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Teacher Manual

NEP 2020 based  |  Technology powered 3


Term I-II



Uolo’s Tekie program offers a coding-focused curriculum for grades 1 to 8, preparing students for the technology-driven world. We present a carefully crafted Teacher Manual to assist teachers in delivering effective and engaging lessons to students. Rather than prescribing teaching methods, the manual provides examples and demonstrates how and why teachers can apply these examples in their classes.

Within the academic year, the Tekie program prescribes the following types of chapters and sessions:

Theory: these periods are dedicated to the Computer Science Theory chapters. These topics are mostly delivered in the classroom.

Tools: these periods are dedicated to the Computer Tools chapters. These topics involve almost equal numbers of classroom and computer labs sessions.

Coding: these periods are dedicated to the Coding chapters. These topics have more computer lab sessions.

Each chapter in this manual is structured to provide a comprehensive lesson plan. The chapters are divided into multiple sessions, each following the Warm up, Engage, Build, and Sum up (WEBS) strategy. The Warm up phase sets the stage for learning by connecting to prior knowledge and building curiosity. The Engage phase captures the students’ attention and motivates them to participate actively. In the Build phase, questions from various sections are discussed to build the understanding of the students. Finally, the Sum up phase reinforces learning through easy-to-recall activities and questions. Time duration for each section has been suggested based on the requirements of the students. Additionally, an answer key for every chapter is provided to assist teachers in assessing their students’ understanding and guiding their learning effectively.

We hope that this teacher manual will empower teachers to use the curriculum effectively, support the learning of all students thoroughly, create learning opportunities and design interactive learning environments that cater to the students’ needs and interests.



 Introduction to Files and Folders and Opening a File

 Typing and Saving in a File 2  Introduction to Paint������������������������ 8

 Introduction to Paint-I

 Introduction to Paint-II

 Introduction to Paint-III

 Introduction to Paint-IV

3  More Features of Paint ������������������� 17

 More Features of Paint-I

 More Features of Paint-II

 More Features of Paint-III

 More Features of Paint-IV

4  Introduction to Word Processing �� 26

 Word Processor-I

 Word Processor-II

 Word Processor-III

 Word Processor-IV 5 Editing Text Using a Word Processor������������������������������������������ 35

 Editing Text-I

 Editing Text-II

 Editing Text-III

 Editing Text-IV

 Uses and Types of Computers

 Hardware-I

 Hardware-II

 Software and Input Processing

 Understanding Operating System

 Windows 10 and Desktop Components

 Operations on Desktop 8  Introduction to the Internet ��������� 62

 Introduction to the Internet

 Basic Terminologies of the Internet

 Opening a Web Page

9  Adventures with AI Friends ����������� 69

 Introduction to AI and AI in Daily Life

 AI Gadgets

10  Introduction to Coding������������������� 74

 What is Coding?

 Exploring Code.org and Sprite

 Visiting the Sprite Lab

 Setting the Background, Adding Behaviours and Events

 Final Project

Cycle 7  GUI Operating System �������������������� 54

 Repeating Actions and Repeat Loops

 Variables in Block Coding

 The for Loop

 Using for Loops

1  File Management ������������������������������ 2
6  Knowing a Computer ���������������������� 45
11  Loops ������������������������������������������������ 85
Answer Key ������������������������������������������������ 94 iii

The Case Lost Memory

Term I

File Management

Story Time

Story in a Nutshell…

Mel and Conji go to the hidden library to explore the secrets that it is hiding. They see some pictures and information on the screen. Suddenly, darkness surrounds Mel, and she loses her memory.They get to know that Lord Ero is behind this, and he didn’t want Mel to know about the secret information. They search for the small pictures and words in the library. They finally manage to know with the help of First Elder Robot, that they are strong weapons that Ero is making to harm Avora. Ms Idea tells them about an envelope which contains all the required information, and they search for it. Also, Mr Geebal and Mr Time help Conji to restore Mel’s memory by using different ways. Mel and Conji think about creating a weapon against Lord Ero, but the Elders explain to them that a weapon for a weapon is not a good idea. They also give them a document to create a new and powerful spell. There is a battle between the kids and Lord Ero, where they use the spell on him with the help of the Elders. They manage to get rid of him finally. Everyone is proud of Mel and Conji.

Story in This Chapter…

● Mel and Conji visit Ms Idea to learn about Lord Ero’s weapons.

● Ms Idea encourages them to find the information themselves for a better understanding.

● She hints that the information is hidden in the Records Room, inside an envelope in a book.

● They enter the Records Room, which is overflowing with records.

● Conji suggests looking over the weapons section, comparing it to organising files in a folder on a computer.

● Mel asks for an explanation about the files and the folders.

● Conji reminds Mel that she had taught Conji about it once.

● Conji plans to explain the files and the folders to Mel to help her remember.

This chapter is divided into the following classroom sessions

1. Introduction to Files and Folders and Opening a File

2. Typing and Saving in a File


1. Introduction to Files and Folders and Opening a File

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● describe the basic concepts of files and folders.

● create files and folders.

● open files using different methods.


● File: A file is a collection of information.

● Folder: A folder is a container that can store files.

● Icon: An icon is an image on the computer screen that represents a file or a folder.

WEBS at a Glance Warm Up

Ask the students about items they carry to school, such as lunchboxes or backpacks, and what these items contain. Relate this concept of organising items in the containers to organising data into files.

Explain to the students what a file and a folder is.

Explain to them how to create files and folders.

Explain to them the different ways to open the created files.

Group discussion Think and Tell

Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Action Plan

● Ask the students about the items they carry to school, such as lunchboxes or backpacks, and what these items contain.

● Relate this concept of organising items in the containers to the concept of files and folders.

3 Chapter 1 • File Management
Build Sum Up
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins 5 mins
Warm Up

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

Describe the basic concepts of files and folders.

Create files and folders.

Open files using different methods.


Introduce the students to the concept of files and folders. Tell them that a file is a collection of information, and a folder is a container that can store files, as given on page 56. Also, explain the difference between a file and a folder.

Describe to them the steps for creating a file and a folder to the students, as given on pages 56 and 57. Also, explain the term icon, which is an image on the computer screen that represents a file or a folder.

Describe the various ways to open a file to the students, as given on page 58.

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 4A section and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:

1. a. T b. F c. T

2. Steps to create a folder on the desktop:

i. Right click on the desktop.

ii. Position the mouse pointer over the New option.

iii. Click on the Folder option.

iv. Give it a name.

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topics “Do you think it is possible to create a folder inside another folder?” provided in the Discuss section on page 57.

Possible Responses: Yes, we can create a folder inside another folder! Just like we have our school bag with different compartments inside, on a computer also, we can make a big folder and then put smaller folders inside it.

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic “Which way of opening a file do you find most convenient?“ provided in the Discuss section on page 58.

Possible Response: The most convenient way to open a file is to double-click on the file icon.

● Ask the students to give the answer to the question “To understand the concept of file and folder, we have taken the examples of tiffin box and bag. Can you suggest another example?“ asked in the Think and Tell section on page 56.

Possible Response: We can take another example of a toy box where we keep all different toys. Each type of toy, like cars, dolls, or building blocks, can be compared to a different type of file, and the toy box can be compared to a folder.

● Ask the students to give the answer to the question “Why do you think it is important to give relevant names to folders?“ asked in the Think and Tell section given on page 57.

4 15 mins Engage Build 7 mins

Possible Response: Giving relevant names to folders is important because it helps us know what’s inside them.

● Conclude the session by summarising that files store different types of information and a folder is a container that can store files. Revise the steps to create files and folders on the computer and the various methods to open the files. Also, emphasise the significance of icons as visual representations of files or folders on the screen.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 1, 2, 3, and 4

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 2, 3, and 4.

C. Who Am I?: Question 1

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 2, 4, and 5

E. Answer the Following: Questions 1, 2, 3, and 4

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 1, 2, 3, and 5

5 Chapter 1 • File Management Sum

2. Typing and Saving in a File

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● type in a text file.

● explain the importance of saving a file.

● save a file.


● Cursor: Cursor is the black blinking line where we can type.

WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up

Ask the students what they do to remember the concepts.

Ask the students why they keep their work safe in notebooks.

Engage Build Sum Up

Describe to them how to type in a file.

Explain to the students how to save a file.

Action Plan

Warm Up

Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Ask the students: “What do they do to remember the concepts? Relate the concept of typing in a file to writing in a notebook.” Ask the students that why they keep their work in notebooks. Relate this concept to saving a file.

15 mins


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

Type in a text file.

Explain the importance of saving a file.

Save a file.


Describe to the students how to type in a file by explaining the steps, as given on pages 58 and 59.

Discuss with the students that it is important to save a file on the computer so that it can be referred to later in the future, as given on page 59.

Describe to the students how to save a file by explaining the steps, as given on page 60.

5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
5 mins

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 4B section and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:

1. a. T b. F c. F d. T

2. Steps to save a file are:

i. Click on the File Menu

ii. Click on the Save option

iii. The file is saved.

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic “What is the first step to start typing in a file on the computer?”

Possible Response: The first step to start typing in a file on the computer is to click on the white area, where a blinking black line called the cursor will appear.

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic “What do you need to click to save your work after typing in a file?”

Possible Response: You need to click on the ‘File’ menu and then select the ‘Save’ option. Finally, type the name of your file before clicking on the ‘Save’ button again.

