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Rā Tiripoua Taranaki Iwi Treaty Settlement Anniversary

Rā Tiripoua is an annual event to mark and celebrate the anniversary of the signing of our Taranaki Iwi treaty settlement.

We had originally planned to celebrate this special occasion over two-days with sport, entertainment, wānanga and a hīkoi to important sites. Pleasingly we had more than 500 uri registered to attend, which demonstrates the desire of uri to connect and come together as Taranaki iwi! Unfortunately, due to the change in Covid-19 alert levels the same week that the kaupapa was set to take place, made a decision to cancel our original approach, adapt and deliver Rā Tiripoua 2021 as a ‘Virtual’ kaupapa.

Despite the short turnaround time, we were really pleased to have created our very own Taranaki Iwi production studio to deliver a successful virtual

Rā Tiripoua celebration. The virtual kaupapa consisted of He Kōrerorero (discussion about our treaty settlement journey and what it means to be Taranaki Iwi), He Wānanga (kōrero and performance by our Taranaki Iwi kapa group Te Moungaroa), and He Hīkoi (a virtual tour of Ōpunakē).

Taranaki Toa Mounga Series

On the 17th April the Tri Mounga Series took place in Ōpunakē. This kaupapa is led by Taranaki Toa, a local group who see triathlon, and each of its three disciplines as a vehicle to pursue a healthier lifestyle, in a helpful and supportive environment. Each year Te Kāhui o Taranaki provide an opportunity for our uri to represent their marae pā by sponsoring an entry fee. This year saw a total of 18 teams entered by our Taranaki Iwi marae pā.

A big 'shout out' to all of our whānau who participated, from cheering on the side line, to carrying bags, or squeezing bikes in the back of cars if they didn't have a bicycle carriage, and to those that booked accommodation nearby to make sure the whole whānau were ready on time. And of course a huge mihi to our Kuia and Koroheke who watched over mokopuna so the parents could participate. We see you - we APPRECIATE you!

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