Determination of risk parameters and risk values • Development of a support system for the continuous evaluation of power supply and rail infrastructures in the whole life cycle.

Ongoing Phase 1: Study of installations and its surroundings Phase 2: Definition of the early intervention and priority of criteria Phase 3: Risk management system Client: Spanish Environmental and agriculture Minister Duration: 3 years Call: National Spanish R&D Plan Budget: 1.411.928,00 € Web:

Consortium Partners: Iberdrola Distribución (Líder), Red Eléctrica de Spain, Adif, Ineco, Universidad de Alcalá (Departamento de Geografía), Centro Tecnológico LEIA, Centro Tecnológico Agrario y Alimentario ITAGRA, Instituto de Tecnología Eléctrica (ITE), Tecnorail, Incodat y Apas.

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CRONOS IT tool for integrated planning of rail system Objetives Cronos is an IT tool developed by Ineco to assist the planning of railways lines and services in a complete and integrated manner: scheduling, timetables, signaling design, conflict detection, layouts validation. Cronos development is based in the following approach: • Expertise of Ineco in planning of railways lines • Implementation of the required functionality • Validation of the tool • Feed back Cronos is suitable for planning and designing of rail lines and services: operators, infrastructure managers and engineering companies. Main characteristics are: • Rolling stock parameters database • Rail layout database • Signaling principles

Ongoing Validation of signaling models Adaptation of Cronos for the road layout designs Client: Internal Funding Duration: 4 years Call: Internal call 2008 Budget: 550.000 €

Consortium Partners: Ineco

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iCECOF IT system for the rail operations coordination and incident management Objetives iCECOF is an application for daily management of rail operations in the Adif network in combination with Adif real time traffic management and planning tools. In a first version it was devoted to an integral and centralized incidence management. Current development: • Development of an incident management system: real-time information, post-analysis • Development of TSR (Temporary Speed restrictions) manager • Development of an application for supervision of works in the track iCECOF is develop in a modular, scalable architecture, to ease the maintenance and upgrading. It is a web-base service application. It can work in the ADIF IT framework or outside it.

Ongoing Development of the TSR manager Validation Client: Half funded by Adif Duration: 2 years Call: Internal call 2011 Budget:167.040 €

Consortium Partners: Adif, Ineco.

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ACDA ACDA (Advanced Continuous Descent Approach) Objetives Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) operations focus on erasing intermediate segments of leveled flight and in idle engine regimes which provide important environmental benefits including a reduction in the aircraft’s noise contour in the proximity of the airport and a valuable reduction in fuel consumption and emissions (CO2, NOx). Continuous Descent Operations are a currently available tool, but its application in airports is only viable in periods with low traffic density (e.g. night time). Aena and Ineco performed a first phase viability study during 2010 for medium/high density airports (Palma de Mallorca). After an exhaustive study of the implementation scenario (infrastructure and time window), as well as the analysis of the Advanced CDA solutions being currently proposed as the state of the art, the following conclusions have been drawn from the ACDA innovation project: • The solution derived from the Los Angeles (LAX) modus operandi is viable and applicable to the operational environment at Palma de Mallorca (PMI); • The solution is in line with the phases and objectives of SESAR (IP1); • The solution supports and improves the national implementation plan for CDAs at Aena; • It implies a change in the method by which ATC manage air traffic (more strategic instead of more tactical) This type of operations provide clear economic and environmental benefits to all stakeholders involved. The next step would be an innovative implementation study of these results onto a H24 operational environment like the Palma de Mallorca TMA. The main objective of the proposed project is to define an operational scenario which, with the minimum impact on aircraft and ATC, allows the implementation of Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) procedures at the Palma de Mallorca airport, fulfilling the established safety and capacity demands. The study would provide and additional solution to the CDA implementation plan of Aena, covering the needs between the CDA implementation phase and the future ATC tools provided by the ITec system and SESAR.

Ongoing Definition of the operational concept and design of procedures.Validation Client: Internal funding Duration: 2 years Call: Internal call 2011 Budget: 250.000 €

Consortium Partners: Ineco, Aena, Crida, Boeing RTE, Air Europa

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SECUR-ED Secured Urban Transportation - European Demonstration Objetives SECUR-ED Project federates, with a delegated management and in a balanced manner, major operators and top industrial integrators to enhance the security of urban public transportation in medium and large cities, through live demonstrations. Based on the best practices, in a very diverse societal and legacy environment, SECUR-ED will aggregate a consistent and interoperable mix of technologies and processes, covering all aspects, from risk assessment to complete training packages. SECUR-ED rationale is to create a global European improvement in mass transportation security through the development of packaged modular solutions validated through the demonstrations, and made available to the full community of operators. The process will follow a strict methodology to translate the threats into a system-of-systems architecture and interoperability language, as well as in assessing the results obtained. The different modules (made up of best practices, procedures, training and hardware and software) are selected and packaged with standard interfaces, ready to be integrated. Similarly standard interfaces are developed to host such modules in the legacy transport infrastructures. With a good coverage of the diverse priorities, integration is performed in the networks of four cities (Madrid, Paris, Milan and Berlin), validating the security enhancement packages, becoming a showcase of this unique European initiative. This is only the start point: a set of medium size cities will then use the above tool-kit to assess their risks and design their own solutions through adapted demonstrations, staff training to best practices, technical upgrades, etc. To amplify the process, with the support of the professional associations, the Advisory Groups (Operators, First responders and Authorities) will conduct an active dissemination of the project results to the community of urban transport stakeholders in Europe.

Ongoing • Policies, Regulation, technical guidelines and standardisation. • Overall approach for security operations • Interoperability of security capacities in public urban transport • Modeling and simulation platform • Preparedness • Information Management and Communication • Preventive and early Intervention • Training and simulation • Architecture and Interoperability Client: European Commission Duration: 4 years Call: 7th Framework Program. 2010. Security Program Budget: 139.700,00€ (Ineco) Total: 40.187.354,70€

Consortium Partners: Thales (Líder), Alstom, Ansaldo STS, ATM, Bombardier Transportation, Cea, Ctm, Dba, Eos, Edisoft, Foi, Fhg, Hco, Icc, Inov, Jrc, Rtb, Emef, Mtrs3, Nice Systems, Padeborn University, Rtp, Morpho, Emt, Sts, Sncf, Fnm Spa, Universitetet I Stavanger, Societe Des Transports Intercommunaux De Bruxelles, Tno, Technische Universitaet Dresden, UITP, UNIFE, VTT, JuliusMaximilians Universitaet Wuerzburg, INECO, G. Team Security, Axis Communications, Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demir Yollari Isletmesi Genel Mudurlugu, Elsag Datamat

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Study of aerodynamic effects in rail high speed tunnels Study of aerodynamic effects in rail high speed tunnels Objetives • Study the “piston effect” inside tunnels • Monitoring of pressure wave in high speed tunnels • Methodology for quantification of overpressure effects inside high speed tunnels The overall objective is to derive a methodology for quantification and/or prediction of the pressure wave produced by trains running at high speeds inside tunnels. The methodology is a combination between numerical models and empirical measurements. Several high speed trains and tunnels have been instrumented and data have been gathered. This data has served to characterize the effect as well as to calibrate the models. The methodology will allow Ineco to improve the design of tunnels as well to certificate according to the TSIs.

Ongoing Measurements in long tunnels Study of the sonic boom effect Study of the pressure wave effects in tunnel installations Client: Internal funding Duration: 3 years Call: Internal call 2009 Budget: 630.000 €

Consortium Partners: Ineco

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SAVASA Análisis estandarizados de archivos de imágenes Objetives El proyecto SAVASA propone la creación de una plataforma de búsqueda de archivos de vídeo que permitirá a usuarios autorizados realizar búsquedas semánticas sobre archivos de video diferentes, remotos y no interoperables. Este proyecto explotará las actuales tendencias en visión artificial, búsqueda en vídeo y análisis semántico de imágenes. Otro objetivo del proyecto es asegurar que sus resultados se pueden implementar en sistemas distribuidos como servicios de software. En este tema es muy importante abordar cuestiones éticas y legales, e implicar a los usuarios que deben operar los sistemas de video vigilancia para cumplir las necesidades tanto de las fuerzas de seguridad, agentes judiciales, agentes de protección civil, etc. Los miembros del Consortium de SAVASA cubren algunos de estos roles tan importantes. Como núcleo inicial, SAVASA utilizará tecnologías TIC ya existentes que haya superado la barrera de la compatibilidad y la interoperabilidad entre sistemas. El proyecto implementará una plataforma prototipo capaz de demostrar una integración unificada de archivos y una aproximación a una búsqueda común e indexada. El proyecto dará como resultado también un conjunto de herramientas analíticas de análisis semántico de video que proporcionará un alto valor añadido para los usuarios finales, pero que también funcionará bajo requisitos legales y éticos. El proyecto proporcionará un análisis de barreras existentes y requisitos de estandarización de tecnologías y procedimientos a través de las pruebas y validación en la plataforma prototipo con los usuarios finales.

Ongoing Definición de requisitos de usuario y diseño de la plataforma Técnicas de búsqueda. Client: Comisión Europea Duration: November 2011/June 2014 Call: Convocatoria programa de Security 2011 (7º Programa Marco) Budget:259.000 €


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Key information: Date of establishment: 1960 Turnover: 104M € International details: Dominican Republic, Australia Address: c/ Rafael Calvo, 3, 28010 Madrid. Phone: (+34) 915 923 900 Fax: (+34) 915 923 901/02 Email: Web:

Company’s profile Engineering company specialized in infrastructures: airports, roads and railways, architecture, ports and coasts, water treatment plants, etc

Areas of activity Planning studies, projects, and construction management of all kind of infrastructure: airports, roads and railways, ports and coasts, buildings, and water treatment plants (waste water, potable water and desalination)

Areas of R&D activity Initec Infraestructuras (Tecnicas Reunidas Group) has a constant presence in national and international cooperation in R & D. The following are the most relevant. PARTICIPATION IN NATIONAL AND EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORMS As a member of TECNICAS REUNIDAS,INITEC INFRAESTRUUCTURAS is a founding partner of European Technological Platform SMR (Sustainable Mineral Resources), focused on the modernization and restructuring of a pillar of the European economy such as the European Mining Industries in its full extent, comprising the extraction of oil, gas, coal, metals, industrial minerals, ornamental stones, aggregates, foundries and engineering and technology providers in these fields. Its objectives are: • Increase economic benefit through added value and the implementation of European policies • Create social and environmental benefits • Promote R & D in this field. Mobilising private and public partners.. TECNICAS REUNIDAS belongs to MATERPLAT platform manager whose aim to develop a suitable framework for cooperation between companies, universities, technology and research centers interested in promoting the development and application of advanced materials and nanomaterials. The objectives of this platform are:

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• Encourage the development of policies and strategies for public-private partnerships which MATERPLAT Platform meeting provides a forum to enhance cooperation between all the players in the science, technology and bussines • Have a medium to long term, as well as an innovation strategy, identifying business needs and developing the agenda of actions to address the challenges of customers, markets and environment. • Advance the analysis, identification and selection of technological and industrial priorities of the materials and their transformation processes and the scientific and technical development and applications of nanomaterials.

Featured projects • Aquacell (FP VII): An innovative technology platform for the enhanced treatment of industrial wastewaters achieving cost reductions, electricity generation and enabling water reuse for non-potable applications. • Greenlion (FP VII): Advanced manufacturing processes for Low Cost Greener Li-Ion batteries. • Cerampol (FP VII): CERamic and POLymeric membranes for heavy metal and drug wáter purification. • Biomine (FP VI): Biotechnologies for Metal bearing materials in Europe. • Bioshale (FP VI): Search for a sustainable way of exploiting Black Shale Ores using • Biotechnologies. • Cleanlead (FPIV): Developing a new concept “Clean-Lead” factory for Europe • PIBARE (Brite Euram III Programme): Novel Process to recover by-products from the pickling baths of stainless steel • LEREFLEOS (Brite Euram II Programme): Lead recovery from lead oxide secondaries • MZP (Raw Material & Recycling Programme): Recuperation of Zinc from Secondary • Materials • CENIT TRAINER. “Development of a new technology of intelligent autonomous regeneration of materials” • CENIT LIQUION, “research on ionic liquids technologies for industrial applications” • CENIT AZIMUT “Offshore Wind Energy 2020” • INNPRONTA ITACA “research treatment technologies, reuse and control for the future sustainability of water purification”

Human resources 2010 Total employees: 268 Spain: Abroad:

Turnover 2010 National Total: 15.271.935 € International Total: 88.299.016 €

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 2 Spain R&D&I: Abroad R&D&I: 0

R&D Investiment 2010 Total R&D&I: 270.123 € Nacional IDi: 270.123 € Self-financing: 270.123 € Public financing: Internacional IDi:

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AQUACELL An innovative technology platform for the enhanced treatment of industrial wastewaters achieving cost reductions, electricity generation and enabling water reuse Objetives Water treatment by bacterial micro batteries and power generation

Ongoing INITEC scope: Development of the cathode and design of the demonstrator. Duration: 2 years (2010-2011) Call: FP7-SME-2010. Project No. 262040 granted Budget: Total investment (all partners): â‚Ź1,060,581. INITEC Investment: â‚Ź462,33

Consortium Partners: Consortium: 9 European partners (companies, universities and research centers)

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GREENLION Advanced manufacturing processes for Low Cost Greener Li-Ion batteries Objetives Lithium battery development for cleaner and cheap electric vehicle applications based on the use of chemicals in water soluble, thermally stable, and free of fluorides.

Ongoing INITEC scope: Recycling technologies development of all components of the batteries Duration: 4 years (2011-2015) Call: Project No.: GC.NMP.2011-1-3.1.3-1 GC.ENV.2011, GC.SST.2011-7.7. Project No. 285268 granted Budget: Total investment (all partners): â‚Ź 9,827,910. INITEC Investment: â‚Ź 632,500

Consortium Partners: Consortium: 16 European partners (companies, universities and research centers)

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CERAMPOL CERamic and POLymeric membranes for heavy metal and drug wáter purification Objetives Development of nanomembranes active systems, filters and absorbers of stable surfaces intended for efficient management of industrial water

Ongoing INITEC scope: Development, integration and validation of the systems developed to purify and enhance the flows of water. Duration: 4 years (2012-2015) Call: Project No.: NMP.2011.1.2-3. Project No. 280995 granted Budget: Total investment (all partners): € 4,851,255. INITEC Investment: € 648,076

Consortium Partners: Consortium: 9 European partners (companies, universities and research centers)

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CENIT TRAINER Development of a new technology of intelligent and autonomous regeneration of materials Objetives The objective of the TRAINER project is to research and develop of technologies that will produce materials that recover their initial properties after suffering an impact or internal damage. This activities are aimed to the synthesis of starting materials, the development of different autonomous regeneration techniques and their implementation in different materials to finally apply the developed products to different industrial sectors. New materials get a triple impact: product cost savings, convenience, safety and prevention.

Ongoing • Research on corrosion inhibitors with self-repairing properties for aluminum and steel alloys • Synthesis and corrosion inhibitors obtaining self-repairing properties • Research on methods for the incorporation of inhibitors in the protection systems of alloys (chemical deposition processes and electrochemical) • Research capacity self-healing or self-repairing of inhibitors • Study of the mechanisms of self-repair of inhibitors • Processes environmentally friendly (no hexavalent chromium, etc.) Budget: Presupuesto TR: 1.416.882 €

Consortium Partners: Consortium ACCIONA INFARESTRUCTURAS Participating Companies: Acciona Infraestructuras, Tecnicas Reunidas Tolsa Cyes, Repsol, Boeing, Steelcase AND Socinser

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LIQUION Research on ionic liquids technologies for industrial applications Objetives The consortium, led by Maier, S. COOP., will focus on researching ionic liquids and their technologies to obtain metal coatings and other applications (lubrication and green chemistry) Future involving disruptive leap in the development of new products in its technical and economic parameters to ecological sustainability of their processes.

Ongoing • Extraction and purification of metals via ionic liquids • Eletrodeposition of metals with high electrochemical potential that can not be deposited in an aqueous medium • Redox flow batteries with ionic liquids Budget: Presupuesto TR: 2.731.033 €.

Consortium Partners: Consortium Leader: MAIER (belongs to the Mondragon Corporation) Major companies in the consortium: Maier, Cognis, Cegasa, Derivados del fluor, TECNICAS REUNIDAS, Abengoa Solar, Fuchs LubricantEs, Boeing, Concentrol, Laasem Industries.

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AZIMUT Offshore Wind Energy 2020 Objetives Investigate technologies to the development of a 15 MW offshore wind turbine whose CoE is equal / similar to onshore, an availability of 98%.

Consortium Partners: LĂ­der del Consortium: GAMESA Participating Companies: Gamesa, Alstom Wind, Acciona Windpower, Acciona Energy, Iberdrola RENOVABLES, Ingeteam, Imatia, Ingeciber, DIgSILENT, TRIZ 21, TECNITEST and ITECNICAS REUNIDAS

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ITACA Research treatment technologies, reuse and control for the future sustainability of water purification Objetives The ITACA project’s main objective is researching on new concepts of treatment technologies for industrial and urban wastewater that permit, in an efficient and sustainable manner, converting the current treatment process into a reuse strategy, a use of substances , products and waste, and energy recovery, minimizing impacts on the natural environment.

Ongoing Integrate and validate the various technologies developed in the project to refine and enhance the waste generated, in order to obtain value-added products. Budget: Presupuesto TR: 2.869.161 â‚Ź.

Consortium Partners: Consortium Leader: ADASA Participating Companies: ADASA, DEISA, Tecicas Reunidas, DCI, AQUALIA, Idener, CESPA, JAP, DAM AND Ciclus BCN

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Key information:

Date of establishment: 1965 Turnover: 33,5M € International details: Alemania, Mónaco, Bélgica, Francia, Hungría, Malta, Noruega, Holanda, Polonia, Rumanía, Reino Unido, Rusia, Suecia, Suiza Address: c/ Santa Leonor, 32 – 28037. Madrid. Phone: (+34) 915 673 800 Fax: (+34) 915 673 801 Email: Web:

Communications tools

Company’s profile INTECSA-INARSA, is a privately owned, Spanish engineering consulting company, founded in 1965 by a small number of technicians with extensive experience in the design and execution of works. On March 15, 2007, Intecsa-Inarsa, joined the SNC-Lavalin Group in Europe, which allows the firm to take on large-scale challenges in infrastructure works and industrial facilities worldwide. The firm’s continual growth has placed Intecsa-Inarsa among Spain’s leading and most widely diversified engineering consultancies giving it a strong, prestigious international presence. Constant updating and innovation enables the firm to offer customized solutions based on the latest technology, the firm’s own capabilities, and the support of the Group.

Areas of activity • Transport Engineering: Roads and motorways, high-speed and conventional railways, airports, building concessions, operation and maintenance of transport infrastructure. • Urban Planning and building: Homes, offices, hospitals, educational and research centres, prisons, residential, commercial and industrial developments, logistics platforms. • Earthworks and underground works: Geology and geotechnics, structures, tunnels and underground works. • Industrial Engineering: Industrial facilities in the energy sector: pipelines, compressor stations, conventional and cryogenic technology storage tanks, power stations, transformer stations, high, medium and low voltage power grids. “Turnkey” Projects • Water engineering:

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Defence infrastructure, regulation and storage, transportation and distribution infrastructure, sanitary engineering, Planning and management of water resources Water planning, management of water resources, groundwater, climate change adaptation Port and marine engineering: Sea and river ports, and oceanography and coastal works, Environment and land management Environmental Assessment, environmental restoration, resource management (waste, soil)... noise, air quality, rural and territorial development

Areas of R&D activity Intecsa-Inarsa is firmly committed to technological innovation, which it continuously incorporates into methodologies and calculation systems, while participating in specific innovation projects for the development of advanced technology solutions aimed at solving the new engineering problems to meet the needs and demands of the firm’s customers. As part of Intecsa-Inarsa’s strategic decisions, we consider R & D + i as a set of inter-related activities that create a culture of innovation throughout the company. Incentives for staff are also based on their creativity and ability to learn new skills. Innovation is increasingly based on many forms of knowledge. Part of the technological knowledge of the company is in the R + D + i department, which not only is responsible for conducting research activities in order to develop new or enhance existing technology, but also plays an important role in technological surveillance. We also consider a more subtle, but no less important kind of knowledge, which is outlined in the following areas: the worker in his job, the worker in the group, the worker in the company, the company with other companies and the environment in which the company operates. We consider that each of these relationships is a source of knowledge that can help solve some of the problems in technological and business innovation. We are integrated in the environment in which we operate and we belong to different associations.

