1 minute read
Wananga 2
22 September 2018 Te Paepae o te Raukura
Dennis Ngawhare, Ruakere Hond and Wharehoka Wano led discussion on kawa and tikanga and how they apply with each marae pā spokesperson talking through various kawa tikanga scenarios at their own marae.
These discussions raised many issues around tangihanga and from here it was agreed to begin to develop Tangihanga Guidelines for Taranaki uri to help understand the responsibilities both cultural & practical when conducting tangihanga. The lack of capacity to fulfill both the front and back roles, the expectations by whānau on the marae pā in bringing their loved ones home and the lack of knowledge around tangihanga tikanga all meant there is a need to provide these guidelines. It was decided that we would engage with our marae pā whānau over the following twelve months.
26 January 2019 Toroānui 31 March 2019 Puniho
These 2 hui focussed on the development of the Ngā Aratohu TangihangaTangihanga Guidelines. Through wānanga we discussed tikanga and process from the time of passing and prior depending on the nature of the illness, through to what happens post tangihanga. The engagement through this process was helpful as our tauheke kuia were able to provide us with much needed advice. The drafting went through a number of iterations and we were pleased to launch the guidelines at the September 2019 marae pā hui. As the title states they are ‘guidelines’ to help whānau plan and prepare for tangihanga so that when the time comes, whānau are aware of expectations, steps to be taken and can then anticipate what will happen at the marae or home during this traditional grieving ceremony.
The guide is split into the following sections:
Whakaritenga: Preparation
Te Wā o te Mate: At the Time of Death
Whakarite Marae: Preparing the Marae
Whai Tikanga: Following Tangihanga Processes
Whai Muri: After the Tangihanga
The guidelines can be found on the Taranaki Iwi website. www.taranaki.iwi.nz