3 mins

Sum Up

● Conclude the session by summarising that you can type in a text file by clicking on the white area, then save it through the File menu by giving it a name and clicking ‘Save’ to keep your work for later.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Question 5

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 1 and 5

C. Who Am I?: Questions 2, 3, 4, and 5

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 1 and 3

E. Answer the Following: Question 5

F. Apply Your Learning: Question 4

7 Chapter 1 • File Management Build 7 mins

Introduction to Paint

Story Time

Story in a Nutshell…

Mel and Conji go to the hidden library to explore the secrets it is hiding. They see some pictures and information on the screen. Suddenly, darkness surrounds Mel, and she loses her memory. They get to know that Lord Ero is behind this, and he doesn’t want Mel to know about the secret information. They search for small pictures and words in the library. They finally manage to know, with the help of First Elder Robot, that there are strong weapons that Ero is making to hurt Avora. Ms Idea tells them about an envelope that contains all the required information, and they search for it. Also, Mr Geebal and Mr Time help Conji restore Mel’s memory by using different ways. Mel and Conji think about creating a weapon against Lord Ero, but the Elders explain to them that a weapon for a weapon is not a good idea. They also give them a document to create a new and powerful spell. There is a battle between the kids and Lord Ero, where they use the spell on him with the help of the Elders. They manage to get rid of him finally. Everyone is proud of Mel and Conji.

Story in This Chapter…

● Mel and Conji reach the Memory Palace to ask Mr Geebal for help to bring back Mel’s memory.

● Mr Geebal asks Conji to close his eyes and think of the time when Mel had lost her memory.

● Conji begins to think of the time in the Secret Library.

● On focusing, he sees a dark shadow of Lord Ero in the corner of the room. Lord Ero is saying a spell while looking at Mel.

● Mr Geebal makes Conji open his eyes.

● Conji asks Mr Geebal for a sheet of paper and some paint to draw the memory of the times he has spent with Mel.

● Mr Geebal tells him that he does not have those, but he suggests using Paint to draw the memory.

● Conji then asks what Paint is and how it can be used.

This chapter is divided into the following classroom and lab sessions

1. Introduction to Paint-I

2. Introduction to Paint-II

3. Introduction to Paint-III

4. Introduction to Paint-IV


1. Introduction to Paint-I

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● describe what Paint is.

● start Paint.

● explain different components of the Paint window.

● use Shapes group.

● use Callouts.


● MS Paint: MS Paint is like a colouring book on the computer, where you can draw and colour pictures using different tools and colours.

● Drawing area: Drawing area is the space where you create drawings.

● Callout: A callout is a shape that is used to write a message.

WEBS at a Glance Warm Up

Ask the students to draw the sun on a paper using a pencil. Discuss what Paint is. Explain to them how they can start using Paint. Also, get them familiar with different parts of the Paint window. Tell them how to draw different shapes using the Shapes group. Explain to them how to draw a callout.

Warm Up

● Ask the students to draw the sun on a paper using a pencil.

● Now, build the concept by introducing them to the Paint.

9 Chapter 2 • Introduction to Paint
Engage Build Sum
Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework 5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins 5 mins
Action Plan

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Describe what Paint is. Tell the students that we can draw many beautiful things around us, like the sun, mountains, flowers, etc., on a computer without using paper, colour, or pencil, as given on page 71.

Start Paint. Explain the steps to start Paint to the students, as given on pages 71 to 73.

Explain different components of the Paint window. Tell the students about different parts of the Paint window, such as the title bar, drawing area, ribbon, etc., as given on page 73.

Use Shapes group. Tell the students that the Shapes tool is used to draw many shapes easily. Also tell them the steps to draw some of these shapes, as given on pages 74 to 76.

Use Callouts. Tell the students that a callout is a shape that is used to write a message. Also tell them the steps to add a callout, as given on pages 76 to 78.

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the questions provided in Do It Yourself 5A and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:


● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students on the topic, “My Favourite Drawing in Paint”.

Possible Responses: hut, robot, etc.

● Conclude the session by summarising that Paint lets us draw and colour on the computer. Tell the steps to start Paint. Tell them about different parts of the Paint window, such as the title bar, tabs, ribbon, drawing area, etc. Also, instruct them on how to draw different shapes and different callouts.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 1, 2, and 3

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 1 and 5

C. Who Am I?: Questions 1, 2, and 3

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 1 and 2

E. Answer the Following: Questions 1, 2, 4, and 5

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 1 and 5

10 15 mins Engage Build 7 mins Sum Up 3 mins

2. Introduction to Paint-II

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● describe what Paint is.

● start Paint.

● explain different components of the Paint window.

● use Shapes group.

● use Callouts.


● MS Paint: MS Paint is like a colouring book on the computer, where you can draw and colour pictures using different tools and colours.

● Drawing area: Drawing area is the space where you create drawings.

● Callout: A callout is a shape that is used to write a message.

WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

Discuss what Paint is. Demonstrate to them how they can start using Paint. Also, get them familiar with different parts of the Paint window. Also, tell them how to draw shapes and add callouts.

Action Plan

Attempt the activity on the Assignment

Conclude the concepts

Warm Up

● Instruct the students to go to the Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on Introduction to Paint-II.

● Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.

11 Chapter 2 • Introduction to Paint
Build Sum
Assign homework 5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
5 mins

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Describe what Paint is. Tell the students that we can draw many beautiful things around us, like the sun, mountains, flowers, etc., on a computer without using paper, colour, or pencil, as given on page 71.

Start Paint.

Explain different components of the Paint window.

Use Shapes group.

Use Callouts.

Check for Understanding

Demonstrate to the students the steps to start Paint, as given on pages 71 to 73.

Tell the students about different parts of the Paint window, such as the title bar, drawing area, ribbon, etc., as given on page 73.

Demonstrate to the students the steps to draw shapes, as given on pages 74 to 76.

Demonstrate to the students the steps to add a callout, as given on pages 76 to 78.

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the students' understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions. Build 7

● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students.

● Conclude the session by summarising that Paint lets us draw and colour on the computer. Tell the steps to start Paint. Tell them about different parts of Paint, such as the title bar, tabs, ribbon, drawing area, etc. Also, instruct them on how to draw different shapes and callouts.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

12 15 mins Engage
Sum Up 3 mins

3. Introduction to Paint-III

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to: 5 mins

● draw using the Pencil tool.

● write using the Text tool.

● erase mistakes using the Eraser tool.

Warm Up

Ask students how they can draw and colour a flower, butterfly, cat, etc., in Paint.

● draw and paint using the Brushes tool.

● use the Fill with color tool.

● use the Color picker tool.

WEBS at a Glance


Explain the various tools in Paint, like Pencil, Text, Eraser, Brushes, Fill with color, and Color picker tool. Also tell the steps to use these tools.

Action Plan

Build Sum Up

Think and Tell Conclude the concepts

Assign homework

Warm Up

● Ask the students how they can draw, for instance, a flower, butterfly, cat, etc., in Paint.

● Now, build the concept by telling them that these can be drawn by using the Pencil tool. Also, tell them that they can fill the drawing with colours using the Fill with color tool.

15 mins


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

Draw using the Pencil tool.

Write using the Text tool.

Erase mistakes using the Eraser tool.

Draw and paint using the Brushes tool.


Tell the students the various steps to draw using the Pencil tool, as given on pages 78 and 79.

Tell the students the various steps to add text to our drawing using the Text tool, as given on page 79.

Tell the students the various steps to erase mistakes in their drawings, as given on page 80.

Tell the students that a Brush tool is used for freehand drawing and painting. Also list the various steps to use the Brushes tool, as given on pages 80 and 81.

13 Chapter 2 • Introduction to Paint
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins

Learning Outcomes

Use the Fill with color tool.

Use the Color picker tool.


Tell the students that the Fill with color tool is used to fill the drawing with colours. Also list the various steps to use the Fill with color tool, as given on page 81.

Tell the students what Color picker tool is. Also tell the various steps to use the Color picker tool, as given on page 82.

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 5B section and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:

Q1. Airbrush tool, Fill with color tool, Text tool


7 mins

● Ask the students to give the answer to the question, “Can we add text in the blank drawing area?” asked in the Think and Tell section on page 79.

Possible Responses: Yes/No

Correct Response: Yes

● Conclude the session by summarising that a Pencil tool is used to draw, Text tool helps us add text to our drawing, Eraser tool is used to erase mistakes, Brushes tool is used for freehand drawing and painting, Fill with color tool is used to fill colours in drawings, and Color picker tool is used to select colours from existing drawings and fill other parts of the drawing with the same colour. Also summarise the steps to use these tools.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 4 and 5

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 2, 3, and 4

C. Who Am I?: Questions 4 and 5

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 3, 4, and 5

E. Answer the Following: Question 3

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 2, 3, and 4

Eraser Color picker Callouts Pencil
Column A Column
Sum Up
3 mins

4. Introduction to Paint-IV

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● draw using the Pencil tool.

● write using the Text tool.

● erase mistakes using the Eraser tool.

● draw and paint using the Brushes tool.

● use the Fill with color tool.

● use the Color picker tool.

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

WEBS at a Glance

Explain the various tools in Paint, like Pencil, Text, Eraser, Brushes, Fill with color, and Color picker tool. Also demonstrate the steps to use these tools.