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Featured projects

• UPWELLING (Study and research of oceanographic conditions for the quantification of upwellings of continental origin) • COMPULSORY PURCHASE (Design and Development of an Innovative Web-based Application for Compulsory Purchase Management) • LIDAR (research and development project of a geomorphological and airborne mapping using laser and hyperspectral cameras)

Human resources 2010

Human resources devoted to R&D

Total employees: 401 Spain: 401 Abroad:

Total R&D&I: 21 Spain R&D&I:21 Abroad R&D&I: 0

Turnover 2010

R&D Investiment 2010

National Total: 26.900.000 € International Total: 6.500.000 €

Total R&D&I: 1.550.746 € Nacional IDi: 1.550.746 € Self-financing: 1.186.971 € Public financing: 363.775 Internacional IDi: 0

Investment Evolution in R&D&I Total 2009: 1.281.478 € Spain: 1.281.478 € Abroad:

Total 2008: 1.123.455 € Spain: 2.372.768 € Abroad:

Total 2007: 2.372.768 € Spain: 2.372.768 € Abroad:

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COMPULSORY PURCHASE Design and Development of an Innovative Web-based Application for Compulsory Purchase Management Objetives Expropriations management is a complex, poorly integrated process. A compulsory purchase order can have hundreds of inventoried subsidiaries plots which must be monitored or follow an administrative process, defined by each Administration, consisting of passage through different stages along which documents and information of very diverse nature are generated (physical, legal, tax data, etc.) related to each of the plots inventoried. To streamline compulsory purchase management, INTECSA-INARSA, SA aims to develop a software tool that automatically generates documentation for compulsory purchase management proceedings depending on the processing to be followed. Therefore, the objective of this project is to design and develop an online compulsory purchase management application to facilitate the monitoring and control of all documents related to compulsory purchase cases. Thus, it will provide comprehensive document management, and meet other equally important functions for the processing of files, such as automatic document generation.

Ongoing The project activities to be carried out can be divided into the following phases: Phase I: Entering the basic alphanumeric data: In this first phase, the alphanumeric data concerning the following are entered: Records Owners Properties: the following information on properties is entered: • General data • Owners / Occupants • Liens • Preliminary • Order • Occupation • Mutual agreement • Separate piece • Jury • Administrative Litigation • Record and observations • Property registration and observations • Data and observations • Land

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Phase II: Property calculation modules. In a second phase, the property calculation module will be designed and developed for: • Payment of money. • Valuations • Default interest calculation module. Phase III: Development of reports and document management • Listings and reports • Orders • Documents • Properties • Documents Phase IV: Structure and link with basic GIS Structuring and linking with the basic GIS will be done in a user-friendly way. The following applications will be included: Plan of the plots affected by the order, relating them to a one-one correspondence, using the property identification code with the alphanumeric data • Zoom • Preloaded entities • Print map • Spatial Filters • Display orthophotos • From GIS Phase V: Advanced GIS • Zoom by each consultation • Labels (contextual) of configurable maps • Map printing facilities • Map export to various formats • Alphanumeric-GIS relationship • From alphanumeric • From GIS Duration: 2 years Call: AVANZA I + D 2009, Spanish Ministry of Industry Budget: 896.143,63 €

Consortium Partners: INTECSA-INARSA S.A

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Research and development project of a geomorphological airborne mapping system using laser and hyperspectral cameras Objetives The main objective of the project is the research and development of new technology applicable in the field of engineering, through geomorphological mapping and through the combined use of laser sensors and airborne hyperspectral cameras. The thematic priority is the research and technological development of analytical models and experimental techniques to realistically simulate the behaviour of structures and the terrain on that supports them. This case addresses the terrain more specifically. The following specific objectives must be reached to achieve this overall objective: • A rapid deployment, high-performance team especially suitable for covering large areas and/or for working immediately after the occurrence of catastrophic or extreme events (river floods, sea storms, shipping accidents, etc.) • Equipment capable of obtaining information in inaccessible or almost inaccessible areas, or in those areas where it is not possible to acquire information by other methods (usually terrestrial and/or marine and river environments) • Simultaneous acquisition of topographic, bathymetric, photographic and hyperspectral information that is of value for engineering and construction applications • Support the necessary coastal engineering and port and maritime fieldwork in general, through the provision of information unobtainable by conventional systems • Support the construction of coastal and port facilities, and general maritime works • Support the necessary river and dam engineering field work, through the provision of information unobtainable by conventional systems • Support the construction of dams and reservoirs and river works

Ongoing The major activities to be carried out are: • Sensor Certification • “Boresight” flight • Calibration of sensors • Field support for in-flight tasks • Flight to work pilot area • Flight data acquisition • Quality control “in situ” • Flight back to the base • Data Processing • Results generated from the combined use of the data acquired by the LIDAR and hyperspectral camera

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The description of each of these activities is as follows: 1. Sensor Certification: approval by the competent authority for the installation of the sensor on the flight deck. This task consists of obtaining the certificates issued by the aviation authorities so that the necessary sensors can be fitted to the aircraft. In particular, noninterference with flight equipment systems 2. “Boresight” Flight: Check the installation of equipment on the flight deck 3. Calibration of the sensors: by means of a calibration flight, checks are made to ensure that the information provided by the sensors end corresponds to the information “groundtruth” 4. Field support to the in-flight tasks: establishment of GPS measurement points, transmission of differential correction, obtaining real dimensions to be taken after the flight (wide field, sports field type, roof ridge, corners of a building, etc.) 5. Flight to the work pilot area: transport to nearby airport 6. Data acquisition flight: exploring the study area through successive fly-overs –subject to flight plan– with the various sensors arranged on the flight deck 7. “In situ” data quality control and verification that the LIDAR and hyperspectral camera objectives of the flight were achieved: check the coverage obtained, the suitability of the information quality obtained, etc. 8. Flight back to base: travel from the nearby airport to base airport 9. Data processing: unloading, cleaning, data editing and generation of digital elevation models (DEM) and hyperspectral imaging 10. Generation of results from the combined use of the data acquired by the LIDAR and hyperspectral camera: mapping, images “draped” on mapping, generation of terrain profiles, information about the quality of beds, information about water quality, etc.. Duration: 1 year Call: CDTI 2007, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Budget: 854.032,12 €

Consortium Partners: INTECSA-INARSA S.A

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SUBMARINE GROUNDWATER DISCHARGES Study and research of oceanographic conditions for the quantification of submarine discharge of water of continental origin Objetives The project’s aim is to find freshwater resources in coastal areas of the Mediterranean, where increased population (permanent and seasonal) continuously demands more water, while the availability of natural resources and cannot be expanded further. The main objectives of the project are: • Identify and quantify these underwater freshwater sources and provide a tool for planning action and sustainable management of an overall basin • Get the data needed to define and test the most appropriate assessment techniques, through carefully designed inter-comparison experiments

Ongoing According to the objectives outlined, and based on the study of the information available, the work to be done could be divided into the following groups of activities: • Compilation and analysis of background information • Selection of potentially anomalous areas • Oceanographic studies: temperature and salinity measurements and current characterization, seabed and sub-seabed measurements • Campaigns using airborne sensors, and recorders to sensitive thermal infrared radiation • Hydro-geological studies • Anomaly inventory • Information processing and handling • Mathematical modelling, validation and application • Final Report The description of each of these activities is as follows 1. Compilation and analysis of background information, because studies pointing in this direction have been made since the 1980’s 2. Selection of potentially anomalous areas, based on a critical evaluation of the available background information 3. Seasonal oceanographic studies to locate submarine groundwater discharges “in situ”, and to provide data for numerical modelling 4. Campaigns using airborne sensors to capture environmental electromagnetic radiation with special emphasis on the thermal infrared band 5. Detailed hydrogeological study, which provided a modification to the regarding groundwater flow scheme traditionally supported in that environment 6. Inventory of thermal anomalies, checking whether they are also saline anomalies, in which case their flows are investigated

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Ongoing 7. Complex meta-oceanographic numerical interaction modelling of currents and water flows of continental origin to locate upwellings and their associated flow Duration: 3 years Call: PCDTI 2009, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Budget: 2.831.018,50 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: INTECSA-INARSA S.A

Capabilities Directory Index

Key information: Date of establishment: 1970 Turnover: 38 M € (2011) International details: Saudi Arabia, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, Portugal, Rumania, Senegal, Turkey Address: c/ General Díaz Porlier, 49. 28001. Madrid. Phone: (+34) 911 211 700 Fax: (+34) 914 021 609 Email: Web:

Communications tools

Company’s profile INYPSA is an independent multidisciplinary engineering and consulting group focused on the integrated management of all types of projects throughout the world. Founded in 1970, and with a team of more than 250 professionals, the company is constantly searching for and implementing best practices to provide infrastructures and public services in the most efficient, cost-effective and sustainable way for society.

Areas of activity • • • •

Water, Energy and Environment Transport Infrastructure Service Management Geoinformation and Territorial Development

Areas of R&D activity Information Technology (Information Systems, Component Design, automated quality control) and Soil Science (Soil Classification) applied to geographic information systems. Construction Technology (Civil Engineering Works Organization, land use, housing and prefabricated buildings). Energy Technology (energy, non-conventional energy sources) in the field of solar energy. Social Change and Development (Technology and Social Change) for developing countries.

Capabilities Directory Index

Featured projects • SIDERAM (Detection and Monitoring System Irrigation) • SIVAC (Artificial Vision System Applied to Quality Control of Public Roads) • SRACT (Advanced Playback System Dimensional Screenshots)

• SIGEDIM (Integrated System for Detection, Tracking and Aid Management • Defence Fire and mitigation)

• SGDM3D (Document Management System Model D graphics) Patents National Patent Application 201031558

Certificate R&D&I Management System IDI-0010/2009 UNE 166002:2006

Human resources 2010 Total employees: 273 Spain: 273 Abroad:

Turnover 2010 National Total: 62,12 € International Total: 6.500.000 €

Deducciones fiscales IDi Yes

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 34 Spain R&D&I:34 Abroad R&D&I: 0

R&D Investiment 2010 Total R&D&I: 1.196.787 € Nacional IDi: 1.196.787 € Self-financing: 593.451 € Public financing: 603.336 € Internacional IDi: 0

Capabilities Directory Index

SIGEDIM Integrated System for Detection, Monitoring, Prevention and Mitigation of Forest Fires Objetives The general aim of this project is to develop an innovative, effective, operative and sustainable system to allow early warning and fire detection in the environment. The system can monitor forest fires on the territory, manage the media for fire protection and mitigate its impact on forest ecosystems. The general objective is based on the following specific technical objectives: 1. An improved access to the current data of satellite constellation for Earth observation. We will work on two axes: • The selection of the most effective distributors of satellite images on forest fires to coordinate new administrative and technical protocols to access their data. • The definition and implementation of new interfaces for selection of the study area, the date range selected, and the types of sensors used. Quick Looks obtaining on-line and downloading of the selected images. 2. The generation of new methods for analysis and extraction of information useful in the management of defense media against fires from the satellite images. Research on new algorithms more efficient in the segmentation of the spectral, spatial and temporal data focusing on the immediate acquisition of the information needed for human and technical means management against forest fires. 3. Development of new management procedures for prevention of forest fires using the satellite information extracted according to the above objectives. This includes all actions aimed for mitigation of the effects of forest fires.

Ongoing Development of the prototype system Duration: 01/07/2010-30/06/2012 Call: CDTI - Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Budget: 789.448 â‚Ź Web:

Consortium Partners: Regional Development Institute (IDR) UCLM)

Capabilities Directory Index

SRACT Advanced Reproduction System of 3D Captures Objetives The goal of this project is to start up an Advanced Reproduction System of 3D Captures, allowing the implementation and validation of an experimental prototype consists of an advanced system of 3D captures and operational procedures related to point cloud reconstruction, surfaces generation and display and object classification. For this reason, it was made the research and development of: 1. A subsystem for the reconstruction of incomplete data from the point cloud from a previous scanned to obtain a grid of points regardless of the software used, with the provision required to achieve the expected results in the following phases of the project. 2. A subsystem for the generation of detailed and simplified surfaces from point cloud. From this moment with an optimized grid created from any playback system of point clouds, we will work on the study of all sorts of objects, buildings and structures. 3. A subsystem for displaying high-resolution surfaces that could be represented in different platforms regardless of the original model. 4. A subsystem for the selection, classification and cataloguing of structural elements presented in the point cloud. SRACT system allows multiple applications to all types of sectors and industries, assuming that the user can visualize, visit and interact virtually with different environments in real- time. The user also can get and enter information for future studies and share them with other interconnected agents.

Ongoing Duration: 2009-2011 Call: AVANZA I+D- Spanish Ministry of Industry Budget: 760.453 â‚Ź Web:

Consortium Partners: Digital Jokers Mobile S.L., Universidad PolitĂŠcnica de Madrid

Capabilities Directory Index

SGDM3D Document Management System for 3D Graphical Models Objetives Research and development of a prototype document management system of three- Research and development on a document management system for 3D graphical models in fixed and mobile devices. The main objective is to obtain a software that represents 3D shapes obtained of point cloud from laser. The software can also display the shapes on different devices (from computers with widescreen displays to mobile devices with smaller screens and minor resolution) in accordance with the real proportions of the original object, building or structure maintaining a perfect correlation of the data with the original model. It can use them as models for buildings to obtain a complete or detailed experience of a “virtual tour” and can be used in different fields such as conservation, restoration and tourism. This requires the research and the development of a management system which allows the cohabitation of 3D models and documentation for dynamic content management. SGDM3D project is an innovative project mainly because it is designed as an engine capable of the management of complex 3D human and / or architectural models applying the logic of computer processors and mobile devices. SGDM3D will minimize the information needed to work with this kind of models.

Ongoing • Development of the beta • Validation of the prototype Duration: 01/01/2010-31/12/2011 Call: CDTI Interempresas Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Budget: 553.083 € Web:

Consortium Partners: Digital Jokers Mobile S.L.

Capabilities Directory Index

SIVAC Mach Artificial Vision System Applied to the Quality Control of Urban Streets Objetives The project objective is to develop a new vision system applied to the quality control and the management of incidents on public roads. This system allows a vehicle to transmit from a central unit in cabinet, take sample tests visual standard residues / contamination levels and the location, size and characteristics of points (located at UTM coordinates) of spontaneous accumulation of waste Urban roads (called “black spots”). Specific objectives: • Development of existing machine vision technology (closed industrial environments or static perimeters) adapted to automatic sampling routes public (open and dynamic environment). • Assessment of visual sampling through the development and conversion of visual samples such numerical indicators of incidents and waste on the road public. • Transmission of each sample visual, numerical and geographical position in time Real to a control (data room) from a mobile device (in vehicle). • Integration of the samples in a real-time geographic system (GIS). The results or • improvements expected to get with the mobile vision system management incidents and control of waste on public roads are: • Location continuous and real-time incidents arising in public. • objectivity when assessing contamination levels and priority collected. • Performance effective municipal services in different incidents that impact in cleaning up the city: - Sporadic accumulations of waste. - Presence of trash and debris. - Home Furniture and fixtures abandoned. - Dog excrement. - Containers works telesacos, etc In short, the new system aims to develop new technologies for urban sanitation and quality of life in cities.

Ongoing Duration: 2008-2010 Call: CDTI - Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Budget: 1.017.600 € Web:

Consortium Partners: Fundación Bosch i Gimpera de la UB (Subcontratación)

Capabilities Directory Index

SIDERAM Detection and Monitoring Irrigation System Objetives Research and Development, with subsequent immediate deployment of an innovative system for detecting and tracking irrigated compared including irrigation patterns detected over time with those accepted by current regulations in each area and plot. It also allows you to define the actual evapotransporación each crop at different critical times in their phenology and contribute decisively better management of water resources in a demand component as important as is the use in the Rural Irrigation. Consortium This system of detection and tracking of Irrigation Management and Support in Rural Areas, will be oriented to the control of the irrigated areas as management support, including at plot to plot, this crucial resource for improving farmers’ income and, in general, more sustainable socioeconomic development in Rural Areas. This project is consistent with the Framework Directive 2000/60 of the European Union (Framework Directive Water Sector), whose basic objectives are focused on ensuring the quality of inland waters, protect and restore groundwater and conservation of protected areas . Also improved irrigation techniques and the consequent increase of development, sustainable rural, setting the population in the wild, is also within the overall objectives of the European Spatial Development. This is the research and development of a flexible irrigation Detection and Tracking based on satellite imagery. Should be investigated initially: 1. systematics of satellite imaging in an efficient, by direct connections to servers catalogs images of different distributors, both private and public. Also, in parallel with the above will be investigated: 2. obtaining better algorithms for the extraction and comparison of profiles radiometric compatible with different irrigated crops, developing the timely multispectral classifiers that take into account the time variable, thus obtaining multitemporal classifiers based on identification of phenology specific to each crop. As an added result of this methodology is able to: 3. Kc obtain profiles of each crop and an estimate of your current evapotransporación real. 4. Finally, the development of a multimedia system for making available to the farmers this information would result in better management of available water, ultimately in improved performance of both the exploitation and management of environment.

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Ongoing Duration: 2008-2010 Call: CDTI - Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Budget: 780500 â‚Ź Web:

Consortium Partners: SIGTEL

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Key information: Date of establishment: 1983 Turnover: 9,5M € International details: Chile, Peru, Portugal, Algeria, Poland, Bolivia, Colombia, Cape Verde, Angola and Mozambique. Address: P.I. La Hiniesta, C/ Alto Albillera, parcelas 7 y 8. Zamora. Phone: (+34) 980 557 080 Fax: (+34) 980 517 476 Email: Web:

Communications tools

Company’s profile INZAMAC HOLDING is composed by several national and international companies with a wide range of activities such as engineering projects, technical assistance, construction quality control, quality and geometric geotechnical surveying, software development, town planning, Quality Systems Prevention and safety and remote sensing. Inzamac has been offering all these activities during 29, and they are reinforced guaranteed thanks to a training policy consisting on internal and external training transferring. knowledge and accumulated experience. R&D is also present in the Holding Activities. R&D Activities are constantly carried out in all the activities. Its business cartography covers the main Spanish communities, Europe, Africa and South America.

Areas of activity • Construction laboratories • Geotechnics • Technical asístanse in transport infrastructures, hydraulic Works, town planning edification, etc. • Energy services company • Health and safety services • Food Health Laboratories • Consultancy, certification, agrifood consultancy, integral consultancy and socialogy consultancy. • Training • Renewable Energy

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Areas of R&D activity • • • • •

Transport infrastructures Industry and Energy Building and town planning Environmental Technology services

Featured projects • VIALCyL, Sustainability and safety in road infrastructure. Deployment of new technologies for the construction, maintenance and sustainable management and safe on the roads of Castilla y León • DEPOLIGEN, Energy efficiency in buildings of “zero emission” through improvement of energy demand, the poly-generation and the management of energy• • CONREPOL, Utilization Waste polymer in cementitious composites “

Deducciones fiscales IDi Yes

Human resources 2010

Human resources devoted to R&D

Total employees: 163 Spain: 163 Abroad:

Total R&D&I: 13 Spain R&D&I:13 Abroad R&D&I: 0

Turnover 2010

R&D Investiment 2010

National Total: 8.996.521 € International Total: 577.974 €

Total R&D&I: 514.132,19 € Nacional IDi: 514.132,19 € Self-financing: 359.892,53 € Public financing: 154.239,66 € Internacional IDi: 0

Investment Evolution in R&D&I Total 2009: 193.443.03 € Spain:100 % Abroad:

Total 2008: 373.927,65 € Spain: 100 % Abroad:

Total 2007: 271715.52 € Spain: 100 % Abroad:

Capabilities Directory Index

VIALCyL Sustainability and safety in road infrastructure. Deployment of new technologies for the construction, maintenance and sustainable management and safe on the roads of Castilla y León Objetives Research in new technologies applicable to the improvement of the sustainability and safety of the processes of construction, management and maintenance of road infrastructure in Castilla y León.

