32 minute read
Reese’s pieces: TGA’s Darren
from Tee Times June 2020
by Joe Hall


Man behind the mic
Darren Reese’s quarantine chats kept golf in the conversation during height of the coronavirus pandemic

By Gregg Dewalt but he learned how starved the Tennessee Tee Times Editor golf community is for news. “The biggest thing I learned is how engaged Keeping golf at the forefront of conversathe golf community is in Tennessee,” Reese tions at the height of the coronavirus pansaid. “I don’t know why that is compared to demic proved to be not that difficult of a some other states around us. It seems like job for Darren Reese. we have a tight-knit golf community and All it took for the Tennessee Golf Assoeverybody is interested in what everybody ciation’s director of communication was a is doing. That was good to see from my perlittle ingenuity, some broadcasting equipspective.” ment and an eager audience. Reese had Reese said he tried to get a variety of all of that at his disposal, and in a matter guests for the chats to make sure all parts of days the TGA’s nightly video chats were of the game were covered. Among his favorlaunched via the organization’s social meite guests were University of Tennessee golf dia platforms to great success. coach Brennan Webb, Collins and Henley. During those April “Facebook Live QuarWebb’s segment attracted approximately antine Chats”, Reese engaged in some fas2000 views. Henley’s segment last about cinating conversations with a wide array an hour and 45 minutes, and Reese enjoyed of golf industry types. Reese chatted and viewers emailed questions for guests ranging from junior and college players, college
TGA Director of Communications Darren Reese, left, video chats with PGA Tour caddie Kip Henley
talking with Collins, who detailed the rise of Sweetens Cove to almost cult-like status. When the series of chats ended, Reese had coaches, Sweetens Cove designer Rob Collins and current PGA Tour caddie/former Big interviewed approximately 27 guests, including five college coaches and recent PGA Break winner Kip Henley. Champions Tour winner Doug Barron. It all started with a conversation between Reese and TGA executive director Chad Reese arrived at Golf House in 2018 after spending 15 years in the newspaper busiAnderson. ness in east Tennessee. He played junior golf, so there is a built-in passion to hear “Chad came to me and told me that we might be out for a while, and I needed to find stories about the game. some ways to engage with people and get some content to put out on social media,” The chats were pushed across a variety of social media platforms in addition to Reese said. “I was sitting in here one day – we had just ordered some podcast equipFacebook, so they were widely available. Viewers also were able to submit questions. ment – Chad wanted to start a podcast here through the Tennessee Golf Association. The quarantine chats ended once things began to get back to normal We had the soundboard and the microphone laying around. I hooked it up to my comaround the state. puter. I got on Twitter and said, ‘Hey, anybody want to get on and talk about golf?’” “I could have kept it going for a long time,” said Reese, who The response to Reese’s plea was overwhelming. is 38 years old and juggles a variety of duties for the other “Within no time I had all kinds of people – coaches, junior golfers, senior golfers, all organizations at Golf House. He also handles social media for kinds of people saying hey, I’ll get on and talk with you. It kind of grew from there. Once the Simmons Bank Open, Nashville’s Korn Ferry Tour stop. I kind of put it out there and people saw we were doing it, I had all kinds of people volReese hopes to find a way to incorporate more chats into unteering to come on and talk.” his routine as time allows – whether on a weekly basis or a Anderson said Reese turned a negative situation into a positive. couple of times per week. “When strange situations occur, like COVID, you never know. what positives will “There is no shortage of guests out there,” he said. come from it,” he said. “Darren was able to keep our golfers engaged by giving some Anderson was happy that Reese was able to keep golf of our great golf personalities a platform to tell stories. His Facebook Live quarantine chats were a huge hit and received thousands of views. People were requesting to be a guest, listeners were asking who was our next guest, it was wild.” Anderson likened the chats to pre-television days. “Everyone was sitting around the house with nowhere to go and sports weren’t on TV - it was like we were living in the 1940’s and our entertainment came from the in the conversation during the height of the pan - demic. “We are thankful for those who came on to chat with Darren,” he said. “Dar- ren truly is one of the
radio,” he said. best in the country at Darren Reese - Director, Marketing & Communications Not only did Reese become more tech savvy while getting the chats up and running, what he does.” Jeff Giedd - Director, Rules & Competitions
Tennessee Golf Association
Chad Anderson- Executive Director Lynne Howd - Director, Handicapping Allison Brown - Senior Director, Rules & Competitions Nathaniel Hantle - Director, Course Rating & Member Services

