Chair mid term report 2009

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October 13, 2009

Funding and Support Provided By:

Kathryn A. Weldon Charitable Foundation

Overview ................................................................................................................4 Letter from Dr. Stan Kutcher Purpose Mission & Vision Impact of Knowledge Chair Advisory Board Youth Advisory Group Education Advisory Board Facts about Youth Mental Illness, Mental Health Problems & Mental Health Chair Employees ...................................................................................................7 Interns, Fellows, Summer Students and Part-Time Employees Former Employees Guides and Resources .........................................................................................10 Med Ed Guide to Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder Evidence-Based Medicine Mental Health “First Aid” Developing Countries Farm Radio Network (DCFRN) Arts & Mental Health .............................................................................................11 ViewFinders: International Film Festival for Youth Art Gallery of Nova Scotia/J.L. Isley Secondary School National Arts Center Roundtable on Mental Health & The Arts School Mental Health ............................................................................................12 Transitions: Student Reality Check Mental Health and High School Curriculum Guide Moods Magazine Training and Education ........................................................................................13 Understanding Adolescent Depression & Suicide Education Training Program Mental Health (MH/IN) “Gatekeeper” Mount Saint Vincent University Course Identification, Diagnosis & Treatment of Adolescent Depression (Major Depressive Disorder): A Package and Toolkit for First Contact Health Providers Clinical Tools British Medical Journal British Columbia Medical Association Website and Online Partnerships ........................................................................16 Teen Mental Health Blog TakingITGlobal



Ongoing Initiatives ................................................................................................17 High Five Mental Health Action Guide: TakingITGlobal Siblings & Mental Health Booklet Evergreen Project Cross Spectrum Collaboration in Teen & Adolescent Mental Health in Digby County Development of school Mental Health Framework Suicide Post-Vention Review and Report Families of Suicide Victims Projects Nova Scotia Secondary School Mental Health Study Community Relations and Events .......................................................................18 Mental Health Week and Mental Illness Awareness Week Jr. High Chats Laing House Youth Health Centres Healthy Promoting Schools: HRSB & Yarmouth International Work.................................................................................................19 Peer Educators Training Program International Mental Health Activities (Portugal) Academic Activities ..............................................................................................20 Book Chapters Papers Recently Submitted Peer Reviewed Papers Presentations Scientific Abstracts and Poster Presentations Media & Communications ....................................................................................26 Radio Print Television Other Awards and Distinctions ......................................................................................27 Feedback and Testimonials .................................................................................27 Partners..................................................................................................................29 Donors....................................................................................................................31



OVERVIEW Background The Sun Life Financial Chair in Adolescent Mental Health team (Chair team) was established in October 2006 as an endowed academic chair, in partnership with Sun Life Financial, Dalhousie University and the IWK Health Centre. The Chair is held by Dr. Stan Kutcher. Funding for the Chair comes from a variety of sources including: $1 million contribution from Sun Life Financial, major contributions from the T. R. Meighen Family Foundation, Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation, and the Kathryn A. Weldon Charitable Foundation, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, IWK Health Centre, Dalhousie University of Psychiatry and other corporate, foundation, friends and family donors. The Chair team is comprised of health and education professionals and researchers with expertise in mental health, epidemiology, social work, curriculum development, education; communications, social media, and graphic design. The team is capable of successfully undertaking the proposed intervention in terms of its capacity to conduct child and adolescent mental health research; its experience in developing, disseminating and evaluating mental health resources, programs and training services for youth, educators and other related stakeholders; and its ability to implement innovative strategies and new approaches to improve youth mental health through inter-sectoral cooperation and coordination.

Letter from Dr. Stan Kutcher It is a privilege for me to hold the position of Sun Life Financial chair in Adolescent Mental Health and to work with a group of enthusiastic, competent and highly committed members of our team. We are appreciative of the ongoing support that we receive from our funding partners and I believe that we have been able to provide an excellent return on that investment. The last few years have been very busy. We have moved from a good idea to an active, engaged, contributing player that is helping to address our goal of improving mental health in young people locally, nationally and internationally. We are well engaged in many successful and complex activities, designed to address this goal. These include, but are not limited to, academic publications; government reports; and public and professional forums. Our success is your success. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your engagement. Thank you for your suggestions. Best,

Stan Kutcher, MD, MFRCPC, CAHS



Purpose The Chair’s purpose is to bring together research, education and health promotion in the area of adolescent mental health to support adolescent development. The Chair focuses on the translation of scientifically valid information pertaining to youth mental health for the purpose of informing young people, parents, the public, educators, health professionals, and policy makers. Mission & Vision The Chair's mission is to help improve the mental health of youth by the effective translation and transfer of scientific knowledge. Using the best scientific evidence available, the Chair works to develop application-ready training programs, publications, tools and resources that can be applied across disciplines to enhance the understanding of adolescent mental health and mental illness locally, nationally and internationally. The Chair’s vision is to become known as one of the world’s preeminent authoritative sources on many aspects of adolescent mental health, and mental illness working collaboratively and innovatively with health care providers, policy makers, schools, other institutions, the business community, non-profit organizations and the general public to advance the understanding of mental illness and to ameliorate the disability caused by mental health illness in young people. Impact of Knowledge For knowledge to have full impact, three equally important activities must be undertaken. They are shown below in the Knowledge Triangle.

Knowledge Creation (KC)

Knowledge Dissemination (KD)

Knowledge Translation (KT)

The Chair’s work is focused on Knowledge Translation (KT) and Knowledge Dissemination (KD) in adolescent mental health, directed towards: young people, parents, health providers, policy makers, program planners and the public. The Chair brings together the best available scientific process and most effective communications techniques to conduct its work. Chair Advisory Board The Chair’s Advisory Board is a non-partisan, oversight committee that advises Dr. Stan Kutcher and assists in charting the direction of the work of the Chair. The Advisory Board’s comprised of health providers, non-governmental organizations, researchers, policy makers and community members. Youth Advisory Group The success of the Chair’s projects and programs are due in large part to the input we receive from young people. The Chair’s Youth Advisory Group is made up of Nova Scotian youth who provide our team with fresh ideas, feedback and their perspectives on youth mental health projects. Educator Advisory Board The Educator Advisory Board was formed in fall of 2008 with the intention of bringing together members of the education sector to address school mental health. The board provides feedback and input on school mental health promotion activities and will lead the development of a framework for addressing school mental health in the province of Nova Scotia. CHAIR MID-TERM REPORT


The Educator Advisory Board is made up of principals, teachers, guidance counselors, as well as members from the Nova Scotia Department of Education, Nova Scotia Department of Health, Nova Scotia Department of Health Promotion and Protection, and the Nova Scotia Teacher’s Union.