Ongoing Work packages: • New paintings and painted methodologies repainted for the passive safety intelligent roads • New fluxes for winter road • New agglomerate high adherence and new exterior, tunnels and embankments • Mortars cycle analysis methodologies in life time in construction, conservation and management of the road infrastructure • Methodologies for intelligent analysis of road incidents in real time • Methodologies for prediction of road safety • Intelligent monitoring of singular points methodologies • Methodologies transmission of sensory data and information real time drivers Duration: April 2009 / June 2012 Call: Programa de Impulso en sectores Estratégicos Regionales (PRIMER) del Plan Adelanta de la Junta de Castilla y León (convocatoria 2009) Budget: 7.124.531,16 €

Consortium Partners:

Capabilities Directory Index

DEPOLIGEN Energy efficiency in buildings of “zero emission” through improvement of energy demand, the poly-generation and the management of energy Objetives The overall objective of this project is to investigate and develop technologies that allow to get buildings, districts, and tertiary industry of “zero emission” or residential neighbourhoods. To this end, will develop new systems for reduction of energy demand in buildings, new polygeneration systems that integrate systems of high efficiency and low impact (geothermal, gas, hydrogen) with renewable energies (photovoltaic and thermal solar, small wind and biomass), and new demand management systems. In addition, as overall result will be achieved a methodology of analysis and implementation technical and industrial extrapolated to any place in the E.U., that is technically and economically affordable by the companies involved.

Ongoing Duration: July 2010 / December 2013 Call: Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, 2008-2011. Subprograma INNPACTO 2010. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Budget: 5.902.904,42 €

Consortium Partners:

Capabilities Directory Index

CONREPOL Utilization Waste polymer in cementitious composites Objetives The The overall objective of this project is the evaluation of various polymeric waste (PEs and PVCs mainly), from recycling plants, through their physical-chemical treatment and its subsequent addition to cementitious composites with the ultimate goal of obtaining the following possible commercial applications of concrete: • Semi-structural lightened concretes, insulating capacity improved, to be used as the core of sandwich • Panels intended for example for precast enclosures, retaining walls, etc. • Semi-structural concretes of high ductility and toughness, to be used as New Jersey barriers or similar roads. • With improved adhesion repair mortars, to be used in rehabilitation of buildings and infrastructures.

Ongoing Duration: June 2011 / May 2013 Call: Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, 2008-2011. Subprograma INNPACTO 2011. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Budget: 1.937.285,47 €

Consortium Partners:

Capabilities Directory Index

Capabilities Directory Index

Key information: Date of establishment: 2003 Turnover: 10M € International details: Poland, Morrocan and Brazil Address: c/ Claudio Coello 52, 1ª Planta. 28001, Madrid. Spain Phone: (+34) 914 261 715 Fax: (+34) 915 752 901 Email: Web:

Company’s profile KV is a company with more than 150 professionals. We specialize in developing all aspects of Engineering and Architecture Projects. We have multidisciplinary teams and solid partners, who enable us to give fast and comprehensive responses to the different needs presented to us, thus obtaining optimal solutions from both a technical and an economic point of view. Our constant endeavor to integrate new technologies with advanced working methods is the reason why we have achieved the degree of growth and specialization we now enjoy.

Areas of activity KV develops its work in areas such as transportation, water and the environment, building construction, as well as technology and systems. KV changes at the pace of new technological developments and we anticipate future market needs, allowing us to offer our clients the innovative and specialized services.

Areas of R&D activity The R&D&i area has three departments: • Infrastructures that use the company’s specific sector Know-How to participate in the latest technological developments for surface transport and the design ofthe associated infrastructures. • Energy is focused on the development of research projects in relation to renewable energies with a strong civil engineering component and improving energy efficiency in different fields of • activity. • Environment works in the preservation and sustainability of natural resources, natural water treatment technologies and to attenuate / mitigate climate change effects.

Capabilities Directory Index

Featured projects Our goals are to design secure and efficient infrastructures, promote the sustainability of natural resources and improve the quality of life in our society. Currently R&D&i projects are being developed at a European, domestic and local level for energy efficiency in buildings, offshore wind energy, transport terminal safety and natural water treatment technologies..

Certificate R&D&I Management System With the goal of diversifying and optimising the R&D&i activities within the company, R&D&i Management System (in accord with the UNE -166002:2006 legislation) has been implemented by KV and has been certified by AENOR organisation.

Human resources 2010 Total employees: 87 Spain: 87 Abroad:

Turnover 2010 National Total: 10M € International Total:

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 6 Spain R&D&I:6 Abroad R&D&I: 0

R&D Investiment 2010 Total R&D&I: 500.000 € Nacional IDi: 500.000 € Self-financing: 350.000 € Public financing: 50.000 € Internacional IDi: 0

Capabilities Directory Index

SEGTRANS Safety in Transport Terminals Objetives The project’s main objective is to research, develop and validate various innovative technologies related to security against deliberate actions that may affect transport terminals. In this way, new protection systems are developed, a validation of the security level is it also performed to both the proposed new systems as the existing protection systems commonly used in this type of critical infrastructure.

Ongoing Duration: 3 years Call: Technology Funds Program of CDTI, Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial” (Centre for Technologic Industrial Development) Budget: 4,000,000 €

Consortium The consortium is composed of three entities: County of Los Monegros (coordinator), Ebro River Hydrographic Confederation and KV consultores. The project has the support of the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology National Research Council (CSIC).

Capabilities Directory Index

CREAMagua Creation and restoration of aquatic ecosystem to improve water quality and biodiversity in agricultural basins Objetives 1. The reduction of inorganic nutrients.(nitrate and phosphate)and salts of agricultural runoff using ecosystem structures(westland and river forest) 2. Biodiversity improvement in agricultural areas degraded by the intensive agricultural use.

Ongoing Duration: 4 years Call: European Commission. LIFE + program. Life+ 2009. Budget: 2,000,000 â‚Ź

Consortium The consortium is composed of three entities: County of Los Monegros (coordinator), Ebro River Hydrographic Confederation and KV consultores. The project has the support of the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology National Research Council (CSIC).

Capabilities Directory Index

EMERGE Research and development of offshore wind generation system at deepwater Objetives The main goal of the project is to obtain the necessary technological knowledge for the design of floating supports for wind turbines and assess their feasibility in order to extend and lead the construction of offshore wind farms in deep water.

Ongoing Duration: 2 years Call: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation 2008-2011. Budget: 2,000,000 â‚Ź

Consortium KV Consultores is part of the consortium, led by Iberdrola, with the participation of wind power promoters, wind turbine manufacturers and companies for electrical connection, for the design of environmental studies and the civil and naval construction. The consortium members are Acciona, Alstom-Ecotechnics Robotiker, IREC and Universities of both Cadiz and the Basque Country.

Capabilities Directory Index

Capabilities Directory Index

Oficina Técnica de Estudios y Control de Obras S.A Key information: Date of establishment: 1971 Turnover: 21,2M € International details: Colombia, Peru and Costa Rica, Satellites Abroad. Thanks to the SICE network, we are supported in Greece, Honduras, Morocco, United States, Australia, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Portugal, United Kingdom and Venezuela. Address: c/ Guzmán el Bueno, 133 – Edif. Brittania – 1º Plta. Madrid. Phone: (+34) 915 352 210 Fax: (+34) 915 353 742 Email: Web: /

Communications tools

Company’s profile OFITECO Oficina Técnica de Estudios y Control de Obras S.A.) is a consultant engineering company offering a wide range of services in the fields of Water and the Environment, and Transport Infrastructure. Ofiteco stands out from the rest as a result of its extensive experience in the field of Instrumentation and Structure Monitoring. Since it was established in 1971, OFITECO has been constantly focused on innovation so we can discover the most suitable techniques and methodologies for better management of safety and risk prevention in major infrastructures (linear works, underground works, tunnels, viaducts, dams, reservoirs and channels), as well as in the management of natural hazards, such as floods and earthquakes. Since 2008, the company has been part of the ACS Group, via SICE: Sociedad Ibérica de Construcciones Eléctricas, S.A.

Areas of activity Water and Environment: • This includes services and works performed by OFITECO in the areas of river engineering, river restoration, water mass control and monitoring, environmental studies, identification and management of floodable areas, flood prediction and warning systems, remote control and management systems of water resources, dam and reservoir safety management, dam surveillance and monitoring, and operation and maintenance of hydraulic infrastructures. Instrumentation & Systems: • We are specialised in the design, supply and installation of instrumentation and remote control systems applied to civil works monitoring, the monitoring of hydrological systems, weather observation, and the implementation of seismic monitoring, emergency and public warning systems. We also have suitable resources for providing the technical assistance services required for the maintenance and remote management of these installations.

Capabilities Directory Index

Areas of R&D activity Infrastructures: • We produce outline proposals and construction designs for roads, highways, high-speed rail and underground lines. We conduct inspections and load tests on structures to analyse their behaviour. We provide control and surveillance of construction works, and quality control and monitoring projects for underground works. New Instrumentation Technologies: • The aim is to seek innovative applications which, based on the use of new instrumentation and communication technologies, make it possible to discover the most suitable techniques and methodologies for better management of safety and risk prevention in major infrastructures (roads, train lines, tunnels, viaducts, dams, channels, nuclear power stations, underground works, etc.), and in the management of natural hazards (floods, earthquakes, etc.). Dam and Reservoir Safety Analysis: • This includes the results of studies and research into the development and implementation of technological tools which help to improve the analysis and interpretation methods of the data and information generated in the various operation stages of a dam, and, thus help the appropriate authorities to produce more suitable and effective safety actions and measures, which prevents catastrophic financial and social consequences. Decision-Making Support Systems: • It seeks optimisation of both remote control equipment which collects hydrological and hydraulic information and computer systems which process and manage it to analyse the state of catchment areas or pipeline systems in real time, and their reaction over the following hours or days, when there are adverse meteorological phenomena. The team’s experience and opinions are essential for adapting processing and calculation algorithms to international state of the art, to the particular requirements of every environment, in order to monitor, warn, if necessary, and advise the entities responsible for the management of water resources in decision-making, in short horizons connected with floods or in longer periods of time, to optimise hydroelectrics, irrigation or consumption, as well as to disseminate data of public interest effectively via web servers.

Featured projects • • • • • • • • • • •

Information system, management control and dam monitoring data analysis R&D for the instrumentation of viaducts using fibre-optic technology Study of dam safety and identification of risk scenarios using intelligent systems Changes in Alpine river systems over the last 3,000 years and risks of flooding associated with climate variability and soil uses Real-time monitoring system with remote data management via a Web Service Automatic semistatic monitoring system of the stress state of bridges Dynamic measurement of unitary deformations of road surfaces using fibre-optic sensors Autonomous data transmission system for the control of flooding on train lines. Earthquake early warning system for high-speed train lines Seismic monitoring network of major structures

Capabilities Directory Index

Featured projects • Development of tools for the analysis of stability on slopes with potential risk to critical infrastructures (XLIDE) • Experimental development of an intensive system in information and communication technologies for comprehensive risk management and dam and reservoir safety

Human resources 2010

Human resources devoted to R&D Total I+D+i: 21 Spain I+D+i : 21 Extranjero I+D+i: 0

Total employees: 189 Spain: 186 Abroad: 3

Turnover 2010

R&D Investiment 2010

National Total: 20.761.221 € International Total: 430.000 €

Total R&D&I: 938.769 € Nacional IDi: € Self-financing: 938.769 € Public financing: - € Internacional IDi: 0

Investment Evolution in R&D&I Total 2010: 938.769 € Spain: 938.769 € Abroad:

Total 2008: 448.446 € Spain: 448.446 € Abroad:

Total 2007: Spain: Abroad:

Capabilities Directory Index

Capabilities Directory Index

DAM ANALYSIS AND SAFETY Information system, management control and dam monitoring data analysis Objetives This project focuses on the design and development of tools for dam instrumentation and monitoring with three lines of research: • Sensors to detect leaks • Storing and managing the data collected from the sensors • Classification of the state of the dam based on the information furnished They complement each other to attain the overall objective of identifying risk scenarios in advance so that the relevant institutions can prepare suitable safety actions and measures to avoid catastrophic financial and social consequences.

Ongoing This project’s business objective is to provide a comprehensive system for the management of information collected from a dam and later characterisation of its behaviour to establish appropriate actions by responding to demand in the Spanish market for the maintenance of major dams, and, therefore, the need for early detection of abnormal situations in its performance, thus increasing safety for the population and the surrounding environment. This system could be exploited by selling or hiring it, or as a consultancy service, aimed at various sectors in the market, such as: dam owners, consulting in hydraulic engineering, instrumentation and telecommunication industry and academic sphere. Duration: 2 years Call: N.A

Consortium Partners: OFITECO

Capabilities Directory Index

DEZA ANSO R&D for the instrumentation of viaducts using fibre-optic technology Objetives Design and installation of an instrumentation system for monitoring fibre-optic sensors on a large scale in viaducts. The design and installation of a monitoring system using fibre-optic sensors on a large scale in viaducts is a clear example of the R&D performed in OFITECO, in which scientific and technical knowledge (on diffraction gratings) is transferred for use, in this particular case, for monitoring rail structures. Well-established knowledge of diffraction networks is being applied to improve the technology of the construction processes and maintenance of rail structures, using a different measurement scale to other known applications.

Ongoing MAIN USES The technological and business impact is considerable, since it will make it possible to monitor the state of structures more reliably than is currently possible using conventional strain gauges or other sensors exposed to electromagnetic interference and time drifts. The use of diffraction gratings, which is quite a mature technology, for this application will enable the company to offer reliable monitoring services and open up new markets. This design will give OFITECO valuable experience with a high dose of innovation. Duration: 2 years

Consortium Partners: Ofiteco

Capabilities Directory Index

SEPRISIS Study of dam safety and identification of risk scenarios using intelligent systems Objetives To define criteria for the use of intelligent systems in the analysis of the safety of embankment dams and for supporting decision-making. The general project objective is to establish a methodology to analyse the safety and potential risk of the dam using analysis techniques based on neural networks (NN). To implement this project the latest technological advances were used in the numerical modelling of dams using the finite element method as a generator of initial data and of critical risk for the neural model. The project managed to develop criteria upon which a practical methodology can be constructed when applying NN technology in the processing and interpretation of monitoring data. The result of the project is a non-marketable prototype of the system, but validated in a pilot case.

Ongoing MAIN USES Loads have been obtained to establish the structural response of the whole and identify the points with the most stress, and, if applicable, with the most deterioration of the dam’s concrete, which makes it possible to predict risk scenarios. Neural networks: Output files have been created to feed a system of neural networks, especially so that it can operate in the short-term when the available monitoring data is not numerous. The calculation tools developed offer results for the magnitudes described at the measurement points, and, in general, at any point in the body of the dam or the land if necessary, and they generate the files a neural network needs to use to create an automatic calculation system capable of analysing and predicting the structure’s behaviour Duration: 2 aùos Call: National Plan of Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011. Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (now the Ministry of Science and Innovation)

Consortium Partners: OFITECO (coordination), Polytechnic University of Madrid, CIMNE (International Centre of Numerical Methods in Engineering), Pontificia de Comillas University

Capabilities Directory Index

FLUVALPS Changes in Alpine river systems over the last 3,000 years and risks of flooding associated with climate variability and soil uses Objetives Our research activity on Alpine river variability commenced in 2001 with Feodor-Lynen Research Fellowship funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Despite a previous collaboration network over many years, in December 2006, the FluVAlps research group was established to understand the river and geo-ecological dynamics of high mountain environments and to contribute data, in particular from natural archives, to the field of the potential effects of climate change. The main activity is the FluVAlps-plus Project (Sensitivity of Alpine Rivers to Global Change: High-resolution paleoenvironmental records and modelling of extreme flood events in the Swiss Alps) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Sciences. However, several members of the group coordinate or participate in other research projects on paleoclimate, paleoenvironment, Quaternary science, interactions with the human environment and natural hazards in a wide range of mountain regions (e.g. Alps, Andes, Pyrenees, Sierra Nevada) and in lowlands (e.g. Betic Neogene basins, Ebro basins, Mediterranean coast).

Ongoing Duration: 2007-2009/2009-2011 Web:

Consortium Partners: OFITECO, University of Barcelona, University of Bern, Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya (Weather Service of Catalonia), CSIC, OFITECO, Schmidt Information and Webdesign

Capabilities Directory Index

NARCEA VIADUCT Real-time monitoring system with remote data management via a web service Objetives Developing a real-time continuous monitoring service during the construction of the VIADUCT OVER THE RIVER NARCEA. A-63 OVIEDO – LA ESPINA HIGHWAY. SECTION: DORIGA – CORNELLANA. To be precise, the rotations of pier heads, internal stresses of the concrete and thermal gradients are controlled.

Ongoing Real-time monitoring of major structures is another safety element. On the one hand it prevents the structure from collapsing, and, on the other, it verifies the design calculation hypotheses during execution. The Web data management, storage and display service allows the various agents involved in the project to control the state of the structure in real time

Consortium Partners: OFITECO

Capabilities Directory Index

ABBAS IBN FIRNAS Automatic semistatic monitoring system of the stress state of bridges Objetives Development of an automatic stress monitoring system of a cable-stayed bridge in construction phases and during service. Measurement of stresses using sensors based on electrical (106 channels) and vibrating wire (6 channels) strain gauges, in addition to temperature sensors (14 channels). Automatic conditioning and acquisition using programmable logic controllers.

Ongoing MAIN USES Existing systems in the market are oversized for project requirements as far as acquisition rate is concerned. The semistatic system significantly reduces the cost of projects involving a large number of stress measurement channels using strain gauges with relatively low requirements, with reference to the acquisition rate Duration: 1 years

Consortium Partners: OFITECO

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CEDEX SURFACES Dynamic measurement of unitary deformations of road surfaces using fibre-optic sensors Objetives In parallel to the traditional instrumentation of road surfaces performed by Ofiteco for Cedex (a civil engineering research agency), the use of fibre-optic strain gauges has been introduced for the dynamic measurement of actions due to the passing of vehicles on the surface, successfully overcoming the difficulty of installing these sensors in such aggressive temperature and mechanical deformation conditions.

Ongoing MAIN USES Given the intrinsic advantages of fibre-optic sensors based on Bragg diffraction gratings, the instrumentation of road surfaces is an obvious field of application due to its lack of time drifts, radio-electronics and the passivity of the optic fibre against external agents, such as humidity, oxidation, etc. They consequently represent progress compared with conventional electric sensors and are a clear alternative to them. Duration: 6 months

Consortium Partners: Center for Public Works Research and Studies (CEDEX)

Capabilities Directory Index

LEVEL MEASURING DEVICES FOR FLOODS Autonomous data system for the control of flooding on train lines Objetives The purpose of the project is the implementation of a surveillance network which can permanently and automatically detect the appearance of excessively high water levels at certain line passing points where these levels pose a risk for the transit and operation of the lines. The remote station’s sensor elements are a pressure probe and a temperature sensor so water level and temperature values can be recorded reliably. Various warning levels can be defined. For an early warning system, data transmission systems offered by mobile telephone networks are used, both public and privately-owned by the railway line. The remote station can be configured to automatically send alerts by GPRS and/or SMS and interrogate data recorded by GPRS. It is also possible to use the twisted pair and fibre-optic lines used for the signalling system. To make the system more versatile, it can be configured for different electricity supply methods, with a choice between replaceable batteries (during the maintenance service), grid supply or solar power system.