OLD HICKORY, Tenn. – Lance Simpson said all he did while being quarantined for the COVID-19 pandemic was “golf, golf and golf.” It obviously helped keep his game in good form for this week’s Tennessee Junior PGA Championship at Old Hickory Country Club. Simpson, a rising senior at Farragut High School, fired a two-day total of 10-under, 132 to run away with the tournament title by eight strokes over runner-up Riley Grindstaff of Thompson’s Station. “It feels good to finally get back on the course again, because I can play tournament golf and do what I love,” Simpson said. “It feels really good to win the first tournament of the year. It gives me a lot of motivation for the rest of the season.” Simpson had just a one-stroke lead as he made the turn to his final nine of the cham pionship Tuesday afternoon. Just in time, though, he caught fire and started to pull away. The University of Tennessee commitment played his final ten holes in six-under par, with four straight birdies on holes 9-12 and then back-to-back on 17 and 18. Simpson finished the tournament with 13

Lance Simpson wins the 2020 Tennessee Boys Junior PGA Championship
birdies in two rounds. He opened with a 3-under, 68 on Monday and followed that up with a 7-under, 64 to finish. Tuesday’s effort broke the tournament record for lowest final 18-hole score by the eventual champion. Simpson also broke the record for biggest winning margin (8, previous was 6) and tied the tournament mark for lowest total score relative to par (132). “I was able to capitalize on making birdies when I needed to,” Simpson said. Grindstaff made three birdies on his final nine to rally for a second-place finish at twounder, 140 (70-70). Three players tied for third, including Re ece Britt of Maryville (72-69), J.J. Zimmer of Humboldt (71-70) and Sheldon McKnight of Ooltewah (69-72). Jon Wesley Lovelace of Kingsport and Gray Campbell of Humboldt tied for sixth at 142, Bo Maradik of Nashville and Nicklaus Etherton of Friendsville tied for eighth at 143, and Edward Hull of Nashville and Carson Kammann of Knoxville tied for 10th at 144.
OLD HICKORY, Tenn.— After a long lay off from competitive golf, Lynn Lim wasn’t sure what to expect from her game. Before her opening round in the Tennes- see Girls’ Junior PGA Championship at Old Hickory Country Club on Monday, she predicted she might shoot an 85. Needless to say, she exceeded her expectations. Lim, a Class of 2022 standout from Gallatin, turned in a two-day total of two-under, 140 to win the tournament for the second time in three years. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been out here playing tournaments, so I wasn’t really planning on winning,” Lim said. “Most of it was trying to get back into the groove of things. I’m glad to have it in the bag. It was super fun and it was nice to see all my friends who live out of town.” “I’m just kind of like a go-with-the-flow type of person, which is why I was like ‘I’m going to shoot an 85’. I don’t have any expectations when I’m out here. I’m just trying to play my game and have as much fun as I can.” Lim opened the tournament with a twounder, 69 to hold a three-stroke lead over