Attempt the activity on the Assignment page

Conclude the concepts

Assign homework

Action Plan

Warm Up

● Instruct the students to go to the Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on Introduction to Paint-IV.

● Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

Draw using the Pencil tool. Demonstrate to the students the various steps to draw using the Pencil tool, as given on pages 78 and 79.

Write using the Text tool. Demonstrate to the students the various steps to add text to our drawing using the Text tool, as given on page 79.

15 Chapter 2 • Introduction to Paint
Engage Build Sum
Warm Up
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
5 mins
15 mins

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Erase mistakes using the Eraser tool.

Draw and paint using the Brushes tool.

Demonstrate to the students the various steps to erase mistakes in their drawings, as given on page 80.

Tell the students that a Brush tool is used for freehand drawing and painting. Also demonstrate to the students the various steps to use the Brushes tool, as given on pages 80 and 81.

Use the Fill with color tool. Tell the students that the Fill with color tool is used to fill the drawing with colours. Also demonstrate to the students the various steps to use the Fill with color tool, as given on page 81.

Use the Color picker tool. Tell the students what a Color picker tool is. Also demonstrate to the students the various steps to use the Color picker tool, as given on page 82.

Check for Understanding

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the students’ understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions.

● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students.

● Conclude the session by summarising that the Pencil tool is used to draw, Text tool helps us add text to our drawing, Eraser tool is used to erase mistakes, Brushes tool is used for freehand drawing and painting, Fill with color tool is used to fill colours in drawing, and Color picker tool is used to select colours from existing drawings and fill other parts of the drawing with the same colour. Also summarise the steps to use these tools.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

Build 7 mins
Sum Up

More Features of Paint

Story Time

Story in a Nutshell…

Mel and Conji go to the hidden library to explore the secrets that it is hiding. They see some pictures and information on the screen. Suddenly, darkness surrounds Mel, and she loses her memory. They get to know that Lord Ero is behind this and he didn’t want Mel to know about the secret information. They search for small pictures and words in the library. They finally manage to know, with the help of First Elder Robot, that they are strong weapons that Ero is making to hurt Avora. Ms Idea tells them about an envelope which contains all the required information, and they search for it. Also, Mr Geebal and Mr Time help Conji in restore Mel’s memory by using different ways. Mel and Conji think about creating a weapon against Lord Ero, but the Elders explain to them that a weapon for a weapon is not a good idea. They also give them a document to create a new and powerful spell. There is a battle between the kids and Lord Ero, where they use the spell on him with the help of Elders. They manage to get rid of him finally. Everyone is proud of Mel and Conji.

Story in This Chapter…

● Mel, Conji, and Mr Geebal are looking for Mr Time but are unable to find him.

● Mel has lost her memories and wants to bring them back.

● Conji suggests trying magic spells or reading stories to help Mel’s memory.

● They decide to improve Conji’s drawing to trigger Mel’s memory.

● Redrawing might take a lot of time, so Mr Geebal suggests using Paint.

● They are excited to use Paint to make the drawing clearer.

● They think that Paint would help Mel remember everything quickly.

This chapter is divided into the following classroom and lab sessions

1. More Features of Paint-I

2. More Features of Paint-II

3. More Features of Paint-III

4. More Features of Paint-IV


1. More Features of Paint-I

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● understand the concept of selection.

● make changes to specific parts of an image.

● work with selection tools—Rectangular selection and Free-form selection.

● move an object and create another copy of the object.


● Selection: Selection is the process of choosing a part of an image or shape.

● Rectangular selection: Rectangular selection refers to selecting a rectangular area of a drawing.

● Free-form selection: Free-form selection helps us to select a specific area of a drawing in an irregular way.

● Moving: Moving means to change the position of an object.

● Copying: Copying means to make a duplicate copy of an object.

WEBS at a Glance

Ask the students if they can select a part of the drawing drawn on a paper. Explain the concept of selection and its importance in making changes to specific parts of an image.

Explain two special tools in MS Paint that help us select part of a picture.

Explain the concept of moving and copying with the help of an example.

Action Plan

Warm Up

● Ask the students if they can select a part of the drawing drawn on a paper. Tell them they can easily do it in Paint.

● Relate this concept of selection in Paint, stating that it is the process of choosing a part of an image or shape.

Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up
Think and Tell Conclude the
Assign homework 5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins 5 mins

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

Understand the concept of selection.

Make changes to specific parts of an image.

Work with selection tools—Rectangular selection and Free-form selection.

Move an object and create another copy of the object.


Explain to the students that selection is the process of choosing a part of an image or shape, as given on page 93.

Describe the importance of making changes to specific parts of an image (such as copying a section of a drawing or the full drawing, moving it to a different location) to the students, as given on page 93.

Tell the students that Select tool helps to select a particular part of a drawing to make changes. The Rectangular selection tool selects the rectangular area and the Free-form selection tool selects a specific area of a drawing in an irregular way, as given on page 93.

Tell the students that moving an object means changing the position of an object and copying an object means creating a duplicate of an object. Describe the concept of moving an object and copying an object to the students, as given on page 94.

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 6A section and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses: 1. b 2. a, c, b


7 mins

● Ask the students to give the answer to the question “Can we copy only images?” asked in the Think and Tell section, as given on page 125.

Possible Responses: Yes/No

Correct Response: No, we can select any part of the drawing drawn in the drawing area. Sum Up

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising the concept of selection, and the Select tools that allow users to choose specific parts of their drawings. Summarise the concept of moving and copying a selected part of the image.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Question 1

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 3 and 4

C. Who Am I?: Questions 1 and 2

D. Write T for True and F for False: Question 4

E. Answer the Following: Questions 1, 2, and 5

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 1 and 4

19 Chapter 3 • More Features of Paint 15 mins Engage

2. More Features of Paint-II

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● understand the concept of selection.

● make changes to specific parts of an image.

● work with selection tools—Rectangular selection and Free-form selection.

● move an object and create another copy of the object.


● Selection: Selection is the process of choosing a part of an image or shape.

● Rectangular selection: Rectangular selection is to select a rectangular area of a drawing.

● Free-form selection: Free-form selection helps us select a specific area of a drawing in an irregular way.

● Moving: Moving is to change the position of an object.

WEBS at a Glance

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

Demonstrate to the students how to select a part of the image using Selection tools. Also, get them familiar with cut, copy, and paste options with the help of an example.

● Copying: Copying is to make a duplicate copy of an object. 5 mins

Action Plan

Attempt the activity on the Assignment page

Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Warm Up

● Instruct the students to go to the Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on More Features of Paint-II.

● Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.

Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

Understand the concept of selection.

Make changes to specific parts of an image.

Work with selection tools— Rectangular selection and Free-form selection.

Move an object and create another copy of the object.


Describe to the students the concept of selection, as given on page 93.

Demonstrate the importance of making changes to specific parts of an image (such as copying a section of a drawing or the full drawing, moving it to a different location) to the students, as given on page 93.

Demonstrate the steps to use the Rectangular selection and Free-form selection tool to the students, as given on pages 93 and 94.

Demonstrate the steps to use the cut, copy, and paste options with the help of an example, as given on pages 94 to 96.

Check for Understanding

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the students’ understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions.


● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students.

Sum Up

7 mins

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising the concept of selection and the Select tools that allow users to choose specific parts of their drawings. Summarise the concept of moving and copying an object.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

21 Chapter 3 • More Features of Paint
15 mins Engage

3. More Features of Paint-III

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● resize, rotate, flip, and magnify an object.

● differentiate between file formats—JPEG and PNG.

● save a file.


● Resize: Resizing means to change the size of an object.

● Rotate: Rotating means to turn the direction of an object.

● Flip: Flipping means to create a mirror image of an object.

● Magnifier: Magnifier means to zoom in/out for closer or smaller views.

● Zoom In/Out: Zoom in/out is to enlarge or shrink views in MS Paint.

WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up

Ask the students to imagine a tool that can make their favourite toy big or small, and can spin around. Again, ask them to imagine a reversed image of their favourite toy.

Engage Build Sum Up

Explain the concept of resizing, rotating, flipping and magnifying an object.

Explain the various file formats. Explain the importance of saving a file. Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Action Plan

Warm Up

● Ask the students to imagine a tool that can make their favourite toy big or small, and can spin around. Again, ask them to imagine a reversed image of their favourite toy.

● Build the concept of resizing, rotating, flipping, and magnifying an object.


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

Resize, rotate, flip, and magnify an object.


Explain to the students that we can resize, rotate, flip, and magnify an image. Tell them the steps to make these changes by taking the example of objects like the sun and a flower, as given on pages 97 to 101.

5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
5 mins
15 mins

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Differentiate between file formats—JPEG and PNG.

Explain the different file formats to the students. Describe that the JPEG format reduces the size of the file to save space and the PNG format is mostly used for images on websites. Also, PNG images do not lose their quality, as given on page 101.

Save a file. Explain the importance of saving a file to the students. Tell them that we give our drawing a name so that we can find it easily, as given on pages 101 and 102.

Check for Understanding

Do It Yourself 6B

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 6B section and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:

1 Match the following Paint tools.


A Column B Resize Rotate Free-form selection

Magnifiers Flip

2 Complete the file format name. a Network Graphics.


b Joint Photographic Experts

7 mins

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic, “What do we need to do to zoom out an image on Paint?” provided in the Discuss section on page 101.