Ongoing MAIN USES The main uses of the flood control system described are as follows: • Advance warning of the possible obstruction of the track due to floods. • Advance warning of the possible washing away of soil and disappearance of ballast. • Remote measurement of water levels via channels and wells with automatic data transmission.

Consortium Partners: OFITECO

Capabilities Directory Index

HSL EARTHQUAKE EARLY WARNING SYSTEM Earthquake early warning system for high-speed train lines Objetives The purpose of the project is the implementation of an earthquake warning system which operates automatically and can be integrated in the rail line signalling system. The increase in the speeds of high-speed trains means that even just a few centimetres of damage to the tracks can have serious consequences for the stability of trains. Seismic events can cause permanent transverse deformations which lead to these channels.

Ongoing MAIN USES There are two focuses in the design of an early warning system for train lines These are the front-detection system, on the one hand, and the on-site system, on the other. The system Ofiteco offers includes both focuses. As an automatic system, it is capable of generating unmanned warnings and of interacting with centralised traffic control for the video wall display of seismic event warnings and the distribution of affected track points which exceed defined thresholds, stating which are the points that endanger passenger safety.

Consortium Partners: OFITECO

Capabilities Directory Index

XLIDE Development of Tools for the Analysis of Stability on Slopes with Potential Risk to Critical Infrastructures Objetives To develop a new tool which can analyse and control the safety level of critical infrastructures vis-à-vis the stability of slopes in the surrounding area. To provide a complete engineering service which provides all the information the operators of these infrastructures need to detect, monitor and analyse possible landslides. The methodology to be developed comprises the effective incorporation of new monitoring systems, verification of them using advanced numerical models and the use of modern interpretation methods. To include the developed methodology in the operation and maintenance programme of critical infrastructures

Ongoing The innovative nature of the XLIDE project does not lie in the development of a new monitoring system nor in the concept of an algorithm to analyse the stability of slopes, but in defining criteria to determine the most suitable monitoring, establishing the link between the data required to define the safety level of the slope and the type and precision of the data to be obtained from the monitoring. This innovation also lies in the development of a complete methodology which can not only analyse the causes and the process of the landslide, but also its effects so that any risk it may pose can be analysed, taking into account the latest advances in the technology of numerical models, monitoring systems and interpretation methods. The activities performed during the project are: • Review of the state of the art on: wave generation modelling methods in reservoirs due to landslides, slope monitoring systems and methods of interpreting slope behaviour. • Selecting, preparing and obtaining data from pilot cases. • Modelling methods. Study approach: test plan for physical models; test campaign in physical models; development, calibration and validation of numerical modules; use of new calculation codes in a pilot case. • Optimisation of monitoring techniques (laser, radar, topography, piezometers, inclinometers, seismographs, load cells and crack monitoring). • Interpretation methods to be applied to pilot cases, assessment of data obtained, costbenefit analysis. • Development of criteria and methodologies, producing solutions for operation and maintenance. • Discussion and validation of project results. Duration: 36 months Call: INNPACTO, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Budget: 1.016.109,47 €

Consortium Partners: OFITECO, CIMNE, UPM, IG. Other Collaborators: ADIF, Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro (Water Authority of the Ebro River Basin), Leica Geosystems.

Capabilities Directory Index

SEISMIC MONITORING SYSTEM Seismic monitoring network of major structures Objetives This project represents a pioneering model of microearthquake measurement to monitor possible reservoir-triggered seismicity. Seismicity records, combined with data on the operational processes of dams, allow us to relate the influence of the variation in the level of stresses associated with the reservoir load with the seismicity recorded. Two key aspects of the system are the use of very-high resolution seismic instrumentation, and the configuration of a network with field-based stations characterised by very low level cultural and natural noise which minimises and standardises the detectable magnitude threshold and reduces location uncertainty, with optimal hypocentral precision for this type of study.

Ongoing MAIN USES Besides the high detection precision, this project is innovative in its use of a wide area network based on long-range TCP/IP radio links (above 30 km) and redundant communication using GPRS tunnels to maximise the availability of data for realtime monitoring of any detected seismicity. Data are sent continuously in real time to the earthquake warning system of the IGN (Spanish Geographical Institute), as well as to other control centres. The data generated by this network are analysed by the IGN’s earthquake warning system, which is responsible for discriminating the seismic events that have occurred. A seismic operator, specifically for the analysis of this network, analyses and catalogues seismic events in the area of interest to locate correlations with the operational states of reservoirs. Apart from microearthquake information to obtain precise data on location, magnitude and event origin time, a measurement system for controlling the sliding of slopes towards

Capabilities Directory Index

reservoirs is installed. This system is based on the differential acceleration measurement, both in plan and at depth, with borehole accelerometers installed at various depths so we can monitor relative movements of the various earth layers. As many sensors as there are layers with varying stability can be installed at the same site. These sensors are referenced dual stations with simultaneous triaxial speed and acceleration measurement. The 10 seismic stations in the reservoir environment are connected with a Communication Centre where the seismic stations are linked with the communication backbone.


MAIN USES As described, the system is used for the specific monitoring of reservoir-triggered seismicity, but it can also apply to any situation in which monitoring of local seismicity is required, especially when this seismicity can affect the safety of major structures, power stations, energy resource extraction processes, etc.

Consortium Partners: OFITECO

Capabilities Directory Index

DAM ICT Experimental development of an intensive system in information and communication technologies for comprehensive risk and safety management in dams and reservoirs Objetives To design, develop and validate a new tool to collect, manage and analyse data for dam monitoring which enables end users to manage and monitor the reservoir via the Internet. To design a comprehensive communication system which makes it possible to send sensitive data safely and redundantly from dams and reservoirs to remote control centres, thus solving communication problems in areas surrounding reservoirs due to particular relief and environmental features, as well as those problems derived from man-made acts that are difficult to detect if there is no surveillance system and suitable monitoring. To design a computer tool that is capable of monitoring, analysing and interpreting the data obtained and transforming it into useful information so that users can be fully aware of the safety level, dam behaviour and system status. This software will include the development of statistical models for interpreting monitoring data.

Ongoing The product to be developed, a system that relies heavily on information and communication technology, for the comprehensive management of risk and safety in dams and reservoirs, will denote significant progress in the sector, by defining a communication system that guarantees total coverage, regardless of location, environmental, relief, and anthropic factors, etc. This is achieved by means of an exhaustive analysis of the new technologies available in the sector of telecommunications applicable to the management of water containment infrastructures. The result will be a new design enabling the automation of data collection, and which has a unique architecture due to its features. The activities are as follows: • In-depth review of the current situation in dam/reservoir systems, identifying the technologies currently used for risk management and the use of hydrological data. Field measurements will identify the telecommunication services available in the various scenarios, extracting conclusions in terms of service quality. There will also be an assessment of the risks dam/reservoir systems are exposed to today.

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• Including all the requirements applicable to the comprehensive communication system for data collection and management. A review of regulations which apply to risk management in dam/reservoir systems will also be included. This will determine the features the new monitoring and surveillance system should offer, based on the best technology currently available and taking into account the constant updating of applicable national, European and international legislation. • Study and selection of communication technologies applicable to different cases and circumstances which can be found in dam/reservoir systems. This ranges from technologies required for the automation of data collection to those which provide a connection with remote control stations. • Development of software which enables the collection, management and analysis in real time of a wide range of parameters and data on the safety of dams and reservoirs based on established requirements and the conclusions extracted from previous phases. • A pilot system will be implemented and established in an actual dam/reservoir environment to check that the work carried out in previous phases has been performed correctly and is applicable in practical contexts. Duration: 30 months Call: INNPACTO Budget: 927.997,00 €

Consortium Partners: OFITECO, ITACA. Other Contributors:Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar (Water Authority of the River Jucar).

Capabilities Directory Index

Key information: Date of establishment: 1970 Turnover: 53,2M € International details: Address: c/ Valportillo Primera, 22-24. 28108 Alcobendas. Madrid. Phone: (+34) 917 280 524 Fax: (+34) 935 648 900 - 917 290 499 Email: Web:

Communications tools Corporate brochure [EN] [EN] Presentación Corporativa

Company’s profile Bureau Veritas’ engineering services division. The company has operated in the Spanish market for more than 40 years and is one of the main engineering companies in Spain, leader of the market. With branches in Portugal and France, offers worldwide high-quality civil engineering services.

Areas of activity • • • • • • • •

Airports Railways Tunnelling Roads and motorways Urban development Hydraulic engineering Waste treatment engineering Ports and coastal

Areas of R&D activity • Waste treatment engineering • Tunnel construction • Construction materials testing

Capabilities Directory Index

Featured projects • Inert matter classification technology

Patents Procedure to eliminate inert matter from organic waste in urban waste treatment plants

Certificate R&D&I Management System UNE EN 166.002:2006

Human resources 2010 Total employees: 699 Spain: 699 Abroad:

Turnover 2010 National Total: €49.2M International Total: €4

Deducciones fiscales IDi No

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 4 Spain R&D&I:4 Abroad R&D&I: 0

R&D Investiment 2010 Total R&D&I: 0,2M € Nacional IDi: 0,2M € Self-financing: 0,2M € Public financing: Internacional IDi: 0

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INERT MATTER Inert matter classification system Objetives To develop a system that separates the inert matter that exists in urban organic waste. The technology uses a floating system in the anaerobic digestion process. The inert matter that ends in anaerobic digesters can be reduced significantly, enhancing the process overall efficiency

Ongoing Duration: 3 aĂąos Budget: 0.2M â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: Paymacotas

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Capabilities Directory Index

Key information: Date of establishment: 1971 Turnover: 14,5M € International details: Colombia and Bolivia Address: c/ General Yagüe, 39, 28020 Madrid. Phone: (+34) 913 454 565 Fax: (+34) 915 714 361 Email: Web:

Communications tools Corporate brochure

Company’s profile We are an engineering and architecture independent consulting company. We carry out projects, technical assistances and we provide training and engineering and architecture services, specially in transport and energy field. Established in 1971, our headquarter is located in Madrid, in an independent building, and delegations in Bogota (Colombia) and La Paz (Bolivia) PROES collaborates with a wide range of public institutions (local and national administrations and public companies) and private institutions. We hold the following certifications: Environmental Management, Quality and I+D+i and Occupational risk Risks, UNE-ISO 14001, UNE-ISO 9001, UNE-ISO 166002, respectively and Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series, OHSAS 18001.

Areas of activity Our main sectors of activity are Land and Maritime Infrastructures, Environment and land organisation, buildings, technical assistance and rehabilitation. We have a high qualified staff of 120 professionals, more than 70 per cent of them with an university grade. Some of our staff members are University Teachers. PROES has a mulitdisciplinary nature and a wide international presence. Maritime infraestructures, Land infraestructures, Energy, Rehabilitation and maintenance, Environmental engineering and land planning, Architecture and structures, Hydraulic works and installations

Capabilities Directory Index

Areas of R&D activity PROES holds the UNE 166002 R+D+I Management System certification. Research, Development and Innovation in: • Technology of construction and engineering of structures and port infrastructures • TICS in the construction (simulation and navigation systems) security and safety (accidents prevention). • Technology related to energy field, specially non conventional sources of energy of oceanic origin. PROES uses the newest technologies available and participates in training programs, regulated and development ones, as well as renewing the technical standards to be applied in different fields of civil engineering. Development of our own original calculation software.

Featured projects PROES is actually developing six R+D+i projects, in collaboration with other public and private organizations: 1. Port security management. 2. Reliability of port structures. 3. Integrated management of the transportation chain. 4. Simulation methods used for the optimization of port operation. 5. Leaders in oceanic renewable energies (Ocean Leader). 6. Design of the adjustments to strengthen the stability of jetties in muddy grounds (AREDIS).

Certificate R&D&I Management System PROES holds the UNE 166002 R+D+I Management System certification.

Human resources 2010 Total employees: 131 Spain: 120 Abroad: 11

Turnover 2010 National Total: 9.641.000 € International Total: 4.820.000 €

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 35 Spain R&D&I:35 Abroad R&D&I: 0

R&D Investiment 2010 Total R&D&I: 1.722.500€ Nacional IDi:1.722.500 € Self-financing: 605.000 € Public financing: 1.117.500 € Internacional IDi: 0

Capabilities Directory Index

SASEPORT Integrated management system for safety and security in ports Objetives The objective of this project of R+D+i is to elaborate a methodology to manage in an integrated way the safety and security of ports incorporating within a software of easy handling and a telematic system of communication to transmit to the implied organizations what to do once the predicted action plans are activated. The main objective is to elaborate a methodology that allows to manage risks in an integrated and unique way, extending its bases of action to any risks arising in the ports field, including any other affected outer areas.

Ongoing Is next to its end, after its third year of execution. Duration: 3 years. Call: P-53/08 project, financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the National Plan of Scientific research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011 Budget: 2.666.467,88 â‚Ź Web:

Consortium Partners: Authorities of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, University of Granada, University of Carlos III of Madrid and PROES Consultores, S.A.

Capabilities Directory Index

FEP Reliability of port structures Objetives FEP is an R+D+i project, attached to the Ministry of Public Works and Economy. The aim of this project is the optimization of the reliability of port and maritime infrastructures different phases of their lifetime: construction, conservation, repair and dismantling. It operates within a framework of extreme and exceptional work conditions, acting as forcing agents: the oceanic (waves and sea level) and atmospheric (wind, pressure) ones.

Ongoing It is their last year Duration: 3 years. Call: Project P-50/08, funded by de Ministry of Science and Innovation, within the National Plan of Scientific Research, Technologic development and Innovation 2008-2011. Budget: 2.932.341,41 â‚Ź Web:

Consortium Partners: Port authority of GijĂłn, Tino Stone Group, S.A., University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Granada and PROES Consultores, S.A.

Capabilities Directory Index

GIRCAT Integrated management of risks in the transport chain Objetives The aim of this project is to elaborate a methodology of unique and integrated management of security, safety and protection in the transport chain, regarding any illicit or unlawful action (terrorism, delinquency, etc). This methodology may be compliant with the regulations in force and incorporated to software of easy handling for the organizations using it and establishing a telematics system of communication that allows transmitting to the organizations involved in the protection plans, what to do once the plan is activated.

Ongoing It is its second year of execution, next to its end. Duration: 2 years y 6 months. Call: CIT-460000-2009-020, financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the National Plan of Scientific research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011 and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Budget: 670.417 â‚Ź Web:

Consortium Partners: BB&J Consult, S.A. University Rey Juan Carlos I and PROES Consultores, S.A.

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Optimization of the port operation by means of simulation techniques Objetives The project develops a software tool for port managers and concessionaires to help them to take decisions about land planning, space planning, traffic control, investments, etc, on the basis of the optimization of the port operation by means of techniques of numerical simulation.

Ongoing It is its second year of execution and it is next to its end. Duration: 2 years y 6 months. Call: CCIT-460000-2009-021, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, within de National Plan of Scientific Research, Technological development and Innovation 2008-2011 an co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Budget: 1.080.717 â‚Ź Web:

Consortium Partners: Port authority of BahĂ­a de Algeciras, University of Granada and PROES Consultores, S.A

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OCEAN LIDER Leaders in oceanic renewable energies Objetives The objective of project is to systematize the main marine operations required for the installation, manoeuvring, maintenance and dismantling of the systems of oceanic renewable energy efficient, according to the different structural typologies giving support to them. The purpose of this project is to obtain a methodology for a unique and integrated management of risks in the field of security, safety and protection, and incorporate the analysis of the management to critical situation answers.

Ongoing This project is ending its second year. Duration: 3 years Call: CEN-20091039, financed by the Centre for the Industrial Technological Development, within Call 2009 of the Subprogram of support to National Strategic Consortia for Technical Research (CENIT-E), within the frame of the National Plan of Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011. Budget: 29.754.648 â‚Ź Web:

Consortium Partners: Leader: Iberdrola Ingenieria y Construccion In collaboration with twenty enterprises, amongst which PROES is the third major enterprise regarding the budget awarded, with its Department of Terminals an Exploitation and Environmental Engineering, as well as several universities and research centres: over 45, PROES

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AREDIS Design of adjustments to strengthen the stability of breakwaters in muddy soils Objetives The main objective of this project is to develop techniques to confront the problematic of designing breakwaters with slope in those regions where the soil is catalogues as low quality or low resistant because of being composed by fine materials (clay and slime). In order to get that aim, it carries out tests in physical model, and with those results they study possible practical solutions to the current problems of design of breakwaters in muddy or cohesive soils, presenting solutions focused on foundations and the settlement of structures. Furthermore, several recommendations concerning their use in engineering field will be reported.

Ongoing This project is in its initial phase Duration: 2 years Call:IDI-20110464 (IBEROEKA IBE-20100043), funded by the Centre for Industrial Technological Development, within the second joint call for Research projects, Technological development and innovation, bilateral México-Spain (Program IBEROEKA-CYTED) Budget: 333.027 € Web:

Consortium Partners: Leader: ALEPH Ingenieros Consultores, S.A. de C.V. In collaboration with: PROES Consultores S.A. Area of Maritime Works, Department of Port Engineering, University of Granada and National Autonome University of México (UNAM)

Capabilities Directory Index

Key information: Date of establishment: 1970 Turnover: 90M € International details: USA - California, USA-Texas, Mexico, Panama, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Portugal, Ireland, Algeria, Egypt, Romania, Qatar, India. Address: Avda. de Burgos, 12, Plta. 16, 28036 Madrid Phone: (+34) 913 025 280 Fax: (+34) 913 024 663 Email: Web:

Company’s profile PROINTEC was founded in 1970, and is a leader and international reference in diverse sectors such as engineering, technology and architecture, as well as in consultancy related to infrastructure, town planning, and the environment. Additionally, it is the leading company of an important group which consists of a total of 1,200 professionals.

Areas of activity • • • •

Transport (roads, railways, ports, airports and infrastructure consultancy) Environment and water Energy and industry Town planning, architecture and construction.

Areas of R&D activity Railway applications, aeronautic, energy and hydraulics.

Capabilities Directory Index

Featured projects • Development of oxygenation method of reservoir water for human consumption • Development of a sludge removal system in water treatment stations to solve draining problems. • Study to develop artificial golf surfaces • Hydrogen generation from solar energy

Certificate R&D&I Management System Yes

Human resources 2010

Human resources devoted to R&D

Total employees: 1.441 Spain: 1.046 Abroad: 395

Total R&D&I: 27 Spain R&D&I:27 Abroad R&D&I: 0

Turnover 2010

R&D Investiment 2010

National Total: 90M € International Total: 38% de la facturación total

Total R&D&I: 1.694.000 € Nacional IDi: Self-financing: 1.694.000 € Public financing: Internacional IDi: 0

Investment Evolution in R&D&I Total: 2.501.000 € Spain: Abroad:

Total 2008: Spain: Abroad:

Total 2007: Spain: Abroad:

Capabilities Directory Index

Development of oxygenation method of reservoir water for human consumption Objetives To develop a method which allows the increase of oxygen levels in water that comes from a reservoir to a Water Supply Treatment Plant. To achieve this, a system of aeration cascades was put in place during the route of the water, allowing for the increase of the amount of oxygen in the water.

Ongoing Phase 1: • Analysis of the initial situation • Feasibility studies of various solutions Phase 2: • Development of selected solution • •esting and trials • Implementation Duration: 7 Months Call: March 2010 Budget: 53.000 € Web:

Consortium Partners: Prointec

Capabilities Directory Index

Development of sludge removal system in water treatment stations to solve draining problems Objetives To increase the performance of a Water Supply Treatment Plant to be more efficient and offer increased quality to the hydro resources that it processes. To achieve this, this project focused its research efforts on increasing the sedimentation tank capacity so that the sludge line could work at peak performance.