Lynn Lim wins the 2020 Tennessee
Girls Junior PGA Championship
rising Kingsport Dobyns-Bennett senior Isa bella van der Biest. Tuesday’s final round got off to an inauspicious start for Lim as she bogeyed the first hole and saw van der Biest play the opening three holes in one-under to pull within a stroke. However, Lim got a stroke back with a birdie on No. 4 and increased her lead to four by the turn. Another Gallatin standout, Kynadie Adams, made a hard charge on the back nine and got to within two strokes of the lead with birdies on 12 and 14. That was as close as she got, though, as Lim closed things out with three straight pars. Lim admitted that it was fun being back on the course after the long hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “I slept a lot,” she laughed. “I practiced a little bit, but I wasn’t trying to kill myself over it. My country club had its regulations and I was just trying to be in shape and keep things moving.” “Just being able to see my friends again (was the highlight). It’s been months since I’ve got to see them in person. Usually by this time of year I’ve seen them numerous times. I haven’t seen them in a while. That’s the memory of this week I’ll take away.” Adams finished runner-up with a two-day total of even-par, 142 after a closing two-under, 69. Sophie Linder of Carthage also rebounded nicely on day two as she followed up an opening 76 with a 69 to finish alone in third at +3, 145. Coming in fourth was van der Biest (72-74- 146), followed by Claire Henson of Jackson (75-72-147). Rounding out the top ten were Kendall Maynard of Clarksville (76-77-153), Lily Bloodworth of Hendersonville (82-74- 156), Emily Wilson (77-79-156), Kyndall Shamblin of Cleveland (78-78-156) and Lex- anne Halama of Knoxville (83-76-159). The finishing order of this year’s top three was exactly the same as it was in 2018 at the Golden Eagle Club in Cookeville. Lynn won the title that year by two strokes over Adams and three over Linder.
Around Nashville Fairways

Wayne Evans Superintendent of Sports/ Golf Clubhouse Operations
Metro Parks back open for business
With the exception of Shelby, all Metro Parks golf courses are open for business. The courses opened May 26 with guidelines in place to ensure the safety of staff and golfers. Shelby remains closed indefinitely after suffering extensive damage from the March 3 tornado. There is no timetable for Shelby to reopen. Here are the pro tocols in place at Jim Fyke

Metro Parks courses: • The reopening of clubhouses ends the complimentary “walk on” status and initiates the regular fee-based golf. • All staff and customers must wear face coverings in clubhouses • An employee will be at the door to allow only one customer at a time in the clubhouse to pay/check-in • Cups will be upside down in the hole so that golfers won’t have to reach in to get retrieve their ball • Customers will be asked to not touch flagsticks • Hours of operations will be reduced to ensure enough staff to moni tor and enforce the protocols to maintain a safe environment for

customers and employees • No riding carts, pull carts, or rental clubs will be rented • No rakes in bunkers, no water coolers or ball washers placed on course Single-rider carts were allowed starting June 1, and Metro Parks officials will continue to adjust operating procedures as we move through the phases in the mayor’s plan. The movement through these phases are data driven, not date driven, therefore we can’t project if and when we will move forward to others phases at this time. We are excited to be open again, and are hoping to get closer to normal as the season progresses. While we are still trying to determine the best way to navigate through this process, we hope to be able to put out more information regarding the James H. Fyke Municipal Amateur Championships and other events sometime in early June. We look forward to seeing everyone at our courses again. We hope to see you all soon!
- Wayne
We Love Our Golfers!!!
Harpeth Hills 2424 Old Hickory Blvd. • 615-862-8493
McCabe 46th & Murphy Rd. • 615-862-8491
Percy Warner Forrest Park Dr. • 615-352-9958
Shelby 20th & Fatherland • 615-862-8474
Two Rivers Two Rivers Parkway • 615-889-2675
Ted Rhodes 1901 Ed Temple Blvd. • 615-862-8463 VinnyLinks 2009 Sevier Street • 615-880-1720

