Teen Fashioned Magazine | The Groove Issue

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The Groove Issue The Premiere Issue

content features


"Hello" from Julie


God Is My Refuge


The Way He Sees You Is Enough

Cover Girl: Actress with a 10 Heart After God 14 Stay the Course 18 Back to School Fashion Look Book 24 Welcome Home 27 Being Unique is as Easy as 1-2-3 28 The Beauty of COLOR


30 Comic Strip: Getting Grace

Credit: Adobe Stock Credit: Adobe Stock


Cyndi Galley

Editor-in-Chief, Fashioned & Teen Fashioned Magazines

Julie Ornelas

Director and Executive Editor

Marbie Waite

Magazine Layout Editor & Graphic Designer

Lela McGee

Contributing Senior Editor

Rose Bridston

Production Assistant

Cynthia Zuniga

Graphic Designer

Kailey Bridston COVER GIRL

Contributing Writers

Cyndi Galley | Samantha Genin | Julie Ornelas | Aaliyah Phalen Alisha Phalen | Cienna Phalen | Kristen Theetge

Contributing Photographers

Rose Bridston | Suzie Genin | Stephen Hibdon | Yvonne Jacobson Alisha Phalen | Ben Phalen | Reagan Hibdon

Teen Fashioned Staff

Kailey Bridston, Daniela Cervera, Samantha Genin, Kalese Jackson, Reagan Hibdon, Olivia Jacobson, Aaliyah Phalen, Cienna Phalen, Cynthia Zuniga, Chloe Williams, Paige Sailor, Bella Sailor, Lauren Sailor

Reagan Hibdon

Published by New Gal Publications. Fashioned is a Trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. (c) Copyright 2021... Printed by Foursquare Missions Press.



"Hello" from Julie

Hey loves! What a crazy season this has been! So much has changed since our last issue. Not only in the world, but also in my personal life. I had the honor of becoming a mother to my beautiful daughter, Emma Grace, on May 14, 2021. She is my biggest joy. The love I feel for her is indescribable. Just thinking of her makes me smile from ear to ear. I’m sure you might be wondering why I’m sharing this with you?! Truth is, as I started to write you this letter, I got a little bit of writer’s block. I didn’t know where to start. I kept asking myself, “What would I want my daughter to know if it was her who was reading this?!" What would I tell my daughter?! As I kept repeating that over and over, I asked the Lord to partner with me in writing you this letter, and He did. I heard the Lord speak to me. He said, “Julie, the way you love your daughter, that joy that you feel when you look at her face, that indescribable love that you feel for her … that’s exactly how I feel about every single one of my daughters who will read this letter. They are perfectly and wonderfully made.” I hope this helps to remind you that you are perfect just the way YOU are. You don’t have to be pretty like “her,” or creative like “her.” You can be pretty and creative like YOU! God doesn’t make replicas. He makes us each one-of-a-kind; and that is what you are. You are unique! Literally ONE of a kind. You are SO loved, SO talented, and you are beautiful just the way you are. I pray that what you read in the next few pages encourages you to be true to YOU. Be true to who the Lord fashioned YOU to be. Enjoy this issue. We love you!