Ongoing ilot Study Diagnostic of existing problems in the plant Development of siphoning /settling system Testing Call: January 2010 Web:

Consortium Partners: Prointec

Capabilities Directory Index

Study to develop artificial golf surfaces Objetives The objective of this project is to design a system and construction sections for golf facilities which allow the use of artificial surfaces in golf fields and practice areas. From a sustainability viewpoint, the study aims to achieve a significant reduction in the water consumption of these facilities, and considerable energy savings in materials and expensive maintenance in comparison to traditional surfaces.

Ongoing • • • •

Phase 1: Investigation of current situation and definition of requirements Phase 2: Development of a computational model Phase 3: Study of material for implementation Phase 4: Improvement of construction elements, prototypes and testing

Call: October 2010 Web:

Consortium Partners: Prointec

Capabilities Directory Index

Hydrogen generation from solar energy Objetives To develop a hydrogen production system adapted to the requirements and conditions existing in a heliostat power plant of medium temperature. This new system leverages the surplus of the plant for the direct production of H2 and therefore could accumulate the surplus heat. To execute this project, PROINTEC has researched with piezoelectric materials and an electrolyzer system for producing hydrogen from water vapor coming from heliostat power plants of medium temperature.

Ongoing • • • •

Phase 1: Pilot study and definition of system requirements Phase 2: Materials study and piezoelectric cell design Phase 3: Design and prototype of Hydrogen Rotation Generator Phase 4: Design of the steam supply and the power conditioning circuit

Call: January 2009 Web:

Consortium Partners: Prointec

Capabilities Directory Index

Key information: Date of establishment: 1975 Turnover: 10,7M € International details: Mexico (PROSERME) Address: c/ Torregalindo, 1, 28016 Madrid. Phone: (+34) 913 530 690 Fax: (+34) 913 530 691 Email: Web:

Company’s profile PROYECTOS Y SERVICIOS, S.A. (PROSER), is a consulting company in ten field of civil engineering, establishment in 1975. They compose a select group of engineers specialized in all the disciplines relative to the fields of Civil Engineering (infrastructures of transport, urban development and land planning, hydraulic works and water management, architecture design, construction management, construction supervision) and of the Engineering of Environment (plans of cleaning, urban and industrial purification, arrangement and defines of natural means, environmental impact, etc.).

Areas of activity • • • • • •

Roads Railway Urban transport Hydraulic works Bridges and other structures Construction supervision

Areas of R&D activity PROSER undertakes R&D projects internally and in collaboration at both national and European levels. PROSER also acts as a relevant agent in general activities to promote R&D in the building sector. The R&D activity of PROSER is specifically aimed at the needs perceived in the building market in those processes relating to its main activity and to transfer these experiences to it. With this objective, it participates actively in those initiatives that are oriented along priority action lines

Capabilities Directory Index

Featured projects • URBAN TUNNELS. “New assessment, design and performance methodologies for tunneling in urban areas” • INNOPROSER. “Drawing and tools for projects platform”.

Certificate R&D&I Management System Certificated R&D&I as part of FCC Group and certified by AENOR

Human resources 2010 Total employees: 115 Spain: Abroad:

Turnover 2010 National Total: 10,6 M € International Total: 0,1 M €

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 5 Spain R&D&I:5 Abroad R&D&I: 0

R&D Investiment 2010 Total R&D&I: 180.000,00 € Nacional IDi: Self-financing: 180.000,00 € Public financing: Internacional IDi: 0

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URBAN TUNNELS New assessment, design and performance methodologies for tunneling in urban areas Objetives The main target of this project is to investigate a new methodology for analyzing and designing urban tunnels. In this project, the interactions between the TBM machine, the lining, and the ground were taken account. We also developed some secondary targets: • Optimized tunnel lining design • Optimization of the process to make lining segments • Optimization of tunnel cross sections

Ongoing PROSER has been developing a new methodology for the optimization of the cross section of a tunnel, according to the current normative. This methodology is expected to solve complex design problems with cost-efficient results. Duration: 3 years Call: PROFIT Budget: 70.000 € (imputable a PROSER)

Consortium Partners: FCC Construcción

Capabilities Directory Index

INNOPROSER “Platform of drawing tools and applications for projects and works Objetives The main targets of this project are: • • • • •

Improving works coverage and the productive model of the projects. Information availability is guaranteed. All methodologies and process for designing are included in only one platform. The platform facilitates the use of new technologies in every process carried out. The platform is open for every department and delegation, improving the communication between them. • Automation of the different methods related to the engineering design process.

Ongoing PROSER has been developing a new platform in order to improve its competitiveness. The use of new technologies and the communication between different departments are been improved as well. The activities carried out to achieve these main targets were divided in four sections: • Calculation process: The platform includes different calculation modules related to: Materials resistance. Structure calculation. Sewer capacity. Budgeting. Etc. • Design process: This section includes all tools and applications carried out for the design process. • Data storage process: The platform improves the capacity of data storage and data management. • Drawing process: The platform provides new tools and applications in order to improve the process and the quality of the drawings. Duration: 5 years Budget: 750.000 €

Consortium Partners:

Capabilities Directory Index

Key information: Date of establishment: 1988 Turnover: 17M € International details: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, Morocco, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Qatar. Address: Parque Empresarial Ibarrabarri - Edificio A-2, 48940 Leioa, Vizcaya. Phone: (+34) 944 646 511 Fax: (+34) 944 643 250 Email: Web:

Communications tools

Company’s profile Founded in 1988, SAITEC is one of the most prestigious engineering firms in Spain at present. It carries out its activities from a professional and independent standpoint, with a strong commitment to innovation, sustainable development and respect for the environment. SAITEC provides a wide range of top quality engineering services, from a comprehensive multidisciplinary perspective. Its renowned professional expertise proves its ability and reliability, having participated in many of the most relevant projects undertaken in Spain. Its main activity involves the development of transport infrastructure projects (railways, roads), water engineering, architecture, town planning, environment, industry and energy. Its scope of action covers the entire engineering value chain (planning, design, construction and operation), providing services to public and private companies, and joint ventures. SAITEC also provides consultancy services in highly specialised fields such as tunnels and underground works, geology and geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, innovation, construction and computer engineering. In 2008, SAITEC adopted the decision to expand internationally, with the aim of sharing its experience and know-how in other markets with strong growth potential. The firm has set up stable subsidiary companies locally in other countries, with a strong commitment to remain there and collaborate in their further development

Areas of activity SAITEC is a comprehensive consultancy company. Its scope of action covers the entire engineering value chain (planning, design, construction and operation), providing services to public and private companies, and joint ventures. Its areas of activity include all the civil and industrial engineering specialities: • Saitec Railways, • Saitec Water, • Saitec Environment, Saitec Roads • Saitec Industry & Energy, • Saitec Architecture & Town Planning • Saitec Consultancy

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Areas of R&D activity Our main R&D activities are: • Electric vehicle • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) • Transport Infrastructures exploitation and design energetic efficiency • Improvement of the Engineering Consultancy Services that we provide by the application of New Technologies • Infrastructures exploitation supporting computer systems • Eco Design applied to Transport Infrastructures and Urbanism • Research in new building materials,

Featured projects • • • • • • • • •

DPH CAD: Design of Hydraulic Projects for AutoCAD. EFIRAIL: Energy software. WCP: Wildlife Crossings Project. VC: Cartographical Viewer. INFRAUNA: Monitoring, control, evaluation and improvement system for wildlife crossings in transport infrastructures. SKP: Research and development of a new wildlife escape system in line infrastructures. PPO: Projects and Works Portal. iPOSTS: Anti-collision posts for birds with transport infrastructure technology DRENASIG: Application for developing the hydrology and drainage annexes in the field of geographic information systems.

Patents / modelos de utilidad • Development of a new wildlife escape system in line infrastructures. Patented in Spain (ES 2374889B2), and a PCT was requested in September 2012

Certificate R&D&I Management System SAITEC Engineering is currently in the process of getting certified to 166.002 UN standard.

Deducciones Fiscales I+D+i Yes

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Human resources 2010 Total employees: Spain: 148 Abroad:

Turnover 2010 National Total: 17 M â‚Ź International Total:

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 15 Spain R&D&I:10% Abroad R&D&I: 2

R&D Investiment 2010 Total R&D&I: 814.359 â‚Ź Nacional IDi: Self-financing: Public financing: Internacional IDi: 0

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VC Cartographical Viewer Objetives Cartography is a vital resource for the operations of many organizations, above all in the engineering sector, as they are required to propose solutions in a wide range of geographically scattered locations. Such information is subject to constant updates, which means that locating and/or acquiring resources constitutes a substantial investment of an organization’s time and money. SAITEC to this end developed this information technology tool which can provide updated cartography drawn from the Internet, at greater speed and at a lower cost.

Ongoing Duration: 1 year Call: Self - funded Budget: 167.000 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: SAITEC ENGINEERING (Lead)

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WCP Wildlife Crossings Project Objetives The project comprises the creation of a collaborative web portal ( with technical content dealing with engineering to integrate wildlife within transport infrastructure, open to the general public and particularly addressing the scientific and technical community with an interest in wildlife engineering. This application is linked to SAITEC, and involves technical and scientific organizations. The need to develop the tool was based on the increasing awareness of this aspect on the part of public authorities in designing and building infrastructure, the requirement being for a tool which could share techniques, experiences and successful case studies so as to inspire designers, engineers and ecologists. The Google Maps map server is used for geolocation of the wildlife crossings. Each wildlife crossing has a datasheet containing information about location, technical specifications, photographs, diagrams, videos, documents, etc. This is a collaborative web portal in line with the latest web 2.0 portal trends. The data uploaded by contributors are validated by an editorial group responsible for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the portal data.

Ongoing Duration: 2 AĂąos Calll: self - funded Budget: 350.000 â‚Ź Web:


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PPO Projects and Works Portal Objetives Globalization, geographical dispersal and internationalization are increasingly relevant factors in the world of engineering, and explain the need detected by Saitec to develop an information technology tool for collaboration in the integrated web-based management of the information generated over the course of the execution of projects and works. A tool was developed to support collaborative engineering, assisting the involvement in projects of geographically scattered working teams. It also improves communication with clients, providing online web-based access to updated documentation about their projects. This is a modular tool which currently features the following modules: Document Management, Contracts, Paperwork, Budget Control and Planning.

Ongoing Duration: 1 year Call: Self- funded Budget: 311.600 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: SAITEC ENGINEERING (Lead)

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DPH CAD Design of Hydraulic Projects for AutoCAD Objetives The DPH-CAD is an information technology tool developed by Saitec with the aim of automating tasks in the execution of supply and drainage duct projects, such as: • Drawing of longitudinal profiles: Simple or annotated. • Calculation of measurements: Shafts, excavations in rock and loose earth, backfilling. Measurements are performed both of rectangular ducts and of standard cross-sections with more than 1 pipeline. • Calculation of the hydraulic model. • Calculation of pressures. • Calculation of masses: This calculation is intended to establish the scale of the masses to be incorporated throughout the pipeline layout. This calculation depends on the values obtained in the pressure calculation. • Calculation of wells for supply projects.

Ongoing Duration: 1 years Call: Self - funded Budget: 215.000 €

Consortium Partners: SAITEC ENGINEERING (Lead)

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INFRAUNA Monitoring, control, evaluation and improvement system for wildlife crossings in transport infrastructures Objetives The main objective is designing and adjusting a monitoring, control and evaluation system for wildlife crossings in road and railway infrastructures allowing major headway to be made in improving their efficiency, i.e. in their permeability to wildlife crossing, adapting their structural features to the requirements of the environment and to the species living in the biotope crossed by the infrastructure. This system should provide the following advantages over traditional systems: • High efficiency • Low operating cost, • Controlled and at all events marginal installation cost • Possibility of studying broad infrastructure sectors, • Possibility of studying several infrastructure sectors simultaneously, • Highly automated data capture, • Highly centralised results and analysis capability. This project was allocated a grant in the year 2010 and 2011, out of the budget of the Basque Government’s Industry, Innovation, Trade and Tourism Department budget, and of the European Regional Development Fund.

Ongoing Duration: 3 years Call: GAITEK - SPRI 2010-2011 Budget: 750.000 €

Consortium Partners: SAITEC ENGINEERING (Leader), SAREIN and ÍCARUS.

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iPOSTS Anti-collision posts for birds with transport infrastructure technology Objetives Collision of birds with high-speed trains and their infrastructure (overhead power lines, fences, screens, …) causes casualties among populations of protected species, death of young specimens (sink effect) of other species, and significantly reduces populations. Different options have been applied to prevent these collisions, such as arranging plant screens (planting trees), opaque screens (wood, plastic, concrete …), soil ridges, etc. However, these are costly options both socially and financially (materials, compulsory purchase of land, …) and whereas there can be no saying for certain that they are generally effective, least of all is it known how each species reacts to them. The proposed project has the following objectives: • Ascertaining how different bird species behave when faced with different types of screens applicable to viaducts and embankments and in particular post screens, and assessing how efficient they are with respect to different species. • Optimizing these measures and comparing the social and financial cost of the measures to their role of preventing collision of birds in relation to their efficiency. • Proposing a predictive model of potential collision impact with birds in high-speed sectors

Ongoing Duration: 3 years Call: Self - funded Budget: 850.000 €

Consortium Partners: SAITEC (Leader), ÍCARUS and TECNALIA

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SKP Research and development of a new wildlife escape system in line infrastructures Objetives He need for wildlife to escape from fenced-in infrastructures is generally accepted. This measure allows collisions of cars and trains with animals to be reduced, reducing human risk and animal deaths. There are different types of wildlife escape systems and little is known about how efficient they are for different types of animals. Saitec has studied existing designs, their relative efficiency and how the different species behave, and has developed a number of alternative designs that it intends to test in the field, to establish their efficiency. One such development, referred to as the SAITEC type escape system, is sufficiently novel for a Patent application to have been filed. In addition, it includes a number of added advantages making it very appealing as a product: • Providing a universal, stereotyped and effective wildlife escape design for all fencings at longitudinal drainage crossings. Other type of escape devices do not adapt well at these points. • Providing a universal, stereotyped and effective closure design for all fencings at open longitudinal drainage crossings (small or large ditches), avoiding weak closure points • Providing for evacuation of waste built up by water that may result in blockage. • Allowing animals to escape to discharge points, which in the countryside are normally river courses or beds or streams which are natural corridors for wildlife.

Ongoing Duration: 2 years Call: Self - funded Budget: 645.000 €

Consortium Partners: SAITEC ENGINEERING (Lead)

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EFIRAIL Energy software Objetives EFIRAIL software is an application that allows railway/tramway electrical sizing studies to be carried out based on simulating real-life operating conditions. The results obtained expedite decision-making for an optimal electrical sizing of a track: electrical substation location and power, overhead power line characteristics, etc., and as to how best to operate the same. EFIRAIL is able to simulate any electric traction network, in both direct and alternating current electrification systems. Therefore, networks may be consisting of tramways and light railways, metropolitan railways, conventional railways and high-speed railways. In addition, it allows composite railway traffic to be studied based on different types of combinations, engines, railcars and towed units.

Ongoing Duration: 1 y ears Call: Self - funded Budget: 198,466.69 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: SAITEC ENGINEERING (Lead)

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DRENASIG Application for developing the hydrology and drainage annexes in the field of geographic information systems Objetives The purpose of the project is to develop working software allowing road and railway hydrology and drainage to be designed and calculated using a methodology common to all department engineers, that is highly automated to an extent preventing errors and allowing calculation times to be reduced. The application shall be included in the Arc-GIS work environment to expedite the use of information in this format, and in turn to be able to generate geo-referenced databases (geodatabases) with the drainage elements in order to subsequently work with them. Use of the application provides a number of advantages: • Time reduction: The entire calculation process will be swifter and unnecessary work shall be avoided. Any change in drainage works implies changes to tables, new calculations, new file generation, etc., and that shall now be done automatically. • More accurate calculations: Insofar as runoff threshold calculation is concerned, because of how hugely difficult it is to discreticise all soil and geology types, the choice is often made to reduce the number of categories. However, from now on, calculations will always be made as accurately as existing cartographic information shall allow. • Establishment of a single work methodology: The resultant work method shall be independent of who carries it out and it will therefore be relatively straightforward to have new people join these tasks. • Maintenance of an updated database throughout the project: Consequently, the status of calculations and the latest changes may be accessed and results reports may be submitted at any time. • Competitive advantage Having a tool of this kind, which did not exist in the market, shall provide SAITEC with a competitive advantage when it comes to offering its services to draw up new projects.

Ongoing Duration: 2 years Call: Self - funded Budget: 180,000 €

Consortium Partners: SAITEC ENGINEERING (Lead)

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Datos de la empresa: Date of establishment: 1956 Turnover: 1.160 Million € International details: Abu Dhabi, Algiers, Argentina (Buenos Aires), South Korea (Busan), China (Chengdu), India (Hyderabab), Lisbon, Malta (Hal far), USA (Messa, San Francisco), Mexico (Mexico City and Querétaro), Japan (Okayama), United Kingdom (Lincoln, Whetstone, Rugby, West Sussex, York) Brasil (Sao Paulo) and Poland (Warsaw). Address: C/ Cervantes 8, 48930 Las Arenas (Vizcaya, Spain) Phone: (+34) 918 077 000 Fax: (+34) 918 078 732 Email: Web:

Company’s profile SENER is a private engineering and technology group, founded in 1956, that seeks to offer its clients the most technological advanced solutions and that enjoys international recognition due to its commitment to innovation, quality and independence. From its beginnings, SENER has been acknowledged by its determination supporting the innovation in the mid and long-term, which has resulted into projects that make up true international references due to its technological impact. The innovation is the origin of its differences and technological advantages. SENER conceives the innovation as a continuous evolution process that allows it to offer its clients better and more efficient products and services which are more and more oriented to the R&D3 model of Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment.

Areas of activity Engineering and Construction, among which SENER has four sectors of activity: • Aerospace and Vehicles • Civil and Architecture • Power and Process • Marine • Aeronautics • Energy and Environment

Areas of R&D activity In Aerospace and Vehicles, mechanism and mechanical systems development, that cover all the Flight Segment; Attitude or Control Systems (AOCS) and Guidance, Navigation and Control systems (GNC) supply; complex engineering structures in composites and design and supply of the production lines of composite elements: and engineering and production of Actuation

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and Control systems for defense applications and, particularly, for missiles, ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) applications and Integrated Systems. In Civil and Architecture, complete engineering in infrastructure projects, high-speed lines, metros and tramways, roads and highways, airports, ports, maritime infrastructures, hydraulic works, environment, architecture and urbanism. SENER conceives the engineering, architecture, land planning and environment as key elements for the social welfare. In Power and Process, SENER has enjoyed an outstanding international prominence in the development of solar thermal plants, combined-cycled generation plants, cogeneration and Liquefied Natural Gas plants, in nuclear energy, biofuels, refining, chemistry, petro chemistry and plastics. In these projects SENER develops the engineering and can also participate in EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) projects. In Marine engineering, we have to highlight the FORAN System, a CAD/CAM software for the design and construction of offshore vessels used by shipyards worldwide. Furthermore, SENER is fully authorized to develop conceptual and classification engineering, and it has the capacity to lead detailed engineering projects, offering professional services to shipyards, ship owners, technical offices and national organizations. More than 1,000 vessels have been built under SENER’s design.