Avery’s ace highlights Henry Horton’s reopening

We reopened with a bit of a bang at Henry Horton State Park golf course, as one of our first customers, former with Paris Landing just a bit behind that date. Montgomery Bell Lodge renovation is about a month away and PGA professional Tom Avery, made a Pickwick Landing renovation a hole in one. month after that, but the parks are “He made the day extra special with an ace on No. 16” said Neil Collins, open and rooms available minus a few amenities at many of our parks. PGA, and our head professional at Please go to the Tennessee State Henry Horton. “Congrats to Tom and Parks website for further informa- hope you make many more”. tion. With the recent tornados and It really was a great way to open the day as golfers around the state had an opportunity to get back out and play some golf. Things have changed somewhat, but the hope of getting out and playing has not changed with our guests on the Tennessee Golf Trail. Thanks to all for keeping us busy and supporting the TGT and the game itself as we work through some challenging times. As you come to visit us on the Trail, be aware that we have a few guidelines and they may not all be the same at different courses. We hope to be fully open with some CDC requirements still in place by the middle of June. “Business unusual,” as a friend of mine says, is the order of the day, and we can all the best putting surfaces in the state, and I hope all of you get to experience that very soon. I am certainly prejudiced in my thinking but when I see all of the notes and emails we have received regarding the condition of some of our greens, it does tend to make me a bit proud of our folks in the field and of the hard work they do to make your experience on the TGT a good one. We are making really good progress on the new Lodge at Fall Creek Falls, and it is scheduled to open mid-summer of 2021 share in the responsibility to keep each other safe as we get back to whatever the new normal is going to be. But we are open for business at all of our golf courses. Please visit Tngolftrail.net for more information as we transition back to our on-line tee times. If you have any problems, please call the course you want to visit to book a tee time. For me, I think this will bring on a bit more travel over the near term but I do love to see our courses as much as pos- sible, and right now to admire the greens complexes at our courses. We have some of the current pandemic affecting all of our lives, we feel very fortunate that we have some of the opportu- nities to get out and enjoy Mother
Nature across Tennessee. Please remember that all of our courses are there for your enjoyment and all of our staff are ready, willing, and able to help you with your needs when it comes to group outings and events. A few of the rules are different at the moment, but our professionals are very good at what they do and will be glad to make every effort to accommodate your wishes. As always, we appreciate the support of each and every one of you as you visit our Tennessee State Park golf courses. - Mike
Tom Every, (left) aced No. 16 with a 175-yard 5-iron. Tom is congratulated by Course GM, PGA Neil
Collins, practicing social distancing of course. Henry Horton Golf Courses first Corona Ace afternoon upon our reopening!!

Life slowly returning to normal at The Legacy

Kevin Holler, general manager at The Legacy, is glad to see golf returning to a sense of normalcy. After all, it’s been awhile since anything in the golf business has seemed normal since early March when the coronavirus pandemic shut down virtually everything. Slowly, though, things are return - ing to business as usual. The Leg- acy isn’t there yet, but it’s getting there. And that’s good news for Holler, his staff and the club’s pa- trons. Holler hopes that July brings a re- turn to the club’s Men’s Golf Asso- ciation tournaments. The Robertson County Junior Golf Association clinics are back, with limited availability remaining for the third session scheduled for

June 15-17. The program is free and is an excellent introduction to the game for beginners and intermediate players. Each session is 90 min - utes, with three sessions per day. Each session is restricted to eight players. Call the golf shop at 615- 384-4653 to register. Of course, after playing or par- ticipating in one of the junior ses- sions, golfers will need to fuel up, and they can do it at the Legacy’s Grill. The grill is now open at 50-percent capacity and is offer- ing a full menu. Holler said everybody – staff, members, the associations and recreational golfers – are eager to return to their regular golf rou- tine.
In My Hand I Hold A Ball, White And Dimpled, And Rather Small.. Oh, How Bland It Does Appear, This Harmless Looking Little Sphere.
By Its Size I Could Not Guess The Awesome Strength It Does Possess. But Since I Fell Beneath Its Spell, I’ve Wandered Through The Fires Of Hell.
My Life Has Not Been Quite The Same Since I Chose To Play This Stupid Game. It Rules My Mind For Hours On End; A Fortune It Has Made Me Spend.
It Has Made Me Curse And Made Me Cry, And Hate Myself And Want To Die. It Promises Me A Thing Called Par, If I Hit It Straight And Far.
To Master Such A Tiny Ball, Should Not Be Very Hard At All. But My Desires The Ball Refuses,