XO-Julie Director


Credit: Adobe Stock









GOD IS MY REFUGE By Samantha Genin Have you ever been stuck in a storm, not knowing what’s gonna happen next? Scared because you have no control over what might happen? You don’t know where to go, or what to do. I’ve felt like that—where I just don’t know what to do, and I feel like I have nowhere to go. Then I remember that there is Someone. Someone patiently waiting for me to come to Him with all of my problems and worries. John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let your hearts not be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” I like how it says, “... my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.” It’s saying that God is the One who wants to give us peace when we are unsettled—not whatever Tik Tok or Instagram says. Wait! Oh, no … God wants to bring YOU peace! I often find myself constantly looking for ways to find security through things like social media, or looking for reassurance from people that I may not even know. These are things that we can get in habits of and forget that God is waiting for us to come to Him and ask for what we need. Psalm 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” I know that the word refuge may seem like a big word but it’s a simple word. Refuge means shelter. God is our shelter. So in the scripture it’s saying that God is our shelter and strength, and He is always there to help us when we need it. When I’m scared I often forget that God is not only there to bring me peace but to give me shelter from the “storm.” Sometimes I feel like I can be in the eye of a hurricane, and God will be there with a door wide open—waiting for me to come and be safe from the storm that I sometimes get stuck in. We can be in a middle of a storm and not know what to do. But the next time that “storm” comes, call out to God. Everything could be going in every other direction that we don’t want it to go in, but if we just look and call out for God, He will come and rescue us from whatever “storm” that we get stuck in. How do I know? He’s done for me—over and over again. And He’ll do the same for you.






By Aaliyah D. Phalen

You’re probably wondering why I chose this title. Well, let me tell you—the reason why is because I needed to know how He saw me instead of how I saw myself. Every morning when I woke up I would feel fine until I looked in the mirror. The mirror would show me all the flaws that I thought I had. I started to feel ugly, fat, and not as pretty as other girls. I would look at other girls and then would look at myself and would get selfconscious. My parents told me that I was beautiful, but there was something missing. One day I prayed to the Lord and asked, “Am I really beautiful?” Then after I asked that question, I heard a voice in my mind telling me to go to the Bible. The Lord gave me several verses, and I that is what I’m going to share and give to you. “Your beauty should not come from outward adornments, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” 1 Peter 3:3-4 “You are altogether beautiful, my darling there is no flaw in you.” Songs of Solomon 4:7


“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.“ -Proverbs 31:30 These are the verses the Lord led me to and gave to me. When I read them I started to cry. “Why did I cry,” you ask? The reason why was because it felt like the Lord was speaking directly to me. At that time, I didn’t feel beautiful and I felt unwanted. But here was God’s word, telling me something different—telling me His truth. The scriptures made me see something. Everyone told me that I was beautiful—even my parents told me that I was beautiful, but it only helped me for a moment. I had thought that everything was fine, but then I looked in the mirror, and all of the thoughts returned. As I was reading God’s word, I felt like there was a hole in my heart that was being filled. It was His truth about me, and I finally felt confident in who I was! Now to all you young ladies out there who feel like you are not beautiful, who feel self-conscious, or feel like you have flaws, remember these

verses—not only will they build you up. They’re true and it’s who you really are. I pray they help you as much as they helped me. You are beautiful. When you feel like you’re not, just go back to the same verses that helped me see who I really am. You will see yourself how He sees you—beautiful.

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL “As I was reading God’s word, I felt like there was a hole in my heart that was being filled.”




Photo by: Rose Bridston

out the styles that you love or feel comfortable in. Choose clothes that accentuate who you want to be for the day. Clothes can give that personal touch to your creativity. TFM: Where are some of your favorite places to shop?

keeping the faith in the industry

KB: A few of my favorite places to shop are Forever 21, Target and Old Navy. I shop at these places because they have all the brands I like at good prices! TFM: Back to acting. I imagine you audition quite frequently. How do you prepare for your auditions?

As told by actress Kailey Bridston to Cyndi Galley

TFM: How did you fall into acting? KB: I fell into acting when my mom asked me if I wanted to try something new and I thought I should give it a go. I was almost 6 years old when I started and I have been acting ever since. TFM: When did you know you had a knack for it? KB: I knew I had a knack for acting when I felt good and confident in myself and I knew I loved it. TFM: Being a creative, it’s easy to want to go in so many directions, what is your favorite creative outlet? KB: When it comes to creativity, I can't just pick one. I love to write, sing, draw and I like to act. I love how acting gives me the ability to portray someone else. Singing and drawing calm me. Writing allows my creative juices to flow. TFM: Who are some of the iconic actors you admire? KB: One of the characters I like to watch is Jack Black. He’s super funny and genuinely wants people to feel good about his material. TFM: What is your favorite thing about fashion? KB: One thing I love about fashion is that it could be anything you love to wear … there is no right or wrong answer. As a teen it’s important to find

