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ARIA JR - the fun
NEW DESIGN, new mask. Designed with kids in mind. It is a specific XS size, that includes a full sheet of stickers to customize the mask to preference!
Kids will love it. They can enjoy a comfortable and safe FFSM - under adult supervision - to start discovering the Oceans. Stickers will tell one apart from the other while looking cool with their friends. The JR is a unique experience for every kid.
ACCESSORIES – The mask comes with a reusable carry bag with mesh bottom for drainage to allow drying after use. Aria is compatible with all accessories in the FFSM Ocean Reef line. Exclusives like Snorkie Talkie, Optical Lens’ Kits and matching Duo fins all add to maximize comfort for an unforgettable experience.
for K ids
ARIA JR – Full Face Snorkeling Mask
SIZE SKU UPC ASIN XS OR019052 764500002789 B07JQCJ9XN
reusable carry bag included with draining bottom.