3 minute read


By Suzanne Shaffer


If you are considering a career in the music industry, be aware this will require perseverance, patience, and tenacity. You should be willing to accept critique and the possibility of some failure. It requires the commitment to a long-term goal and the willingness to hone your skills and clarify your purpose as you receive instruction along the way.

Before you embark on this journey, consider these recommendations:

Be Clear About What You Want To Do

Be clear about what you want to do and zero in on your competitive advantage. What makes you different from everyone else? What are your distinctive skills? How does your experience set you apart from other artists? Are you interested in performance, writing, or teaching? Where do your interests fit in the various music career paths?

Choosing a direction will help you clarify your passions and goals. Pursuing music for the flashy lifestyle or fame may seem attractive but without the passion or laser-focused direction you won’t succeed.

Invest In Your Future While Mastering Your Craft

Majoring in music will help you shape your music career and master your craft. A degree in music will build on your current knowledge and expand your understanding of all areas of music: music theory, composition, history, and performance techniques. Studying music in college will not only improve your skills and talents, but it will also teach you about time management and give you opportunities to connect with others who are interested in the same career. The degree will demonstrate to other professionals you have the technical skills required to succeed in the music industry.

In addition, you should consider applying for an internship or a job related to your music interests while studying. These will help you develop your skills and gain insight into the work and career possibilities available. While working, never stop creating or improving on your skills and make time to work on your own music or creative projects.

Stay In The Loop And Keep Evolving With The Times

The music industry is constantly changing and evolving with the times. For instance, artists no longer need a music deal with a major label to be seen and heard. Platforms like SoundCloud, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook’s Sound Collection can be used to promote your music and gain an audience.

There have been changes over the years, mostly due to technology, in the way songs are written, how music is created, and how musicians communicate with their fans. It’s important to stay current and adapt to changes in the industry.

Meet Others In The Industry And Build The Right Relationships

Networking and alliances with other musicians are important. Take advantage of every opportunity to have face-toface interactions with your peers and even established professionals. Attend music festivals, music trade shows, music career fairs and local concerts and make connections. Use social media to connect with other artists and build new connections digitally.

The music industry thrives on relationships, and you never know when someone you meet might lead to a future project or opportunity. Join forces with other people in your area of interest and share creative ideas with one another.

Prepare For Setbacks And Be In It For The Long Haul

A career in music will most likely include setbacks and disappointments. Things may not be the way you anticipated or expected in the beginning. You must be willing to stick to your goals and do whatever it takes to keep pursuing those goals, even if you need to pivot to other areas of interest or opportunities. This means you may need to take on a nonmusic job to provide for yourself at times.

Looking for even more opportunities in the arts?



National Portfolio Day Association https://nationalportfolioday.org

Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design https://www.aicad.org

National Association of Schools of Art and Design https://nasad.arts-accredit.org

The Art Career Project https://theartcareerproject.com

Artist’s Network https://www.artistsnetwork.com

Doodle for Google https://doodles.google.com/d4g/


National Association of Schools of Music https://nasm.arts-accredit.org

Careers in Music https://www.careersinmusic.com


National Association of School of Theatre https://nast.arts-accredit.org

On Stage Blog https://www.onstageblog.com

Get Into Theatre https://getintotheatre.org


National Association of Schools of Dance https://nasd.arts-accredit.org

Dance Informa https://www.danceinforma.com


Sparketh Online Art Courses https://sparketh.com

Kennedy Center Arts Education https://www.kennedy-center.org/education/

New York Foundation for the Arts https://www.nyfa.org

National Gallery for the Arts https://www.nga.gov/learn/learningresources.html

National Endowment for the Arts https://www.arts.gov


Seize The Year https://www.teenlife.com/l/service/seize-the-year/

ArtsBridge https://www.teenlife.com/l/service/artsbridge/

Portfolio College Counseling https://www.teenlife.com/l/service/portfoliocollege-counseling/

Creative Kid College Coach https://www.teenlife.com/l/service/creative-kidcollege-coach/

College Options in the Performing Arts (COPA) https://www.teenlife.com/l/service/copa/