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AGM 2020
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on the 5th December at Puniho Pā, Okato. The AGM is an opportunity for Te Kāhui o Taranaki to report back to our uri on what has been achieved during the financial year in review.
It is an opportunity to discuss the highlights for the year and take feedback and questions from uri on the performance of Te Kāhui o Taranaki. We had our largest attendance at an AGM to date with over 100 uri attending. It was also wonderful to have many great pātai and kōrero from those wanting to know more.
This was the first time the hui was available via a Zoom Webinar online format. This proved to be a popular option for whānau living away
Marine & Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 (MACAA)
In March our iwi approached a range of uri to be interviewed as part of the MACAA claim currently underway. We also sought to gather evidence to support our customary rights in the takutai moana space. Evidence spanned from 1840 to present day. Ten uri shared their kōrero, their own experiences and stories of their tupuna and whānau to our pūkawa, moana and whenua.
Interviews were conducted by independent interviewer Anthony Patete, Te Patete Ltd. Further interviews will take place and once all kōrero has been transcribed and endorsed by the interviewees, these documents will be presented as evidence to the High Court. Taranaki Iwi will ensure that these transcripts, recordings and video footage are appropriately safeguarded.
from home. Despite the technical glitches, the day couldn’t have run any smoother. A big mihi to Te Kōpae Tamariki Kia Ū Te Reo for catering the delicious kai that followed the hui! Ka rawe koutou!