Facts about Youth Mental Illness, Mental Health Problems and Mental Health 1. The most common illnesses during the teen years are disorders of brain functioning called mental illnesses. 2. The overall prevalence of mental illness in Canadian children and adolescents, at any given point in time, is about 15%. This translates into approximately 1.2 million of Canadian children and adolescents who experience mental illness and/or addiction of sufficient severity require professional care. 3. Some common mental illnesses that come on during the teen years are: depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia. 4. Using illegal drugs may increase the risk for a teenager to develop a mental disorder such as schizophrenia, panic disorder, bipolar disorder or depression. 5. Suicide in teenagers is usually due to a mental disorder that is not recognized and not treated – such as depression. Suicide is among the leading causes of death in 15-24 year old Canadians. 6. Mental disorders usually need professional help such as from a doctor, a psychologist, a counselor, etc. to help you get better. There are many good treatments for mental disorders and they include psychological therapies and medications. 7. Effective early treatment often leads to recovery and can help young people get well, stay well and keep well. 8. In Canada, only 1 in 5 children in need of mental health treatment receive it. Surpassed only by injuries, mental disorders in youth are ranked as the second highest hospital care expenditure in Canada. Less than 4% of medical research funding goes to mental illness research. 9. Mental health problems differ from mental illnesses include such things as: feeling low and down after a relationship breaks up; feeling very discouraged after working hard and not doing well on tests or exams; feeling very upset about not making the school team; being bullied by someone or bullying someone; feeling stressed out because of problems at home or at school; feeling anxious about a first date; etc. 10. Mental health problems can usually be solved with help from friends or a caring adult or by using healthy techniques that help with stress – such as: exercise; listening to or playing music; hanging out with good friends; dancing; etc. 11. Mental health occurs when the brain is able to adapt to its environment successfully and consistently. 12. There can be no health without mental health. CHAIR MID-TERM REPORT


CHAIR EMPLOYEES The Sun Life Financial Chair in Adolescent Mental Health employs a dedicated team of researchers, communications professionals, interns, and summer students who work collaboratively to achieve the vision and mission of the Chair. Dr. Stan Kutcher Dr. Kutcher is an internationally-renowned expert in the area of adolescent mental health and a national and international leader in mental health research, advocacy, training, policy, and health services innovation. As the Sun Life Financial Chair in Adolescent Mental Health, Dr. Kutcher uses his expertise to build awareness and knowledge about mental health and mental illness in young people. Christina Biluk, ABC Christina Biluk is the advisor to the Chair on areas of communication. Her role is to provide increased exposure to programs and materials developed by the Chair, as well as build strategic relationships with key partners. Through marketing and communications functions, she gets the information out there in a measurable way using traditional and non-traditional methods. Jacqueline Potvin-Boucher Jacqueline Potvin-Boucher is a project manager with the Chair and works in the area of youth mental health promotion. Some of her many successes have included: Mental Health First Aid For People Working With Youth (designed for the Alberta Mental Health Board), Transitions: Student Reality Check (a program that aids students in the transition to post-secondary life), as well as the soon to be launched Siblings program, which aids in helping siblings better understand mental illness. Tracy MacKenzie Tracy MacKenzie is the glue that holds the office together inher role as administrator. In addition, she is responsible for the Chair’s scheduling and travel coordinator and is the first point of contact for all inquiries to the Chair. Alan McLuckie Alan McLuckie is a PhD candidate in Social Work with expertise in qualitative research. He is working in the chair’s office on the EverGreen project, the development of a national youth mental health framework for Canada, where he is the lead project manager, and is involved in school health research. Magda Szumilas Magda Szumilas is a research assistant. She conducts research, creates systematic reviews and writes reports and academic papers. Her area of specialty is youth suicide and depression. Yifeng Wei Yifeng Wei holds a Master’s Degree in Education from York University. She is the coordinator of the school mental health initiatives of the chair and also helps develop programs that integrate mental health into the education system, such as the High School and Mental Health Curriculum Guide as well as conducting school mental health research.



Interns, Fellows, Summer Students and Part-Time Employees An important component of the Chair’s role is to teach and mentor young professionals and students who are entering the early stages of their careers. Through internships, summer placement and international fellowships many bright and talented individuals have received an opportunity to work in the field of youth mental health. In turn the Chair has benefited from their dedicated research, international perspectives and creative innovation. Ibtissam Al-Rifai Ibtissam Al-Rifai has a Bachelor Degree in Public Administration and Political Science from American University of Beirut. She is currently preparing the mid-term report for the Sun Life Financial Chair. Iliana Garcia – Ortega Iliana Garcia–Ortega is a psychiatrist who has recently completed her fellowship with the International Section Psychiatry Section. She is currently working on a number of research projects as well as translating and providing cultural context for many of the Chair’s educational materials. Holly Huntley Holly Huntley is a Health Promotion student at Dalhousie University who works for the Chair part-time and during the summer. Her areas of interest include knowledge translation of mental health and illness and reducing stigma associated with mental illness. Jessica Wishart Jessica Wishart is a recent graduate of the University of King's College. In addition to her work with the chair, she is also employed as the Youth Grants Facilitator for YouthScape HRM. As a member of the Chair’s team she is assisting in planning a conference for educators and key stakeholders focused on adolescent mental health and beginning in December 2009 will be coordinating the work of the Youth AdvisoryCcommittee. Alice Yao Alice Yao is participating in a work placement training program through MISA, and is assisting Yifeng Wei in her education integration efforts.



Former Employees and Students Ibtissam Al-Rifai Ibtissam Al-Rifai has a Bachelor Degree in Public Administration and Political Science from American University of Beirut. She has participated in the development of the Chair documents and reports. Brittany Barnett Brittany Barnett has been a summer student that conducting research on adolescent mental disorders. Martha Carmichael Martha Carmichael has been a summer student and has worked on several projects focusing on adolescent brain development. She is currently at Dalhousie Medical School. Ainslie McDougall Ainslie McDougall is a former research assistant. She is currently enrolled in a PhD program that evolved out of her work with the Chair. Andrea Murphy (PhD Pharmacology) Andrea Murphy is a Psychopharmacologist, and a former research associate for the Chair. She is a faculty member in the Faculty of Health Professions and continues to collaborate with the chair on various projects. Ricardo Salcedo Ricardo Salcedo is a former administrative assistant. He is now working with the section of International Psychiatry. David Venn David Venn is a former communications advisor. He is currently enrolled in a Master’s Program that evolved from his work with the Chair.



GUIDES AND RESOURCES Using a knowledge translation and transfer approach, Dr. Kutcher and his team have worked to create, develop and deliver evidence-based guides and resources designed to enhance awareness and understanding of adolescent mental health and mental illness. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

Med Ed A collaborative project with the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), Med Ed is an educational booklet that provides medical information to young people who take medication for mental illness or mental symptoms. It can also be used by other people such as parents, caregivers, guardians, people working in facilities (e.g. group homes, residential or day treatment programs), and teachers. Med Ed comes with a passport-style diary that allows patients to track questions, symptoms, activities, side effects, medications, and medical appointments. A further collaboration with CHEO arising from Med Ed is the “Medications and Youth”, the “Focus on Facts” and the “My Med Rights” information packages.

Guide to Understanding Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder Depression This guide provides patients, parents and care providers with a comprehensive, evidence-based understanding of adolescent Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). It includes information about the types of depressive disorders, common symptoms of Clinical Depression, and treatment options. It is available for free download on

Evidence-Based Medicine This guide provides patients, parents and care providers with a comprehensive understanding of the scientific basis for medical treatments (biological, psychological, social) and how to communicate with your healthcare provider when discussing medication and other treatment options. It is available for free download on A single page youth friendly version designed for young people and their parents to use in their interactions with health providers is also available on the website.

Mental Health “First Aid” In 2008, the Alberta Mental Health Board commissioned the Chair to update and contextualize for children and youth “Mental Health First Aid” – a program first developed in Australia designed to give members of the public skills to help someone developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis situation.

