TEDxBrighton 2013: Pass It On

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ON PA S S I T O N October 25th 2013 Brighton Dome With a publicly open Ideas Lab tedxbrighton.com

G E N E S . I D E A S . E T H I C S . T E C H N O L O G Y. S O C I E T Y. L I T E R AT U R E . P O S S E S S I O N S . C O N C E P T S . I N H E R I TA N C E . L E G AC Y. E N V I R O N M E N T. E C O S YS T E M S . PA S S I T O N .

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About The annual Conference takes place in Long Beach, California, with simulcast in Palm Springs; Global is held each year in Oxford, UK. ’s media initiatives include .com, where new Talks are posted daily, and the Open Translation Project, which provides subtitles and interactive transcripts as well as the ability for any Talk to be translated by volunteers worldwide. has established the annual Prize, where exceptional individuals with a wish to change the world are given the opportunity to put their wishes into action; , which offers individuals or groups a way to host local, self-organized events around the world; and the Fellows program, helping world-changing innovators from around the globe to become part of the community and, with its help, amplify the impact of their remarkable projects and activities. Follow TED on Twitter at twitter.com/ or on Facebook at facebook.com/



About In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a -like experience. At a event, Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded where x = independently organized event. The Conference provides general guidance for the program, but individual events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)


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About 2013 Introduction Wow, we’re finally here! Round 3. Welcome to this, the third edition of Brighton, where we proudly present to you an incredible lineup of thought leading, world class speakers, sharing their ideas worth spreading around legacy, inheritance and heritage. Our theme, Pass it On, asks us all to consider what knowledge, systems, resources and ideas will be worth sharing with future generations. It questions how our cultures and biology shape us and what world we have inherited. We invite you to join us in the south end of the conference hall for lunch; to sit with new faces and explore the ideas and conversations that are roused today. Outside of the conference hall, the Ideas Lab will offer you and the people of Brighton the chance to engage with a variety of interactive ideas, exhibitions and projects. Today’s event would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors, advocates, team and audience, so we would like to thank you for helping to create this experience. We hope you will join us in the conversation during the breaks and over Twitter on # Brighton. All the best, Team Brighton


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About Speakers


ARAL BALKAN Aral Balkan is an experience designer working to change the world by bringing design thinking to open source. His latest project, Prometheus, is an ambitious initiative to build a beautiful new mobile platform that empowers regular people to own their own data. He is an award‐winning speaker and a board member of CodeClub. @aral / www.aralbalkan.com

CAROL PEARSON A retired chartered accountant and artist with a passion for mountain climbing, Carol has an alternative portfolio career. She is fascinated by women’s ability to recreate themselves and look at old stories with fresh eyes. Retiring early on health grounds was her wake up call to feel the challenges faced by people unable to work in a traditional way. Carol is a charity trustee and audit chair in the NHS. She volunteers in numerous diverse roles and won an award from the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAEW) in 2012 for her voluntary work at Endometriosis UK. @Carol_J_Pearson / www.endometriosis-uk.org


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C H R I S E VA N S - R O B E R T S Chris is the founder and Managing Director of Ithaca Audio, a Brighton based company that specialises in re-using and remixing audio visual material to create unique videos. Ithaca Audio have created remix videos for some of the worlds largest corporations and advertising agencies, recycling 100 years worth of cultural output from all corners of the globe. Ithaca Audio’s videos have gained over 1 million views online and was recently nominated for the 2013 Webby Awards. Chris is also an award winning composer, sound designer and multi-instrumentalist. He is a member of the British Academy of Composers, Songwriters and Authors, has taught music production for the BBC and performed Ithaca Audio’s remix videos live all over the world. @cevansroberts / www.ithacaaudio.com

DAV E WA L L E R Dave makes his living as a journalist, but is also a student and performer of improvised comedy, and has a lifelong love of hip-hop culture. He has combined these interests to create Excursions, a collaborative live show designed to bring out the warmth and humour of freestyle rapping and take it to new audiences. As a Cornishman who grew up in the tiny village of Stenalees, Dave is fascinated by how such a niche urban sub-culture managed to spread around the world and wind up co-existing alongside the local shop, bowling green and Women’s Institute. @DiagonalDave / www.excurs.io


