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10 Careers in Business That Are in High Demand
By Rich Holmes
f you’re interested in a career in business, consider the trends shaping which fields are hot: migration of retail and other industries to online, changing demographics, and further expansion of computerization into all aspects of work.
Here’s a look at careers in 10 growing fields, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ projected percent of job growth by 2029, and median annual pay in 2019.
1Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Managers: 6%, $135,900. The pandemic-driven rise in online shopping changed this field, said Vicky Oliver, career development expert and author of five books, including “Bad Bosses,
Crazy Coworkers & Other Office Idiots.” She believes this behavior will likely continue after the threat abates. 8Social and community service managers: 17%, $67,150. The BLS says the greying of America will up the need for more managers to oversee programs, such as adult daycare. Another contributor: greater use of treatment programs for drug and alcohol abuse, rather than incarceration.
2Market Research Analyst and Marketing Specialist: 18%, $63,790. These jobs gather online data and develop effective digital sales strategies. “There are so many more places people can talk online. You’ve got to be part of that conversation or you’re going to be left out,” said Dave
Klemencic, Vice President of Digital Strategy and operations at Smith Kroeger, a marketing, advertising, digital consulting and public relations agency in Omaha, Nebraska. 9Operations research analysts: 25%, $84,810. Using analytical methods and advanced math, including statistics and predictive modeling, these analysts help companies and organizations to make decisions and address problems. Increasing computerization of society generates more data, and the BLS predicts companies and the government will create more jobs to interpret this flood of information.
3Information Security Analysts: 31%, $99,730. Cyberattacks keep coming and that’s pushing companies to hire workers to protect their computer systems, programs and databases, according to Kristen Bolig, founder of
SecurityNerd, an advice site on home security systems.
She cited the 2019 cyber security workforce study by (ISC)2 that estimated 62 percent more professionals were needed to fill the existing need in the United States. 01Sales Manager: 7%, $126,000. These professionals are responsible for managing a team that generates revenue, including analyzing sales data, setting goals, coaching, and recruiting top performers. Sales managers often begin as sales executives and rise up through the ranks.
They also work closely with advertising and marketing managers to help roll out promotions and target particular demographics and sales areas.
4Financial managers: 15%, $129,890. Predicted trends behind job growth include companies holding onto more cash assets and banks prioritizing risk reduction over pursuing profits. The need for accountants and auditors will only grow by 4.3%, and insurance underwriter jobs will drop 6.2%, as the demand varies by industry.
5Medical and health services managers: 32%, $100,980. What will fuel much of the demand? The aging of the American population. A 2020 Daily Nurse article says the retirement of 1 million nurses by 2030 will coincide with a 40 percent increase in Medicare patients with multiple health conditions, causing a labor shortage. Healthcare practitioners and technical jobs will increase by 9.1 percent.
6Fundraisers: 14%, $57,970. Colleges and universities will be looking to hire, Oliver said. “The pandemic has actually made it (operating a college) more expensive,” she said. “All the colleges have had to add remote learning.” The BLS says nonprofits will increasingly turn to social media to solicit donations.
7Human resources managers: 6%, $116,720. Many of these jobs will be created as companies expand and need staff to oversee programs or outsource this function to other businesses. NOT HOT: Among business fields anticipated to lose jobs, the BLS lists chief executives, down 10%; lodging managers, 11.7%; news analysts, reporters and other journalists, 11.2%; telemarketers, 14.2%; administrative assistants, 22.%; word processors and typists, 36.4%; and bank tellers, 15.3%.