And Does Exactly As It Chooses.
It Hooks And Slices, Dribbles And Dies, And Disappears Before My Eyes. Often It Will Have A Whim, To Hit A Tree Or Take A Swim.
With Miles Of Grass On Which To Land, It Finds A Tiny Patch Of Sand. Then Has Me Offering Up My Soul, If Only It Would Find The Hole.
It’s Made Me Whimper Like A Pup, And Swear That I Will Give It Up. And Take To Drink To Ease My Sorrow, But The Ball Knows .... I’ll Be Back Tomorrow.
Stand proud you noble swingers of clubs And losers of GOLF balls!
A recent study found that the average golfer walks about 900 miles a year.
Another study found that golfers drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year.
This means that, on average, golfers get about 41 miles to the gallon!
Kind of makes you proud. Almost makes you feel like a hybrid..........

What’s my line? For 2017 Tennessee Women’s Mid-Am champ Teleri Hughes, it’s golf fashion for women

Tee Times report ics line was released in November and features four different styles of skorts. Two things have been a constant in the “It’s really satisfying for me, to have loved life of former University of Tennessee golf- golf for so long, to be making something er Teleri Hughes – fashion and family. for golf,” said Hughes, who was a standout As early as seven years old, Hughes at Farragut High School before joining Ten- wouldn’t leave the house if all of her acces- nessee. “It’s just kind of a full-circle mo- sories – golf glove, hat, socks, golf shoes – ment. didn’t match her outfit for the course that “It’s been really challenging – so many day. ups and downs, going from a student-ath- That continued through college, where lete to working full time on this dream, but she went as far as bedazzling her Lady it has been so worth it. There is nothing Vols’ team golf bag. better than being able to stay in the golf And whether it’s her immediate relatives world. That’s what I always wanted to do, or her life-long best friends, Hughes will and combining my two loves of fashion be the first to tell you that she has been and golf, I couldn’t think of anything bet- blessed with a tight inner circle ter. I would love to do this for a long time.” It’s those two constants – fashion and Hughes is a 2017 UT graduate with a de- family – that are at the foundation of her gree in marketing, but she knew from an newest endeavor, Teleri Athletics, a cloth- early age that fashion was the career path ing line for women that was born from she wanted to follow. Hughes’ desire to see more functional For a school project in high school, she clothing for girls and women. turned in drawings of a skirt and told her The first collection from the Teleri Athletteacher that one day she was going to design her own line of golf
University of Tennessee 2016- 2017 Women’s Golf Team
clothes. Turns out, that skirt was the inspiration for one of the pieces in her inaugural Teleri Athletics collection. About halfway through her college career, Hughes often found herself up late at night, sketching ideas and surfing the internet for how to start a clothing line. “As I got older, I had more and more trouble finding
(L-R) Blakesly Warren Brock, Allison Herring, Anna Newell, Micheala Williams, Lucia Polo, Teleri Hughes, Hannah Pietila, Emmie Pietila, Haley Wagner, and Shannon Brooks
clothes that fit my personality and also had everything that I needed in a skirt,” she said. “I was hearing the