Developing Countries Farm Radio Network (DCFRN) DCFRN is a Canadian-based, not-for-profit organization working in direct partnership with approximately 300 radio broadcasters in 39 African countries to fight poverty and food insecurity. DCFRM regularly produces a script package for broadcasters which focus on a variety of themes. In 2007 the Chair partnered with DCFRN to produce a radio script on maternal and child depression. The script appeared in the November 2007 package which addresses a wide range of rural women’s health issues, including maternal and child depression.



ARTS & MENTAL HEALTH The arts are a powerful vehicle for the exchange of meaning and emotion and speak to an audience that research papers do not reach. The arts are also integrally linked with maintaining or improving personal mental health, the realization of which has driven recent research in subjects such as art therapy and connections between the brain and music. The Chair is cognizant of the importance of the arts to child and youth development and is committed to enhancing the availability of arts education and to the integration of arts in the process of recovery from mental illness.

ViewFinders: International Film Festival for Youth Since 2008 the Chair and the ViewFinders: International Film Festival for Youth have partnered to celebrate the filmmaking talent of youth. During school March Break, ViewFinders and the Atlantic Filmmakers Cooperative hosted a series of film camps allowing Nova Scotian youth to come together to learn about the filmmaking process and to showcase their creative talent. The short films address issues related to youth and mental health, including depression, addictions, relationships, stigma, suicide and transitions. The films created as part of the March Break camps are premiered at the ViewFinders Festival each April, along with films addressing adolescent mental health issues. Following the festival the films are toured across the Atlantic Provinces as part of the ViewFinders Festival in a Van program. This year the one of the films from the camps was chosen to represent the youth voice in a video exchange between the Canada and the United States in celebration of National Child and Youth Mental Health Day (May 8, 2009).

Art Gallery of Nova Scotia/J.L. Isley Secondary School Working with the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and J.L. Ilsley High School, the Chair is engaged in a series of art workshops to build awareness of the complexities surrounding the adolescent brain and mental health issues. This project effectively integrated the issue of mental health into the high school art program and linked the workshops with the school’s youth health centre. Art produced from the workshops will be a starting point for the development of an extended large-scale collaborative art project with the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia entitled “Art and the Brain” in the year 2010.

National Arts Center Roundtable on Mental Health and the Arts For three consecutive years 2006-2008, the Chair participated in the groundbreaking roundtables on mental health under the auspices of the NAC.



SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH The school environment is an ideal place to address the mental health needs of young people. Not only does the school offer a simple and cost-effective way of reaching youth, but it is also a convenient place where mental health can be linked with other aspects of health, such as physical health and nutrition, and with learning. By meeting the mental health needs of educators and students we help them to be more effective teachers and learners respectively. Research The Sun Life Financial Chair Team conducts a variety of research in areas of school mental health, these include reflections on existing programs as well as identified needs. The research is conducted in both quantitative and qualitative means and encompasses areas such as crisis intervention, suicide and depression and school mental health programs. Transitions: Student Reality Check Transitions is a publication designed to inform first-year university students about the issues and risks they might encounter as they transition from high school to university. Chapters include info about stress management, self-confidence, peer pressure, parents, relationships, sexual activity, sexual abuse, youth violence, grief, mental illness, suicide and addictions. The Transitions: Student Reality Check booklet is the first publication of its kind and is a unique resource created to help students overcome many of the issues they face as they transition from high school to post-secondary education. The booklet provides advice on topics such as effective study strategies, peer pressure, financial responsibilities, mental illness, additions, sexual health and suicide. Above all Transitions will help students identify common mental health problems and provide them with information about where to access help if they need it. To date Transitions has been purchased by over twenty post-secondary institutions across Canada. The result has generated over $30,000 in revenue that will help fund future Chair projects that will enhance the mental health of youth. Transitions’ is internationally endorsed by the Orygen Youth Health (Australia) and will soon be marketed to colleges and universities in the United States.

Mental Health and High School Curriculum Guide Created by the Canadian Mental Health Association in collaboration with the Sun Life Financial Chair in Adolescent Mental Health, the Mental Health and High School Curriculum Guide is an educational supplement for teachers. The curriculum resource consists of a PowerPoint slide deck, and a video created by members of Laing House, a Halifax-based community centre for youth who are living with serious mental illness. It includes information on how the brain functions, emotion and stress, mental disorders, substance abuse, suicide, stigma and treatments for young people. In addition to the curriculum we have developed an accompanying mental health training program for teachers. The curriculum and training program has been piloted in four sites across Canada, (including one in Truro NS). A revised curriculum is ready for a national launch in November 2009. It will be available on the website.

Moods Magazine The Chair regularly contributes to Moods Magazine’s “Moods on Campus” section. Moods Magazine is dedicated to providing awareness and information about mental illness, especially in the area of mood disorders. Their publication provides educational information to the general public, educational institutions, and to the workplace. CHAIR MID-TERM REPORT


TRAINING AND EDUCATION Introduction One of the Chair's signature functions is the creation, development and delivery of training programs to enhance the capacity of educators, health providers and physicians to address mental health problems in young people. Understanding Adolescent Depression & Suicide Education Training Program The Understanding Adolescent Depression & Suicide Education Training Program is a strategy designed to enhance the knowledge of health professionals, physicians and educators to understand, recognize and assess depressed and/or suicidal youth, as well as appropriately refer them for treatment (or to provide treatment). Using an approach that is based on understanding key concepts and grounded in evidence-based principles, the training program is designed to help health providers and educators communicate with each other so that young people at risk can be better identified and served - without falling through the cracks. To date hundreds of educators, school health unit nurses, public health nurses and mental health care providers have been trained. Training evaluations show extremely strong positive comments and a significant increase in knowledge in all groups trained.

Mental Health (MH/IN) – “Gatekeeeper” Another training program the school gatekeeper training model, was designed through a partnership between the Department of Education, South Shore Regional School Board (SSRSB), IWK Health Center, and the Sun Life Financial Chair. The purpose of this program is to train administrators, teachers and other specialized education professionals to effectively identify and intervene with individuals identified as “at-risk” for mental illness or suicide. The pilot training will take place in 2009 and will involve a school in the SSRSB under the Schools Plus Program. Provincial pilot school training sessions will focus on mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, bi-polar, etc., as well as early psychosis and suicide. The goal will be to provide educators with a stronger knowledge base around adolescent mental health and confidence to identify and appropriately support students who may be demonstrating mental health problems more efficiently, as well as establish appropriate triage and referral processes, where necessary. A similar model is being developed for the Digby area involving school boards, school mental health services and other stakeholders.

Mount Saint Vincent University Course In 2008, the Chair started a partnership with Mount Saint Vincent University to offer a course on mental health through their summer institutes program. In 2009 the MSVU Open Institute Courses: “Suicide and Depression Education” and “Mental Health in Education” were taught by Dr. Stan Kutcher. The goal of the summer institute program is to provide students who are receiving master’s degrees in education with an evidence-based understanding of mental health and mental illness. With this knowledge, a new generation of educators entering the workforce will be better prepared to understand, identify and appropriately refer students with mental health problems for help.



