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Strategic Plan Hui-Ā-Iwi
A Strategic Plan hui-ā-iwi was held at the Sandfords Events Centre, Ōpunakē on the 15th November 2020. This hui was a special occasion given that it was the first kanohi ki te kanohi kaupapa post Covid-19 lockdown for Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi. The hui was well attended by our whānau who were really pleased to hear about the Strategic Plan. Whānau were also very excited to see each other after lockdown.
We’re pleased to report that overall, everybody was impressed with the strategic plan and there was great kōrero and discussion about the areas of focus. It was also wonderful to see all the tamariki come along with their parents and grandparents.
Tamariki had their own special lunch while their mātua were in their focussed hui, and our Engagement and Communications Manager took the opportunity to discuss with them what they would like to see at future Taranaki Iwi kaupapa.
During the main lunch, Tonga Karena and Fran Davey spoke about the Ōpunakē Story Telling Ohu, and how whānau who may be interested can be a part of this kaupapa. Our whānaunga Robyn Davey then led a short hīkoi to end our whakawhānaungatanga for the day.
The first Hui-ā-Iwi for 2021 took place at the Ngāmotu Novotel, New Plymouth on the 2nd of May. Ngāmotu Novotel is collectively owned by Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi, Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Iwi, and Parininihi ki Waitōtara (PKW).
The event was well attended by uri. Many kaupapa were presented which gave our uri the opportunity to discuss and give their whakaaro and feedback. Following the hui an Investment wānanga was facilitated by the Chair of our Taranaki Iwi Commercial Board, Andrew Knight. We were able to reach a wider audience by offering those that couldn’t physically attend the opportunity to connect via ‘livestream’.
A special mihi to our tamariki for coming along on the day. It was great to see them enjoy their tamariki zone with Whaene Rangimokai and Whaene Sally making poi and participating in other awesome activities.