Teleri Booth at Nashville Golf Show February 2019

same thing from my friends, too.” “I would see a skort and be like, ‘Okay, I like this, but where’s the pockets’? Or a skort would have pockets but I couldn’t fit my yardage book in it. Pockets, moisturewicking fabric, easy to wear … I want to modernize the basics and improve what is offered to girls and women in the sport.” After graduation, she immersed herself in the business aspects of it in her drive to create the perfect golf skort. She went to trade shows and met with textile mills and manufacturers. She en- listed the help of Knoxville-based techni- cal designer Melissa Balmer, who took Hughes’ sketches and ideas and turned them into a working blue print for manu- facturers. And that was only half the battle. Hughes estimates that after she had the designs finished, she went back and forth with her manufacturers for a year and a half trying to get the samples to her liking. “They would send me back a complete skirt and I would see how I could golf in it. I let my friends try it on,” she recalled. “The sample process took me longer because I was so nitpicky and I wanted it to be perfect. I just wasn’t willing to accept anything but the best.” In the first collection from Teleri Athlet- ics, three of the four skort designs have five pockets. The skorts weren’t just tested by Teleri’s friends – they were named after them. There is the Haley Skort, the Blakesly Skort, the Hanley Skort and the Anna Skort. “I wanted to name them after people who have had a huge impact on my life,” Hughes
Continued on page 21

Equipment Corner
Sun Mountain Motor Sports, Finn Cycle, out to change the game
Sun Mountain Motor Sports launched the Finn Cycle, a two-wheel electric scooter that can go 36 holes on one charge, in July 2019. “The number one reason golf isn’t growing is that people don’t have the 4-5 hours to play 18 holes. With Finn if you are first out, you can play 18 holes

Nashville National G.C. in Joelton has regulars
with a foursome in 2-2.5 hours because everyone goes to their own golf ball. “It’s also just a ton of fun” Paul Branlund, Eastern Sales Manager for Finn/Sun Mountain, said. “Our owner, Rick Reimers, has a knack for creating highly innovative products and this one we think is a game changer. The Finn Cycle has a lithium battery that will last 36 holes on a flat course and has a unique design where the golf bag rests under the seat and through the handle bars making the balance
Champions Run GC in Rockvale having fun

and ease of ride one of the best features of the Finn. At 75 pounds, the Finn can also be transported to and from the course and drive right up to the green or tee box, making golf faster and more fun. Here are the facilities in Tennessee where you can ride a Finn: Champions Run, Nashville Golf and Athletic, Nashville National, Timber Truss. For more information, contact Paul Branlund at 615-545-3923.
Continued from page 20
said. “I knew in college that I didn’t want to pursue a professional golf career, so this was my ‘Thank you’ to golf, because it’s done so much for me. I wanted to give back to the sport and to the people who have been with me the whole way.” Currently, the first collection from Teleri Athletics is only available for purchase on
line. Her strategy in 2020 is to increase brand awareness and get the word out. She already has the tech-pack completed for her second collection, which could go into production as early as this summer or early next year to coincide with the annual PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando. Hughes has ambitious long-term goals for her company. “I want to become a face for women and girls in golf,” she said. “I want it to be the go-to skort in their wardrobe and for the Teleri Athletics brand to be synonymous with golf fashion.” Above all else, Teleri wants her brand to be representative of an effort to spread positivity and encouragement to fellow girls and women. Editor’s note: This story was originally published by the Tennessee Golf Associa

tion. It has been edited for length and style purposes.
For more info/to order: https://www. teleriathletics.com/pages/our-story
Teleri Athletics is the perfect brand for every female golfer because it is both stylish and functional. It’s rare to find a designer who truly understands what the female golfer needs in a skort. Teleri has competed at the highest levels in junior and collegiate golf, and she has become an expert on women’s golf clothing from personal experience as well as extensively talking to her teammates and playing competitors. The bright colors, flattering designs, and plethora of pockets are just a few of the things that make a Teleri Athletics skort unique. I can’t say enough great things about this brand, and I could not be more honored to have my name on a Teleri Athletics skort!
- Blakesly (Warren) Brock

Teleri Athletics is amazing for all women golfers because it was specifically designed with their needs in mind. Teleri is so good at what she does and always puts 110% of her effort into everything she does, including these skorts.
Sometimes it is so difficult to find comfortable and functional golf clothes that are still stylish. I absolutely love my Teleri Athletics skort because it is all that and more. It’s a quality skort, with multiple pockets, and still very comfortable to play in. There’s not much more you can ask for!
- Haley Wagner
Teleri Athletics makes you feel beautiful, athletic and powerful. Being confident in your own skin and in the clothes you wear is one of the many reasons Teleri’s skirts are my go-to out on the golf course! The Anna skort is fierce and comfy, the best of both worlds. I know I’m ready to slay the day when I have that skort on!

