'Hakuna Matata [The Ripp-Offs] by TEDDY KALANDA HARRISON.

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‘HAKUNA MATATA’ [The Rip-Offs] By TEDDY KALANDA HARRISON Beautiful people, now that you all know the ORIGIN of the most WONDERFUL phrase in Kiswahili ‘HAKUNA MATATA’ it is time for me to let you in onto some of the RIP-OFFS made from the use of the said phrase. The first BIG RIP-OFF is that by the makers of the LION KING movie in 1994. Apart from the millions of dollars they made from the said phrase, they also took all the CREDIT for “CREATING and POPULARISING” the said phrase. This as you are all aware of by now, is ONE VERY BIG LIE they are yet to deny. The second BIG RIP-OFF is by WARNER MUSIC in Hamburg, Germany. They have been collecting SUB PUBLISHING ROYALTIES on the title KENYA HAKUNA MATATA for years. Since 1992 to date, they have only paid me for the year 2011 and half of 2012. Kindly refer to a copy of the ROYALTY STATEMENT on the payment made to me. Despite our arriving at an amicable settlement on the same, the LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE of WARNER MUSIC GERMANY, Frau YVONNE SILL decided to cut off all communication with me for the last three or so years now. I MOST HUMBLY call upon any CARING LAWYER out there, to PLEASE take up this case on behalf of this BLIND 65 year old KENYAN musician. Whoever takes up this case on my behalf gets to keep, 30% of all the royalties plus the interest owed to date. There must be someone out there who can help me get back what is RIGHTFULLY MINE. PLEASE HAVE MERCY… A TON OF THANX TO ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE FOR YOUR SUPPORT. I have in my records all the correspondence between me and Frau YVONNE SILL on this matter in case someone wants to see them.



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