Featured projects Aerospace • Guidance system for the experimental atmospheric re-entry vehicle IXV as part of the European Space Agency’s Future Launchers Preparatory Program. • Electromechanical actuators to replace hydraulic actuators in aircraft. • Diagnostic system to control, predict and optimize the performance of actuators, including those for landing gear. • M-SPEC, multi-spectrometer for in vitro multiplex molecular diagnosis. • TheraEDGE, automatic device for diagnosing infectious respiratory diseases at the point of care. • AUTOPLAK, automatic seeding system for petri dishes. • FixBox, fixation box for a vegetal biology experiment in the International Space Station (ISS). Civil and Architecture • Framework agreement between SENER, Adif and CIDAUT Foundation for the development of an aerodynamic sleeper known as Aerotraviesa Power and Process • Single-tank system for storing thermal energy in molten-salt. A demonstration unit has been installed at Torresol Energy’s solar thermal complex in San José del Valle (Spain). • System for thermal storage in solid graphite. Research in collaboration with the University of Berkeley and demonstration prototype. • SENERtrough 2; parabolic trough system for solar thermal energy capture. A demonstration loop has been set up at Torresol Energy’s complex in San José del Valle. • TC-GRAN Program for defining and demonstrating low-cost solutions for large central

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Featured projects tower solar thermal plants. It includes new concepts for central receivers, heliostat pointing mechanisms, manufacturing and assembly processes, etc. Marine • State-of-the-art multi-function patrol vessel. • Vessel propelled by liquid natural gas. • FORAN System. Ongoing development of functions. • Interfaces between FORAN and different tools for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). • BESST project (7th European Union Framework Program) to establish effective connections between FORAN and calculation and simulation tools based on the Finite Elements Method (FEM). • New modules for embedding metal parts, generating pipe diagrams and electricity. • FVIEWER navigator that incorporates stereoscopic viewing and that can be used with advanced tracking systems for user model interaction. • Virtual Reality applied to Marine construction. Aeronautics • New aerodynamic concepts in the area of low-pressure turbines, tested in prototype trials at the Aeronautical Technologies Center. Verification of the behavior of the technology to be used in the Trent XWB and future programs. • JTI Clean Sky (7th Framework Program). After moving the ‘open rotor’ option forward to a future date, part of the program was re-configured, concentrating efforts on the development of turbine and compressor technologies for future large and medium-sized engines. • ‘Sustainable and Green Engines’ as part of the ‘Clean Sky’ Joint European Initiative, created to develop key technologies that ensure the future environmental impact of aircraft production is as low as possible, and which allow the quantifiable objectives set by the Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE) to be met. Said objectives include reducing CO2 emissions by 50%, producing 80% less NOX emissions and halving perceived noise levels. ITP is participating with a budget of 21.6 million Euros for the 20082017 period. Energy and Environment • Cleaning processes for reflective surfaces in solar thermal plants and a study on mirror degradation. Development and construction of the Hector and Paris robots for the automatic cleaning of parabolic trough collectors and heliostats. • Development of products that help improving the reflectivity level of the heliostat field. • Simulator for the operator training in solar thermal plants with trough collectors technology. • Development of a mathematical method to predict, with high reliability, the alarms due to the high speed winds superior to the established limit. • Trials to determine the level of atmospheric reduction of radiation in areas with high levels of aerosols, carried out in Abu Dhabi. • System to predict and optimize the generation of solar thermal plants in accordance with weather forecasts, the state of the facilities and predicted energy demand. • New SENER 4+1 thermal cycle that can be applied to generate electricity from biomass and which achieves a significant increase in energy efficiency. • Codigestion of organic substrates (alcohols, glycerols, glycerins) with pig manure, achieving a significant increase in biogas generation. • Agricultural trials using crops with a high sugar content for their possible use in the

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biodigestion of manure. • Trial plantations of different plant species in various areas of Spain to achieve high-biomass crops for use in generating energy. • Several developments with potential applications for off shore wind farms. • Several developments with potential applications for wave energy.

Certificado gestión I+D+i UNE 16602 UNE-EN ISO 9001

Human resources 2011

Human resources devoted to R&D

Total employees: 5.251

Total R&D&I: 18% of the activity is dedicated to R&D&i.

Países a los que exporta I+D+i: SENER Grupo de Ingeniería is present worldwide and it exports R&D&I globally

Turnover 2011 Total: €661 million (57% of exportation)

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Diagnosis system to monitor, predict and optimize the performance of actuators, even landing gear actuators. Objetives SENER, with its partner BAe is responsible, within the framework Actuation Programme 2015, for electronics on board the aircraft, specifically the one called Health Monitoring System. This system, which SENER has been developing since 2008, monitors the health of electromechanical systems embedded within the aircraft. This tracking of the performance of all avionics equipment allows it to control, diagnose and anticipate future problems by forecasting the state of the actuators. Thus, it provides significant savings in maintenance, a reduction in the number of parts needed and it also allows an intelligent, more convenient and simple replacement and repair process.

Ongoing Call: the framework Actuation Programme 2015.

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AUTOPLAK AUTOPLAK, automatic streaking system for petri dishes Objetives NTE-SENER has developed within the healthcare sector, AUTOPLAK, an automatic streaking and inoculation system for samples in the microbiology laboratory. Currently these processes are done manually in many hospitals and microbiology laboratories worldwide. It is a versatile and easy to use machine in any microbiology laboratory without modifying or adapting processes or facilities. Furthermore, AUTOPLAK ensures complete reproducibility and increasing laboratory productivity.

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FIXBOX A fixation box for a plant biology experiment on the International Space Station (ISS) Objetives The European Space Agency (ESA) has selected the proposal of NTE-SENER for the design, development, manufacture and fixation equipment verification (FixBox) of a plant biology experiment on the International Space Station (ISS). This is a joint project of NASA and ESA to investigate the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds and to study the effects of microgravity and light on its development. Once germinated, the seeds are treated with fixatives to preserve them until their return and assessment on Earth. At this stage, it is essential the development of FixBox equipment to provide chemical fixation.

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AEROTRAVIESA Development of an aerodynamic sleeper called Aerotraviesa Objetives The engineering and technology group SENER has signed an agreement of ownership, protection, distribution and marketing rights of the Aurigidas project results with Adif, the Polytechnic University of Madrid and the CIDAUT Foundation. The project, led by SENER and under the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation, has developed an aerodynamic sleeper called Aerotraviesa, to reduce the phenomenon of lifting ballast, thus reducing a problem associated to railway traffic at very high speed.

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SENERtrough SENERtrough 2, parabolic trough solar collector system Objetives SENERtrough速 2 System is the second generation of the also patented system by SENER, SENERtrough速, a system of parabolic mirrors arranged in horizontal rows that concentrate solar radiation onto a central pipe by circulating thermal oil. A high precision optical sensor enables tracking the sun from east to west. Hot oil is used to vaporize water, conducted to a steam turbine that drives an electric power generator injected into the grid. The SENERtrough速 system has improved mechanical characteristics of the sensors, obtaining a reduction in the weight of steel required and the number of assembly hours. Its second generation will reduce by 20% the number of loops required in a parabolic - trough plants, keeping the same operating efficiency, thus achieving a reduction in the cost of the solar field.

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FVIEWER FVIEWER browser incorporates a stereoscopic display and it can be used with advanced interaction between the user and the model (tracking Objetives The scope of the project by SENER, in which Ingevideo has also participated, includes the supply of software, hardware, equipment and consulting services to clients as well as the implementation, configuration, training, warranty, service and preventive and corrective maintenance of virtual reality rooms that feature the latest technology for virtual navigation. The solution allows 3D visualization and navigation through stereoscopic technology models and pre-generated vessels with the CAD / CAM design software FORAN, developed by SENER. The room also has a wireless tracking system that allows the system to detect the position of the observer so that he/she can view the image interactively from their own point of view.

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After slipping the ‘open rotor’ option into future dates., a part of the program was reconfigured, focusing efforts on developing technologies for future turbines and compressors for large or midsize engines Objetives The Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) framed in the ‘Clean Sky’ European project, is an agreement between private companies and the EU included in the Seventh Framework Programme for research and subsequent application of technological advances registered in large jets, regional aircraft, powered-lift aircraft and their engines and equipment. Among the objectives of JTI ‘Clean Sky’ are reducing in a half percent the noise generated by aircraft, reducing CO2 emissions by 30% and nitrogen oxides by 80%, reduction in consumption by a 30% and the reduction of the purchase cost of the aircraft by 50% by 2020. After slipping the ‘open rotor’ option into future dates, a part of the program was reconfigured, focusing efforts on developing technologies for future turbines and compressors for large or mid-size engines.

Ongoing Call: Clean Sky JTI (Seventh Framework Programme).

Consortium Partners: European companies promoting the project are Airbus, Eurocopter, Dassault Aviation, Rolls-Royce, Safran, Thales Alenia Aeronautica, Liebherr Aerospace and Agusta Westland. The ten Spanish companies united in the new pool for the achievement of a European Clean Sky are Aernnova, Aries, Cesa, EADS-CASA, GMV, GTD, Indra Espacio, EW ITP, TAM and SENER.

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HECTOR & PARIS Cleaning processes of reflecting surfaces in solar thermal plants and study of the mirror degradation Objetives HECTOR (HEliostat Cleaning Oriented Robot) and PARIS (PARabolic trough cleaning System) are two innovative cleaning systems, patented, designed and developed by SENER. The first one is for heliostats cleaning and consists of a fleet of robots that clean the field meanwhile an operator performs the work of distribution, support and collection allowing simultaneous cleaning of the heliostats by working several robots in parallel. From the other hand, PARIS is a vehicle designed for contact cleaning in plants with parabolic trough collector technology characterized by an autonomous operation and low weight that minimizes fuel consumption and impact on the roads

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Key information: Date of establishment: 1973 Turnover: 4M € International details: SERS Peru Jr. Arequipa 3049, S.M.P. Urbanización Perú. Distrito San Martín de Porres. Departamento y Provincia Lima (Perú) Address: Paseo de los Rosales, 34, 50008 Zaragoza / C/Alustante, 1 Local 3. 28002 Madrid Telf Zaragoza: (+34) 976 597 320 Fax: (+34) 976 461 074 Telf Madrid: (+34) 917 259 957 Fax: (+34) 917 259 928 Email: / Web:

Company’s profile SERS, S.A. is one of the leading engineering companies in Spain, providing engineering, construction, consulting and project management services to the segment of civil engineering (roads, high speed railway, water, environment and urban infrastructure).

Areas of activity • Highways. We improve the mobility of people and goods offering our experience in highway engineering and transit projects employing a multidisciplinary approach to the projects. • High Speed Railway. We enhance the connection of different areas responsiveness to the needs of users persuading the social and economical profit of the performance • Water and Environment. We are committed to environmental excellence around the world promoting an appropriate use of the water and environmental resources of the planet. • Urban Infraestructure. We design and regenerate urban, rural or industrial areas to establish long-term social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Areas of R&D activity • • • • •

Applications of computational mechanics in hydraulic projects. Integrated river basin management. Controlling and monitoring software for construction projects. Land and territory management in a geographic information system (GIS). Finite element analysis for railway projects.

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Featured projects • • • • • •

ONDEX, Dam-break modelling software, PTEA,Integrated river basin management application, Government of Spain Canal modelling software. SEGESO, Controlling and monitoring software for construction projects, GISPRO, Land and territory management in a geographic information system (GIS) Finite Element Analysis in Railway projects.

Human resources 2010 Total employees: 57 Spain: 57 Abroad:

Turnover 2010 National Total: 3.969.156 € International Total: - €

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 5 Spain R&D&I:5 Abroad R&D&I: 0

R&D Investiment 2010 Total R&D&I: 24.000 € Nacional IDi: Self-financing: Public financing: Internacional IDi: 0

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ONDEX Dam-break modelling software Objetives To conceive and develop a specific application, named ONDEX, to model rivers not only for steady flow but also for unsteady one (changing along the period of study), focusing in dam-break modelling. The premise is to improve those characteristics that other software, available in market, does not solve. ONDEX has been positively verified by Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) for steady flow, and FLDWAV and DAMBREAK for unsteady flows. Furthermore, ONDEX has been verified and used by CADAM (Concerted Action on DamBreak Modelling), Toce River Laboratory (ENEL, Italy), Malpasset River (EDF, France) and Guadalquivir River (Spain).

Ongoing Duration: 2 years

Consortium Partners: University of Zaragoza

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Canal modelling, controlling and optimizing Objetives To apply the knowledge developed in rivers and dambreak modelling software (ONDEX) in the design of manmade courses (i.e. canals) and their regular elements (floodgates, intakes, overflow channels, hydroelectric plants, closing and open operations‌)

Ongoing Partners: 2 years

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GISPRO Land and territory management (GIS) Objetives To conceive and develop for the Government a specific Web, named GISPRO, to manage the land and territory aspects of roads and highway projects in the area of Aragon. This application includes and inventory of determined plots and areas (identified by several aspects) territory) in a geographic information system (GIS) and is used as a document management system. SERS collaborate for this project with Univolution, a spin-off company of University of Zaragoza.

Ongoing Partners: 1 year

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Key information: Date of establishment: 1964 Turnover: 11M € International details: Guatemala, Peru, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Italy, Romania. and Saudi Arabia Address: General Díaz Porlier nº 49. 28001 Madrid Phone: (+34) 911 211 800 Fax: (+34) 914 021 609 Email: Web:

Communications tools

Company’s profile STEREOCARTO is a technology services company that, since its creation in 1964, provides engineering, consulting and technical assistance of Cartography, GIS and geospatial information generally applied to Planning, Environment, Hydraulic, Infrastructure and Transport, Energy, Defense and Civil Protection projects. Stereocarto covers the entire map production cycle, from data capture – using media and latest technologies as airplanes equipped with digital cameras and airborne laser sensors, ground sensors and satellite data – to the production of the final data through of testing, treatment, processing and distribution. We have the tools and the expertise to deal with guaranteed successful international projects. Currently, we have offices in Italy, Romania, Brazil, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru and Saudi Arabia. Moreover, in recent years we have also carried out important works in Portugal, Egypt, Turkey, Kuwait, Equatorial Guinea, Morocco, Algeria, Bolivia, Albania, Greece, Kenya, South Africa, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Colombia, El Salvador and Argentina. Over 50% of the company’s turnover comes from projects outside Spain. It has 8 branches and projects in over 25 countries

Areas of activity • Data Generation on the base of airborne sensor: LiDAR (ground and bathymetric), Digital Cameras, Analogical Cameras, Thermal Sensors • Geodesy and Topography • Digital Photogrammetry • Cartography

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Areas of activity • Geographic Information System • Maps Servers • Engineering: Cartographic Engineering, Land Use Management, Planning and Environment, Urban and Rural Cadastre.

Areas of R&D activity Development of new applications of airborne digital sensors (LiDAR, Digital Cameras) to generate new services and products in different sectors (Energy, Telecommunications, Civil Works, Planning and Environment).

Featured projects • • • • • • • • • •

Lidargrammetry: Advanced LiDAR Data Processing Lidar Bathymetry: High precision bathymetry from airborne sensors MIMESIS: Generating realistic virtual environments from LiDAR and image data CLAVE: Classification, parametrisation and mapping of plant species in natural areas of high ecological value using remote sensing technologies RICMI: Improved characterization of natural hazard mapping QHYDRO: Hydromorphological quality assessment of rivers with airborne sensors LAS-ROADS: Development of a system for extracting useful information from data captured by airborne and ground laser sensors applied to civil works Power Lines: Advanced Protocol for inspection of power lines Agri-Control: Development of tools for advanced analysis of geospatial data in agronomy CO2: Application of new sensors/technologies for measuring CO2

Certificate R&D&I Management System UNE 162002

Human resources 2010 Total employees: 54 Spain: 29 Abroad: 25

Human resources devoted to R&D Total R&D&I: 8 Spain R&D&I:8 Abroad R&D&I:

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Turnover 2011 National Total: 4.464.387 € International Total: 6.677.443 €

R&D Investiment 2011 Total R&D&I: 499.600 € Nacional IDi: 499.600 € Self-financing: 200.800 € Public financing: 298.800 € Internacional IDi: 0

Investment Evolution in R&D&I Total 2010: 768.600 € Total 2009: 1.084.000 € Spain: 768.600 € Abroad: Spain: 1.084.000 € Abroad:

Total 2008: 743.175 € Spain: 743.175 € Abroad:

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Capabilities Directory Index

CLAVE Classification, parametrisation and mapping of plant species in natural areas of high ecological value using remote sensing technologies Objetives Classification, parametrisation and mapping of plant species in natural areas of high ecological value using remote sensing technologies

Ongoing The activities carried out during the project were as follows: • Development and validation of the methodology for radiometric and geometric calibration of linear digital camera. • Generation, from the information obtained in a LIDAR flight, of algorithms types for estimating variables needed for inventory and classification of stock. • Development of a methodology for identifying fuel models from information obtained from airborne LIDAR sensors. • Development of algorithms that allow the automated classification of digital images captured by digital camera. • Collection of different vegetation indices representing the state of vegetation, from high resolution multispectral images captured by digital photogrammetric airborne sensor. • Integration of multispectral information captured by the digital camera and the information captured by the LIDAR system to improve the classification of forest species. • Integration of the products obtained in a GIS environment facilitating the further environmental studies Duration: 29/07/2009 - 29/07/2011 Call: CDTI Cooperación Interempresas Budget: 640.667 € Web:

Consortium Partners: AGRESTA S. COOP y Stereocarto S.L.

Capabilities Directory Index

“LIDAR BATIMETRICO” Objetives In this project, methodologies, algorithms and tools have been developed for accurate, through bathymetric LiDAR, bathymetry of the coastal strip.

Ongoing The phases of the Project were: Phase 1: Field Campaign – Data Collection 1.Campaign on the coast for water turbidity measurements 2.Campaign for data collection 3.Campaign for classics bathymetric data collection (for the quality control) Phase 2: Development of tools for data processing 1.Production of the initial cloud point 2.Points classification 3.Filtering incorrect returns Phase 3: Development of tools for the generation of bathymetric products 1.Generation of Digital Elevation Model: Bathymetric Model 2.Generation of intensities models 3.Removing depth contours Phase 4: Quality Control 1.Bathymetric Quality Control 2.Topographic and geodetic Control Reference for land quality.

Consortium Project realized in collaboration with AHAB (Airborne Hydrography AB), Swedish sensor manufacturer company.

Capabilities Directory Index

LAS-ROADS Development of a system for extracting useful information from data captured by airborne and terrestrial laser sensors applied to land and civil works Objetives The main objective of this project is the development and implementation of a methodology for improving capture processes of topographic and cartographic information. It is necessary in the construction processes related to civil works (roads, railways, etc.) based on the use of high-precision mapping obtained from aerial and ground sensors both image capture (digital cameras) and direct measurement of points on the ground (LIDAR sensors). For processing and integration of data, software is developed for road engineering management

Ongoing • Technical needs analysis and current methods: creation of a list of requirements to be met to capture relevant information from the image sensors and lasers (both air and land) depending on the problems to be solved and current regulations. • Methodologies Analysis: establish an analysis of the potential of existing methods of automatic extracting information from data captured by the laser sensors and digital cameras with a view to their application in civil engineering projects. • Planning and data capture by aerial and ground sensors in the pilot areas. Basic treatment of captured information. • Analysis of Mobile Mapping System methodologies. Data capture and data processing of a MSS. • Develop prototype software version: implementation of the algorithms selected as real case (prototype version) to verify their correct operation and to realize an advanced evaluation. • Development of Software Development User version of a beta software combined treatment of laser data and digital images for application to control measurements earthmoving in civil engineering, along with other possible applications such as conservation and road safety. • Analysis and evaluation of results. Dissemination of results.

Consortium Contributors to this project: Construcciones Sando S.A. and Leica Geosystems, S.L.