Points to Remember

Possible Response: Open the image in Paint. Locate the “View” tab at the top of the Paint window. Look for the “Zoom out” icon or option in the “View” tab. Click on the “Zoom out” icon or select the “Zoom out” option to decrease the size of the image, showing a smaller view of your drawing.

1 Selection is the process of choosing a part of an image or drawing.

2 There are two main types of selection tools: Rectangular selection and Free-form selection.

3 We use the Cut and Paste commands to move an image from one location to another.

Sum Up

4 Resizing means to increase or decrease the height and width of an object.

5 Rotate means changing the direction of an object horizontally or vertically.

6 The flip option is used to turn an object over horizontally or vertically.

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising that we can change our drawings by resizing, rotating, flipping, and magnifying it. We save MS Paint files in JPEG format to save space, and PNG format to make the quality of the images better.

7 Magnifier means zoom out or zoom in the image.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

8 PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics. By default, the Paint files are saved in PNG format.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 2, 3, 4, and 5

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 1, 2, and 5

C. Who Am I?: Questions 3, 4, and 5

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 1, 2, 3, and 5

E. Answer the Following: Questions 3 and 4

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 2, 3, and 5

23 Chapter 3 • More Features of Paint
Chapter 6 • More Features of Paint 103
UT24CB_G3.indb 103 11/21/2023 5:20:16 PM
2. a. Portable b. Group

4. More Features of Paint-IV

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● resize, rotate, flip, and magnify an object.

● differentiate between file formats—JPEG and PNG.

● save a file.


● Resize: Resizing means to change the size of an object.

● Rotate: Rotating means to change the direction of an object.

● Flip: Flipping means to make a mirror image of an object.

● Magnifier: Magnifier means to zoom in/out for closer or smaller views.

● Zoom In/Out: Zoom in/out is to enlarge or shrink views in MS Paint.

WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

Demonstrate to the students to resize, rotate, flip and magnify an object with help of an example. Also, familiarise them with saving a file using different file formats. Attempt the activity on the Assignment page

Action Plan

Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Warm Up

● Instruct the students to go to the Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on More Features of Paint-IV

● Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.

5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
5 mins

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

Resize, rotate, flip, and magnify an object.

Differentiate between file formats—JPEG and PNG.

Save a file.


Explain to the students that we can resize, rotate, flip, and magnify an image. Demonstrate them the steps to make these changes by taking the example of objects like the sun and a flower, as given on pages 97 to 101.

Explain the different file formats to the students. Describe that the JPEG format reduces the size of the file to save space and the PNG format is mostly used for images on the websites. Also, PNG images do not lose their quality, as given on page 101.

Explain the importance of saving a file to the students. Tell them that we give our drawing a name so that we can find it easily later, as given on page 101.

Check for Understanding

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the students’ understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions.

7 mins


● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students.

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising that we can change our drawings by resizing, rotating, flipping, and magnifying it. We save MS Paint files in JPEG format to save space, and PNG format to improve the quality of the images.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

25 Chapter 3 • More Features of Paint 15 mins Engage
Sum Up

Introduction to Word Processing

Story Time

Story in a Nutshell…

Mel and Conji go to the hidden library to explore the secrets that it is hiding. They see some pictures and information on the screen. Suddenly, darkness surrounds Mel, and she loses her memory. They get to know that Lord Ero is behind this, and he didn’t want Mel to know about the secret information. They search for small pictures and words in the library. They finally manage to know with the help of First Elder Robot that they are strong weapons that Ero is making to harm Avora. Ms Idea tells them about an envelope which contains all the required information, and they search for it. Also, Mr Geebal and Mr Time help Conji restore Mel’s memory by using different ways. Mel and Conji think about creating a weapon against Lord Ero, but the Elders explain to them that a weapon for a weapon is not a good idea. They also give them a document to create a new and powerful spell. There is a battle between the kids and Lord Ero, where they use the spell on him with the help of the Elders. They manage to get rid of him finally. Everyone is proud of Mel and Conji.

Story in This Chapter…

● Mel and Conji want to stop Lord Ero from creating powerful weapons in the Sci-fi lab.

● First Elder Robot, First Elder Wizard, Elder Wizard, and Elder Robot enter the Sci-fi lab.

● The Elders ask Mel if she has still not regained her memory.

● Mel replies that she had lost her memory but found it back.

● Mel asks the Elders if they can help them make a weapon to stop Lord Ero.

● The Elders advise against creating weapons and suggest using magic instead.

● Mel and Conji are curious about using magic and ask for guidance.

● The Elders decide to help them create a new and powerful spell to stop Lord Ero.

● First Elder Wizard asks them to write down the steps to create the new spell.

● Conji needs a pen and paper, but Elder Robot suggests using a word processing tool.

● Mel does not remember well, but the Elders assure both Mel and Conji that they will explain them everything.

This chapter is divided into the following classroom and lab sessions

1. Word Processor–I 2. Word Processor–II 3. Word Processor–III 4. Word Processor–IV

1. Word Processor-I

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● explain the concept of a Word Processor.

● describe the basics of Google Docs and its features.

● create a document and use the components of Google Docs.

● name a document, type text in a document, and save it.


● Word processor: It is a software program that helps you to create, edit, and format text documents.

● Google Docs: It is a free online word processor.

● Autosave: It is a feature of Google Docs that automatically saves an open document or file.

WEBS at a Glance

Ask the students to think of doing their homework in a different way instead of doing it in a notebook.

Explain the concept of a word processor. Explain the concept of Google Docs along with its features.

Tell them how to create a document and use the Google Docs components.

Explain to them how to name a document, type text in it, and save it.

Group discussion

Think and Tell

Conclude the concepts Assign homework

● Ask the students to think of doing their homework in a different way instead of doing it in a notebook.

● Now relate this to the concept of word processors and tell them that they can use the word processors instead of writing everything in their notebooks.


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

Explain the concept of a Word Processor.


Explain to the students that a word processor is a software program that allows you to create, edit, and format text documents, as given on page 113.

27 Chapter 4 • Introduction to Word Processing
Engage Build Sum Up
Warm Up
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
5 mins Warm Up Action Plan
15 mins

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Describe the basics of Google Docs and its features.

Create a document and use the components of Google Docs.

Name a document, type text in a document, and save it.

Tell the students that Google Docs is a free online word processor. Also tell them about its features, such as how it allows us to type words, sentences, and stories in a document, etc., as given on pages 113 and 114.

Tell the students the steps to create a document. Explain to them the components of Google Docs, such as document title, menu bar, etc., as given on pages 114 and 115.

Tell the students the steps to name a document and type the text in a document. Also, tell them about Autosave, which is a feature of Google Docs that automatically saves an open document or file. Tell them the steps to save a document, as given on pages 115 to 117.

Check for Understanding

1. Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 7A and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:

1. a. save b. name c. word d. file e. share

2. a. word b. Google c. docs d. pencil e. air

7 mins

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic “What are the different things which you can add in your documents?” provided in the Discuss section on page 114.

Possible Responses: We can add words, sentences, shapes, and pictures to our documents.

● Ask the students to give the answer to the question “Do you think Autosave will work if your computer is not connected to the internet?” asked in the Think and Tell section on page 117.

Possible Responses: Yes/No

Correct Response: Yes, in Google Docs even if you work offline, work gets saved automatically.

● Conclude the session by summarising the concept of word processors, specifically emphasising that Google Docs is a free online tool with features like editing, file sharing, autosaving, etc. Also, revise them that Google Docs has components such as the Document Title, Quick Access Toolbar, etc. Revise the steps to name, type text into, and save a Google Docs file.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 1, 2, and 3

C. Who Am I?: Questions 2, 3, and 5

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 1, 2, 3, and 4

E. Answer the Following: Questions 1, 2, 4, and 5

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 3, 4, and 5

28 Build
Sum Up
3 mins

2. Word Processor-II

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● explain the concept of a Word Processor.

● describe the basics of Google Docs and its features.

● create a document and use the components of Google Docs.

● name a document, type text in a document, and save it.


● Word processor: It is a software program that helps you create, edit, and format text documents.

● Google Docs: It is a free online word processor.

● Autosave: It is a feature of Google Docs that automatically saves an open document or file.

WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.


Explain the concept of a word processor. Explain the concept of Google Docs along with its features.

Demonstrate to them how to create a document and use the Google Docs components.

Demonstrate to them how to name a document, type text in it, and save it.

Action Plan

Build Sum Up

Attempt the activity on the Assignment page

Conclude the concepts Assign homework

5 mins

Warm Up

● Instruct the students to go to the Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on Word Processor–II

● Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.

29 Chapter 4 • Introduction to Word Processing
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Explain the concept of a Word Processor. Explain to the students that a word processor is a software program that allows you to create, edit, and format text documents, as given on page 113.

Describe the basics of Google Docs and its features. Tell the students that Google Docs is a free online word processor. Also tell them about its features, such as how it allows us to type words, sentences, and stories in a document, etc., as given on pages 113 and 114.

Create a document and use the components of Google Docs.

Name a document, type text in a document, and save it.

Demonstrate to the students the steps to create a document. Explain to them the components of Google Docs, such as document title, menu bar, etc., as given on pages 114 and 115.

