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A Trip to Paradise

by Wandering Karthik

Friday, 19 August 2022 I recently went on a trip to Zermatt in the heart of the Swiss Alps. Now, you must wonder, “Why visit Zermatt in Switzerland?” Well, let me tell you, it’s the most beautiful car-free town in the world! I could casually walk to the hotel from the train station with my luggage. So, what else makes Zermatt special? Let’s begin our story.

The Cable Car Ride

After checking into the hotel and freshening up, it was time to begin the tour. First on the list was a cable car ride to the top of the mountains. It was such an exciting ride! I marvelled at how high up we were when I looked at the beautiful panorama around us. Then, suddenly, I caught a glimpse of this pyramid-shaped structure, standing majestically tall with a snow-capped peak! Its beauty took my breath away! The tour guide proudly told us, “That’s the Matterhorn, one of the most photographed mountains in the world.”

He also enlightened us about how many mountaineers had tried to climb to this mythical mountain’s summit, but not everyone had succeeded. I looked at its pristine white snowy peak and the magical aura around it. I was left speechless! However, big white clouds soon obstructed the view.

Talking Book

The Glacier Palace

On reaching the cable station at the summit of the mountain, we had to walk through a snowy tunnel. An outdoor viewing platform provided us with a 360-degree view of the mountains around us.

I looked admiringly at a group of skiers energetically skiing through the snow. They seemed to move so fast — zigzag and swish-swish — on their skis. There was even a snow slide, and I got to enjoy that a lot. Not to forget the delicious Swiss chocolates that I bought! They even featured the great Matterhorn on their wrapping. Finally, it was time to go back. Suddenly, I saw three blue lights shine on the mountain stations above Zermatt. Is that a plane ...? Or a helicopter, or some bird? I wondered. I soon found out that the colour of those lights could be changed by simply dialling a number on our mobile phones, and the profits from this went to a great cause! Isn’t that amazing? What a thoughtful initiative! So, what are you waiting for? Imagine a place that is as pure as snow, pollution-free, and as fresh as the daisies — what else could paradise be? That’s it! Thanks.

panorama(pa·noh·raa·muh): a complete view over a wide area of land paradise(pa·ruh·dise): a place of great beauty, perfection, and happiness pristine(pri·steen): extremely clean and fresh summit(suh·mit): the top of a mountain

Speak on the Spot

Boost your speaking!

Plan Your Dream Trip Get into pairs. Together, imagine a dream place where both of you would like to go for a trip. Think in terms of the given prompts. Share your travel plan with the class.

Travel Planner

Where do we want to go?

hill station beach village foreign country local tourist places museum street market trekking hiking camping forests another state

How and when do we want to go?

travel dates extended holidays festival vacations road trip train flight cab bicycle walking ferry bus

camera safety kit clothes chargers food items medicines diary games currency ID cards

shopping sightseeing souvenirs local food star gazing visit key places native people adventure

What will we take with us?

What will we do there?

Both partners must speak for almost equal amounts of time. So plan your presentation accordingly!


Practise at home!

Reminiscing about Those Hills

Talk to a friend to share your recent trip to a hill station!

Project 1

Live Streaming From…

Project 2

Choose a place — your balcony, bedroom, garden area, playground, kitchen or local market. You can choose any other convenient place too. Turn on the mobile camera and live stream for about 2–3 minutes from there. Tell us all about that place! Do not forget to refer to the guide on the mobile app!

Time to Travel

You are planning a trip. Number the following actions from 1 to 8 based on the sequence you will follow.

Write a travel diary. Decide on a travel destination.

Board the train.

Do research on travel destinations.

Pack your suitcase. Visit the key tourist places.

Book the tickets. Buy essential travel items.

What is your dream travel destination?

Plan and Speak

The final show!

Tell Your Travel Tales 1

Now, it’s time for you to tell your friends some of your unforgettable travel experiences! You can choose to talk about a local one-day trip or a longer vacation out of town.

Write: First, jog your memory and make quick notes! Use the help words, if needed.

hills humid pleasant journey souvenir take off adventure check-in/check-out luggage bookings chilly sightseeing holiday package destination camping ferry ocean boarding trekking commute street food beach hike historical monuments picnic metro cuisine

This is a journal of my trip



Location: Grade 7

Mode of travel Co-travellers

Things we did Food we ate

Rate your experience

Practise: Now, prepare for your presentation. Refer to the tips below.

1. Use a friendly and interactive style for presentation (Hi all, today I am going to talk about my favourite travel experience … / Good afternoon! Last week I went with my parents to the best street food market in the town! / Hi friends, I am so excited to tell you about … /). 2. Ask fun questions in between to make your presentation more engaging (Has anyone been to this monument? / Can you guess what I enjoyed the most during my trip? / Do you agree with me?).

Present: Now, share your travel experience with the class in an exciting way. Present in 1-2 minutes.

Star Scale

Rate each presentation!

Write your friend’s name Write your friend’s name Write your friend’s name

Grade 8

Illustrative Chapter

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