“We Are Our Brothers Keeper.”
Our Values
Our Services
Our Board
How You Can Help
ABOUT US Founded by a trip of formally incarcerated men, Darryl McKenzie, kelvin McKenzie, and Shawn Pauling. Genesis 4 Project is a non-profit 503 c(3) Corp. designed to help reduce recidivism, father-absenteeism, and personal responsibility to formally incarcerated persons who are returning to communities. Workforce, and life after incarceration.
MISSION Our purpose is to strengthen families and cultivate leadership. The mission of the Genesis 4 Project is to develop total person- spirit, mind, and body through character development programs that build strong families and strong communities.
VISION To accomplish our mission, the Genesis 4 Project, strives to assist all those within our community and all individuals we are able to across the nation. The Genesis 4 Project is meant to provide assistance and comfort to formally incarcerated men and their families by providing job training, job search and placement assistance, as well as create a network of driven and family oriented men.
G E N E S I S 4 .O R G 5
OUR VALUES Our organization seeks to equip and empower as many as possible. We do so by keeping in mind our four cornerstone values in all of our efforts. These values being to inspire, develop, teach, and connect
It’s our duty to inspire all those within our organization to reach for their full potential and we do our best to aid them to reach for that on a daily basis.
We aid in the development process by offering various mentoring opportunities such as lectures and workshops, as well as one and one mentoring whenever needed.
Our team provides hands on training and assistance that offers real world experience that members of the organization can use as they prepare to rejoin the workforce.
Our goal is to connect as many as possible who seek to better themselves and their families while also being able to assist others who may be in need as well.
each everyone that is involved with the Genesis 4 Project.
OUR SERVICES Genesis 4:9 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know”, he replied. “Am I my brothers keeper?”
The answer is yes, we are our brothers keeper! At Genesis 4, it is our belief that it takes a village. Having experienced incarceration and its effects first hand, we realize incarceration, no matter how brief has life changing effects on the individual, their families, the community, and our nation. Therefore; we must come together as a family, community, and nation that has the distinction of being number one in the world in per capita incarceration. We must provide the necessary tools to empower and support all those who are affected by this statistic.
Our Services Include: • • • • • • •
Mentorship Programs Entrepreneur Training Conflict Resolution Courses Coping and Development Sessions Workforce Development Family Counseling Community Outreach Programs
Genesis 4:9 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know”,he replied. “Am I my brothers keeper?”
Darrell Mckenzie
Our Board consist of a diverse group who each bring a specific gift and skill set to organization. Each team member has been effected by mass incarceration in some fashion, and due to this has a connection with each and very one that needs the assistance of the Genesis 4 Project.
Kelvin McKenzie
One of the three founding members, Darryl McKenzie, served two years as a member of the United States Marine Corp a graduate of university of South Carolina, Co coordinator Operations behind bars program Lee Correctional Institution, Owner of Legacy Auto Transport LLC. He and his lovely wife Audrey are devoted parents, grandparents who understand that it takes a village. Our philosophy is it doesn’t matter where you start but where you end that counts.
Kelvin McKenzie is the owner of Vision Transport and wholesale. His business includes transportation of vehicles for automobile auction, dealerships and purchasing and selling vehicles wholesale. Mr. McKenzie has been in transportation for over twenty years. He has been rewarded with the MLK Coalition Award for small businesses and recognized by his church with Service Award by his peers. He is also an active member of United Community and Associates which help support community services. Mr. McKenzie is a deacon at his church and a Sunday school teacher along with his wife, Christine. They have been married for over twenty-one years. They have one 20 yr. old daughter, Juanita. Mr. McKenzie has trained other drivers who are currently successful entrepreneurs. 11
Daniel J. Johnson holds a Bachelor of science De with a minor in Psychology from South Carolina worked for the South Carolina Department of ju twenty-nine years in various c a p a c i t i e s includin of Investigations and Juvenile Correctional office several organizations. He is a long time member Fraternity incorporated, The Juvenile Officers A of the South Carolina Corrections Associations Men of Greater Columbia and the South Carolina Association (SCGIA). He is a dedicated family m
Daniel J. Johnson
OUR BOARD Our Board consist of a diverse group who each bring a specific gift and skill set to organization. Each team member has been effected by mass incarceration in some fashion, and due to this has a connection with each and very one that needs the assistance of the Genesis 4 Project.
Shaun E. Pauling
egree in Criminal Justice State University. He has uvenile justice for over ng Chief of Police, Chief er. Daniel is a member of r of the Omega Psi Phi Association (JDA), member s (SCCA), The 100 Black a Gang Investigators man.