Demonstrate to the students the steps to name a document and type text in a document. Also, tell them about Autosave, which is a feature of Google Docs that automatically saves an open document or file. Tell them the steps to save a document, as given on pages 115 to 117.

Check for Understanding

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the students’ understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions.

7 mins


● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students.

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising the concept of word processors, specifically emphasising that Google Docs is a free online tool with features like editing, file sharing, autosaving, etc. Also, summarise that Google Docs has components, such as the Document Title, Quick Access Toolbar, etc. Summarise the steps to name, type text into, and save a Google Docs file.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

30 15 mins Engage
Sum Up

3. Word Processor-III

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● search a document.

● open a document.

● share a document.


● Sharing: Giving something you have to someone else so they can use it too.

WEBS at a Glance

How can you use a file again if you close something on your computer?

Explain to the students the steps to search a document, open a document, and share a document.

Think and Tell Conclude the concepts Assign homework

● Ask the students how they can work on the same document again if they have closed it.

● Tell them that in such a scenario, you can search a file.


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Search a document. Tell the students the steps to search for a closed document, as given on page 118.

Open a document. Explain to the students the steps to open a document, as given on page 119.

31 Chapter 4 • Introduction to Word Processing
Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
5 mins
Action Plan
Warm Up
15 mins

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Share a document. Tell the students that sharing means giving something you have to someone else so they can use it too. Explain to the students the steps to share a document using the Share button and File option, as given on pages 119 to 121.

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 7B section and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:

1. Column A Column B Google Chrome

2. Thank, Aware, Cave, Fame

7 mins

● Ask the students to give the answer to the question “Can you share the same document with ten friends?” asked in the Think and Tell section on page 121.

Possible Responses: Yes/No

Correct Response: Yes Sum

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising the steps to search, open, and share a Google Docs file with friends by using the Share button or File option.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 4 and 5

C. Who Am I?: Questions 1 and 4

D. Write T for True and F for False: Question 5

E. Answer the Following: Question 3

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 1 and 2

Docs Autosave
Blank document Saved

4. Word Processor-IV

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● search a document.

● open a document.

● share a document.


● Sharing: Giving something you have to someone else so they can use it too.

WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

Demonstrate to the students the steps to search a document, open a document, and share a document.

Attempt the activity on the Assignment page

Sum Up

Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Action Plan

Warm Up

● Instruct the students to go to the Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on Word Processor–IV.

● Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Search a document. Demonstrate to the students the steps to search for a closed document, as given on page 118.

Open a document. Demonstrate to the students the steps to open a document, as given on page 119.

33 Chapter 4 • Introduction to Word Processing
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
5 mins
15 mins

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Share a document. Tell the students that sharing means giving something you have to someone else so that they can use it too. Demonstrate to the students the steps to share a document using the Share button and File option, as given on pages 119 to 121.

Check for Understanding

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the students’ understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions.

7 mins

● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students. Sum Up

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising the steps to search, open, and share a Google Docs file with friends by using the Share button or File option.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.


Editing Text Using a Word Processor

Story Time

Story in a Nutshell…

Mel and Conji go to the hidden library to explore the secrets that it is hiding. They see some pictures and information on the screen. Suddenly, darkness surrounds Mel, and she loses her memory. They get to know that Lord Ero is behind this, and he didn’t want Mel to know about the secret information. They search for small pictures and words in the library. They finally manage to know with the help of First Elder Robot that they are strong weapons that Ero is making to harm Avora. Ms Idea tells them about an envelope which contains all the required information and they search for it. Also, Mr Geebal and Mr Time help Conji restore Mel’s memory by using different ways. Mel and Conji think about creating a weapon against Lord Ero but the Elders explain to them that a weapon for a weapon is not a good idea. They also give them a document to create a new and powerful spell. There is a battle between the kids and Lord Ero, where they use the spell on him with the help of the Elders. They manage to get rid of him finally. Everyone is proud of Mel and Conji.

Story in This Chapter…

● Mel, Conji, and the Elders prepare for a battle with a new spell.

● They seek permission from First Elder Wizard and First Elder Robot.

● With permission, Mel and Conji bravely face Lord Ero on the battlefield.

● Lord Ero taunts them, but Elder Robot and Elder Wizard appear to stop him.

● The elders use magic and technology against Lord Ero’s evil plans.

● Mel and Conji attempt their new spell, but it fails to work.

● Elder Wizard suggests checking the steps in the right order.

● Mel and Conji rush to seek help from First Elder Wizard for text editing.

This chapter is divided into the following classroom and lab sessions

1. Editing Text-I

2. Editing Text-II

3. Editing Text-III

4. Editing Text-IV


1. Editing Text-I

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● explain the importance of text editing.

● edit a text.


● select a text.

● copy and paste the text.

● Text editing: Text editing is the process of making changes to the text to improve its clarity and accuracy.

● Copy: Copying text means duplicating the selected text and making it available for another location.

● Paste: Pasting means putting something you copied from one place into another place in the document.

WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up

Ask the students whether they have written a story on the computer without any mistakes in it.

Explain the importance of text editing in a word processor.

Explain selecting text using a mouse and a keyboard.

Explain copying and pasting text. Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Action Plan

Warm Up

● Ask the students whether they have written a story on the computer without any mistakes in it.

● Relate it to the concept of selecting text and editing it.


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

Explain the importance of text editing.


Explain text editing to the students. Tell them that text editing is the process of making changes to the text to improve its clarity and accuracy, as given on page 132.

5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins 5 mins
15 mins

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Edit a text. Explain to the students that they can make some changes to it after typing in it. Also, describe the process of editing the text to the students, as given on pages 132 and 133.

Select a text. Explain to the students that they need to select text before making any changes to it. Then, describe the methods of selecting text using a keyboard and a mouse, as given on pages 133 and 134.

Copy and paste the text. Explain the concept of copying and pasting text to the students. Tell them that copying a text means duplicating the selected text and making it available for another location, and pasting means putting something you copied from one place into another place in the document, as given on pages 134 and 135.

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 8A section and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:

1. Copy, Paste

2. a. Select the word that you want to copy.

b. Click on the Copy option.

c. Place your cursor where you want to add that word.


7 mins

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic “How can you select the complete document using the mouse?”

Possible Response: You can click on the Edit menu and choose the Select All option.

d. Click on the Paste option. Sum

● Conclude the session by summarising that editing is the process of making changes to the text to improve its clarity and accuracy. It also includes copying, deleting, and moving text.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 1, 2, and 3

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 1 and 2

C. Who Am I?: Question 2

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 1 and 2

E. Answer the Following: Question 1

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 4 and 5

37 Chapter 5 • Editing Text Using a Word Processor
Up 3 mins

2. Editing Text-II

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● explain the importance of text editing.

● edit a text.

● select a text.

● copy and paste the text.


● Text editing: Text editing is the process of making changes to the text to improve its clarity and accuracy.

● Copy: Copying text means duplicating the selected text and making it available for another location.

● Paste: Pasting means putting something you copied from one place into another place in the document.

WEBS at a Glance Warm

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

Demonstrate to the students how to select a letter, a word, a block of text, a paragraph, or the complete document.

Demonstrate to the students how to copy and paste text with the help of an example.

Action Plan

the activity on the Assignment

5 mins Warm Up

Instruct the students to go to the Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on Editing Text-II Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.

Engage Build Sum Up
5 mins 10 mins 12 mins 3 mins
Conclude the concepts

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Explain the importance of text editing.

Edit a text.

Select a text.

Copy and paste the text.

Demonstrate text editing to the students, as given on page 132.

Demonstrate how to add some text to an existing document to the students, as given on page 132.

Demonstrate the process of selecting the text to the students. Also, describe that after typing text, they can perform many operations on it, like deleting the text, duplicating the text, etc. For this, they need to first select the text, as given on page 133.

Copying a text means duplicating the selected text and making it available for another location, and pasting means putting something you copied from one place into another place in the document. Demonstrate copying and pasting a text to the students, as given on page 134.

Check for Understanding

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the students’ understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions.

● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students.

● Conclude the session by summarising that editing is the process of making changes to the text to improve its clarity and accuracy. It also includes copying, deleting, and moving text.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

39 Chapter 5 • Editing Text Using a Word Processor 10 mins Engage Build 12 mins
Sum Up

3. Editing Text-III

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● move and delete text.

● work with Undo and Redo commands.


● Undo: Undo is the command which can reverse the last action.

● Redo: Redo will reverse the last action of the Undo command.

WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up

Ask the students if they want to move a piece of text from one place to another in a document.

Engage Build Sum Up

Explain the concept of moving text from one place to another by using the cut and paste commands.

Explain Undo and Redo commands. Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Action Plan

Warm Up

Ask the students if they want to move a piece of text from one place to another in a document. Build the concept of moving text in a document using the cut and paste commands. 15 mins


Explain the following concepts:




Move and delete text. Explain the concept of moving text from one place to another in a document using the Cut and Paste commands. Also, describe how to delete text, as given on pages 136 to 138.

Work with Undo and Redo commands.

Explain the concept of Undo and Redo commands to the students. Tell the students that Undo is the command which can reverse the last action, and Redo will reverse the last action of the Undo command, as given on pages 138 and 139.

5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
5 mins

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the question provided in the Do It Yourself 8B section and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:

1. Column A

2. Cut, Redo

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among students based on the topic, “Explain some real-life scenarios where text editing is useful.” provided in the Discuss section on page 139.