The skorts by Teleri Athletics are exactly what the women’s golf industry needed! It has always been a struggle to find skorts that are functional, fashionable, and sporty. Teleri has encompassed all of those things in her line! She has taken the basics of women’s golf attire and modernized them. Having a fashion line created by a women’s golfer for women’s golfers is the missing piece this industry needed. They give me the confidence and comfort to succeed on the golf course!
- Hanley Long

GOLFTEC opens new location in west Nashville

The newest GOLFTEC facility is located at 6800 Charlotte Pike, Suite 104 in Nashville. The Nashville West location is offering a grand opening special of $75 for a 60-minute swing evaluation, $75 for a club fitting and up to 20-percent off lesson plans. The new Nashville West location has an unmatched Club Fitting experience. GOLFTEC’s unbiased golf club fitting system matches ideal clubs and shafts to your swing.
$75 Swing Evaluation

During this 60-minute golf lesson, you and your coach discuss where your game is now and where you’d like it to be. Your coach quantifies your golf swing with our Motion Measurement technology and video analysis to give you an in-depth view. And armed with this information, your coach recommends a customized lesson plan to reach your stated goals.
$75 Club Fitting

GOLFTEC’s unbiased golf club fitting system matches ideal clubs and shafts to your swing During your 60-to-90- minute fitting, your fitter combines golf equipment expertise with our guided TECFIT process to identify optimal club heads, golf shafts and adjustments for you. You get to test numerous club-and-shaft combinations to determine personal preferences, while your fitter analyzes launch monitor data and ultimately presents recommendations based on performance. These specials are valid only at the new Nashville West location and are available through June 30, 2020. They are not valid with any other offers, including holiday packages. They are valid on your first qualifying purchase only.


We’re OPEN! We’re READY! We’d love to see you!
Cumberland Mountain
Come enjoy some fresh air and exercise, and a GREAT game of golf, knowing that we’re following the guidelines of the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, and local public health authorities.

Harrison Bay
Call for a tee time, or visit our website at tngolftrail.net

At press time, our state is monitoring the COVID-19 situation and the importance of slowing its spread with efforts that may impact travel and gatherings. Please call before visiting any of the courses on the Tennessee Golf Trail, to ensure that the course of your choice is ready for your visit.
All courses are Audubon International Certified and are Audubon Cooperative Sanctuaries. Annual passes available.

* Jack Nicklaus Signature Courses
The Bear Trace at Cumberland Mountain State Park 407 Wild Plum Lane Crossville, TN 38572 931-707-1640
The Bear Trace at Harrison Bay State Park 8919 Harrison Bay Road Harrison, TN 37341 423-326-0885
The Bear Trace at Tims Ford State Park 891 Wiseman Bend Rd Winchester, TN 37398 931-968-0995 Golf Getaway Package
The Golf Course at Fall Creek Falls State Park 626 Golf Course Road Spencer, TN 38585 423-881-5706
The Golf Course at Henry Horton State Park 4358 Nashville HWY Chapel Hill, TN 37034 931-364-2319 Stay and Play Packages
The Golf Course at Montgomery Bell State Park 800 Hotel Avenue Burns, TN 37029 615-797-2578 Play and Stay Packages
The Golf Course at Paris Landing State Park 285 Golf Course Lane Buchanan, TN 38222 731-641-4459 Stay and Play Packages
The Golf Course at Pickwick Landing State Park 60 Winfield Dunn Lane Pickwick Dam, TN 38365 731-689-3149
The Golf Course at Warriors’ Path State Park 1687 Fall Creek Road Kingsport, TN 37663 423-323-4990