TABLE OF General Introduction CONTENT
Our process for BIM Execution Plan Benefits of BIM Execution Plan 5 Reasons to implement a BEP on your project Conclusion
GENERAL INTRODUCTION A BIM Execution Plan is an important construction document. It helps project professionals move forward with clear roles, responsibilities and communication channels. A BEP is an essential element of large or complex construction projects. It keeps each & everything in sync while executing the project, to overcome the project's shortcomings.
GENERAL INTRODUCTION BEP includes project infrastructure information, involving 3D, 4D, 5D a nd 6D BIM techniques. An effective BEP delivers value to project stakeholders, as documented in the Employer Information Requirement. BEP designed by the BIM consultants accurately matches the project goals, aligning with the capabilities of team members. It helps to streamline the project for systematic project execution.
OUR PROCESS FOR BIM EXECUTION Acquiring the Right Software for Improved Functionality – PLAN We select the right software package for BIM implementation through testing various software packages.
Ensuring an Expert in Lead Position – Our professionals provide an Expert in the Lead Position after obtaining the right software package. We choose the right project manager for companies and conduct a BIM training program. Crafting a Well-Defined BIM Execution Plan – We integrate BIM into the prevailing system of an organization by carefully planning the transition. Forming In-House Standards & Strategies – Standardization, along with interoperability, is one of the biggest challenges of BIM. We prevent such issues by developing in-house standards and strategies for governing BIM operations.
5 REASONS TO IMPLEMENT A BEP ON YOUR PROJECT To define why implement “BIM” for your project To describe the main purpose of BIM for the project To diversify the project and distribute the roles and responsibilities for more clarity To cla rify the excha nge of inform a tion a m ong the stakeholders To com m unica te the perform a nce of the construction project
BENEFITS OF BIM EXECUTION PLAN Improves project, understanding the responsibilities for goal accomplishment
Designs customized implementation with team workflow Acts as a guide to new project participants, stating the routines, practices & strategies Provides an excellent foundation for planning, training course & upgrade of competences Ma kes it ea sy to a ssess the ha rdwa re or softwa re to purchase implementation Helps to reduce uncertainties, eliminating the risks for project stakeholders
CONCLUSION Design and construction professionals can adopt a BIM Execution Plan to specify the who, what, when, and how of BIM in order to realise significant time and cost savings. A BIM Execution Planning workflow should be required if you wa nt to increa se the use of BIM within your organisation because it will help reduce waste by implementing a more repeatable workflow.
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