Musezine 21: Wild Noise

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MUSEZINE 21 Wild Noise is a joint collaboration between the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes and The Bronx Museum of the Arts, and it is the most extensive cultural exchange between Cuba and the United States in over five decades. The exhibition is the product of three years of research and numerous travels between Havana and New York— time during which the curatorial team discussed the role of museums vis-àvis the communities they serve. Since its founding in 1971, The Bronx Museum of the Arts has played a vital role in making art accessible to local residents through extensive education programs like the Teen Council, which over the next two years will collaborate with a group of youths in Havana. Bronx Museum Teen Council creates MuseZines every year. This year’s zine includes our own creative work, as well as artwork made by teens from El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Instituto PreUniversitario José Martí and Academia San Alejandro in Havana, Cuba. You’ll find quotes throughout the zine from the collaborative exchange we did this winter and spring. We were surprised to discover how much we have in common!

Cover: Vanessa Vargas and Alyssa Otero

-------------------------------------------Ruido Salvaje es una colaboración entre el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes y el Museo de Arte del Bronx , y es el intercambio cultural más amplio entre Cuba y los Estados Unidos en más de cinco décadas. La exposición es el resultado de tres años de investigación y numerosos viajes entre La Habana y Nueva York- tiempo durante el cual el equipo curatorial discutió el papel de los museos vis- à-vis las comunidades que sirven. Desde su fundación en 1971 , el Museo de Arte del Bronx ha desempeñado un papel vital en hacer el arte accesible a los residentes locales a través de amplios programas de educación como el Consejo de Adolescentes, que en los próximos dos años va a colaborar con un grupo de jóvenes en La Habana . El Consejo de Adolescentes del Museo del Bronx crea MuseZines (pequeñas publicaciones) cada año. Este año, la revista incluye nusetro arte y también arte de los jovenes de El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Instituto Pre-Universitario José Martí y la Academia San Alejandro en la Habana, Cuba. Encontrará citas en toda la revista del intercambio que hicimos este invierno y primavera. Nos sorprendimos al descubrir cuánto tenemos en común.

Sending a quick emails was not an option. Instead we exchanged objects that described our cities. Envío de rápidos correos electrónicos no fue una opción. Entonces intercambiamos objetos que describían nuestras ciudades.

Saber’s Story by Nick Rivera Saber threw the match in the wood pile. “The ritual is complete!” Saber yelled as the fire grew in exponential size. “Now do I put out the fire?” “ No need to young one” A mysterious figure said in a deep voice. Saber turned in excitement and said “So you’re Azazel.” “I am young one, now why am I here.” “I wish death upon some people.” Saber said with a smile. “If you know my name then you know how I work.” Azazel said. “I’m already ahead of you,” Saber went into his book bag and pulled out a necklace with a vile attached to it. “here take this.” Saber said with a smile. “A soul, you give me one sou!” Azazel yelled. “I think its the value of the soul that counts, its the. soul of my wife.” Saber said. “You are a crazy man, sadly for you this does not suffice for me.” Azazel said. “What do you mean, I am giving you her soul, her soul means a lot to me, it has to have value!” Saber exclaimed. “It holds value to you, no value to me or to what I do.” Azazel explained. “You have wasted my time and I love my time, it is precious to me. For wasting my time you will receive a nice punishment.” “ A punishment, go ahead do your worse, I prepared myself for something like this, do it kill me!” Saber yelled irrationally. “Death? No, death would be a blessing to a man such as you, instead I will give a limit and until that limit has been meet you will not die, all scars will heal, all pain will subside, you will be my immortal puppet until your time is up.” Azazel said in a nice smile. Saber laughed as a mad man as the curse was bestowed upon him. “I will call you in the near future Puppet, until then live.” Azazel said as he and the fire subsided. “Hahahaha, Puppet I like the sound of that.” Puppet said. Puppet left the forest and went into oncoming traffic. As the car approached him at top speed all he does is wait there and smile.






cademia San Alejandro students were invited to submit works to this year’s zine. The works on the following pages presents the best contemporay teen artists from Cuba.

“A mi me gusta el Baseball. Me gustaría como carrera el Periodismo Deportivo.” - Paula (desde Cuba)

“Me gustaria ir a Cuba un dia para decirles gracias en persona.” -Latchmi (from the Bronx)

“We don’t have internet access, though some people do. For the most part, not everyone has a phone. A good phone here is a samsung 3 or htc 1 or iphone 4s.” - Cuban teens

This drawing by Cristal Rivera was inspired by a sculpture by John Ahearn that we saw when Teen Council visited his studio for our annual artist interview. To view the video go to:

Social Issues Posters Inspired by the political works we saw in the BxMA exhibition, “Imprint/In Print” we designed and made prints related to contemporary social issues that matter to us in the Bronx. ---------------------------Inspirados por las obras de arte político que vimos en la exposición “Imprint/In Print” del BxMA diseñamos y realizamos grabados relacionados con temas sociales contemporáneos que son importantes para nosotros en el Bronx.

Text Description of Project. Add Photos of the process.


Created in 2005, The Bronx Museum Teen Council makes contemporary art and culture accessible to urban youth through a series of different platforms. Structured around the production of MuseCasts, video productions and MuseZines, (a Staff: Hatuey Ramos-Fermín, Edwin Gonzalez, small magazine), Teen Council is comprised of a group of Ellie Krakow high school students working CUBA TEAM closely with two instructors in the Museum’s Media Lab. Teens: Instituto Pre-Universitario José Martí Scheduled concurrently with (MNBA): Rocio Callol•Kevin Ruffin•Roxana the school year, this 8-month González•Mauro Alejandro Iznaga•Katerine program provides teens with an Rivalta•Yaiza Frías•Paula Barreto•José open forum for the expression Jordan Muñiz•Karla Silva of ideas and dialogue on issues affecting young people, and the Academia San Alejandro: Serlian Barreto•Jorge Gulin•Gerzon Velazco•Ernesto promotion of the Bronx as an Jose Fernandez•Emilio Perez•Andy important cultural, political and Mendoza•Mario Brino Alvarez•Yazmani artistic force. For more details, Jomarrón•Ernesto Chávez•Miguel Osorio visit Malena Peña Teens: Alyssa Otero•Cristal Rivera•Delarys Ramos•Elijah Harrison•Kalimah Jefferson •Kenneth Guevara •Latchmi Gobind•Leonardo Compres •Nikky Gonzalez •Nikolas Rivera•Raldenys Tolentino•Rosana Martinez •Vanessa Vargas

Staff: Yamir Macías (MNBA), Liritza Lopez (MNBA), Lesmes Larroza (Academia San Alejandro) Teen Council is made possible with funding from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, New York Yankees Foundation, Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation, The Pinkerton Foundation, William Randolph Hearst Foundation, and Anonymous. Wild Noise is supported by the Ford Foundation and the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, with additional funding from Bespoke Travel, BronxLebanon Hospital Center, Charina Endowment Fund, The Evelyn Toll Family Foundation, Fundación Amistad, Laura Blanco and Robert F. Shainheit, The Liman Foundation, Milton & Sally Avery Arts Foundation, and RLA Conservation of Art & Architecture. Special thanks to Lindsey Frank, Esq. of Rabinowitz, Boudin, Standard, Krinsky & Lieberman, P.C.

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