1 minute read
1. Comparison Operators I
In this session, students will learn about -
● Comparison Operators
■ Equal to and Not equal to operators
● Comparison Operators: Are used to compare two numbers or strings
Recall the concepts covered in the previous coding session
Play the video given in the panel to introduce the concepts to be covered in this session
Discuss comparison operators Activity given in the panel Comparison Operators I
Conclude the session
● Instruct: Go to the Panel and open the Lab on Comparison Operators I.
● Play the video given in the panel.
● Discuss the Quiz questions given in the Panel.
● Invite answers from as many students as possible.
● Conduct the activity Come and Compare given in the Panel:
■ Say: Let us see what we need to compare here.
■ Instruct: Click on the Assignment section.
■ Instruct: Click the Go to Practise button to attempt the activity.
■ Walk around in the classroom and observe the activity done by the students.
■ Instruct: Click on the Yes button to submit the activity.
● If time permits, conduct the additional activity given on the panel.
● Ask the following probing questions:
■ What kind of situations in your daily life may need comparison?
Possible Responses: Marks; Which book to read first (select between books); Which dress to wear to the party; Who has the most friends; Check if two numbers are equal; Who wakes up earlier (who is an early bird); Who won the elections.
■ How can you put any of the situations stated above into a code in Blockly?
Possible Responses: Compare marks using the comparison operator; Check the theme of the party and decide on which dress to wear; Check the time when two people wake up and tag the one that wakes earlier as an early bird; compare the number of friends two people have and see who has more; Check equality of numbers; Check the number of votes of each candidate and decide who won based on who got more votes.
● Assign the following project as homework:
■ Compare and check if two numbers given by the user as inputs are equal or not. Note
● The project is optional. Assign it if feasible.