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DUNCAN BAKER-BROWN Director of BBM Sustainable Design, award-winning architect, senior lecturer at the University of Brighton and an environmental campaigner, Duncan has been at the forefront of sustainable design for over 20 years since he designed and built the RIBA Competition winning scheme ‘the house of the Future’ with partner Ian McKay in 1994. In 1997 as Co-Director of BBM Duncan was part of the design team that won the competition to design The Greenwich Millennium Village in London. Since then he has practiced, researched and taught around issues of sustainable design & development. Duncan designed ‘The House That Kevin Built’ with Kevin McCloud in 2008. It was UK’s first prefabricated house made almost entirely of organic ‘compostable’ material and it was built in only 6 days live on Channel 4 attracting 5 million viewers a night. Duncan is the architect and coordinator of the University of Brighton’s Waste House, which is currently being built with the help of students from City College Brighton & Hove and the University of Brighton Faculty of Arts. To date nearly 600 people have been involved with the project. @BBMarchitects / www.bbm-architects.co.uk

K AT E G E N E V I E V E Kate is an Artist and Director based in Brighton. Kate’s work brings together research in science, technology and performance around how humans sense the environment and each other. She creates work for art galleries and theatre settings as well as directing unusual site-specific projects for places such as Modernist tower blocks and heritage castles. Kate is the founder of C H R Θ M A a media art group creating immersive visual performances that explore the line between the physical and the virtual, the real world and imagined ones. Recent projects have shown at London Science Museum, Camp Bestival and Brighton Fringe. Kate is working on a PHD at the University of Sussex exploring the communicative potentials of emerging technologies and teaches Creative Media and Digital Arts at Masters level. @kategenevieve / www.kategenevieve.com


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KONRAD BRITS Konrad is the founder and managing director of Falcon Coffees, a UK based green coffee trading company that focuses on building collaborative supply chains between rural coffee farmers and roasting companies around the world. Over the last twenty years Konrad has worked throughout sub Saharan Africa and Central America, seeking to establish trading platforms that create access to finance, risk management and market access for communities made vulnerable through poverty. Konrad has served on the Fairtrade Global Product Advisory Council, is a reviewer for the Gates Foundation and runs rural projects with Root Capital, a non-profit social impact lender. @FalconSpeciality / www.falconcoffees.com

LEILA JOHNSTON Writer, technologist and broadcaster Leila is fascinated by contemporary maker culture and espouses ‘doing things you’re not supposed to’ with ideas and systems wherever possible. She is the co-creator of successful ‘geek culture’ podcast Shift Run Stop, the author of three humour books and the founder of several sell-out event series, including apocalypsethemed The Event, and performance tech night, Hack Circus – which she has recently launched as a magazine. Always working on the borders of technology and art, she was a ‘technologist in residence’ at Sheffield’s Site Gallery in 2012, writes on hacking for WIRED UK, and currently works for a magician. @FinalBullet / www.finalbullet.com


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DR MEG BARKER Dr. Meg Barker is a writer, academic, therapist and activist in the area of sex and relationships. Meg is a senior lecturer in psychology at the Open University and has published many academic books and papers, including edited books about non-monogamous relationships, sadomasochism, and counselling. They are the lead author of The Bisexuality Report, and they are involved in running many public events on sexuality and relationships, including Sense about Sex, Critical Sexology, and Gender & Sexuality Talks. Meg’s 2013 book Rewriting the Rules is a friendly guide love, sex and relationships, and they blog about these matters on www.rewriting-the-rules.com. @megbarkerpsych / www.rewritingtherules.wordpress.com

M I C K TAY L O R Mick is a former teacher of mathematics with a PhD in mathematical epidemiology, studying how changes in social structures and human behaviour can lead to different outcomes in the event of a disease outbreak. Mick is fascinated by human systems, particular in monetary systems and how the design of our money supply impacts on all aspects of human life. Mick is obsessed by the emergence of social structures, such as families, communities or regions. He recently launched OurFest, a not-for-profit festival with a flat organisational hierarchy, whereby the festival’s success is dependent on the contributions and interactions of the participants. @DrMickTaylor


