1 minute read

1. Introduction to Variables

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4. Conditions IV

4. Conditions IV


In this session, students will learn about –

● Variables

● Creating Variables

● Set block


● Variable: Are like boxes in the computer memory that hold information in the form of numbers, words, letters, and sentences

● Create Variable: Block is used to create a new variable in Blockly

● Set block: Is used to set a value of a variable

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Discuss the word “Variables” with students Show the video “Introduction to Variables” on the panel

● Say: What does the word “Variable” mean?

● Invite 1 or 2 responses from the students.

● Say: Let us watch a video together and then come up with a definition of “variable”.

● Show the video under “Introduction to Variables” on the panel.

● Explain the following concepts -

● Show slides one by one and discuss the blocks shown on the slide in the panel.

● Discuss the Quiz questions given in the Panel.

● Invite answers from as many students as possible.

● Ask the students to complete the Assignment

● Walk around in the classroom and observe the activity done by the students.

● Conclude: Today, we learned about variables. We were introduced to the set block in Blockly.

● Ask the following probing questions: (Conduct this activity only if time permits)

■ What values can be set using the Set Block?

Explanation: We can set text; letters; numbers; sentences in a variable using the Set block.

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