Identification, Diagnosis & Treatment of Adolescent Depression (Major Depressive Disorder): A Package and Toolkit for First Contact Health Providers This course is designed to help first contact health providers understand how to identify, diagnose and effectively treat MDD in adolescents. The course includes: 1) An informational overview to help first contact health providers understand how to identify, diagnose and treat major depressive disorder in adolescents. 2) A toolkit for first contact health providers containing diagnostic tools and other useful resources for assessing major depressive disorder in adolescents. This package is provided as a brief overview of clinical depression in adolescents and how first contact health providers can identify and address this issue in an effective, clinically relevant and best evidence-based manner. Along with information about major depressive disorder, the package includes a toolkit for first contact health providers that includes tools for identifying youth depression, teen functional assessment, psychotherapeutic support for teens, monitoring medication side effects, and an assessment of suicide risk in adolescents. This program offers the health care provider a comprehensive, sequential and rational framework for addressing adolescent depression. Each health care provider will be able to extract from this curriculum those components that they can best apply in their own practice setting. By building on the information presented in this course and by utilizing those components of the toolkit that best meet the realities of their practice each health care provider can customize their approach to the treatment of the young person with depression. For health care practices in which there exist family care teams, different component of the toolkit can be used by different providers with the team leader being responsible to ensure integrated monitoring of ongoing care. Currently, this program is receiving national accreditation for CME and will be made available in online format to physicians across Canada this year.

Clinical Tools To assist primary care physicians and specialists in customizing their treatment approach for adolescents with depression and/or at risk for suicide, a series of clinical tools have been created by clinicians and researches expert in the area of adolescent depression and suicide risk. The clinical tools, which include the Kutcher Adolescent Depression Scale (KADS), the Tool for Assessment of Suicide Risk for Adolescents (TASR-A) and the Kutcher Social Anxiety Scale (KSAS), are available in on the Chair’s website. The KADS and TASR-A are available free for download in a multitude of languages including: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Turkish, and Korean. Nearly 50 per cent of the individuals visiting site viewed the clinical tools.






At the request of the Pan American Health Organization, the Chair is undertaking translation of many of these programs and tools into Spanish for use in Latin America, Central America and Mexico.



British Medical Journal At the request of the British Medical Journal, the Chair team developed the “Point of Care� educational program on suicide risk management. This program is available to physicians worldwide. British Columbia Medical Association (BCMA) In collaboration with the BCMA, the Chair is developing educational materials on adolescent depression and anxiety for use in British Columbia settings.



WEBSITE & ONLINE PARTNERSHIPS For many young people the Internet is an important source of health information, and a place where they can ask questions about topics they may not feel at ease discussing with friends, family or doctors. Because so many youth are looking for information online about their health, including their mental health, it is more important than ever to provide young people with the best information possible for them to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. This means providing information that meets their needs, is easily accessible, is based on scientific evidence and coming from qualified health care professionals. is an award-winning website dedicated to helping improve the mental health of youth by the effective translation and transfer of scientific knowledge. Part of the site targets youth and families offering information on mental health, the teen brain, medications, and multimedia presentations on a variety adolescent mental health issues. The other part of the site is aimed at health and education professionals. It offers information on depression and suicide education training programs, the Chair’s educational projects and a section where professionals can access clinical tools, guides and a virtual library to assist their clinical and educational work. In 2008 received a Silver Award for outstanding content and design from the Web Health Awards. We’ve had some great success with more than 56,000 unique visitors to the site in the last calendar year. The majority of the users have been selecting family and physician information, and 431 people have viewed the multimedia presentations in the family section alone. This year a new section on Anxiety Disorders will be added. We will also be adding in a School Mental Health Portal, linking off the site which provides training to teachers, as well as a full mental health curriculum that they can download and use in whole or in part with their students. The website contains interactive elements as well as engaging video and ppt presentations the teachers can use in their classroom.

Teen Mental Health Blog Blogs are excellent communications tools one of the best ways to share information and engage readers in conversation. The Teen Mental Health Blog is written by Dr. Stan Kutcher and his team. The purpose of the blog is to share scientifically-validated information about adolescent mental health to advance the understanding of mental health and mental illness in young people. This blog is a part of

TakingITGlobal TakingITGlobal (TIG) is an international online social network and hub for civic participation. They provide opportunities for learning, capacity-building, cross-cultural awareness, and selfdevelopment through technology. To help members understand mental health and mental illness better, the Chair has teamed up with TIG to create a place where members can learn, discuss, network and inspire each other to address mental health issues.



Ongoing Initiatives High Five Working in collaboration with High Five (a coaching/leadership certification program). The Chair team is developing a guideline on mental health for youth. Mental Health Action Guide – TakingITGlobal This interactive guide presents information to youth on mental health and mental illness in an engaging manner. This action-oriented guide includes a wide variety of information including section on how to maintain your mental health, where to get help if you have a mental illness and how to support friends and family with mental illnesses. In addition, the guide provides information on commonly encountered youth mental health areas as well as encourages youth to take action in their community to raise awareness of mental health and mental illness. Siblings & Mental Health Booklet Through interaction with our youth advisory panel, it was identified that there was a lack of information to communicate how mental illness impacts siblings. This engaging booklet was designed in two formats. One for youth ages 12-16, the other for young adults 17-22. This guide is the first of its kind, and will fill an important niche for youth whose lives are impacted by the mental illness in their family. It will be nationally launched in November. Evergreen Project The Child and Youth Advisory Committee (CYAC) of the mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) has created the Evergreen Project which will develop the Evergreen Document, a systematically, collaboratively and comprehensively developed document for policy makers, health planners, providers, parents, children and youth living with a mental health problem, and the public. The Evergreen Document will provide a framework to effectively, ethically and confidently address the mental health needs of Canadian children and youth now and in the future. This Document will be collaboratively constructed by mental health professionals, youth, parents and community members from all regions across Canada. It will be created through the use of online media, such WIKI, discussion boards, and online surveys. Cross Spectrum Collaboration in Teen and Adolescent Mental Health in Digby County This program combines the teams research and training tools to help improve and promote youth mental health in Digby County, Nova Scotia. The program aims to unify local health, education, research and community sectors in addressing adolescent mental health. Development of School Mental Health Framework Through the engagement of key stakeholders in the region, the Sun Life Financial team will be leading the development of a school mental health framework. The discussion form will have representation from Education, Health, Health Promotion, Justice, Community Service and other stakeholders to address this issue in Nova Scotia. Suicide Post Vention Review and Report Working with the Department of Health Promotion and Injury Prevention, the Chair is conducting a systematic review of the evidence for effective suicide postvention strategies. Families of Suicide Victims Project In collarboration with Carol Cashen and funded by the MSMHRF, the Chair is preparing materials to be used by first responder in situations of suicide.



COMMUNITY RELATIONS AND EVENTS Although the mission of the Chair is to enhance the understanding of adolescent mental health issues nationally and internationally, much of our work is focused here at home.

Mental Health Week and Mental Illness Awareness Week Mental Health Week (May) is a national awareness week that provides Canadians with many opportunities to find out more about the importance of mental health, and how to achieve it in our daily lives. Mental Illness Awareness Week (October) is an annual national public education campaign designed to help open the eyes of Canadians to the reality of mental illness. Since the Chair’s inception it has participated in Mental Health Week and Mental Illness Awareness Week events organized by the IWK Health Centre. Additionally, as part of Mental Health Week the Chair celebrates National Child and Youth Mental Health Day.

