3 minute read
1. Page Setup in Google Docs I
In this session, students will learn about –
● What is a layout and how to change it
● What are page margins and how to change them
● How to organise text into columns
● Layout: A way to describe what each page of a document will look like when it is printed
● Page Orientation: The direction in which a document is displayed or printed (vertical or horizontal)
● Page Margin: The blank spaces at the top, left, right, and bottom of the document that can be set to make the doc look neat and professional
WEBS at a Glance
Revise the story and CS concepts covered in the previous chapter
Read or Invite students to read the story of the chapter
Discuss layout and page margins and how to change them, and how to organise text into columns
Action Plan
● Recap the story covered in the previous chapter.
Fill Up – Q1, 2, 3 Find the Truth – Q1, 2 Tick the Correct Answer – Q 1, 2, 3
Conclude the concepts Assign homework
5 min
● Instruct: Let’s learn how the story moves ahead. We will read from Panel 1 on Page 64 to Panel 3 on Page 64 until the text “But, what is a layout?”
● Read the story aloud OR invite 4 students to read the dialogues of the characters.
● Say: Let me explain about page setup in Google Docs.
If you are teaching with a projector
Open a Google Doc on your computer system
CS Concepts Explain Demonstrate
What is a layout
How to change Page Layout As given in Panel 4 on Page 64
If you are teaching without a projector OR
As given in Panel 4 on Page 64
What is Page Orientation As given in Panel 1 on Page 65
What are Page Margins As given in Panel 2 on Page 65
How to change Page margins As given in Panel 2 on Page 65
How to organise text into columns given in Panel 2 on Page 66
Show what a layout is
Show how to change Page Layout
Show what Page Orientation is
Show what page margins are
Show how to change page margins
● Present the scenario: Consider you are creating a storybook on Google Docs.
● Discuss:
■ How can you make the story presentable?
Possible Responses: add images; format text; add shapes and elements; set page margins.
■ How many types of orientations are available in Docs?
Possible Responses: Landscape or Horizontal; Portrait or Vertical.
■ What all options are available in the Page setup option?
Possible Responses: setting page orientation; margins; paper size; paper color.
■ How can we arrange text in Docs?
Possible Responses: we can organise text in columns; use the Format menu for text formatting; options available under Format options → align and indent text; Bold, Italics, subscript or superscript text; page orientation; set paragraph and line spacing; Paragraph styles; add header and footer and so on.
● If time allows, discuss all four questions, or discuss the first two.
● Conduct Fill Up on Page 89:
■ Say: Mel and Conji need your help to find the treasure. Help them by filling in the blanks.
■ Read Q1, 2, and 3 aloud, one by one.
■ Invite some students to share their answers and others to validate their peers’ answers.
■ Instruct: Fill in the final answers in your books.
● Conduct Find the Truth on Page 72:
■ Say: Let’s practise some more to revise what we have learned.
■ Read Q1 and 2 sentences aloud one by one. After each sentence, ask if it is true or false.
■ Invite some students to share responses.
■ Discuss and validate the answers with the whole class.
■ Instruct: Mark the final answers in your books.
● Conduct Tick the Correct Answer on Page 74:
■ Say: Let’s practise some more to revise what we have learned.
■ Read Q1, 2, and 3 aloud, one by one.
■ Invite some students to share their responses.
■ Discuss and validate the answers with the whole class.
■ Instruct: Mark the final answers in your books.
● If time permits, discuss the section Answer in One Line – Q1, 2, and 3 or assign them as homework.
● Conclude: Today, we learned about page setup in Google Docs.
● Ask the following probing questions:
■ What kind of things can you create in Google Docs?
Possible Responses: documents like stories; questions; describe and keep track of a plan; points of a to-do list; legal documents; technical documents.
■ Who do you think uses Google Docs?
Possible Responses: story writers; teachers; technical writers; doctors; lawyers.
● Assign the following as homework:
■ Brain Teasers: Answer in One Line – Q 1, 2, and 3
■ DIY: Fill Up – Q1, 5
■ DIY: Answer in Short – Q1