Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL DATA Name Teja Lenarčič Address Pestotnikova 14a 1210 Ljubljana-Šentvid Slovenia Nationality Slovene Date of birth 03.09.1987 Telephone 0038641865654 E-mail
EDUCATION Master degree (2014) Mentors: Prof. Josep Miàs, COAC/ARB and doc. Jurij Sadar, u.d.i.a. Exchange student at ETSAB, Barcelona (2011/2012) Design studio’ professor: - prof. Josep Miàs, COAC/ARB - prof. Alfredo Linares. Student at Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana (2006/2011) Design studios’ professors: - prof. Janez Koželj, u.d.i.a., - Jurij Sadar, u.d.i.a., - Vasa J. Perović, MA BiA. Graduated in Ljubljana (2006) English certificate in Cambridge (advance, 2006). Exchange workshop with German students, Schwäbisch Hall (2004). English summer school in Great Britain (2002). Finished primary school in Ljubljana (2002) - Received school award for talented and successful student. - Have received scholarship for talented students.
WORK EXPERIENCE MooW (established 2012 in Barcelona): CEO and CoFounder Company for physical, mental and spiritual development
STL (established 2011 in Ljubljana): CEO and Founder Design studio La Dolce Vita (2011): Interior design, outdoor, accessories LUZ, Ljubljana’s company for urbanism: Working with architect Martin Starc (2008). Working with architect Borut Šajn (2006). Project manager, group leader. Advisor for interior and exterior design. Marketing, promotions, photography. Ski instructor (since 2003) in Slovenia, Austria, Italy and France.
REALIZED PROJECTS, COMPETITIONS, WORKSHOPS Renovation of warehouse in the house, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2013-), designer, project in realization. Renovation of summerhouse and its surroundings, Crveni Vrh, Croatia (2012-2014), project manager and designer, realized. Design for “Smart door”, Ljubljana (2013), designer, competition, shortlisted. Graphic design for celebration event; including evening dresses (2012), designer. Workshop in China, Beijing (2011). Interior design (entry hall with bar area) in fitness center OAZA in BTC, Ljubljana (2011), designer; realized. City’s swimming pool and wellness Kolezija, Ljubljana (2009) National competition, shortlisted. Leading the group. Sesam, Rome (2009) Student international competition, chosen. Novi Sad, student international competition (2009). Landart, Austria (2009). Kindergarten Ribnica, Ribnica (2009), national competition, cooperate. Piranessi competition (2007, 2008). Design studio’s workshops, workshops for artists. 2
SKILLS Languages: Slovenian: Fluent in speaking and writing. English: Fluent in speaking and writing. German: Intermediate in speaking and writing. Spanish: Intermediate in speaking and writing. Computer programs: AutoCad, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Google SketchUp, 3ds Studio Max. Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook. Mac OS: Keynote, iMovie.
SPORT Dancing: Since 1997, professional Latin-American dance since 2008 – 2010. Skiing: Since 1992, ski instructor since 2003, working in Slovenia, Austria, Italy and France. Ski Clubs Snežinka and SD Novinar (preselection training – support), Wagrain and Saalbach SkiSchule, Ski&Fun, British school, private lessons, Children’s colonies. Windsurfing: Since 2002, private lessons in Greece and in Croatia. Climbing, cycling, yoga, outdoor fitness, pilates, badminton.
PERSONAL Dynamic, communicative, open-minded, receptive, enthusiastic, professional, independent with leadership skills, working, teamplayer, persistent, fastlearner... 3