Possible Response: Text editing is useful in various scenarios such as: writing emails and reports for office, creating assignments, essays, or research papers for school or college, and drafting stories and poems. Sum Up

● Conclude the session by summarising about moving text, deleting text, Undo command, and Redo command. Also, revise them the steps to do so.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 4 and 5

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 3, 4, and 5

C. Who Am I?: Questions 1, 3, and 4

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 3, 4, and 5

E. Answer the Following: Questions 2, 3, 4, and 5

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 1, 2, and 3

41 Chapter 5 • Editing Text Using a Word Processor Build
3 mins
a Cut b Paste c Copy d Undo

4. Editing Text-IV

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● move and delete text.

● work with Undo and Redo commands.


● Undo: Undo is the command which can reverse the last action.

● Redo: Redo will reverse the last action of the undo command.

WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

Engage Build Sum Up

Demonstrate to the students how to move and delete text in a document.

Demonstrate to the students how to work with Undo and Redo command with help of an example.

Attempt the activity on the Assignment page

Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Action Plan

Warm Up

Instruct the students to go to the Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on Editing Text-IV. Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Move and delete text. Explain the concept of moving text from one place to another in a document using the Cut and Paste commands. Demonstrate the steps involved in moving and deleting text to the students, as given on pages 136 to 138.

5 mins 10 mins 12 mins 3 mins
5 mins
10 mins

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Work with Undo and Redo commands.

Check for Understanding

Tell the students that Undo is the command which can reverse the last action, and Redo will reverse the last action of the Undo command. Demonstrate the steps to Undo and Redo to the students, as given on pages 138 and 139.

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the students’ understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions.

12 mins

● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students.

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising the steps involved in moving text, deleting text, Undo command, and Redo command.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

43 Chapter 5 • Editing Text Using a Word Processor

Term II

Knowing a Computer

Story Time

Story in a Nutshell…

Mel and Conji go to the hidden library to explore the secrets that are hidden there. They see some pictures and information on the screen. Suddenly, darkness surrounds Mel, and she loses her memory. They get to know that Lord Ero is behind this, and he didn’t want Mel to know about the secret information. They search for the small pictures and words in the library. They finally manage to know with the help of First Elder Robot that they are strong weapons that Lord Ero is making to hurt Avora. Ms Idea tells them about an envelope which contains all the required information, and they search for it. Also, Mr Geebal and Mr Time helps Conji in restoring Mel’s memory by using different ways. Mel and Conji think about creating a weapon against Lord Ero, but the Elders explain to them that a weapon for a weapon is not a good idea. They also give them a document to create a new and powerful spell. There is a battle between the kids and Lord Ero where they use the spell on him with the help of the Elders. They finally manage to get rid of him. Everyone is proud of Mel and Conji.

Story in This Chapter…

● Mel and Conji have gone to visit a hidden library.

● Mel tells Conji that the library is hiding a lot of secrets.

● Conji cautions Mel and asks her to be careful, as the place may have information on very old magic.

● They both look at the information and pictures shown on the screen.

● Suddenly, darkness surrounds Mel, and she is unable to remember anything.

● Thereafter, they decide to visit First Elder Wizard for his help.

● First Elder Wizard tells them that Lord Ero must have erased Mel’s memory since he did not want Mel to understand things on the computer.

● First Elder Wizard advises them to learn about the basics of computers. He then explains to them about computers from the very start.

This chapter is divided into the following classroom sessions

3. Hardware-II
Input Processing Output Cycle 6
1. Uses and Types of Computers 2. Hardware-I

1. Uses and Types of Computers

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● describe the uses of computers.

● differentiate between the types of computers.


● Microcomputers: They are small computers that are used by individuals in homes, schools, offices, shops, and banks.

● Minicomputers: These computers are bigger and faster and are used in places like banks and universities.

● Mainframe computers: These computers are very powerful, big in size, efficient, and very expensive. They are used in places like schools, banks, and airports.

Supercomputers: They are the largest and fastest of all types of computers. They are used in big companies.

WEBS at a Glance

Ask the students where have they seen computers in their daily lives.

Explain the uses of the computers by giving real-life examples.

Explain the different types of computers such as microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframe computers, and supercomputers.

Action Plan

Warm Up

● Ask the students where have they seen computers in their daily lives.

● Now, build the concept by discussing about the uses of computers.

Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up
Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework 5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins 5 mins

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Describe the uses of computers. Explain the uses of computers at various places such as schools, homes, shops, hospitals, etc., to the students by giving real-life examples, as given on page 5.

Differentiate between the types of computers. Tell the students that the computers can be classified into different categories based on their size, speed, storage capacity, and cost. Thereafter, introduce them to the different types of computers: microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframe computers, and supercomputers, as given on pages 5 to 7.

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 1A section and encourage the students to solve them. Instruct them to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:

1. a. Laptop–Image 3 b. Desktop–Image 4 c. Minicomputer–Image 5

d. Mainframe Computer–Image 2

2. c. All of the above

e. Tablet–Image 1

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic, “Are supercomputers only used by big companies?” provided in the Discuss section on page 7.

Possible Response: Supercomputers are not exclusively used by the big companies. These are also used by government agencies, academic institutions, and research laboratories.

● Conclude the session by summarising that computers are used at many places such as homes, schools, and hospitals. Computers can be classified into various categories based on their size, speed, storage capacity, and cost, such as microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframe computers, and supercomputers.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

B. Tick the Correct Option: Question 5

Additional Questions for Homework

A. Write two uses of computers apart from those given in the book.

B. Write two features of microcomputers. Give two examples as well.

47 Chapter 6 • Knowing a Computer 15 mins Engage Build 7 mins Sum Up 3 mins

2. Hardware-I

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● define hardware.

● recognise monitor and its types.

● describe the CPU and its parts.

● describe the functions of the keyboard, mouse, touchscreen, scanner, and printer.


● Hardware: It refers to the physical parts of a computer that you can touch or feel.

WEBS at a Glance

Ask the students if they can name some physical parts of a computer. Explain to the students what hardware is. Also, explain to them the different hardware devices by showing them the images or the devices themselves.

Also discuss the use of each of these hardware devices.

Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework

● Ask the students to write the names of the parts of the computer that they can touch in their notebooks.

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

Define hardware.

Recognise monitor and its types.


Describe that hardware is the part of the computer that we can see and touch, as given on page 8.

Explain that a monitor looks like a TV screen and shows us all the things that we do on the computer, like playing games, drawing, or writing stories. Also, explain its types, as given on page 8.

Engage Build Sum
Warm Up
5 mins 16 mins 6 mins 3 mins
5 mins
Warm Up Action Plan
16 mins Engage

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Describe the CPU and its parts. Explain the concept of the CPU that it is the brain of the computer and manages all the calculations and programs. Also, describe its three main parts, as given on page 9.

Describe the functions of the keyboard, mouse, touchscreen, scanner, and printer.

Check for Understanding

Explain the functions of the keyboard, mouse, touchscreen, scanner, and printer, as given on pages 9 and 10.

● Read aloud Question 1 provided in the Do It Yourself 1B section and encourage the students to solve the question. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Response: 1—a

Additional Questions to Check for Understanding

● Name the monitor that is most energy-efficient.

Possible Responses: CRT monitor/LCD monitor/LED monitor

Correct Response: LED monitor

● Tell the number of keys that a standard keyboard can have.

Correct Response: 104 keys

● Name the three main parts of the CPU.

Correct Responses: CU, MU, and ALU Build

● Conduct a group discussion in the class on the topic, “Difference between a mouse and a touchscreen”.

Possible Response: A mouse is an input device used for pointing objects. It is used to point, click, and move various on-screen objects. On the other hand, a touchscreen is a display device that allows us to interact with a computer by touching the screen. Devices like tablets and smartphones have a touchscreen. A touchscreen can be used as both an input and output device.

● Conclude the session by summarising that hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer that you can touch or feel. Examples of hardware includes a monitor, keyboard, mouse, CPU, etc.

● Assign the following from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 1, 3, and 5

B. Tick the Correct Option: Question 2

C. Who Am I?: Questions 1, 2, 3, and 4

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 1, 4, and 5

E. Answer the Following: Questions 2 and 3

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 2, 4, and 5

49 Chapter 6 • Knowing a Computer
6 mins
Sum Up
3 mins

3. Hardware-II

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● describe the functions of the hardware devices: speaker, light pen, and joystick.

● describe the functions of the hardware devices: microphone, compact disc (CD), pen drive, RAM, motherboard, and hard disk.

WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up

Now that the students know what hardware devices are; and about some of these devices, ask them if they can name some more hardware devices that they have seen or used.

Explain the various hardware devices. Use images or show the hardware device for your reference.

Also, discuss their uses.

Action Plan

Warm Up

Activity Conclude the concepts

Assign homework

● Ask the students if they can name some more hardware devices that they have seen or used.

● You can ask various questions to help the students name the hardware devices. For instance, you can ask them to name the device used to listen to music, play games, and draw or write anything on the screen, etc.


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

Describe the functions of the hardware devices: speaker, light pen, and joystick.

Describe the functions of the hardware devices: microphone, compact disc (CD), pen drive, RAM, motherboard, and hard disk.


Explain the functions of various hardware devices like speaker, light pen, and joystick by showing the pictures or the real devices, as given on page 10.

