Christmas 2011 Issue No:51
estive dition
To all my lovely Girls, I cannot believe it’s nearing the end of another year at Transpose - our sixth year in business in fact! We’ve had some highs and lows over the last year, the recession particularly hitting everyone hard but you have stayed with me and I hope that the abundance of special offers in 2011 has helped in some way. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking you all for your continued support. The beginning of the year saw me going into hospital, yet again, for another operation and I was out of action for a number of weeks. The recession started to bite Transpose badly, so much so that my gorgeous husband Dave had to step in and start up his wedding photography business again, just to help keep us ticking along. Please have a look at the website if you have time - Dave is very good! Sparkle this year was a totally different experience for me as this was the first time Transpose did not have a stand in the park. I enjoyed it very much but next year Transpose will, once again, be taking a part in the weekend’s celebrations.
In 2012 I hope to be able to offer a few more services, such as a Bridal Day, where the focus is totally on the bride; a complete make-up starter kit with a free make-up lesson; outdoor shoots; trips out and Make-up Master Class. We will also be introducing Chroma-key photography whereby any pictures taken in the studio can be superimposed on another photograph - I can take a picture of you in your swimsuit, sat in the studio and then superimpose you onto an exotic beach with palm trees - how cool is that? Of course, I will be throwing out a few special offers for you next year. Whatever you are doing over the festive period, have fun. May we (me, Dave, Tilly & Chaz) wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing you all soon. Love from Me,
Teela-Jane xxxxx
The Remit I received a text from Paula Chester the day before our appointment together - this read:-
Well I love a challenge!!!
o orr
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la Tee
tom r o f
The Results
xy-Tary Amongst the Sexy-taries that have visited Transpose recently, was our little Polish gem called Kate who looked after me and visitors to Transpose with a warm welcome and a hot cuppa. I think Kate had a little trouble understanding me as I do generally talk like a rapid fire machine gun, but we got there. I received the most lovely email after her visit, saying how much she enjoyed it and hopes to be back soon.
Girl o Festive
Here is a Transpose reg lar, I mean regular. O month for a photoshoo coffee and catch up pl cial evening..............
it’s W
I wanted to do a publi for all the work she do the scenes and for the encouragement she giv call her a friend!
Wendy is a contestant Miss Alternative Liverp competition - we are a Good Luck Wendy!! I’ gets on in the next new
Love Tee
of the e Month
gular, when I say reguOnce a month, every ot, once a week for a lus she attends every so-
ic Thank You to Wendy oes for Transpose behind constant support and ves me. I am proud to
t in the pool 2011 all cheering for her ’ll let you know how she wsletter.
ela-Jane xxx
CHRISTMAS CLOSING TIMES Please note that Transpose will be closed from the 13th December, reopening again on the 18th January 2012. Please feel free to email me as I will be picking up mail on a daily basis. I will also be keeping in regular contact on Facebook - see LSLtranspose. For girls with items in storage, please email me when you want access to your things, giving me at least 48 hours notice so arrangements can be made. See you in 2012!