15 Recent Technological Advancements in Architectural Design

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EMERGING TRENDS IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Top 15 Recent Technological Advancements in Architectural Design

TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction Building Information Modeling (BIM) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Big Data LiDAR Humanoid Laborers Robotics Drones

TABLE OF CONTENT Additive Design in 3D Architectural Applications Virtual Reality Augmented Reality . Mixed Reality Parametric Architecture Internet of Spaces Smart Cities

INTRODUCTION Many have the notion that the architecture indus try is inherently s low to adopt new techniques. The domain looks like a relic of the past, cons igned to the archives along with blueprint paper and L-s quares . There's no doubt that s ectors like s pace, renewable energy and transportation are leading in terms of implementation of the technology. However, the AEC indus try is not lagging. S o, here the notion proves to be a misconception.

In the last two decades, the construction sector has undergone great changes, leading the way to a future of digital transformation. New innovations in technology have accelerated at an incredible pace and architecture is surely not an exception in this regard. Popular technologies like Building Information Modeling (BIM), Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), 3D survey, printing, and robotics have the potential to transform the working practices of architectural design. The future of architecture depends to a great extent on the successful implementation of innovative design technologies.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) BIM has already set new heights, enabling the perfect dis tribution of work through different stages of construction. Cons equently, there is proper execution of work with lesser inaccuracies. The technique facilitates the work of engineers , architects , es timators , clients and others to collaborate and work in a single shared process. Renowned BIM software applications include Revit, ArchiCAD, Allplan, etc.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

BIM has already set new heights, enabling the perfect dis tribution of work through different s tages of cons truction. Cons equently, there is proper execution of work with les s er inaccuracies. The technique facilitates the work of engineers , architects, estimators, clients and others to collaborate and work in a s ingle s hared proces s . Renowned BIM software applications include Revit, ArchiCAD, Allplan, etc.

Big Data

Big data has created waves in architecture. Today, architects are crafting building des igns that can s tore big data s ervers and warehous es . The greater availability of data and the Internet of things (IoT) help architects access data in design and building construction.

LiDAR LiDAR scanning is also an invaluable tool for accurate construction documentation and repres entation of the building interiors in vivid digital detail. Owing to its efficiency, s peed, and accuracy, it has become significant in its use within architecture, cons truction, and des ign.

Humanoid Laborers Humanoid laborer is a completely autonomous robot with human- like fea tures tha t helps to reduce the labor shortage plaguing the construction sector. Like all service robots, they provide value to architectural services by automating tasks, leading to costsavings and improved productivity.

Robotics Robotics constitutes a branch of engineering involving the conception, design, manufacture and operation of robots. The purpose of the robotics is to create intelligent machines to assist humans in a variety of ways. Architects use robotics for building habitable s tructures in areas that would us ually be unsuitable for human life, like oceans or deserts. Robots help to build all structures that humans need to survive in these environments long before the arrival of the firs t occupants .

Drones Drones are transforming completely in the way construction firms work. Images get captured in a powerful camera that helps to get pictures that can be stitched together for creating a full-color digital model that will be much better than conventional surveying techniques. Data collected by drones facilitate in eliminating the need for appointing land surveyors for creating topographic surveys.

Additive Design in 3D Printing

Additive design encompasses human as well as artificial intelligence in making a building design efficient. 3D printing facilitates in creating the models of whole structures. Few countries have been already adopted the technology and it has brought a s park in the new architectural trends of the coming years. Read more about the benefits of 3D Printing for architects.

Architectural Applications

Architectural applications like Revit, Grasshopper, Rhino are being implemented by architectural firms across the globe. Further, there is no dearth of an advanced vers ion of the exis ting ones and the launching of newer ones with the required services, leading to increas ed time s aving and organized project workflow.

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR help architects to explain their ideas and concepts to clients in real-life experience. VR technology is one of the tech trends in architecture popular amongst the clients and des igner groups that creates efficient and user-specific designs. Take a look at the future of BIM & VDC from this blog.

Augmented Reality (AR)

AR technology adds value to the practical experience by overlaying 2D over 3D. The technique provides 3D effects of sound and touch to a 2D plan, letting the users feel that the materials are being put into the design. Take a look at Augmented Reality for BIM Services.

M ixed Reality (M R)

M ixed Reality enables interaction between phys ical and virtual s paces , giving ris e to concepts like vertical cities owing to rapid urbanization and the dearth of s paces . Nevertheles s , this technology lies at the initial s tage of exploration and experimentation for being us ed widely as a tool for architectural and engineering services.

Internet of Spaces

The ‘collaborative consumption’ or ‘sharing economy’ leads to a great impact on the hous ing and real es tate s ector. Peer-to-peer online platforms s uch as Airbnb, along with s hared workspaces and driverless cars are leading towards a future, where infrastructure happens to be the key of the built environment. In residential architecture, interconnectivity and smart design would redefine the way of living space creation. Trans formable s paces adapting to the homeowner’s age, economic s tatus and pers onal preference are well on their way to become mainstream.

Smart Cities

With the growth of population, res ources are becoming scarcer. Smart cities have become a prime facet in material and resource consumption. Integrated with big data and the IoT, the cities of the future would become more interconnected. Millions of sensors are already in place to monitor various things in a metropolis . In the recent future, these sensors will multiply till they can successfully monitor everything starting from streetlights, trashcans, road conditions to energy consumption.

Final Thought – Holistic Design Approach to Prevail in M ainstream Architecture Working with the emerging trends would help AEC professionals to make efficient use of resources, reduce energy consumption, and build smart cities with maximized efficiency. Big data helps us understand how people in a city move, how energy is us ed, and various other as pects of infras tructure interaction. To provide people with a safe, comfortable, and affordable place to live, architects must collaborate with the latest technologies to create a holistic design to prevail in mains tream architecture. To know more about s mart technology in architecture, get in touch with one of the top architectural des ign-build firms in the US A.

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