Jr. High Chats Working with schools and guidance counsellors in Jr. High schools in HRM, Dr. Stan Kutcher and a member of the IWK CHOICES program have presented a series of Q&A sessions for parents on adolescent development. The CHOICES Program helps adolescents aged 13-19 deal with problems around substance abuse and gambling.

Laing House Laing House is a community support centre for young adults, ages 17-24, who are living with serious mental illnesses such as psychosis or mood disorders. The Chair participates in a variety of collaboration activities with Laing House. Youth Health Centres Dr. Stan Kutcher was appointed as a psychiatric consultant to the Youth Health Centres (YHC) and he provided training and professional developments for YHC staff.

Healthy Promoting Schools – HRSB & Yarmouth The Chair was invited by the Department of Education in Nova Scotia to be actively involved in Health Promoting Schools initiatives and to develop mental health strategies to help improve students’ mental health and well-being. The Chair team is currently working with the Health Promoting Schools teams from Halifax Regional School Board and Tri-county Regional School Board to identify what mental health initiatives should be implemented in their existing Health Promoting structure and determine how to enhance students’ mental health in an efficient and effective way.



INTERNATIONAL WORK Mental illness can affect anyone regardless of sex, age, race, religion, ethnicity or socioeconomic class. In any given year one in five people are estimated to suffer from a mental illness and the economic and social costs of these disorders is staggering. The need for improved access and availability of appropriate mental health services for all people suffering from mental illness globally is immense. However, the need for child and adolescent mental health services is now being recognized as the area of greatest need. The recognition of this reality is increasing globally and countries which have historically neglected mental health in their health services are now beginning to actively address this issue. Substantial barriers to meeting mental health care needs, particularly in low and middle income countries exist. Thus, there is both an opportunity and a challenge how can we globally address the mental health needs of young people in the most appropriate manner? This is a challenge that the Sun Life Financial Chair in Adolescent Mental Health is beginning to address. Peer Educators Training Program Drs. Kutcher and Chehil developed a mental health for peer educators training program that is being integrated into a peer health education program for high school students in Africa. The program has been piloted in Malawi, and plans contingent on funding are being made to eventually expand the program to other countries and institutions in Africa. The purpose of the peer education training program is to integrate mental health into the basic education innovation in Africa. International Mental Health Activities:  Consultant, Peer Health Education Project, UNESCO. Malawi, 17/03/2008.  Rwanda  Egypt  Member of Development Board – International Centre for Gender, Mental Health and Addictions (2006 – ongoing).  Technical Consultant – WHO: psychotropic drugs in primary care.  Director – WHO Collaborating Centre in Mental Health Training and Policy Development (2005 – ongoing).  Project Leader – IMPACT/IMPACTO – Developing Leadership in Public Mental Health in North America (Mexico, USA, Canada) – (2004 – ongoing).  Lead Consultant - World Health Organization Mental Health Policy Project (2005 – ongoing).  Lead Consultant – Mental Health Policy and Training Project – Guyana (2005 – ongoing).  Member – Presidential World Psychiatric Association Program on Child and Adolescent Global Mental Health, World Psychiatric Association (2005 – ongoing).  Consultant – Portugal Ministry of Health  School Mental Health Project – Lisbon, Portugal (this is an application of the Chair’s Secondary School Mental Health model to Portugal – began September 2009 CHAIR MID-TERM REPORT



Kutcher S., McDougall A., and Murphy A., Preventing, Detecting and Managing Side Effects of Medications. In JM Rey and B Birmaher (eds) Treating Child and Adolescent Depression. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, pp 174-193.


Kutcher S., Chehil S., Physical Treatments. In M. Rutter (ed) UChild & Adolescent Psychiatry, 5th EditionU. London: Blackwell Publishing, 2008.


Kutcher S., Chehil S., Adolescent Depression and Anxiety Disorders. In Lawrence S. Neinstein, Catherine M. Gordon, Debra K. Katzman et al (eds) Adolescent Health Care: A Practical Guide, 5th Ed. Philedelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007, pp 994-617.

Papers Recently Submitted (2008-2009): 1.

Kutcher S., Davidson S., and Manion I., Child and Youth Mental Health: Integrated Healthcare using Contemporary Multidisciplinary Teams. Submitted to Journal of Pediatric and Child Health, February 2009.


McIntosh D, Kutcher S., Anthony Levitt A., Binder C., Fallu A., Rosenbluth M., Adult ADHD and Comorbid Depression. Submitted to Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, November 2008.


Kutcher S., McDougall A., Psychotherapy for Early Onset Major Depressive Disorder - Hot Idea or Hot Air: A Systematic Review and Critical Analysis of the Efficacy, Tolerability and Safety of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy in Adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder. Submitted to the Journal of the American Medical Association, July 2008.


Kutcher S., Chehil S., Providing Horizontally integrated mental health care: A novel approach to mental health care delivery through health human resource training. Submitted to the WHO Bulletin, July 2008.


Kutcher S., Chehil S., Miller P., Ricchione G., Witte J., Medina-Mora Icaza E., Escalante Varela A., Smith F., Mental Illness in North America after NAFTA: Comparisons between Mexico, the United States and Canada, submitted to Psychiatric Services, January 2008.

Peer Reviewed Papers: 1.

Kutcher S., Hampton MJ., Child and Adolescent mental Health Policy and Plans in Canada: An Analytical Review. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, February 2009. (In Press).


Kucher S., Cash C., Amparao Pascual M., Fors Lopez M., Building Psychiatric Clinical Research Capacity in Low and Middle Income Countries: the Cuban Canadian Partnership Project. Innovation Journal, September 2008. (In Press).


Kutcher S., McDougall A., Problems with Access to Adolescent Mental Health can lead to Dealing with the Criminal Justice System. Journal of the Canadian Paediatric Society, Jan; 14(1), 2009.


Cheung A., Kusumakar V., Kutcher S., Dubo E., Garland J., Weiss M., Kiss A. levitt A., Maintenance Study for Adolescent Depression. Journal of Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology. Nov; 18(4):389-394, 2008.




Kutcher S., Murphy A., Gardner D., Psychopharmacological Treatment Options for Global Child and Adolescent Mental Health: The WHO Essential medicines Lists. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 47:1105-1113, 2008.


Kutcher S., Chehil S., Evaluating a Novel Community Based Mental Health Post Disaster Training Program: in the Grenada Experience. American Journal of Disaster Medicine. Jul-Aug; 3(4): 23540, 2008.


Kutcher S., CBT plus an SSRI was as effective as an SSRI alone for adolescents with moderate to severe depression. Evidence based Medicine. Feb; 13(1):13, 2008.


Kutcher S., Szumilas M., Youth Suicide Prevention. Canadian Medical Association Journal. Jan. 29; 178(3): 282-285, 2008.


Szumilas M., Kutcher S., Family and Youth Info Sheet on Suicide. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 178(3): 286, 2008.


Kutcher S., Gardner D., SSRI Use and Youth Suicide: Making Sense of a Confusing Story. Current Opinion in Psychiatry. Jan; 21(1): 65-9, 2008.


Kutcher S., Davidson S., Mentally ill youth: meeting service needs. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 176(4): 417, 2007.


Kutcher S., Excessive Weight Gain, Metabolic Syndrome and Psychotropic Treatments of Children and Adolescents. Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology News. 11(4); 10, 2007.