Explain the functions of a microphone, compact disc (CD), pen drive, RAM, motherboard, and hard disk by showing the pictures or the real devices, as given on page 11.

5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
5 mins
15 mins

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud Question 2 provided in the Do It Yourself 1B section and encourage the students to solve the question. Instruct the students to write the answers in their books.

Correct Response: 2—b

Additional Questions to Check for Understanding

● Which hardware device is the backbone of a computer system?

Correct Response: Motherboard

● What is the full form of RAM?

Correct Response: Random Access Memory

● Name the input device used for playing games.

Correct Response: Joystick Build

7 mins

● After the students have learnt about all the hardware devices, ask them to group all the devices into three categories: Input devices, Output devices, and Storage devices.

● You can also ask the students to create another category where some devices can be kept in both input as well as output category.


● You can conduct this small activity in the class itself. It should be an oral activity.

Sum Up

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising that there are various other hardware devices, like speaker, light pen, joystick, microphone, compact disc, pen drive, RAM, motherboard, and hard disk.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework:

A. Fill in the Blanks: Question 4

B. Tick the Correct Option: Question 3

C. Who Am I?: Question 5

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 2 and 3

E. Answer the Following: Question 1

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 1 and 3

51 Chapter 6 • Knowing a Computer

4. Software and Input Processing Output Cycle

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● define software.

● describe the two types of software.

● describe the Input Processing Output cycle.


● Software: It is the part of a computer that cannot be touched.

● Input: The data and instructions that you enter using an input device.

● Processing: The CPU works on the input to provide you with meaningful information. This is called processing.

WEBS at a Glance

Ask the students if they have ever heard the term ‘software’. Explain software and its two types to the students. Also, describe to them about the IPO cycle.

● Output: The meaningful information that you get after processing is known as the output. 4

Warm Up

Think and Tell Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Action Plan

● Ask the students if they have ever heard the term ‘software’.

● Build the concept by telling them that software is that part of a computer that they cannot touch.


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Define software. Define software and give some examples of softwares that are commonly used, as given on page 12.

Engage Build
Warm Up
Sum Up
4 mins 16 mins 7 mins 3 mins
16 mins

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Describe the two types of software.

Describe the Input Processing Output cycle.

Check for Understanding

Explain the two main types of software, which are System software and Application software, and differentiate between the two using some examples, as given on page 13.

Describe that three processes are completed by every computer: Input–Process–Output, as given on page 13. Then, explain these three processes with the help of real-life examples, as given on page 14.

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 1C section and encourage the students to solve the questions.

● Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:

1. Paper folding—Processing; Boat—Output; Paper—Input

2. Input—Add the given numbers: 7, 5, 6

Output—Answer = 18

Process—7 + 5 + 6

● Ask the students to answer the question: “Is software only used on computers?”, asked in the Think and Tell section given on page 13.

Possible Responses: Yes/No

Correct Response: No, as software can be used in mobile phones, smartwatches, automobiles, gaming consoles, and appliances such as microwaves and washing machines, etc.

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising that the software is a set of instructions or programs given to the computer to do some work. Also, revise the two main types of software, that is System software and Application software. Tell them that there are three processes that are completed by every computer: Input–Process–Output.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Question 2

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 1 and 4

E. Answer the Following: Questions 4 and 5

53 Chapter 6 • Knowing a Computer
7 mins
Sum Up

GUI Operating System

Story Time

Story in a Nutshell…

Mel and Conji go to the hidden library to explore the secrets it was hiding. They saw some pictures and information on the screen. Suddenly, darkness surrounds Mel, and she loses her memory. They get to know that Lord Ero was behind this, and he didn’t want Mel to know about the secret information. They searched for small pictures and words in the library. They finally managed to find out, with the help of First Elder Robot, that there were strong weapons that Ero was using to harm Avora. Ms Idea told them about an envelope which contained all the required information, and they searched for it. Also, Mr Geebal and Mr Time helped Conji restore Mel’s memory by using different methods. Mel and Conji thought about creating a weapon against Lord Ero, but the Elders explained to them that a weapon for a weapon is not a good idea. They also gave them a document to create a new and powerful spell. There was a battle between the kids and Lord Ero where they used the spell on him with the help of the Elders. They finally managed to get rid of him. Everyone was proud of Mel and Conji.

Story in This Chapter…

● Mel and Conji went inside the library to find clues to bring back Mel’s memory.

● Mel felt a slight pain in her head when she went close to the computer.

● Mel could recall some of the things she had seen on the computer screen before. But she could not recall everything.

● Conji then tries using the magic spell to bring back Mel’s memory completely. But still, Mel could not remember anything.

● Mel then pointed to the computer screen that had buttons, small objects, and pictures. Mel identified these objects as being part of the GUI operating system.

● Mel then told Conji that she would explain what the GUI operating system is.

This chapter is divided into the following classroom sessions

1. Understanding Operating System

2. Windows 10 and Desktop Components

3. Operations on Desktop


1. Understanding Operating System

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● describe an operating system.

● describe the User Interface (UI) and its types.


● Operating system: A computer has a special program known as the operating system that manages various tasks, helps us search for files and apps, and makes sure that the computer runs smoothly.

● User interface: A user interface is a bridge between you and the computer system.

WEBS at a Glance

Ask the students what tasks a librarian does in order to manage the library.

Ask the students to name the elements or objects they can find on their computer screen (icons, buttons, etc.).

Explain to the students what an operating system is. Explain to them what a user interface is. Also, explain the types of user interfaces and the differences between the two interfaces.

Think and Tell Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Action Plan

5 mins

Warm Up

● Ask the students what tasks a librarian does in order to manage the library.

● Tell the students that just like a librarian organises books, helps people find what they need, and makes sure everything runs smoothly, similarly, a computer’s operating system manages various tasks, helps us search for files and apps, and makes sure that the computer runs smoothly.

● Ask the students to name the icons present on their computer screen. Tell them that these icons can be clicked, and that these icons are the part of the user interface.

55 Chapter 7 • GUI Operating System
Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Describe an operating system. Tell the students that an operating system manages the computer’s hardware, and software. Explain to the students what an operating system is and what an operating system does, as given on page 23.

Describe the User Interface (UI) and its types.

Explain to the students about the User Interface (UI) and its types—Character User Interface (CUI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI), as given on pages 23 and 24.

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 1A section Question 1 and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses: 1. Difficult C, Slower G, Text-based commands C, Buttons G

Additional Questions to Check for Understanding

● Does operating system provide an interface to the users through which they communicate with the computer?

Possible Responses: Yes/No

Correct Response: Yes

● Name the user interface that works on text-based commands. Possible Responses: CUI/GUI

Correct Response: CUI

● Name the interface that is user-friendly.

Possible Responses: CUI/GUI

Correct Response: GUI

7 mins

● Ask the students to give the answer to the question, “Which other devices do you think have an OS?” asked in the Think and Tell section on page 23.

Possible Responses: Smartphones and smart TVs.

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising that a computer has a special program known as the operating system that manages various tasks, helps us search for files and apps, and makes sure that the computer runs smoothly. A user interface is a bridge between the user and the computer system.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 1 and 2 D. Write T for True and F for False: Question 1 E. Answer the Following: Questions 1, 3, and 4

56 15 mins Engage

2. Windows 10 and Desktop Components

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● describe Windows 10 and its features.

● describe the steps to switch on a computer.

● describe the desktop and its components.


● Windows 10: It is a popular operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation.

● Desktop: After switching on the computer, the screen is visible, which is called the desktop.

● Icons: The small graphical symbols or images that represent files, apps, or folders are called icons.

WEBS at a Glance Warm Up

Ask the students to name any operating system that they know.

Explain the Windows 10 operating system and its features.

Explain the steps to switch on a computer.

Describe the desktop and its components. Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Warm Up Action Plan

● Now, that the students know what an operating system is, ask them to name any operating system that they know.

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Describe Windows 10 and its features. Explain to the students that Windows 10 is a popular operating system. Also, tell them about its features, as given on pages 24 and 25.

Describe the steps to switch on a computer.

Tell the students that there are five steps to switch on a computer, as given on page 25.

57 Chapter 7 • GUI Operating System
Engage Build
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
5 mins
15 mins

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Describe the desktop and its components. Explain to the students what a desktop is. Also, explain its components, like icons and the taskbar and various components of the taskbar, as given on pages 26 and 27.

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 1A section Question 2 and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Response: 2 > 4 > 5 > 1 > 3

● Conduct a group discussion in the class based on the topic “What is the purpose of the search button on the taskbar?” provided in the Discuss section on page 29.

Correct Response: It is used to search for files, apps, and settings on your computer.

● Conduct a group discussion in the class on the topic ‘My favourite feature of Windows 10’.

Possible Responses: GUI/multitasking/giving commands by clicking on the images and the menu/ makes the interaction between the computer and the user easy.

3 mins

Sum Up

● Conclude the session by summarising that the Windows 10 is a popular operating system and has many features like GUI, multitasking, etc. The steps to switch on a computer are switching on the main power button > UPS button > CPU button > and Monitor button. Also, summarise by stating that the screen visible after switching on the computer is called the desktop. It has different components like icons and taskbar.