Capabilities Directory Index

LiDAR for Power Lines Objetives Application of dual output LiDAR scanning system for power transmission line data capture

Ongoing • Data collection: integration of ALS70 lidar sensor in helicopter (latest generation sensor which maximizes lidar point density) • Wiring Detection: determining cloud points corresponding to the wire • Determination of the parameters of the catenary: determining the parameter of each catenary in environmental conditions of flight performance • Identification of critical points: identifying areas that violate the safety distances to the cable under flight conditions • Determination of the parameters and the positions of the cables under alternative assumptions. (“Weather Cases”): - Determine the position of each parameter and catenary in different environmental conditions - Situation maximum line load: Increases the temperature of the cable and the arrow on the catenary, therefore reducing the distance to the surrounding elements • Status of extreme wind perpendicular to the line: the cable varies its position due to wind and distant elements may interfere with its initial position. • Identification of critical points in simulated conditions: -Identification of areas that violate the safety distances to the cable under the conditions of the alternative scenarios -Need data in a broaded environment of the wiring -Must take into account the new position of the cable based on the assumptions conditions. • For wiring detection tasks, simulation of “weather cases” and identification of critical points in real and simulated conditions have been performed in-house software development. Project presented in European LiDAR Mapping Forum. Salzburg Congress, Austria, November 29-30 2011

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Key information: Date of establishment: 1985 Turnover: 117,500,000 € International details:

Address: Luis Proust, Parque Tecnológico de Boecillo-C.P:47151 Boecillo (Spain). Phone: (+34) 983 140 650 Fax: (+34) 983 140 653 Email: Web:

Communications tools

Company’s profile GRUPO TECOPY performs advanced engineering technology services, technical assistance and interdisciplinary consulting, supported by new technologies. The Group’s strategy is based on innovation, technology development, quality and social responsibility as corporate ethical principle. The companies comprising the Group give to their clients a highly specialized support to improve their competitiveness in the global market. Its activity is inserted into the technology plans of the European Commission and the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, and sectorial plans of Castile and Leon under the “Strategy of R&D&I in 2007/2013” and “strategic Plan for the development of the digital Information Society 2007/2013.

Areas of activity • • • • •

Civil Engineering and Consulting Architecture and Urbanism Energy and Environment Digital content and training Technology

Areas of R&D activity • • • • •

Strategic Area: Civil Engineering and Consulting. Energy and Environment Digital Content and Training Technology Architecture and Urbanism

Capabilities Directory Index

Featured projects

• DEPOLIGEN: Energy efficiency in “Zero Emissions” buildings, by improving energy demand, poly-generation and management of energy • 3D WEB. Feasibility study, research and development of technologies for the 3D web site and geographical web site • Mobile IDE. Technical feasibility study and design of a mobile services platform for spatial data infrastructure • ATP. Maintenance Engineering: Application of predictive maintenance techniques in early detection of faults in machinery, equipment and structures. • IDETRAMP. Study of the technical feasibility of the application of a spatial data infrastructure for the design of an information processing platform for risk assessment and management, and a pilot development in the field of dangerous goods • Inforest II. Development of techniques and methods for sustainable forest management from data from earth observation • DUTs. Development of an Ultra-low-energy, low-cost wireless and Tele-Control System • ENERGY SMART HOME. SHE allows the user to gradually reduce their electricity consumption in households, encouraging a more appropriate and rational electricity use. • e-Health Mobility Control is the practical application of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to healthcare segment in many different aspects and slopes. • IDE HERITAGE 3D: 3D Spatial Data Infrastructure for Cultural Heritage Management. • 3D virtual globe: 3D virtual globe for mobile devices based on a universal interface. Representation of 3D content, scenes integration services, OGC standards and augmented reality systems. • PROCESSOR. Development of techniques and critical design methodology allowing an optimal performance of a Static Electric Power Processor • ELECTRAZE II. Development of “ELECTRAZE II” Technology,aimed to the future creation of an innovative prototype for the improvement of the quality of electrical installations in buildings and national industries. • URBANIDE II. Spatial Data Infrastructure for a sustainability urban activity • Feasibility study in railway infrastructure: Feasibility study of predictive maintenance of railway infrastructure based on the application of new technologies. • Cracks in driveways: Feasibility study of early detection and prevention and management of cracks in the pavement. • Semantic algorithms: Research on new Semantic Search algorithms and Information Retrieval Systems to generate, through intelligent systems, training contents automatically. • LIDARMED. Potential Lidarfor the development of environmental testing services. • Greywater: Feasibility study of a highly efficient system for greywater and rainwater

Capabilities Directory Index

Certificate R&D&I Management System

AENOR UNE 166.002

Human resources 2010

Human resources devoted to R&D

Total employees: 184 Spain: 184 Abroad:

Total R&D&I: 28 Spain R&D&I:28 Abroad R&D&I:

Turnover 2010

R&D Investiment 2010

National Total: 16.050.720 € International Total: 1.003.800 €

Total R&D&I: 1.473.309 € Nacional IDi: 1.473.309 € Self-financing: Public financing: Internacional IDi: 0

Investment Evolution in R&D&I Total: 1.491.608 € Spain: 1.491.608 € Abroad:

Total 2008: 1.418.756 € Spain: 1.418.756 € Abroad:

Total 2007: 1.379.555 € Spain: 1.379.555 € Abroad:

Capabilities Directory Index

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Energy efficiency in “Zero Emissions” buildings, by improving energy demand, poly-generation and management of energy Objetives The overall goal of this project is to research and develop technologies which allow buildings, districts, and residential neighborhoods with “zero emission” With this objective, we will develop new systems to reduce energy demand in buildings, new poly-generation systems that integrate high-efficiency and low-impact by using renewable energy, and new Demand Management Systems

Ongoing Duration: 42 months Call: INNPACTO 2010


Capabilities Directory Index


Feasibility study, research and development of technologies for the 3D web site and geographical web site Objetives As a result of this research we expect to gain knowledge and to develop new techniques and procedures to solve important technological problems that we hope will lead to a significant competitive advantage, andopens the door to the development of many leading products. After the execution of the steps we will obtain technological advances in: 1. Web interaction technologies for GIS systems.. a. Web Access Interface for GIS free-software based b. Authentication and security. c. Interaction techniques and production of dynamic tools, intuitive and accessible. d. Procedures to simplify the management and maintenance of on-line applications. e. Technological independence of suppliers and customers of mapping Web. f. Integration of standards 2. Improving the performance of standard WMS services. a. Universal Technical performance improvement GIS WMS services Internet via: i. Greater implementation of WMS publishing technology ii. Potentiation of GIS Open Source versus proprietary systems. b. Algorithms to achieve the right balance between WMS and WMS-C / WMS-T. c. Overall benefit to all users. 3. Technology hardware accelerated 3D GIS with Java and Open Source. a. Representation of 2D GIS data on 3D terrain models. b. Control of the composition of images and user interaction. b. Control de la composición de imágenes y la interacción del usuario. c. Validation of 3D interaction techniques and hardware-accelerated Java performance. d. Generation of urban volumes: i. Simplified models for urban analysis. ii. Export models to KML (Google Earth).

Ongoing Duration: 15 months Call: AGovernment of Castille and Leon Budget: 583.851,54 €


Capabilities Directory Index

IDE Móviles

Technical feasibility study and design of a mobile services platform for spatial data infrastructure Objetives The ultimate goal of the study is to gain a deep understanding of GIS standards and protocols applied to mobile services within the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and from them, the creation of libraries, software components and infrastructure to enable, in a future, complete and innovative solutions in various platforms and areas of activity. The specific objectives of the project can be summarized as follows: 1. Further implement of the new standards exist. Application of the new existing standards. 2. Implementation of IDE philosophy to GIS applications in any of the platforms of potential customers. 3. Obtain software infrastructures and standards applicable to different areas of knowledge. The goal is to get a ‘kit’ of software tools that can be integrated across multiple platforms and that can be applied in many areas of activity. 4. Encourage the use of geographic information technologies among all users, including users of mobile devices. Currently, there is an increasing number of users with these devices, so offer them a quality geographic information and tools for viewing and even editing has become a prerequisite for all GIS companies. 5. Assist in the dissemination and promotion of GIS solutions and applications. 6. Improve knowledge and experience of the company in the management and use of spatial data and knowledge of existing communication systems through the development of new web services in line with the European initiative INSPIRE. 7. Consolidating the company’s strategy to acquire a strong position in the field of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI).

Ongoing Duration: 17 months Call: Government of Castille and Leon Budget: 661.012 €


Capabilities Directory Index


Maintenance Engineering: Application of predictive maintenance techniques in early detection of faults in machinery, equipment and structures Objetives This is a pre-competitive development project, whose purpose is the conceptual formulation and design of preventive industrial maintenance processes. Through this project it was achieved to induce technology-based innovation in industrial processes, by substantially improving the maintenance of equipment and facilities as well as its design, resulting in cost savings and increase the quality of the working conditions of corresponding plants employees. The overall and immediate objective of the project was to implement a pilot predictive maintenance plan in a production line, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the overall improvement in maintenance activities, and proceed “in situ” to the necessary actions to improve the quality of the production process. This pilot plan was based on the application of two predictive analysis techniques: mechanical vibration analysis and infrared thermography analysis. The specific objectives were: • Determine the effectiveness of the proposed analysis techniques in early detection of faults in machines, installations and structures that make up the line or plant under experimentation. • Economic impact of early detection of faults and their impact on other aspects as job security, spare parts management, plant layout of equipment, etc. • Ultimately, design a maintenance management system adapted to predictive maintenance pilot plan experienced. The methodology in the pursuit of this project was to: Design a pilot predictive maintenance plan, field work, analysis of results, development of specific Software Maintenance Management (SMM), evaluation of the analytical techniques employed in the fault detection and development of written materials for dissemination of results.

Ongoing Duration: 18 months Call: autonomic, Government of Castille and Leon Budget: 496.494 €


Capabilities Directory Index


Study of the technical feasibility of the application of a spatial data infrastructure for the design of an information processing platform for risk assessment and management, and a pilot development in the field of dangerous goods Objetives The ultimate goal of the study is the integration of spatial data as a knowledge base to make decisions based on the conditions determined. 1. Analysis of the feasibility of integrating through dynamic interfaces of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for risk assessment and management applied to the rapid spread of solutions of planning, monitoring, tracking and action in the field of security and control emergencies. 2. Developing a Pilot Platform of Risk Knowledge and Infrastructure Data Exchange (IDE) for minimizing the risk of accidents and environmental impact of the transport of dangerous goods by road.

Ongoing Duration: 24 months Call: MITYC Profit 2007 Budget: 1.031.187 €

Consortium Partners: COTESA, Deimos Aplicaciones Tecnológicas S.L.

Capabilities Directory Index


Development of techniques and methods for sustainable forest management from data from earth observation Objetives The main technological objective pursued by the project is the development of a series of processes for extracting key information for management of forests using data from the Earth Observing at three scales (local, provincial and regional) and the development of management infrastructures and information display infrastructures to achieve the greatest possible impact on distribution. For each of the scales are developed algorithms and methodologies necessary for the extraction of environmental variables and indicators required for sustainable forest management.

Ongoing Duration: 38 months Call: AVANZA 2008, AVANZA 2009 Budget: 1.346.586 €


Capabilities Directory Index


Development of an Ultra-low-energy, wireless and low-cost Telecontrol System Objetives The overall project goal is to build a two-way and low-cost communication platform for water management with a layer of local intelligence. With this intelligence platform will not only facilitate remote management of gauges, but will also allow: • Monitoring of water quality through chemical sensors and probes. • Remote management of the quality and quantity of water. • An emergency autonomous control allowed by local processing capabilities. • Local and remote management of the actuators, as Switchflow ® developed by • Hydrelis (company participating in the Consortium AQUEAU). • The development of this platform will require decisive innovations in the following areas that differentiate this system of water management systems currently available: • Two-way communication systems. Allow gather information from sensors and send commands for action (outage and other yet to be defined) • Devices ultra-low power consumption. No existing system can provide a 10 years autonomy and control actuators. • Two layers of decision. A local intelligence and a centralized system of decision support. This platform will provide operational, economic, environmental and social benefits. DUTs platform will be a substantial improvement in the way we manage water, allowing significant savings of water and optimized use of it, facilitating management by remote control valves and sensors

Ongoing Duration: 18 months Call: CDTI Fondo Tecnológico. Proyectos de Cooperación Interempresas Nacional. Budget: 1.463.526 €


Capabilities Directory Index



SHE allows the user to gradually reduce their electricity consumption in households, encouraging a more appropriate and rational use of electricity Objetives The overall objective of this strategic action is the proper use and development of technologies, applications, services and content of the information society to contribute to the success of a model of economic growth based on increasing competitiveness and productivity, promote social and regional equality, universal accessibility and improving the welfare and quality of life of citizens

Ongoing Duration: 28months Call: INNPACTO 2011. Budget: 3.184.463,07 â‚Ź


Capabilities Directory Index

E - HEALTH MOBILITY CONTROL Is the practical application of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to healthcare segment in many different aspects and slopes Objetives The overall objective focuses on solving the problem of task management and health work in applied mobility both on material means and on any associated human resource

Ongoing Duration: 28months Call: INNPACTO 2011 Budget: 2.084.616 €


Capabilities Directory Index


3D Spatial Data Infrastructure for Cultural Heritage Management Objetives The IDE project 3D Cultural Heritage Management aims to design and develop a General Spatial Data Infrastructure that includes three-dimensional component that is innovative, scalable, modular and, which allows a integrated management of both Cultural Heritage and Cultural Landscape

Ongoing Duration: 38months Call: INNPACTO 2011 Budget: 728.839 €

Consortium Partners: COTESA, CSIC, Fundación las medulas

Capabilities Directory Index



3D virtual globe for mobile devices based on a universal interface. Representation of 3D content, scenes integration services, OGC standards and augmented reality systems Objetives The project objective is to develop an innovative visualization of 3D scenes system, via virtual globes, by generating an Open Source System, implementing access to 2D and 3D information through standards, and ensuring accessibility from the various existing mobile platforms

Ongoing Duration: 30months Call: INNPACTO 2011 Budget: 1.624.691 â‚Ź


Capabilities Directory Index



Development of techniques and critical design methodology allowing an optimal performance of a Static Electric Power Processor Objetives The core of the project is to develop a sustainable energy team, from a technological point of view, whose CO2 emissions to the atmosphere is zero, thus contributing to the fight against climate change. In the same way, and taking into account the principle of operation of the processor will get a significant improvement in energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption (estimated at 60%), according to the fundamental objectives of the National Plan R&D&I 2008-2011 and Strategic Action on Energy and Climate Change

Ongoing Duration: 34 months Call: MITYC AVANZA 2008 Budget: 1.944.943,00 â‚Ź


Capabilities Directory Index


Development of “ELECTRAZE II” Technology, aimed to the future creation of an innovative prototype for the improvement of the quality of electrical installations in buildings and national industries Objetives Improving the quality of electrical installations in buildings and national industries is necessary today, to facilitate troubleshooting and administration of the network itself by technicians. This project aims to study and analyze the electrical and transmission characteristics and analyze the fundamental data transmission from electrical networks, to obtain, as a result, a technology that is the basis of an innovative product designed to improve quality. The overall goal is the acquisition of knowledge in the area of electrical engineering and electronics, to develop technology for signal transmission via the power line that serves as the basis for the subsequent development of a prototype capable of improving the quality of electrical installations, measuring the quality of the lines PLC and identify potential problems in the installation switches

Ongoing Duration: 24 months Call: Profit 2007, Plan Avanza 2008 Budget: 419.818 €

Consortium Partners: COTESA, University of Valladolid

Capabilities Directory Index


Spatial Data Infrastructure for a sustainability urban activity Objetives The objective of this project is to improve land management through improved planning through new technologies in urban and territorial planning. That is why we propose the development of a prototype based on a Geographic Information System which allows performing all tasks related to the management and urban planning to be undertaken by a municipality. The main objectives to be achieved with this project are to improve the dissemination of planning, establishing common languages and regularize planning rules, increase legal certainty associated with urban processes and increase transparency and confidence of society in the planning process. This project is developed in three phases basically. The first one is developed the prototype of urban management and then implement it in a pilot institution to analyze the validity of the project and finally, disseminate the results that have been obtained with the project

Ongoing Duration: 18 Months Call: PROFIT 2007, AVANZA 2008 Budget: 754.126 €

Consortium Partners: COTESA, TERRITORIO Y SOSTENIBILIDAD (TERYSOS, S.L.), SIGNO, Ingeniería del Territorio S.L,MAGISTER S.L.

Capabilities Directory Index


Feasibility study of predictive maintenance of railway infrastructure based on the application of new technologies Objetives The aim of the study is to analyze the feasibility of improving all processes, tools and technologies that are present in the current maintenance systems and security systems of rail infrastructure, incorporating new technologies such as laser systems, thermography, ultrasound, computer vision, telematic techniques, etc.…

Ongoing Duration: 4 months Call: PROGRAMA IDEA & DECI+DE, I+D+i (ADE) Budget: 34.854 €

Consortium Partners: TECOPYSA

Capabilities Directory Index



Feasibility study of early detection and prevention and management of cracks in the pavement Objetives The possibility of supplementing current techniques with other employed in predictive maintenance that allow us to anticipate what may be the evolution of the roadbed, and establish an action plan that promotes safety of end users and reducing consumption energy, also studying if it is an economically sustainable system.

Ongoing Duration: 3months Call: PROGRAM IDEA&DECI+DE R&D&I (ADE) Budget: 29.670 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: TECOPYSA

Capabilities Directory Index


Research on new Semantic Search algorithms and Information Retrieval Systems to generate, through intelligent systems, training contents automatically Objetives We can summarize the overall objectives of this proposal in two: • Initiate a line of industrial research directed to acquire knowledge on a number of emerging technologies that enable Enclave to be more efficient in its operations. • Conduct feasibility studies on these emerging technologies through a pilot to demonstrate the possibility of add high value-added products to the commercial portfolio

Ongoing Duration: 14months Call: PROGRAM IDEA & DECI+DE, I+D+i (ADE) Budget: 440.186 €

Consortium Partners: ENCLAVE

Capabilities Directory Index



Lidar potential for the development of environmental testing services Objetives The aim of this feasibility study is to analyze the capabilities of the LIDAR in the following applications: support for forest inventory, energy efficiency of buildings, state of infrastructure, landscape studies and detection of illegal constructions. It is possible that some of these applications is not feasible, in which case they are discarded as future R&D projects

Ongoing Duration: 5months Call: PIE 2010 (IMADE, COMMUNITY OF MADRID) Budget: 43.014,25 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: COTESA

Capabilities Directory Index


FEASIBILITY STUDY OF GREYWATER Feasibility study of a highly efficient system for the reusing of greywater and rainwater Objetives The purpose is to design a novel system, which, incorporated to all types of housing, could give the possibility of recovering both rainwater and greywater, in order to achieve interesting levels of savings, and to build up sustainable and environmentally friendly homes.

Ongoing The project was submitted in 2007 Duration: 4 months Call: PROGRAM IDEA & DECI+DE, I+D+i (ADE) Budget: 36.170 â‚Ź

Consortium Partners: TECOPYSA

Capabilities Directory Index

Capabilities Directory Index

Key information: Date of establishment: 1989 Turnover: 697,2M € International details: Address: c/ Julián Camarillo 6 B 28037. Madrid. Phone: (+34) 913 226 598 Fax: (+34) 917 549 278 Email: Web:

Company’s profile Founded in 1989 as subsidiary company of its parent company Tragsa, TRAGSATEC is an innovative company devoted to engineering projects and a leader in avant-garde technology. Tragsatec carries out engineering, consultancy and technical support activities in fields of agriculture, forests and rural, the environmental and marine environment, in studies and projects as well as technical services. Tragsatec relies on sound computer support to execute its works, which employs state-of-theart technical resources, including the use of tools in the field such as Geographic Information Systems, Web development based on the market’s leading technologies, supporting the administration in order to manage the production, management and exploitation of national agricultural and environmental databases, as well as the incorporation of emerging technologies thanks to its resolute R&D+i policies. Since November 2010, Tragsatec has incorporated into its own action range the functions that used to be entrusted to Tragsega. Since it was established in 2001, Tragsega was responsible for carrying out actions and works and providing services in livestock and animal-related sectors, as well those associated with food quality and safety, public health and environmental issues related with fauna.

