Career Advice and Office Jobs Blogs from London
FINDING A NEW JOB AS A GRADUATE: TOP TIPS FOR SUCCESS Finding a new job as a graduate can be tough due to the high competition, therefore it’s important to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Microsoft Excel Training for graduates can help you do this, and when combined with several other easy tips and strategies, you can be looking forward to securing that first job in no time. Having worked hard for several years at university to gain the qualifications you wanted, the biggest challenge that graduates then face is to find a job and get on the career ladder. You will graduate from university with the knowledge required in your field, but it’s often the practical skills which can help get you that first job. Microsoft Excel Training for graduates is an excellent skill to have on your CV, showing that you have invested time in learning and obtaining a working knowledge of one of the most commonly used pieces of business software. So, without further ado, here are our top tips for securing that first job.
Lоndоn is nоt juтt the capital city оf Englаnd аnd one оf thе mотt historical and fатсinаting cities in thе wоrld, it is also a сеntrе of mаnу diffеrеnt trаdет аnd induтtriет аnd plays аn intеgrаl раrt in both Eurореаn and wоrldwidе есоnоmiст.
London in History
Thе name ‘London’ соmет frоm itт оriginаl Lаtin nаmе ‘Londinium,’ givеn tо thе сitу by Rоmаn invaders in thе 9th century. Originally, the capital сitу оf Englаnd was Colchester, but thiт сhаngеd аftеr thе departure оf the Romans аnd subsequent settling оf thе Sаxоnт. Thanks tо itт lосаtiоn оn thе Rivеr Thames, Lоndоn bесаmе thе centre fоr mаnу induтtriет аnd trades as it was еату to trаvеl intо and around it via boat. London hат been knоwn fоr сеnturiет as the place whеrе реорlе in thе UK gо tо tomаkе thеir fоrtunе аnd tоdау it is тtill full оf people of all walks of life wоrking hard in thеir сhотеn induтtriет.
Sending out our resumes we often tend to include proficiency in MS Office as a technical skill, without truly being able to realize the potential of the software. In a world surrounded by technology, it’s hard to meet a professional who hasn’t opened or created an MS Word document. While being able to write down a few lines of text and format them is usually enough, in the legal world, experience with document editing software is crucial for the efficiency and quality of work. That being said, the MS Word skills for legal professionals not only extend beyond the simple functionality of the software, but are also a vital way of dealing with the everyday workload.
HOW TO BECOME A PROJECT ASSISTANT IN LONDON Becoming a project assistant is a great way to get into Project Management. The Project management sector is a huge employer and there are a great many contract roles available for experienced Project Managers. As an assistant you will be responsible for providing administrative support to directors and project managers to help ensure the project is completed in a timely and satisfactory manner. Tasks will often include things like creating reports, proofreading documents, conducting research, and collecting data. Although starting salaries for a project assistant aren’t huge, the position allows you to get valuable experience in the sector of your choice and once you become a project manager, the earnings are potentially lucrative. Project managers only tend to be contracted for the duration of a particular project. Therefore due to the risk factor involved with sort term contracts, they are able to command extremely high salaries.