Carandang C., Santor D., Gardner DM., Carrey N., Kutcher S., Data safety monitoring boards and other study methodologies that address subject safety in “high-risk” therapeutic trials in youth”. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Apr; 46(4): 489-92, 2007.


Jerome L., Gardner D., Kutcher S., First Case of Sialolithiasis Associated with Atomoxetine. J. Clin Psychopharmacol. Feb; 27(1): 111-112, 2007.


Emslie GJ., Wagner KD., Kutcher S., Krulewicz S., Fong R. Carpenter DJ., Lipschitz A., Machin A., Wilkinson C., Paroxetine treatment in children and adolescents with major depressive disorder: a randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Jun; 45(6): 709-19, 2006.


Kutcher S., Chehil S., Roberts T., Meeting post-disaster mental health needs through and integrated health care provider training program: A pilot project in Grenada post hurricane Ivan. Pan American Journal of Public Health. 2006.




17th Congress of European Psychiatry (EPA). “MED ED: A Novel Interactive Manual to enhance Psychopharmacologic Care in Children and Adolescents”. Lisbon, January 26, 2009.


7th Annual International Congress of Neuropsychiatry – “International Health: Challenges for Neuropsychiatry”. Cancun, December 7, 2008.

Facts and


Teaching for Health Equity Conference - “Medical Education for the 21st Century”. Havana, December 3, 2008.


UNESCO International Conference on Education (ICE). “Inclusive Education – Teachers and Learners”. Geneva, November 27, 2008.


Duty to Accommodate Conference. “Duty to Accommodate Mental Health in the Workplace: How far your Responsibility Extends”. Halifax, November 18, 2008.


Keynote Speaker - Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation “Opening Minds” Workshop Series. “Understanding Adolescent Brain Development, Depression, and Suicide: a Workshop for Families and Mental health Professionals”. Vancouver, November 5, 2008.


Government of Canada Policy Research Initiative: Canada-US Workshop on Youth Mental Health: “Healthy Transitions to Adulthood”. Washington, DC, November 3, 2008.


Depression Academy Conference. “Depression in Adolescents: Clinical Picture, Management and Prevention Efforts from an Evidence Based Perspective”. The Lundbeck Institute, Antalya, Turkey, October 27, 2008.


Keynote Speaker - Dalhousie Mini Med School. "Technology and the Teenage Brain". October 16, 2008.


Grand Rounds at Rady Children’s Hospital. “Meeting the Needs of Patients, Families, and Providers through Evidence Directed Collaborative Decision Making: the MEDED Model”. San Diego, October 10, 2008.


National Arts Centre Foundation Roundtable on Media, Communications, and Technology: healthy Mental Development for Children and Youth. “Media and Communication Technology Context: Brain Plasticity and Neurodevelopment”. Toronto, October 4, 2008.


Psychiatry Rounds at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children. “Paediatric Psychopharmacology – Beyond the Medication to Meducation; the Creation and Use of MEDED”. Toronto, September 25, 2008.


PAHO Conference on Mental Health of Children, Adolescents, and their Families in Latin American and Caribbean Countries. “The wider integration of child and adolescent mental health into schools”. Miami, September 4, 2008.


Depression and Suicide Workshop for Masters in Education students (university credit course). Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, July 2008.


“Rational Therapeutic Choices in Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology”. The Lundbeck Institute, Copenhagen, June 2008.


“Identification and Treatment of Adolescent Depression: a Practical First Contact Care Model”. The Lundbeck Institute, Copenhagen, June 2008.


Children’s Mental Health Ontario & Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Joint Conference. Plenary Presentation – “Teamwork When Working with Children Who are Prescribed Psychotropic Medications”. Toronto, June 2008.




Mental Health Issues and Trends. Presentation to delegation from Bosnia Herzegovina and Serbia. Canadian Public Health Association Convention. Halifax, June 2008.


Pathway to Mental Health Care for Children and Youth. 3rd US/Canada Forum on Mental Health and Productivity “The Mental Health of Working Parents and their Children”. Boston, May 2008.


UNESCO Cairo Seminar on Enhancing Learning. March 2008.


Clinical Neurosciences 2008, UBC Robson Square. “Youth Suicide Prevention: Hot Idea or Hot Air?” February 2008.


UNESCO Conference Training Program for Implementing Peer Health Education. January 2008.


PAHO Conference on Strengthening Mental Health Research Capacity in Latin America and the Caribbean. Challenges & Opportunities for young researchers in LA&C. December 2007.


Dalhousie Mini Med School. Adolescent Mental Health: New Insights and Programs. November 2007.


Keynote address at the 4th Annual International Clinical Research Development in Cuba. November 2007.


Effective Partnership Building for International Research Development: Lessons from the Psychopharmacological Training and Research Capacity Building in Cuba. November 2007.


Canadian Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Annual Conference. “Evidence-based Adolescent Mental Health: Suicide Information and Policy”. Montreal, November 2007.


Rational Clinical Psychopharmacology: Translating Key Concepts into Competent Care. Hong Kong Society of Biological Psychiatry International Annual Scientific Meeting, October 2007.


Keynote Speaker – Canadian Mental Health Commission, Halifax – September 2007.


Keynote Speaker - Canada's First National Child and Youth Mental Health Day, Toronto, September 2007.


Keynote Speaker - National Arts Centre Roundtable on Healing and the Arts: Healthy Mental Development for Children and Youth. Ottawa, September 2007.


Regional Workshop on the Theme of “What is Education in Africa?” UNESCO, Kigali, Rwanda, September 2007.


Improving Mental Health Outcomes in Canadian Youth: Values, Knowledge and Participation. National Invitational Symposium on Child and Youth Mental Health, Toronto, September 17, 2007.


Canada’s Mental Health System. International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership Conference. Ottawa, August 30, 2007.


“The Net-Gen Brain” N-Gen Conference. Boston, July 2007.


Rational and Therapeutic Choices in child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. TAP, Istanbul, Turkey. June 2007.


Workshop: Rational Pharmacotherapy Practices in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. TAP, Istanbul, Turkey. June 2007.


Adolescent Depression and Suicide: A Training Program for Educators. Open Mind Series 2007, Calgary, Ontario, Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation. May 1, 2007.




Open Forum Discussion – the Teen Brain. Department of Psychiatry Alberta Children’s Hospital and the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Calgary. Calgary, April 30, 2007.


Adolescent Depression and Suicide: A Training Program for Educators. Open Mind Series 2007, Toronto, Ontario, Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation, April 27, 2007.


Adolescent Depression and Suicide: A Training Program for Educators. Open Mind Series 2007, Peel Region, Mississauga Ontario, Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation, April 25, 2007.


Adolescent Depression and Suicide: A Training Program for Educators. Open Mind Series 2007, York Region, Newmarket Ontario, Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation, April 23, 2007.


Meeting Mental Health Needs in Low Income Countries. International Health Lecture Series, International Health Office, Dalhousie University, April 12, 2007.


Panel on International Health Issues: Annual International Health Conference, Dalhousie University, March 31, 2007.


Addressing Mental Health Needs through Health System Reform in Low Income Countries – Case Examples. Annual International Health Conference, Dalhousie University, March 31, 2007.


Youth Mental Health and Peace building, Gulu Uganda. Society for Adolescent Medicine, Annual Meeting. Denver, Colorado, March 29, 2007.


