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Pataka / Marae Pā direct distributions
Pātaka Whata
Taranaki Iwi through its Fishing Company developed a pātaka for fish to be readily available to uri o Taranaki Iwi for tangihanga. Taranaki Iwi have a great relationship with Egmont Seafoods and work together to complete requests. In the period of 2020-21 financial year we have distributed 23 requests plus 1 Hura Kohatu and our AGM.
Tīkaokao to our marae
The Tīkaokao initiative between Te Kāhui o Taranaki and Tegel Foods Ltd to deliver tikaokao (whole chickens) to each of our marae (bi-monthly) continued during the 2020-21 year. Each marae is able to disperse or use as they wish. Whether for hui, tangihanga or any other occasion.
Each marae receives 8 cartons every two months, which had led to a lack of refrigeration storage space on their part. The Iwi were able to source funding to purchase large chest freezers (or cash equivalent) and these have been delivered to each marae.