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Ka Uruora
Ka Uruora is an iwi-led programme of housing & services supporting whānau to achieve financial independence & improve their wellbeing. KA URU ORA
Our Taranaki Iwi whānau Dean & Vicki Wall are the first to buy through the Ka Uruora shared equity model, an initial collaboration between Taranaki and Te Atiawa iwi.
Ka Uruora delivers financial stability and independence to whānau through education, Whānau Saver – an exclusive invested savings fund with iwi contributions, and multiple homeownership models. Under the housing programme, Ka Uruora will share the purchase cost and ownership of housing offered until whānau can afford to take full ownership.
The property Dean & Vicki bought was originally a school house and owned by Taranaki Iwi. The Walls registered with Ka Uruora and undertook a financial literacy programme – Sorted Kāinga Ora. The shared ownership properties are delivered by Ka Uruora in partnership with Taranaki Iwi, with funding support from Toi Foundation, Te Puni Kōkiri and Te Tumu Kāinga.
The Walls’ purchase marked the beginning of an exciting phase for Ka Uruora. Dean and Vicki epitomise the resilience and perseverance we love to see from whānau. It’s fantastic to see them becoming part of the weaving together of the harakeke which beautifully represents the shared equity model of home-ownership.