Mental Health and Brain Functioning: A Foundation for Enhanced Learning. First Experts Meeting, Defining Areas of Action to Enhance Learning – From Access to Success. UNESCO, Paris, March 26 – 28, 2007.


Mental Health in Low Income Countries: addressing population needs in resource constrained environments – a case example. Alberta Psychiatric Association AGM, Banff, Alberta, March 2007.


Addressing Suicide Prevention: Concepts and Evidence for Incoming Policy. Alberta Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, March 23 – 25, 2007.


Kutcher S. Understanding your teenager’s brain. Public lecture: Brain Awareness Week; Royal Bank Theatre, QE II Health Sciences Center, Capital District Health Authority, March 15, 2007.


Special Session of the Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and Mental Health (Convened by the Hon. Michael Wilson) – Washington, DC, February 15, 2007.


Adolescent Suicide and SSRI Treatments: Science; Society and Ideology in Conflict – Lundbeck Institute – Copenhagen Denmark, February 8, 2007.


Mental Health in HIV-AIDS Care – Canadian Society for International Health – Georgetown Guyana, February 1, 2007.


Understanding Mental Illness in Children and Adolescents: Implications for Schools – UNESCO – Paris France, February 5, 2007.


Suicide Prevention for Guyana: Understanding the Issues – Ministry of Health, Georgetown Guyana, January 31, 2007.


Adolescent Suicide Prevention: Needs; Wishes and Realities, A Work in Progress – IWK Mental Health Program – Halifax, Canada, January 10, 2007.


Update on the Development of Low Cost Community-Based Intervention Programs for Severely Mentally Ill Initiative. PAHO Conference on “strengthening Mental Health Research Capacity in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Mexico City, Mexico, December 6, 2006.




CBT in Adolescent Depression; the Wish and the Reality – Department of Psychiatry, Grand Rounds – CDHA – Halifax Canada, January 3, 2007.


Kutcher S and Cash C. Clinical Trials in Psychiatry: Role of International Cooperation. National Forum on Health Research and Innovation (FIINSA) 2006. Havana, Cuba, November 2006.


Kutcher S, Cash C, Horner B, Gallant J. Mental Health Human Resources Capacity Building Through Clinical Research: The Canada/Cuba Project in Psychiatry Clinical Trials. International Cooperation and Best Clinical Practices. Havana, Cuba, November 2006.


Kutcher S. Funding Mechanisms for Research Projects. Pan American Health Organization: Strengthening Mental Health Research Capacity in Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico City, December 2006.


Kutcher S, (Chair) Update on the Development of Low Cost Community-Based Intervention Programs for the Severely Mentally Ill Initiative. Pan American Health Organization: Strengthening Mental Health Research Capacity in Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico City, December 2006.


Kutcher S. Developing a Community Based Mental Health Program that will meet the needs of two specific communities in Mexico City. Workshop at the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery. Mexico City, December 2006.


Kutcher S. Cognitive-behavior Therapy in the Treatment of Adolescent Depression: The Wish and the Reality. Hong Kong Society of Biological Psychiatry Conference. November 2006, Hong Kong.


Kutcher S. Suicidal Risks associated with Antidepressant Treatment in Youth. General Certificate Course in Psychopharmacology: Module II; Hong Kong University, November 2006, Hong Kong.


Kutcher S. Managing ADHD Across the Life Cycle. General Certificate Course Psychopharmacology: Module II. Hong Kong University, November 2006, Hong Kong.


Mental Health Facilitator: Curriculum Development, Focus on the Never Served, Global Mental Health Congress. Delhi, India, November 2006.


Scientific Abstracts and Poster Presentations: 1.

Kutcher S., Venn D., “A Web-Based Education Program in Adolescent Depression and Suicide for Primary Care Physicians”. Poster Presentation, 17th congress of European Psychiatry, Lisbon, January 2009.


Kutcher S., Szumilas S., “Evaluation School Based Suicide Prevention Programs’ Effectiveness”. Poster Presentation, 17th congress of European Psychiatry, Lisbon, January 2009.


MacDougall A., Szumilas M. & Kutcher S., “Effectiveness of School-Based Suicide Prevention Programs: a Meta-analysis”. Poster Presentation, Canadian Public Health Association Conference: Halifax, June 2008.


Szumilas M. & Kutcher S., “Effectiveness of a Depression and Suicide Education Program for Educators and Health Professionals”. Poster Presentation, Canadian Public Health Association Conference, Halifax, June 2008.



MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS Radio 1. 2. 3. 4.

CBC Radio interview on the topic of Bipolar disorder treatment. September 4, 2007. CBC Mainstreet interview on the topic of Transitions booklet. September 4, 2007. CBC Mainstreet. Discussion about the Virginia Tech shootings. April 18th, 2007. Live at 5, CTV. Brain lecture interview. March 14, 2007. “Teen Mental Health” – 97.5 Talk Radio, Bill Carr Show, February 10, 2007 – Halifax, NS.

Print 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

“Mental Health: Care is Key”. Halifax Chronicle Herald Op Ed, March 2009. “Treat mental Health Problems Early, Avoid Troubles Later”. Halifax Chronicle Herald Interview, January 28, 2009. “Facing Mental Illness: a 10-Step Plan.” Halifax Chronicle Herald Op Ed., October 8, 2008 (with David Venn). “Rise and shine sleepyhead.” Moods Magazine, Spring 2008 (With Martha Carmichael and David Venn). “Recognizing the priority of child and youth mental health.” Halifax Chronicle Herald Op Ed., May 2008 (with Simon Davidson and Ian Manion). “Addressing Mental Health Concerns Fails in Jails.” Halifax Chronicle Herald Op Ed., April 2008 (with Ainslie MacDougall). “Rights of mentally ill must be a national priority.” Halifax Chronicle Herald Letter to the Editor, March 2008 (with Simon Davidson and Ian Manion). “Clearing up misconceptions on mental illness and crime.” Halifax Chronicle Herald Op Ed, Jan. 2008 (with Ainslie MacDougall). “We’re losing mental health ground by sticking with the status quo” Web exclusive comment. Globe and Mail, March 20, 2007 (With Simon Davidson and Ian Manion). “Gun legislation helps reduce youth suicide.” Halifax Chronicle Herald Op Ed. May 10, 2007 (with Magda Szumilas). “Youth Mental Health: Time to Act”. The Halifax Chronicle Herald Op-Ed, February 6, 2008 (With N. MacDonald).

Television 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

“Doc Talk”, Eastlink Television – March 2009 “Listen Up” (Global Television) interview on the topic of teen depression – May 2008. CTV Live at 5 Interview on the topic of the Transitions Booklet. September 2008. Breakfast Television Interview on the topic of the Transitions Booklet. September 2008. CTV Live at 5 Interview on the topic of the Transitions Booklet and school safety. September 2007. CBC Mainstreet. Discussion about the Virginia Tech shootings. April 18th, 2007. Live at 5, CTV. Brain lecture interview. March 14, 2007. “PTSD in the Military”: - CTV news television interview. November 23, 2006.

Other 1. 2. 3. 4.