KB: The way I prepare for auditions is first, I pray and give the audition to God and He guides me. Next, I just go in there and be myself. If I don’t get the callback, I just say, “Oh well… you win some, you lose some.” Then I just put my trust in God, knowing that He will always set me up for success. Because He always wants the best for me. TFM: What are two – three things you do to fight comparison to other young actresses? KB: To fight comparison of myself and other young actresses, I just don’t pay attention to what they are wearing, what they look like, or what they do. I appreciate people for who they are but I also want to appreciate myself for who I am. I’m the type of person who wants to be different which means I look to myself to create my own styles and trends. TFM: How do you know if a role or a gig is/isn’t right for you? KB: I know if a role or gig is not for me when it makes me feel uncomfortable, or when it makes me act against God’s word. TFM: We all deal with discouragement from time to time. How do you overcome feeling sad or discouraged? KB: One way I overcome sadness and depression is by talking to a friend or family member about it. Or if I don’t have anybody to go to at that moment, I pray and God brings me peace and restoration. TFM: We express in different ways. How do you express your joy and being happy? teenfashioned.com


KB: One way I express joy and the feeling of happiness is by dancing and singing to my heart’s desire in my room. Or sometimes when I think of something happy I run a few feet really fast in my house (barely missing the walls lol.) I don’t know why I do it, but it’s just something unique about me. TFM: What is one thing you look forward to doing every day? KB: One thing I look forward to every day is seeing my cute dog, Gracie, saying, “Good morning!” from outside the sliding glass window. TFM: What is one of your favorite locations where you’ve acted? KB: One of my favorite locations I have acted, was when I got to fly to Cancun, Mexico and stay in the resort I was shooting in. TFM: Favorite shoe to wear? KB: My favorite shoes to wear would be sneakers. I like sneakers because they are super cozy and comfy. TFM: Favorite color? KB: My favorite color is ocean blue. TFM: Favorite beauty product? KB: My favorite beauty product is lipstick. TFM: What’s one thing in your closet you can’t live without? KB: One thing in my closet that I cannot live without is my small section of drawing material. These drawing materials are something I can pull out any time of day when I’m feeling like creating. Creating is a big part of who God made me to be. TFM: What three things are in your purse right now? KB: Three things in my purse right now are a brush, lipstick and some gum. My favorite gum flavor is watermelon by Orbitz.


TFM: What are three things you don’t show up to a set without? KB: Three things I don’t show up to set without are rubber-bands, a brush and a makeup bag. TFM: Favorite food to eat when you’re hanging out at home? KB: One of my favorite foods to eat when hanging at home is my mom-and-dad’s delicious dips and bread. My mom makes a delicious spinach artichoke dip that I eat with chunks of fresh sourdough bread. Mmmmmm! Are you hungry yet? TFM: Top three people you enjoy hanging out with? KB: Three people I like to hang out with are my mom, my dad and my brother. TFM: What does a perfect day look like to you? KB: A perfect day to me is when the sun is shining, there is a nice breeze and the temperature is nice and cool. The breeze and temp make the perfect day when it’s not too hot and not too cold. I know I can go outside, walk my dog and not come home a like a hot tamale or a freezing popsicle. Lol! TFM: What is one piece of advice you’d give to girls your age about life? KB: One piece of advice I’d give to girls my age about life is to never try to be someone else, because you are unique and different and that is what makes you special.

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."

(Matthew 5:8 ESV)



Photo by: Rose Bridston

Stay the

Course By Kristen Theetge

Do you ever find yourself pretending to be someone you’re not? If you answered yes, you are not alone. It can feel like an impossible task to stay true to yourself and stay the course that God has called you to when social media, culture, celebrities, and maybe even your own friends are telling you to do otherwise. But I have good news for you! God has given clear instructions on how to live out the plan He has for you—it’s up to you to grab hold of it! The key to staying true to yourself starts with seeing yourself how God sees you, realizing He has the perfect plan for your life, and refusing to let anything or anyone distract you from being who He called you to be.


