Renovating or Modernizing Home? Don’t Forget the Expeditors! Check out Seven Building Permits where Expeditors Can Help‌
Addition Alteration Repair Permit
• An addition involves changes to the outside of building, such as adding floor area. • A remodel, also called alteration involves making changes to the building interior, like moving non-structural walls. • Ensure your intended project conforms to zoning by- law through permit expedition
Antenna Permit
• Required for construction, reconstruction, relocation or maintenance activities related to antennas and wireless communication • Ensures work is performed in a safe manner and as per approved plans • Work involves attachments of antenna or other wireless communication equipment on an existing utility pole, a new constructed pole, or street light
Awning Permit
• Awnings on buildings, including private homes, or higher than first floor require a development permit and a building permit • If a property is on the Heritage Register, a heritage alteration permit is required
Certificate of Occupancy Permit • Certain requirements need to follow while purchasing a property - Such requirement may be to obtain a certificate of occupancy • The purpose is to confirm that the property is fit for human occupancy • Basics of the certificate of occupancy that every property investor must understand include: What Is a Certificate of Occupancy? Who Needs a Certificate of Occupancy? Where Do You Get a Certificate of Occupancy? How Do You Obtain the Certificate? What If You Do Not Pass Inspection? What Happens if You Don't Get One?
Civil Plans
• Civil plan sets are required for new construction or modifications. The plan drawings are specific to the exterior of a lot and are examined during a public works review. • Civil plans include the following information: Grading Landscaping Water Retention Drainage Utilities Erosion Control
Demolition Permit • The removal of 2/3 or more structural framing members, coupled with modification of exterior envelope, is classified as complete demolition and must comply with the requirements. • All applications for complete demolition include the following: Public Information Contractor Work Plan Demolition Schedule Zoning Permits Permit for discontinuance of water service and sealing of sewer lateral
Electrical Permit
• Required by City to assure electrical installations & repairs performed by licensed personnel, and installations are in compliance with City & State Codes • Apply for an Electrical Permit with: Tax Clearance Form from Revenue Department for Contractor A current, valid Certificate of Insurance for Contractor Seek permit expeditor for electrical permit approval
DCRA Permit Expedition Project Address Tejjy Inc.Renovation & Addition 1113 PENN ST NE, WASHINGTON DC 20002 625 12TH ST NE, WASHINGTON DC 20002 621 MORTON PL NE, WASHINGTON DC 20002 625 12TH ST NE, WASHINGTON DC 20002 625 12TH ST NE, WASHINGTON DC 20002 1646 COLUMBIA -, WASHINGTON DC 20009 5321 GAY ST NE, WASHINGTON DC 20019 38 BATES ST NW, WASHINGTON DC 20001 1005 50TH ST NE, WASHINGTON DC 20019 1005 50TH ST NE, WASHINGTON DC 20019 606 CHESAPEAKE ST SE, WASHINGTON DC 20032 1005 50TH ST NE, WASHINGTON DC 20019 606 CHESAPEAKE ST SE, WASHINGTON DC 20032 1646 Columbia RD, Washington DC 3635 High Wood Dr., Washington DC 20020 4315 7th ST., NW 4100 W St NW Unit 213, Washington DC
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