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Member Registration
The Trust’s online membership registration that went live in early 2018 has proven to be the preferred option for new registrations and member detail updates.
As at 30 June 2019, Taranaki has a membership of 4,797. This includes active and non-active members
Membership: Geographical Spread
We are in a good place in terms of data management and prior to the annual elections process we had the data base audited by Elections NZ and then we did another thorough check when we moved from Access to the TikiOS integrated online system. This will give us an opportunity to provide up to date data on the status of the database moving forward.
The challenge though is ensuring our data is current and accurate and we have begun the process of referencing registrations for any missing information.
Numbers at a glance:
516 - members aged 18-24 for which no adult registration has been received
348 - members with no address details
21 - with no DOB
We encourage all uri to go to our website to ‘update their details’ or alternately email the office.
Marae pā bi-monthly hui have continued to be an important way of communicating with our whānau who are active on our marae pā. We are currently reviewing how we can be more effective in communicating with our marae pā whānau and have started meeting directly with individual marae pā to surface their specific needs. Activities discussed at the marae pā forums include the Charter and Strategic Plan review process, Tiripoua day, Taiohi and paepae wānanga, the DSP offer, Maunga Negotiation hui, Taranaki Māori Trust Board Engagement hui, Taranaki Iwi Chairs Update, Project Mounga Updates, the creation of the Environmental roles, the TRC representation roles and various other kaupapa deemed relevant. We have produced and sent 22 E-Pānui to membership. Subscribers increased from 607 to 897 subscribers during this period. EPānui reported on activities conducted by TKOT including those outlined above with the marae pā forum. We also promoted events relevant to TKOT such as Māui Pōmare day, Koroneihana, Puanga Kai Rau and any other local events.
We work closely with our MOU partner Te Korimako o Taranaki who provide live audio and video streaming and we have regular slots on Te Korimako updating current and future events.