The key to staying true to yourself starts with seeing yourself how God sees you...

God tells us in His word how to avoid the temptation of conforming to cultural norms—what the world would say is socially acceptable. Romans 12:2 says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” In a nutshell, you can avoid falling into the trap of becoming what society says is cool or popular by aligning your thoughts with God’s good and perfect word. When you choose to follow God and His plan for your life, you will prove to all the naysayers that God’s way was the best way. Your life will be the proof that staying true to yourself and who God created you to be is the only way to have true joy and fulfillment. So much of life revolves around words and the things we hear. The average person hears between 20,000 and 30,000 words each day. These words turn into thoughts; these thoughts, if left unchecked, will turn into actions. It can be easy for God’s words to get lost among the thousands of worthless words you hear each day, so make it a point to speak (not just think) God’s words over yourself and your life. Renew your mind with God’s precious and TRUE words over you. Make it a point to remind yourself of what God says about you and the dreams He has put in your heart.

Photo by Austria Augusts


“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

If you’re anything like me, it can be tempting to compare yourself to others and to focus on your short-comings or weaknesses. As a twin, I was constantly comparing myself to my more outgoing, spontaneous, popular twin sister. As a teenager I remember feeling selfconscious and wanting so badly to be more like her. I saw my “shyness”, contemplativeness and tendency toward structure as a weakness. As you can imagine, dwelling on the things I didn’t like about myself didn’t change anything, nor did it help me to become more like my sister. When many years later (and I’m talking MANY YEARS later) I started to embrace my so-called weaknesses, I saw myself in a different light and realized that God had created me with those certain qualities for a reason. When my perspective changed and I started seeing those qualities as God-given strengths rather than something that needed to be fixed, I had more confidence to do the things that He had put in my heart.



2. Renew your mind with God’s word. It is inevitable that our minds will get contaminated. Even those who are super diligent about protecting what they see and hear will be exposed to things they shouldn’t, either intentionally or unintentionally. We can clean out those wrong thoughts by filling our hearts and minds with God’s word. Speak God’s words over yourself, read your Bible daily, spend time meditating on scripture. One of my favorite verses is Ephesians 2:10: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” When insecurity, failures or doubts creep in, I meditate on this verse. Put some of your favorite Bible verses in places where you can see them; Memorize scriptures that remind you that God has a good plan for your life; write down the things that God has spoken to you so that you can remind yourself to stay on track. 3. Crucify the flesh. One of the ways to do this is through fasting. Try giving up something like social media or secular shows for a while. When you do this, you are telling your flesh that it’s not in charge. Practice saying no to things that distract you from being the person who God has called you to be. The more you practice, the easier it will become. So you might be thinking, “OK, this makes sense, but how do I actually DO this?” Here’s three practical steps to staying true to yourself and following His plan for your life: 1. Watch what you are feeding yourself. Who or what are you listening to? Who are you surrounding yourself with? You may need to take drastic steps to cut yourself off from hearing and seeing things that don’t push you closer to God. Stop spending so much time on social media. Cut off relationships with people who are trying to pull you in directions other than where God is taking you.


Remember, you are God’s beautiful work of art, created for good things which He has already prepared for you. You can choose to follow His plan and let the One who created you define you or you can let the world do it. Only one of those choices results in a truly fulfilled life, so choose wisely!

Put some of your favorite Bible verses in places where you can see them...