Areas of activity • • • • • • • • •

Environmental actions Rural infrastructure, agro-industrial installations and equipment Irrigation, water management and technologies Information Technologies Food quality and safety Fishing and maritime issues Animal health Animal husbandry production Emergency actions

Capabilities Directory Index

Areasof R&D activity • • • • • •

Water Management Natural Environments Applied Communications and Information Technologies Rural, Food and Agriculture Environments Animal Health and Livestock Services Marine Environments

Featured projects • DINA-MAR: A project to study managed aquifer recharge within the framework of sustainable development • Development and application of new methods based on the use of bioindicators to • determine the quality of irrigation waters and their eco-toxicological and environmental health effects • OBEEI, Observatory of Alien Invasive Species. Project


Certificate R&D&I Management System

• Utility Model No. 1075181: A signalling device equipped with an anti- extraction anchorage mechanism • Industrial design No. 506.230-01: Multipurpose container.

Human resources 2010


Human resources devoted to R&D&I

Total employees: 6.890 Spain: 6.890 Abroad:

Total R&D&i: 29,4 FTE (Full time Equivalent employees) Spain R&D&I: 29,4 FTE Abroad R&D&I: 0

Turnover 2010

Investment in R&D in 2010

National Total: 396.565.292 € InterNational Total: 617.298 €

Total R&D&i: 1.785.720 € National Total: 1.785.720 € Self-financing: 1.736.794 € Public financing: 48.926 € Internacional IDi:

R&D&I Investment evolution Total: 1.095.063 € Spain: 1.095.063 € Abroad:

Total 2008: 891.275 € Spain: 891.275 € Abroad:

Total 2007: 936.879 € Spain: 936.879 € Abroad:

Capabilities Directory Index

DINAMAR 0710 DINA-MAR: Project for Managed Aquifer Recharge within the framework of sustainable development Objectives The second phase of the managed aquifer recharge (MAR) project aims to study which methods and devices would be most effective for different kinds of aquifers, based on knowledge of the areas that are suitable for this technique in Spain (66,000 Km2 or 16% of the MAR areas). Four such areas will be singling out and for this purpose “pilot areas” will be employed, in which data will be collected and the appropriate experiments will be set up and conducted.

Ongoing Completed Results obtained: DINA-MAR is an R&D+i project developed by Grupo Tragsa that addresses, as its main lines of action, determining the areas that are most susceptible to managed aquifer recharge in Spain and specifying operational aspects regarding artificial recharge based on studies in pilot areas. Besides obtaining maps covering the “MAR areas”, progress has been accomplished in the design and implementation of improvements targeted at increasing infiltration rates, reducing air inflow to the aquifer and minimising clogging in sandy aquifers, progressing towards greater efficiency designs within the framework of water management for irrigation. Globally, based on all the lines of action and fields considered, the conclusion was made that the advantages of the MAR technique exceed its drawbacks, that greater emphasis must be placed on innovation and that many gaps still remain in the state-of-art, and especially, in the sciences that are most distant from hydrogeology. Duration: 2007-2010 Web:

Consoritum Partners: TRAGSA y TRAGSATEC

Capabilities Directory Index

BIOINRIE 0811 The development and application of new methods based on the use of bioindicators to determine the quality of irrigation water and their ecotoxicological and environmental health effects Objectives The presence of pesticide residues and medicines in irrigation water is beginning to arouse considerable environmental interest, due to their persistence, accumulation and bioactivity, as well as for their impacts on aquatic flora and fauna and the possible repercussions on public health. Although, from a regulatory viewpoint the concentrations of these active substances alone cannot be considered harmful to health, their synergic and combined effect could be considered as such. In this sense, the project shall develop new procedures and analytical methods based on the use of animal bioindicators (crayfish) and plant bioassays that enable the presence or absence of pesticide residues and medicines in irrigation water, and their possible eco-toxicological effects (acute toxicity, chronic toxicity) to be determined reliably and economically.

Ongoing Completed Results obtained: Chemical determinations of the presence of pesticide and medicines in sentinel species (red crabs, otters, willows and holm oaks), environment elements (river water and beds), in horticultural crops and irrigation water, were carried out in 2008, 2009 and 2010 and during different months (June, July, September and October). These analyses were complemented with toxic effect bioindicators in the sentinel species (Procambarus clarkii) and plant bioassays with fern spores. The potential effects regarding embryo development were also evaluated through bioassays on zebra fish embryos. The presence of emerging pollutants was concluded in certain irrigation waters at different concentrations, which led to the realisation of a toxicological risk study and the adoption of emerging methods of detection, quantification and evaluation Duration: 2008-2011

Consoritum Partners: TRAGSA, TRAGSATEC y Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Capabilities Directory Index

OBEEI 0910 Alien Invasive Species Observatory. OBEEI Project Objectives The project seeks to determine the most suitable lines of research, development and innovation that Grupo Tragsa must develop in order to support the prevention and control needs of the competent Public Administration services regarding Alien Invasive Species (AIS), as well as to meet the European planning commitments on the subject. An intended outcome of the project is to determine the lines or procedures that can be considered of best interest for developing R&D+i activities in these topics within the GROUP.

Ongoing Completed Results obtained: The OBEEI project has gathered a considerable amount of information regarding the problems caused by Alien Invasive Species (AIS), experiences resulting from treatments and procedures carried out by Grupo Tragsa, rules and regulations, identifying and contacting AIS experts, the biology of species of interest, etc. This information has been included and classified both in a database and a Web browser that has been placed at the Group’s disposition. Based on this work, the R&D+i strategic lines to be developed by Grupo Tragsa in face of AIS have been established, as a starting point for the best and most appropriate investment in future R&D projects most specifically related with the prevention and control of these species, that could result in an improvement in the Group’s environmental management capacities, and consequentially, its likelihood of being awarded works by the different authorities. Duration: 2009 - 2010

Consoritum Partners: TRAGSA Y TRAGSATEC

Capabilities Directory Index

SATFOR 1112 Development of advanced technological solutions to improve prevention, efficacy and safety in terms of forest fire extinction Objectives The SATFOR project seeks to generate tools capable of enhancing fire fighting management, providing suitable real time information on the territory, extinction means and fire behaviour, and improving the subsequent employment and expansion of the “lessons learned”, by means of training systems capable of collecting the experience obtained from Large Forest Fires and transmitting it to staff as lifelike as possible. The extension of these tools to interregional settings will reduce the operating difficulties in managing this kind of emergencies. The Project is also a meeting point between the scientific and management fields and fire fighting specialists. SATFOR is co-funded by the Territorial Cooperation Programme for the Southwest European Space (INTERREG IVB SUDOE) of the European Union, and has the support of the Directorate General for Natural Environment and Forest Policy under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Affairs, and the Government of the Principality of Asturias, through Public Entity 112 of Asturias, and the Council of Rural Environment and Fisheries.

Ongoing A. Currently, the activities related with the technical methods are being completed in order to provide the documentary base needed for the developments contemplated in the project. Specifically, a revision of the cartographic resources to be used in forest fire emergency management platforms has been carried out. B. Additionally, work has begun on the functional and territorial extension of an advanced emergency management application, the incorporation of meteorological information in real time, the update of specialist staff locations and the assessment of resources by means of augmented reality systems. Duration: 2011-2012 Call: 2ª Convocatoria 2010 INTERREG SUDOE

Consortium Partners: Tragsa, Tragsatec, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (IPP), Centro de Investigación Forestal de Lourizán (CIF Lourizán)

Capabilities Directory Index

FUME 1013 Forest fires in the context of climate and social changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world Objectives The FUME project aims to document and assess the land-use changes and other factors produced during the past decades influencing forest fires in Europe and other areas in the world affected by fires, in order to make projections regarding the future impact on the vegetation and the landscape according to new climatic, and socio-economic scenarios. Grupo Tragsa participates in the definition of standard classifications for mapping the Rural Urban Interface (RUI) and the development of tools for their creation, as well as for analysing their influence on fire risk and vulnerability. Possible future changes to this kind of settlements are envisaged. The current plans and procedures for fire fighting and prevention will be examined under new climatic, social and economic conditions, to determine the adjustments required to adapt them to these new conditions.

Ongoing An application is currently being completed to map the urban-forest interface in the Mediterranean basin on local, regional and global scales. During the following months the growth trends in this interface and the risk of fire under climatic and land-use change scenarios will be studied. Work is also being carried out to study the efficacy of fire prevention and fire fighting protocols in the light of climate and social change scenarios. Duration: 2010 - 2013 Call: FP7-ENV-2009-1. ENV. Forest fires in the context of climate and social changes.

Consoritum Partners: University of Ioannina UIO, Université F. Abbas de Sétif - Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée UFAS; Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo CEAM; Lunds Universitet ULUND; Institute National de Recherches en Gènie rural, Eaux et Forêts INRGREF; Università degli Studi della Tuscia UNITUS; Universidad de Cantabria; UC National Meteorological Service; Morocco NCCMR; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS; Institut de Recherche pour le Développement IRD; Southwest Anatolia Forestry Research Institute SAFRI; Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung PIK; Ilmatieteen Laitos FMI; South African National Biodiversity Institute SANBI; FundaEao da Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa FFCUL; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR-IBIMET; US Forest Service-Pacific Southwets Research Station USDA-PSRS; Commission of the European Communities- Directorate General Joint; Research Centre-JRC JRC-IES; Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza/International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies IAMZ-CIHEAM; Northern Arizona University NAU; Centro EuroMediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici CMCC; Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC; The University of Arizona UARIZ; Università degli Studi di Sassari UNISS; Tecnologías y Servicios Agrarios, S.A. TRAGSATEC; US Geological Service, Western Ecological Research Center USGSWERC; Centre National du Machinisme Agricole, du Genie Rural, des Eaux et des Forets CEMAGREF; Instituto Superior de Agronomia ISA; University of Wollongong UWOWERC; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens NKUA; Centre for European Policy Studies CEPS.

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IFCOMBAT 0710 Development of a technological platform for the total management of forest fire fighting Objectives Preventing and extinguishing forest fires are among the most important functions of Grupo Tragsa, in which it assumes a significant commitment. To this end, it counts on support equipment and staff ready to be mobilized immediately, according to the fires that break out and their features. Having real time information on the fire fighting teams, as well as on the territory and the behaviour of the fire during forest fires is a very valuable tool, improving the effectiveness of the activities and the safety of the persons involved. This has encouraged Grupo Tragsa to develop a Technological Platform for the Integral Management of Forest Fires that is accessible on the Web, providing the staff in charge of fighting a fire with all the information related with it. The final objective is to create a tool that will facilitate the optimal management of fire fighting resources, improve safety, enable the fire propagation and its scenario to be analysed and assist decision-making.

Ongoing Completed Results obtained: The project has generated a platform for emergency forest fire management consisting in four modules (information, analysis, management and communications). The tool has been implemented using the EMERCARTO and SIGEME applications, which offer all the information stored in databases on the fire fighting resources and infrastructures, as well as all the cartographic information useful for its management, and editing tools, etc. This platform is complemented with a mobile phone application through which the positions of the fire-fighting resources are sent with a brief information text that can be visualized by the persons in charge. The analysis module completes the platform enabling the visualisation of real time fire propagation simulations. Duration:2007 - 2010

Consoritum Partners: TRAGSA and TRAGSATEC

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C@R 0609 C@R “Collaboration at Rural”: A collaborative platform for working and living in rural areas Objectives In developed countries, the rural areas occupy a very large proportion of the territory but contain a low percentage of the population, and where the migratory trend towards urban areas has not ceased for decades. Current rural development policies no longer focus their support on traditional productive sectors, but rather aim to find new services and business models to facilitate life in rural areas with the same benefits as those enjoyed by inhabitants of urban areas, by means of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). The “Collaboration at Rural” (C@R) project led by TRAGSA, aims to tear down some of the barriers that have hindered rural development during the Twentieth Century by generating innovative ecosystems that enable the deployment of new telecommunication services for rural areas. These new ecosystems are known as Living Labs (LLs) and Social Spaces for Research and Innovation that were developed over the course of the project and in which Grupo Tragsa is a worldwide reference, have enabled the establishment of a collaborative services architecture.

Ongoing Results obtained: The Collaboration@Rural project has achieved different results of a considerable impact. On the one hand, an open innovative methodological framework has been defined and tested that facilitates rural development with sustainable services models employing information and communications technologies. Hence, in Cudillero (Asturias) applications have been developed that anticipate offers in the fishing sector, incorporating positioning and communications systems in traditional fishing vessels that enable the sales to be increased. A seal of quality and certification of origin has also been developed as a result, a model that has been imitated in other Spanish territories, and even the rest of Europe, such as in Sicily, in the Madonie Regional Natural Park with shepherds and food companies. Collaborative architectures have also been designed that are the basis of the integration of technologies in the Internet of the Future. Its repercussion has been so remarkable that, taking advantage of his attendance by invitation of the President of the Spanish Government to the 2010 edition of the largest European Technology fair, such as CEBIT is, the CEO of SAP expressly mentioned and congratulated Tragsatec for the results obtained, and this in the presence of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Duration: 2006 - 2009 Call: : IST, Integrated Project, 6PM – 6th Framework Programme Web:

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ACUIE 0812 Electronic Identification in aquaculture. ACUIE Project Objectives The main objective of the project is to determine the best aquaculture electronic identification method, to assess the different alternatives for measuring and monitoring fish or other animals raised in fish farms and then released into river basins. A feasibility study regarding the most suitable and efficient devices will be carried out, determining their advantages and disadvantages, among the wide variety of electronic devices available on the market, both those designed for exclusive use in aquaculture as well as those that, even though they were not designed specifically for this kind of operations, could be applied to them.

Ongoing • Tests in confined waters • Acoustic tests in open waters • Radiofrequency tests in open waters Duration: 2008 - 2012 Call: FFI DE SEPI


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DINAMAP 0810 DINAMAP 2008 Objectives This project was created with a specific focus on the Dinamap system (A corporate tool developed by TRAGSATEC in order to create and manage GIS projects in a simple manner). The objective of this project is to update and improve Dinamap’s capabilities, complying with all the current standards and facilitating the creation of new usage applications and corporate GIS tasks.

Ongoing Results obtained: Development of the DinaMap 2008 software tool: A multitask flexible and configurable Geographic Information System, focused on the interactive creation and editing of maps with special emphasis on swift response times. This modern tool incorporates the following clearly perceptible trends: 1. The adoption of standards such as OpenGIS and the use of SRID reference systems. 2. The use of databases to store geometric information. 3. The possibility of employing Web-based tools rather than only installable applications. 4. The possibility of interacting with remote data accessed through the Internet. Duration: 2008 - 2010

Consoritum Partners: TRAGSA and TRAGSATEC

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HABITATS 1012 HABITATS: “Social Validation of INSPIRE Annex III Data Structures in EU Habitats” Objectives The INSPIRE initiative aims to ensure that the spatial data infrastructures created by the Member States are compatible and re-usable in other Community contexts. The main pitfall lies in the problems related with the availability, quality, organisation, accessibility and interoperability of the spatial data by means of services. INSPIRE fosters the standardised definition of spatial data and associated metadata, determining network services that enable the discovery, visualisation and use of the data to provide value added services. This initiative will establish mandatory compliance rules for all European Community members according to Annexes I, II and III of INSPIRE Directive. HABITATS has the objective of fostering the implementation of INSPIRE in Europe and hastening the development of value added services of public interest regarding spatial data, promoting their standardisation and reutilisation based on the validation of real environments with the participation of society.

Ongoing The establishment of the different geoportals corresponding to the project’s pilot programmes, in accordance with the standardisation of spatial data and metadata associated with the INSPIRE initiative in Europe. These developments are based on the validation of real environments with the participation of society through social network tools and utility surveys. Duration: 2010-2012 Call: The European Union CIP – ICT - PSP (Competitiveness and Innovation Program)

Consoritum Partners: Tragsa, Tragsatec, Next Step International S.r.l. National Microelectronics Application Centre LTD, Help Service Remote Sensing S.R.O, Technical University of Graz, Ente Parco delle Madonie, Superior Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Forest Management Institute, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Latvian University

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CULICOIDES 0911 Study on the reproductive ethology of Culicoides spp., transport and breeding methods and the application of chemical and biological controls Objectives On field studies to research the reproductive conditions of Culicoides spp. in the field (a mosquito transmitting Bluetongue disease) and the location of its larvae. To establish Culicoides spp. breeding methods within controlled environments and explore chemical methods to combat the larvae in the field, and biologic control through the release of sterile male specimens. These will serve as a basis for deigning new control strategies for these populations that have not been developed to date.

Ongoing Literature review and planning activities • In the field research I (knowledge of the vector) • In the field research II (studying combat strategies) • Laboratory research I (captive breeding) • Laboratory research II (studying combat strategies) • Drafting documents, conclusions and reports Duration: 2009-2011

Consoritum Partners: TRAGSATEC and the University of Zaragoza

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MONIAMP 0910 The development of an automatic environmental data collection system in Marine Protected Areas (MPA) and its implantation in a Marine Environmental Management Plan Objectives To develop a system that automatically captures and sends environmental monitoring data from Marine Protected Areas (MPA), for later processing and analysis in an environmental management application that enables information to be obtained that will serve as a decisionmaking tool for the MPA managers.

Ongoing To develop a system that automatically captures and sends environmental monitoring data from Marine Protected Areas (MPA), for later processing and analysis in an environmental management application that enables information to be obtained that will serve as a decisionmaking tool for the MPA managers. Duration: 2009-2010

Consoritum Partners: TRAGSA and TRAGSATEC

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Key information: Date of establishment: 1989 Turnover: 5,5M € International details:Perú (URCI ANDINA DE INGENIERÍA S.A.C.) Address: C/los picos 5 – 1 04004 Almería (Spain) Phone: (+34) 950 620 020 Fax: (+34) 950 620 021 Email: Web:

Communication Tools Catálogo Uri Consultores Tecnología DITOC

Company’s profile URCI CONSULTORES S.L. is an independent company, founded in 1989, which operates in the field of civil engineering, industrial and environmental. The experience of its partners, with over 30 years of professional experience in construction, can offer its clients the services of planning, feasibility studies, construction projects, as well as optional direction and supervision of works. In 2009, URCI CONSULTORES SL has started to internalize its activities by establishing a branch in Peru, with a permanent establishment in Lima, with which it aims to expand its engineering services services in the Americas.

Areas of activity • Civil engineering • Industrial Engineering • Environmental

Areasof R&D activity • Civil engineering

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Featured projects • DITOC, Geographical information system civil engineering • URCITER, Geographic information system for highway projects

Human resources 2010 Total employees: 45 Spain: 44 Abroad: 1

Turnover 2010 National Total: 5.200.000 € InterNational Total: 300.000 €

Human resources devoted to R&D&I Total R&D&i: Spain R&D&I: Abroad R&D&I: 0

Investment in R&D in 2010 Total R&D&i: National Total: Self-financing: Public financing: Internacional IDi:

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DITOC Geographical information system civil engineering Objectives DITOC is an information system which aims to organize and manage georeferenced form all documentation and data on computer generated currently in the technical divisions of Civil Works, means having an organized information generated in different phases of the work, for any query or analysis can be performed without difficulty, and with the assurance that the documents or data accessed are valid at all times. The use of a geographic information system, provides agility and speed in the analysis process, since the entities represented in the plane graphs connect directly to databases that are made throughout the execution of the work and containing data of all kinds: results of tests, inspections geometric nonconformities, reports, documents, maps, photographs

Consoritum Partners: URCI CONSULTORES

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URCITER Geographical information system for highway projects Objectives Application developed by S. CONSULTANTS URCI L. which manages Spain’s territorial knowledge for use in different business processes and civil engineering work develops. Threshold Calculation Watershed Runoff crossed by a corridor • Runoff: The sheet of water flowing in a drainage basin, ie the height in millimeters of rainwater drained and extended depending on the slope. • Runoff Threshold: Defines the total rainfall below which no runoff occurs. This application, which is a Geographic Information System, the application is built on Intergraph’s GeoMedia ®

Consoritum Partners: URCI CONSULTORES, S.L.

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