Shawn E. Pauling is a 44 yr old resident of the Columbia area. Originally born in Atlanta GA by his mother and father, Deborah and Hercules Pauling. Shawn grew up in Columbia with his mother and father in the household while attending the public schools in the Columbia area. Like his father and many other relativities Shawn played football in high school. After graduating high school and working in the construction industry Shawn began to be enticed by the lifestyle that those who sold drugs in his neighborhood area. Thus began my downward spiral of making poor choices in his life, which eventually lead me to him being arrested sentenced to a life 55-yearHis sentence, 1994. Kelvin McKenzie is the owner and of Vision Transport andplus wholesale. businessinincludes transportation of vehicles for automobile auction, dealerships and purchasing and selling vehicles wholesale. Mr. McKenzie has 13
Willie Entzminger was raised in Columbia South graduated from that wonderful school C.A John Entzminger completed some college after high because he wanted to experience a different lif air force and after four years he received an ho Afterwards he attended USC while working at institute and Manning institute. He studied Inter a minor in Conflict Resolutions he missed the m joined the US army where he retired at the rank Worked at the department of DJJ and for the la retiring from the South Carolina educational lot
Willie Entzminger
A college football injury caused entertainment. After 12 years in t from God to write and direct his movie was filmed in his native C House: A Christian Story. Other m of Mine”, “From the Shallow to th “The Resolution Pact”.
Zeb Foulks
h Carolina, He nson class of 1966. Mr. school but did not finish fe. So he entered the US onorable discharge. Central Correctional rdisciplinary studies with military life so he then k of Master Sargent. ast 10 years before ttery as a manager.
OUR BOARD Our Board consist of a diverse group who each bring a specific gift and skill set to organization. Each team member has been effected by mass incarceration in some fashion, and due to this has a connection with each and very one that needs the assistance of the Genesis 4 Project.
Zeborah to purse a second passion in media television broadcasting, Zeborah had a vision s own movie. The tfaith-based, independent Columbia, South Carolina. It is entitled Safe movies in Zeborah’s filmology include: “Angel he Deep”, “Paranoid”, “Tyler Jenkins” and
Marilyn is a professionally trained Master Level attended Lamar University and the University o College of Social Work. She has (LMSW) Licen from the South Carolina Labor, Licensing and R Finally, she has a School Social Work Certificat Carolina State Department of Education. She re Cambridge College and her certification for Ele Principal. She is currently a school social worke district and is serving her 17th year in that posi loves working with the faculty, staff, students a
Marilyn Y. Doucet
OUR BOARD Our Board consist of a diverse group who each bring a specific gift and skill set to organization. Each team member has been effected by mass incarceration in some fashion, and due to this has a connection with each and very one that needs the assistance of the Genesis 4 Project.
Ted Lamisere
Social Worker. She of South Carolina, se Master Social Worker Regulation Board (LLR). tion from the South eceived her Ed. S from ementary and Secondary er in a local school tion. Most of all she and their families.
Ted holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Graphic Design. Originally from Atlanta, GA Ted came into contact with Darrell McKenzie (Projects Director) in 2014. Darrell proved to be a great source of wisdom and encouragement and has attributed in part to the success and growth Ted has been able to achieve. Currently Ted is a full time Graphic Designer within the city of Las Vegas, Nevada. As the newest member of the Genesis 4 Project Ted’s mission is to convey the organizations message as effectively and positively as possible, by means of art and design. Kelvin McKenzie is the owner of Vision Transport and wholesale. His business includes transportation of vehicles for automobile auction, dealerships and purchasing and selling vehicles wholesale. Mr. McKenzie has 17
HOW YOU CAN HELP. Individual commitment to a group effort – that’s what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. - Vince Lombardi While we do our best to take care of all operational aspects of the organization and the cost of all the services we provide, we do need YOUR HELP. “It takes a family” and all of our efforts contribute to a better future for our community. We sincerely ask that all please consider joining our growing Donor List by making a tax-deductible donation of $10, $15, $20 (or whatever level you are comfortable) to support our fundraising efforts. Any funds donated will be used to invest in our work with men and boys in the Columbia, SC area and those throughout the nation! We greatly appreciate the love, consideration, and all your assistance! Together we can build a better tomorrow for our families.
For more information on how to donate please contact:
DIRECTORY Darryl McKenzie
Marilyn Doucett
Projects Director
Director of Social Programs
Kelvin Mckenzie
Ted Lamisere
Graphic Designer
Shawn Pauling Vice President
Willie Entzminger Senior Advisor Wentzminger
Zeb Faulks Media Development
Postal Address 5307 North Main Street Columbia, SC 29203
Office 5307 North Main Street Columbia, SC 29203 Phone: 803.401.5489 E-mail: GENESIS4.ORG