Back to school and getting back in the groove . . .what WE'RE wearing this year


Olivia's outfit - Shirt, Target; Cargo Pants, Goodwill; Belt, Amazon; Necklace, Hot Topic; Rubberband Necklace, made by Olivia. (Photo: Yvonne Jacobson)



Samantha's outfit - Shirt, Target; Jeans, Amazon; Jacket, mom's closet. (Photo: Suzie Genin)


Reagan's outfit - Shirt, Aeropostale; Jeans, American Eagle; Blazer, H&M; Boots, H&M. (Photo: Stephen Hibdon)




Cienna's outfit - Jacket by Ashley Outerwear; Over Drive Flannel from Mustard Market Thrift; Tanktop by Forever 21;Jeans By H&M; Docs by Doc Martens Photo: Ben Phalen



Aaliyah's outfit - Hat, Walmart; Shirt, 5 Below; Jean vest, Aeropostale; Camo pants,Walmart; Shoes, Addidas; Photo: Ben Phalen


Loves Me

» I’ve been walking about life somewhat despondent and without any specific or clear direction. A lot of times I feel lonely—even when I'm surrounded by people. Though I do experience moments of happiness, I still feel discouraged and sometimes hopeless. I’ve tried just about everything to fill the emptiness I wake up to every morning. Though I do laugh or appear to be making it, a lot of times I feel empty, sad and often, alone. I'm tired of putting on a front. » I may have casually referenced You from time-to-time and sometimes get annoyed when people ask me about You. Now that I think about it, I've never been open to knowing You––I have never really believed in God. If You are real, I’m open now because I am ready for a life I've yet to experience. I’ve heard about a God who is real, kind, loving, forgiving and Who can pull me out of even the darkest of places. If You are real, then I take a step towards You & ask for Your help. » If You are real, I accept You, Your love and the fact that You gave Your son, Jesus, to take the place of my sin, pain, sickness and more. I accept that He took my place on The Cross so many years ago, so that I would come to this place and meet You here. If You are real, then You already know all I want to say. I need You and receive Your forgiveness & love. My heart and life are Yours. Make me new, right here, right now, in Jesus' name.

Words to live by: “Don’t judge yourself so hard… accept the fact we all have stuff we have to work on, and be nice to yourself.” –Clancy Orantes


If you felt this was speaking to you & want to share or chat with someone from Fashioned, email us at info@ fashionedmagazine.com or fill out the “Contact Us” on our website at www.fashionedmagazine.com.




Photo By Alisha Phalen



Why Being Unique is as Easy as 1-2-3! By Cienna Phalen

You are unique and there is nobody else like you in the world. Think of snowflakes. Each one is different, just like you and just like me. For instance, I really enjoy working with technology. Everything about it excites me, yet someone else might like dance, or cooking or be great at drawing. Those talents—if pursued—can grow, becoming more of the person you have been fashioned and created to be. Being different is a wonderful thing. Having differing gifts is not only important—it’s needed. We all have talents and abilities different than the next person and that’s a great thing. It should be celebrated and it’s important to remember. We all have something amazing to contribute and give to the world. The next time you look at someone and think they have more to offer than you do, think again. And if they know or are more gifted in certain areas, that’s okay. It might be the perfect opportunity to be strengthened and grow. I’d like to think that I can learn from all those other people to make myself better in the areas I’m lacking in. I have to remember that I’m me. I shouldn’t try and be someone else, because I’ll never be that person. I can only be me. You can only be you. Just be yourself, and stay true to who you are. If that’s all you do, and you grow and go with it, then that’s good enough.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 NKJV teenfashioned.com