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NIKKI CRUMPTON Nikki is the Regional Planning Director EMEA, and Head of McCann Pioneers at McCann Worldgroup After studying Geography at Oxford Nikki started her career in planning at BMPDDB, where she learnt her craft on the MLC, PG tips and the COI. She moved to Fallon in 1998 where made it to partner and then decided to move to McCann in 2006, to help build the behemothic brand into a more domestically relevant offering. One of the campaigns that she is most proud of is the Shreddies campaign which breathed new life into a tired British brand through the introduction of the loveable Knitting Nanas, who are now fully social and helping lift sales to new heights. Nikki has a number of planning awards from the APG (a gold, silver and bronze), and has been a part of many teams that have created award winning work, most notably Sony, Skoda, Heinz, Nandos, Ministry of Sound and Ben and Jerry’s. Nikki has two little girls, and a passion for innovation, sustainability and, since working on LOCOG, The Olympics and Paralympics. She also loves making cupcakes and surfing. The cupcakes are good, the surfing is rubbish. @firecoda / www.mccann.com

S A M WAT L I N G Like most adolescents I am mostly defined by my upbringing and education. I am quite chaotic, with a history of going to miscellaneous establishments and having a variety of experiences - from a normal, state primary school to a Buddhist one and even once gaining a scholarship to a private school. However, ironically, the majority of academic qualifications I ever got were during the period when I was home- educated. This experience, mostly due to the Asperger’s syndrome I was born with, has shaped me and imprinted on my personality arguably the greatest mark of any experience in my short life so far. My interest also stems from my interest in history and economics , which I have studied since early in my childhood, that ,coupled with an interest in writing leads me write articles for the Brighton left website. If you want to know anything more about me, I do martial arts and occasionally explore abandoned buildings.


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S U B AT H R A S U B R A M A N I A M Subathra Subramaniam is a choreographer, dancer and educator. Her choreography straddles ancient and modern, arts and science, dance and research. Suba’s work is contemporary but draws on the oldest of dance forms, Bharata Natyam from South India. She is artistic director of Sadhana Dance and her company works are not only based on a desire to innovate and entertain, but a belief that dance, can help the public engage with scientific concepts. Her dance creations are the result of cross-art collaborations and extended periods of research undertaken in scientific and academic institutions. Suba is co-director of the Youth Programme for Cape Farewell, a project which brings together young people, artists, scientists, educators and others to raise awareness about climate change. @sadhanadance / www.sadhanadance.com

XINRAN XUE Xuē Xīnrán (薛欣然, pen name Xinran) is a British-Chinese journalist and broadcaster, born in Beijing in 1958. In the late 1980s, she began working for Chinese Radio. In 1997 she moved to London, where she initially worked as cleaner. In London, she began work on her seminal book about Chinese women’s lives The Good Women of China, a memoir relating many of the stories she heard while hosting her radio show (“Words on the Night Breeze”) in China. The book was published in 2002 and has been translated into over thirty languages. In August 2004 Xinran set up The Mother’s Bridge of Love (MBL). MBL reaches out to Chinese children in all corners of the world; by creating a bridge of understanding between China and the West and between adoptive culture and birth culture, MBL ultimately wants to help bridge the huge poverty gap which still exists in many parts of China. The MBL book for adoptive families, Mother’s Bridge of Love, came third in TIME magazine’s list of the top ten children’s books of 2007. Xinran often advises western media (including BBC and Sky) about western relations with China, and makes frequent television and radio appearances. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Asia House Festival of Asian Literature. @MothersBridge / www.mothersbridge.org 10

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Schedule PA S S I T O N October 25th 2013 Brighton Dome With a publicly open Ideas Lab tedxbrighton.com

2013 Session

Schedule Introduction Video

Opening Remarks

David Bramwell

Session 1

Konrad Brits Kate Genevieve Mick Taylor Subathra Subramaniam



Session 2

Leila Johnston Duncan Baker Brown Sam Watling Xinran



Session 3

Chris Evans-Roberts Meg Barker Nikki Crumpton Dave Waller



Session 4

Carol Pearson Aral Balkan

Closing Remarks

David Bramwell Close

Cover illustration and programme design by Phil Wellington @wellingtongrphc

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