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2. Types of Computer Memory - I

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4. Conditions IV

4. Conditions IV


In this session, students will learn about –

● Types of Computer Memory

● Primary Memory and its types


● Primary Memory: Main Memory of a computer (also known as Internal Memory)

● RAM: RAM (Random Access Memory) stores the information about active programs on a computer

● ROM: ROM (Read Only Memory) tells the computer what to do when we start the computer

WEBS at a Glance

Recap the story Revise the computer memory and binary digits Read or Invite students to read the story ahead aloud

● Recap the story and CS concepts covered in the previous class.

● Read or invite 4 students to read the story aloud from page 5 to panel 2 page 6 up to the text, “The information … switched off.”

● Say: Let me explain what computer memory is.

CS Concepts Explain

Classification Computer Memory

As given on Page 5

Primary Memory As given on Page 6

Types of Primary Memory As given on Page 6

● Discuss:

■ The computer needs some programs to switch on properly. Where should the computer store these programs, in RAM or in ROM?

Possible Responses: RAM; ROM.

Explanation: In ROM, because the files do not get deleted from ROM, whereas RAM clears every time we switch off the computer. = 1/1024 GB

■ RAM is also called volatile memory. Why do you think it is called volatile memory?

Explanation: In real life, volatile means something that evaporates at normal temperature. Examples of volatile elements are - deodorants, hair spray, room fresheners etc. In computer science, RAM is called volatile memory because everytime we switch off the computer, RAM’s contents get erased, just like something volatile would evaporate with no trace.

● Conduct Fill Up on Page 10:

■ Read Q4 aloud, one by one.

■ Invite some students to share their responses.

■ Discuss and validate the answers with the whole class.

■ Instruct: Fill in the final answers in your books.

● Conduct Find the Truth on Page 12:

■ Read Q1 aloud. Ask if it is true or false.

■ Invite some students to share their answers and others to validate their peers’ answers.

■ Instruct: Write the correct answers in your books.


● If time permits, discuss the Tick the Correct Answer - Q 2, 5 or assign it as homework.

● Conclude: Today, we learned about computer memory, binary digits and units of data.

● Ask the following probing questions:

■ Is 5 a binary digit?

Possible Responses: No. Only 0 and 1 are binary digits.

■ Which of the files is bigger in size – a 1 MB file or a 512 KB file ?

Possible Responses: 1 MB file is bigger in size.


512 KB = 512 / 1024 MB = 0.5 MB

● Assign the following homework:

■ From Brain Teasers:

❍ Match Me

■ From DIY:

❍ Fill Up – Question 1, 2

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