CAMH Podcast, February 2009 Why Youth Mental Health Matters, Medscape CME Web Video and Op Ed, September 2008. Insider Medicine Web Video, If I Had - A Teen With Extensive Mood Disorders, 2008 Insider Medicine Web Video – Spotlight on youth mental health, 2008




2008 – Silver Web Health Award for 2008 – Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences 2008 – CCNP Medal, Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2008 – Paul Steinhauer Advocacy Award from the Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2008 – Physician Health Promotion Award, Doctors Nova Scotia 2007 – Fellow, Canadian Psychiatric Association

FEEDBACK AND TESTIMONIALS “I just got back from the March Break Film viewing and wanted to let you know how thrilled I was, not only to see the work of the students but to see the students themselves tonight and to hear them speak about their work. Also, the documentary was a real treat. As a parent I send my kid off to explore his passions and often don't get to see the process just the finished product. Watching the documentary showed me so many more levels to what Oliver got out of the process. He was going to make movies and I think he walked away with so much more. I was thrilled he had such an opportunity. I thank you and those who gave funding for the project. I feel that you always get a broader, more realistic social perspective when something like this is available to all with out the barriers of high fees or skill level. Acceptance was a huge part of what the camp was about and I feel that by making it available to everyone you showed great acceptance. Our family would not have been able to afford many of the opportunities Oliver has benefited from through Viewfinders, so I thank you and those who support your efforts. Many, many thanks.” ~ Alice Lund, Parent “Youssef was very excited and delighted to go to Empire Theatres and see the movie he made and himself on screen - with all his classmates there to witness it too! Thanks to everyone who made this possible - we know that the great feelings of accomplishment and confidence and enjoyment carry over to other areas of his life and help him to deal with those things that are really difficult. Thanks for thinking of including "our kids" and for providing support and encouragement and opening doors to new possibilities.” ~ Nabhia Massoud, Parent “Mike had a wonderful experience during March Break and I want to thank you and the rest of the Viewfinders staff for all of your hard work, and your energy and commitment to this project. I look forward to the family showing of the films in April!” ~ Debbie Sutherland, Parent “I absolutely loved this book. Being a Resident Advisor I thought it would be great to read certain sections from it to the students to help inform them of the different issues that may arise from living in residence. This was extremely helpful and the tone/word choice is perfect for the young adult age group. Very impressive and useful.” ~ Alyson Brennan, Residence Advisor, Dalhousie University CHAIR MID-TERM REPORT


“The information contained in these booklets is a necessary bit of knowledge, not only students, but those that have any association with them including teachers, parents, friends, etc. It is a very well organized and packaged source of information.” ~ Mike MacIsaac, Student Development Officer, Cape Breton University “We have had students come into counselling because of the booklet. All our staff that have looked at it and have praised it as well.” ~ Sarah Morris, Student Counsellor, Saint Mary’s University “When the students (especially those straight from high school) received the booklet they appeared happy to have a resource.” ~ Lorraine Mosey, Student Success Counsellor, Nova Scotia Community College “It has been the best workshop I have ever attended. The content was relevant to the work I do. I left enriched in my knowledge and skills.” “Dr. K highlighted the complexity of the issue, the factors to consider and risk of assuming that information publicized by presumably reputable agencies is accurate.” “I enjoyed the science based information, up to date data, reference to the literature and debunking the myths.” “I found most of the information very interesting and astonishing - I learned a lot about research and validity.”



PARTNERS Below is a list of the partnerships we are very proud to have developed and who are a fundamental part of the success of the Chair. IWK Health Centre The IWK Health Centre provides quality care to women, children, youth and families in the Maritime provinces and beyond. Dalhousie University Located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Dalhousie is one of Canada’s leading universities. It is widely recognized for outstanding academic quality and teaching, and a broad range of educational and research opportunities. Sun Life Financial Sun Life Financial is a leading international financial services organization providing range of wealth accumulation and protection products and services to individuals and corporate customers. Sun Life Financial has been focusing its attention on key issues of importance to Canadians and adolescent mental health is one of these areas. UNESCO The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization promotes international cooperation in the fields of education, science, culture and communication. Pan American Health Organization The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is an international public health agency with more than 100 years of experience in working to improve health and living standards of the countries of the Americas. Canadian Mental Health Association The Canadian Mental Health Association is a nation-wide, charitable organization that promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness. Mental Health Commission of Canada The Mental Health Commission of Canada is a non-profit organization created to focus national attention on mental health issues and to work to improve the health and social outcomes of people living with mental illness. Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) is an academic pediatric hospital affiliated with the University of Ottawa, with a mandate for care, research and teaching. Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation The Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation (CPRF) is a national charitable organization that has funded close to 400 research projects at 42 universities and teaching hospitals across Canada. Nova Scotia Department of Education Nova Scotia Department of Education’s mission is to provide excellence in education and training for personal fulfillment and for a productive and prosperous society.



ViewFinders International Film Festival ViewFinders is a production of the Atlantic Film Festival Association. It is a five-day celebration of film, video and media geared towards youth ages 3-18. Nova Scotia Mental Health Foundation The Mental Health Foundation supports organizations and individuals throughout the province in the delivery of patient care, education and research needs for Nova Scotians with mental illness. National Arts Centre The National Arts Centre (NAC) is the only multidisciplinary, bilingual performing arts centre in North America, and one of the largest in the world. Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Art Gallery of Nova Scotia is the gateway to the arts for Atlantic Canada. Alberta Mental Health Board The Alberta Mental Health Board (AMHB) is a provincial health authority that oversees and advances Alberta’s mental health system. Laing House Laing House is a community support centre located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, for youth aged 1630 living with psychotic, mood, or anxiety disorders. Mount Saint Vincent University A small university with a global outlook, MSVU fosters academic excellence and educates the leaders of tomorrow. Nova Scotia Community College NSCC aims at building Nova Scotia’s economy and quality of life through education and innovation. Developing Countries Farm Radio Farm Radio International is a Canadian-based, not-for-profit organization working in direct partnership with approximately 300 radio broadcasters in 39 African countries to fight poverty and food insecurity. Schizophrenia Society of Canada The Schizophrenia Society of Canada exists to improve the quality of life for those affected by schizophrenia and psychosis through education, support programs, public policy and research. Connections Clubhouse Connections is committed to enhancing healthy communities through engagement of people living with serious mental illness. Moods Magazine Moods magazine is a consumer publication, which provides educational information in layperson terms to the general public, educational institutions, and to the workplace.



DONORS The Sun Life Financial Chair in Adolescent Mental Health would like to acknowledge the following donors for their support:                                     

IWK Health Centre Dalhousie University Sun Life Financial T. R. Meighen Family Foundation David I. Matheson on behalf of the Kathryn A. Weldon Charitable Foundation Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation CIBC Atlantic Edward Bronfman Family Foundation Holland College Michelin North America (Canada) Inc. Gary Armstrong John S. Baillie, Northumberland Electric Inc. Dr. Donald Beanlands, University of Ottawa Ken Cameron Barbara Campbell Michael Cowie, Michael Cowie Productions Norma Cunningham, Martello on Dresden Row June Davidson Stephen Dorey Martha Dorey Gordon Earle Fred Fountain Dr. Dale Godsoe Margaret H. M. Grant Darryl Haley, CA Hans Himmelman Dr. Doris Hirsch Dr. Wade Junek Janet MacMillan, MT&L Public Relations Susan MacRae Deborah Matheson James McCleave Hon. Michael Meighen, QC Kelly Meighen Gillian Pullen Sam and Jennifer Scully Ronald Smith



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