Thechange Beauty of of heart Fashioned


By Cyndi Galley and Alisha Phalen

There is such a variety of colors in this world--different colors that will catch your eye. Whether it be in a rainbow with its radiant colors of red, orange, yellow, green blue, indigo and violet, or the sun bursting forth in her golden rays, through a prism or the myriad of colors of the hundreds of flowers we see, beautiful colors are everywhere––crimson red, blush pink, powder blue, vibrant green, burnt orange, shell white, sunflower yellow, plum purple and the colors don’t stop there. And while these are all beautiful examples of the array of colors we see everywhere, nothing is a beautiful as the differing colors we find in people. With all the hues of skin given to mankind, this can be said––being a woman of color, is a beautiful thing. Though there are still places and parts in the world where that might be argued, the bottom line is this: Color is beautiful. It’s why it is in everything we see. It’s important to know, that if you’re reading this, then you, too, are a person of color…brown, white, black, tan—all colors … all beautiful. Regardless of our coloring or shade, our value and worth never come from what color we are or aren’t. Our worth comes from the truth that each of us has been created in the image of God. We should come to that understanding first, with the dignity of embracing our heritage and where we come from. Sometimes movies or books we read can help to teach us a little about our heritage. For Alisha, it was watching the movie, “The Help.” And although I’m Black, Mexican and White, for me, it was “Hidden Figures,” along with others. Watching these movies brought such a feeling of pride about our roots, and

Photo courtesy of Cyndi Galley


all of the strength, dignity and beauty we represent. Yes, it’s heartbreaking to catch glimpses of the reality of all the hostility endured by our culture because of the color of their skin, but at the same time, seeing where we were and where we are now was both encouraging and empowering. Even with the recent seemingly setbacks that resurfaced last Spring, we are still so grateful for the dreams and courage so firmly placed in the hearts and minds of people like Harriet Tubman, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and brave souls like The Massachusetts Fifty-fourth Regiment, Ruby Bridges and Moses Fleetwood Walker. What each of these individuals and countless others fought for paved a way for generations that followed. Because of that, every young woman should wear her color–– whether black, white, olive, or tan––with her head held up high, for a high price was paid for you to be who and where you are today. We have such liberties that, as women, we didn't have only a short time ago, regardless of the color of our skin. Our prayer is that you can be confident and comfortable in your own skin, not trying to fit into a stereotype of what society says you should look like. You have been created perfectly. You were created to look like the beautiful girl you are––your color, height, size, hair color, the color of your eyes…everything! Everything about you has been given to you to do what only you have been created to do. And when we forget, and sometimes we will, let’s take a step (or two) to remind ourselves how far we’ve come. Why? Because if you’re reading this, then now is your time. It’s time to get up and shine! Be who and what you were destined to be. Girls, we’re meant to do great things—black, white, yellow, red, tan or brown—we have dreams that only we can fulfill. You are of worth and we believe in you. We can’t wait to hear all the amazing things you’ll do, and you will. The time is now…get to it!

Photo by Britney Nakamura

Our prayer is that you can be confident and comfortable in your own skin, not trying to fit into a stereotype of what society says you should look like.


” 29

GRACE: “ M y h a i r. I a m g o i n g fo r t h at s l e e k l o o k .”

FRIEND: “ H ey G race, s o it ‘ s 2021. Are you changing anything?”

Getting Grace “ B e Yo u r s e l f ”

I <3 TFM

I llu st rate d by: Cynthia Zuniga

High School

“Really? On the first day o f s c h o o l. I a m o v e r t o d a y. “

“S o r r y. I a m fashionably l a t e .”








8 : 15 a m


”I made you unique. Yo u a r e m y m a s t e r p i e c e .”

“Please let th is be a bette r hair d a y .”

6:45 am


m t

“ M m m m ... I ’v e seen some vi deo s. I am pretty sure I can pull this o f f .”

SISTER: “ W h a t ’s burning?”

” I ’m c o o k i n g a new me. Ooh, I lo ok go o d.This is s o f i r e .”


The Sleek Look

Change Yourself Get Noticed

“I h ate m y h a i r. I t l o o k s l i k e a b i r d ’s n e s t .”


Stay cted VIRTU AL LIFE TOP 10 Tr e n d s


1. 2.

the hottes t

3. 4. 5.

”Why do I have this ugly h a i r ? T h e s t r u g g l e s .”

FRIEND: “ W h at are yo u g o i n g to wear an d how are you doing your hair to day?”

GRACE: “G i r l, I ’m g o i n g fo r t h at b e yourself and f la u nt it lo o k. Yo u g et m e ? ”

“You are BEAUTIFUL just the way you are.”






Psalm 119:73

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