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>>AMA Primer
This belongs to:
What is AMA? The Ateneo Management Association is the
home organization for BS Management and BS Management-Honors students of the Ateneo de Manila University, is the premier entrepreneurship organization in the Ateneo.
Vision The Ateneo Management Association, a non-
stock, non-profit organization, commits to progressively be the most effective student-run business organization, primarily catering to the needs of Management students through the advocacy of entrepreneurship towards nation building.
Mission We encourage purpose-driven endeavors of
concrete value for the benefit of Management students. We dedicate ourselves to the promotion of entrepreneurship by providing venues for learning and practice. Furthermore, the organization will also provide soicallyoriented ventures
>>the Departments & ADCOmM Advertising Communications AdComm is in charge of communicating AMA’s activities and initiatives within AMA and the Ateneo community through effective promotions, fullcoverage documentation, and timely publications. Its member training is geared towards the improvement of AdComm’s creative output.
BA Business Applications
BA advocates entrepreneurship by providing opportunities for learning, progressive in-depth training, and the application of business knowledge and skills to aspiring student entrepreneurs.
EXR External Relations
ExR aims to strengthen, expand, and leverage on AMA’s networks by partnering with other organizations to create purposedriven projects of concrete value
FR Financial Resources
FR’s role is to raise funds for the organization to use. This is done mainly though fundraising projects and making marketing efforts. Another role of the department is to cushion the expenses of AMA’s projects by supplying the necessary x-deals
HR Human Resources
HR spearheads projects that promote member welfare and development of the organization and to implement systems that encourage member activity.
>>Calendar of Activities
t @OfficialAMAnem