2 minute read
Chemistry Laboratories: larger autonomy, more laboratory, better academic peformance
The project
The aim of this project was to rethink the laboratory component of the Chemistry course (first year course in 12 BSc and integrated MSc programs at IST) and focus on the laboratory execution, interpretation and discussion of the experimental results. The project strategy was to introduce e-learning tools, through the creation of videos offering the introduction to the different experimental works (including the theoretical concepts and experimental procedures to be applied in class), and online quizzes to assess the level of student preparation (with instant and automatic feedback). Both contents are to be viewed and executed before the class. This new model attempts to increase the class time dedicated to the experimental activity, and the interpretation and discussion of the results, as well as to promote the student’s autonomy and responsibility.
What was done
The project produced 8 videos containing the theoretical concepts and experimental procedures that are covered in the laboratory classes. These were made available online the week before the class. To assess the preparation level of the students, each video had an online quiz, where the students are asked to answer to a set of multiple-choice questions, selected randomly from a large pool. The quizzes provide instant feedback to the students, and the results are made available to the laboratory instructors, that can identify possible gaps in the students’ preparation, to be discussed during the class..

Other relevant information
The student’s feedback was excellent. Approximately 1000 students from 12 different BSc and integrated MSc programs were enrolled in the laboratory classes. Throughout the academic year the platform was updated using students’ suggestions. The videos and quizzes were used by the students not only for the laboratory class preparation, but also as a study tool for tests and exams.
The project implementation in MEBiom and MEFT occurred in the second semester, in full Covid-19 pandemic. The videos were essential to mitigate the lack the hands-on laboratory classes. In the next academic year, 2020/2021, to prepare the course for pandemic teaching classes, the project team will prepare videos with the laboratorial execution and results interpretation and discussion for all laboratory works. Additionally, several courses with laboratory classes in the field of Chemistry and Materials can in future use the concept developed under this project.
Carlos Baleizão (carlos.baleizao@tecnico.ulisboa.pt) Departament of Chemical Engineering
UC: Chemistry (MEEC, MEMec, MEAer, LENO, MEM, MEAmbi, MEC, LEGM, MEBiom, MEFT, LEE, LEGI)