● Assign the following from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter, as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 3, 4, and 5

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 2, 3, and 4

C. Who Am I?: Question 1

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 2, 4, and 5

E. Answer the Following: Question 2

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 2 and 4

58 Build
7 mins

3. Operations on Desktop

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● open an application.

● arrange the icons on the desktop.

● sort icons.

● change the background.

● change the screen saver.


● Sorting: Sorting means to arrange in a specific order.

● Wallpaper: The desktop has an image behind all the elements. This image is called the background image or wallpaper.

● Screen saver: The screen saver is an image, which pops up on the computer screen whenever a computer is left idle for a certain period of time.

WEBS at a Glance

Ask the students how they arrange their backpacks for school and if they know that the desktop icons can be arranged too.

Ask the students if they know what sorting means in general sense.

Explain to the students how to open an application, arrange the desktop icons, sort icons, and change the wallpaper and the screen saver.

Warm Up Action Plan

● Ask the students how they arrange their backpacks for school and if they know that the desktop icons can be arranged too.

● Ask the students if they know what sorting means in general sense. Tell them that sorting icons help arrange icons on the desktop in a specific order.

59 Chapter 7 • GUI Operating System
Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up
Assign homework 5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
Think and Tell
the concepts
5 mins

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Open an application. Explain to the students the steps to open an application using the start button, as given on pages 27 and 28.

Arrange the icons on the desktop.

Sort icons.

Change the background.

Change the screen saver.

Explain to the students the steps to arrange desktop icons in an organised way, as given on page 29.

Explain to the students that sorting icons means arranging them in a specific order, and also tell them the steps to sort icons, as given on page 30.

Explain to the students what a background image or wallpaper is. Also, tell them the steps to change the wallpaper, as given on page 31.

Explain to the students that a screen saver is an image, which pops up on the computer screen whenever a computer is left idle for a certain period of time. Also, tell them the steps to change a screen saver, as given on page 32.

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 2B section. Encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses: 1.

7 mins

● Ask the students to give the answer to the question, “Can you give an example of an icon you might see on your desktop?” asked in the Think and Tell section on page 28.

Possible Responses: Recycle Bin/folders/files

● Conclude the session by summarising the steps to perform various operations on the desktop such as arranging icons, opening applications and sorting icons. Also, revise with them the definition and steps to change a wallpaper and a screen saver.

15 mins
Sum Up
2. a. icons b. Auto-arrange icons c. image
3 mins

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 1 and 5

D. Write T for True and F for False: Question 3

E. Answer the Following: Question 5

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 1, 3, and 5

61 Chapter 7 • GUI Operating System

Introduction to the Internet

Story Time

Story in a Nutshell…

Mel and Conji go to the hidden library to explore the secrets that it is hiding. They see some pictures and information on the screen. Suddenly, darkness surrounds Mel, and she loses her memory. They get to know that Lord Ero is behind this, and he didn’t want Mel to know about the secret information. They search for the small pictures and words in the library. They finally manage to know with the help of First Elder Robot that they are strong weapons that Ero is making to harm Avora. Ms Idea tells them about an envelope which contains all the required information and they search for it. Also, Mr Geebal and Mr Time help Conji to restore Mel’s memory by using different ways. Mel and Conji think about creating a weapon against Lord Ero, but the Elders explain to them that a weapon for a weapon is not a good idea. They also give them a document to create a new and powerful spell. There is a battle between the kids and Lord Ero, where they use the spell on him with the help of the Elders. They manage to get rid of him finally. Everyone is proud of Mel and Conji.

Story in This Chapter…

● Mel and Conji found some strange pictures and words on a computer.

● They didn’t understand what these pictures and words meant.

● They remembered seeing them before but needed help to understand them again.

● They asked First Elder Robot for help.

● First Elder Robot said others had tried before but hadn’t been able to figure it out because, in the past, they didn’t have any technology and finding anything was time-consuming. But now it could help them out.

● Mel thought of using the internet for help because it had lots of information.

● Conji was unaware of the internet and wanted to learn about it.

● Mel asked him to go to the computer lab.

This chapter is divided into the following classroom sessions

1. Introduction to the Internet

2. Basic Terminologies of the Internet

3. Opening a Web Page


1. Introduction to the Internet

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● define the internet and describe its uses.

● describe the advantages of the internet.

● describe the disadvantages of the internet.


● Computer network: Two or more computers connected to each other form a computer network.

● Internet: The internet is a network that connects computers all over the world.

WEBS at a Glance

Ask the students whether they are able to connect with family and friends while staying far away.

Explain what the internet is and why we use it? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the internet.

Group discussion

Conclude the concepts Assign homework

● Ask the students whether they are able to connect with family and friends while staying far away.

● Now, build the concept by saying that they can connect with their family using the internet.

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

Define the internet and describe its uses.

Describe the advantages of the internet.


Tell the students that an ‘Internet is a network that connects computers all over the world’. Also, mention the uses of the internet, as given on page 42.

Tell the students that the internet is very useful if we use it correctly, then discuss the advantages of the internet, as given on page 42.

63 Chapter 8 • Introduction to the Internet
Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
Action Plan
5 mins Warm Up

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Describe the disadvantages of the internet.

Tell the students that everything has a good side and a bad side if we do not use it responsibly, and then discuss the disadvantages of the internet, as given on page 43.

Check for Understanding

1. Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 3A section Question 2 and encourage students to solve them. Instruct them to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses: 2. a. A b. D c. D d. A

Additional Questions to Check for Understanding

1. Imagine you’re explaining it to a friend who’s never heard of the internet before. How would you describe the internet using simple words?

Correct Response: The internet is a network that connects computers all over the world.

2. Using the internet for a long time affects our health. Justify.

Correct Responses:

1. The internet is a network that connects computers all over the world.

2. If we’re on the screen a lot, it might make our eyes tired and make us feel not so good.

7 mins

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic “What are some other things that you can do on the internet?” provided in the Discuss section on page 42.

Possible Responses: There are many things you can do on the internet. You can play online, watch videos, read stories and books for free, listen to your favourite songs, or buy things like toys, clothes, or books from online stores without going to a physical store.

3 mins

Sum Up

● Conclude the session by summarising that when two or more computers are connected to each other, they form a computer network. The internet helps us do many fun things like talking to far away friends, watching shows, and buying stuff. But along with advantages it has many disadvantages too, such as the need to be careful because bad people might try to do tricky things, or the risk of spending too much time online, can make us forget important things and might not be good for our health.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 1 and 3

B. Tick the Correct Option: Question 1

C. Who Am I?: Question 1

D. Write T for True and F for False: Question 1

E. Answer the Following: Question 3

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 1, 3, and 5


2. Basic Terminologies of the Internet

Learning Outcome

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● describe the basic terminologies of the internet.


● Webpage: A web page is a simple document that can be displayed over the internet using a browser.

● Website: A website is a collection of web pages that contain information about a related topic.

● Search Engine: Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing help us to find information we need on the internet.

● Email: Email stands for electronic mail. It is a way to send messages to people over the internet.

WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up

Start by discussing familiar things like books or pages in a notebook. Ask the students how they locate homes, stores, or places in real life.

Discuss the basic terminologies of the internet, such as the web page, website, web browser, search engine, email, and URL.

Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Action Plan

Warm Up

● Start by discussing familiar things like books or pages in a notebook.

● Ask the students how they locate homes, stores, or places in real life.

● Introduce the basic terminologies of the internet.

65 Chapter 8 • Introduction to the Internet
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
5 mins

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcome

Describe the basic terminologies of the internet.

Check for Understanding


Describe the basic terminologies of the internet to the students. Tell them that a web page is a simple document that can be displayed over the internet using a browser. Give them brief about the website, web browser, search engine, email, URL, as given on pages 43 and 44.

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 3A section Question 1 and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:Definitions Terms

Two or more computers that are connected to each other.

The network spread across the world.

A collection of web pages.

It helps us view the information present on websites and web pages.




Web Browser

Computer Network

7 mins

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic “Share an example of a URL you have visited”.

Possible Response: A URL is like an address for a website. An example of a URL is “www.nationalgeo graphickids.com”. This is a website where you can find lots of fun and interesting facts about animals and nature.

3 mins

Sum Up

● Conclude the session by summarising that a web page is a simple document that can be viewed on a browser, while a website is a group of related pages. Web browsers, like Chrome, help us view websites, and search engines, like Google, help us find information. Email is an electronic mail that is sent over the internet, and each website has a unique web address called a URL.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 2 and 4

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 4 and 5

C. Who Am I?: Questions 2 and 3

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 2, 3, and 4

E. Answer the Following: Questions 1, 2, and 4

F. Apply Your Learning: Question 4

66 15 mins Engage

3. Opening a Web Page

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● open a web page.

● describe online safety rules.

● be a good digital citizen.


● Address bar: The bar at the top of the browser window where web address is typed is known as an address bar.

WEBS at a Glance

Inquire with the students about how they visit places in their neighbourhood.

Ask the students, “Is safety in daily life, like looking both ways before crossing the road or not talking to strangers, important?“

Explain to the students the steps to open a web page. Explain to them why and how online safety rules are important for us.

Explain to them the rules to follow in order to become a good digital citizen.

Action Plan

Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework

5 mins

Warm Up

● Inquire with the students about how they visit places in their neighbourhood.

● Ask the students, “Is safety in daily life, like looking both ways before crossing the road or not talking to strangers, important?”

● Introduce the topic “Opening a Web page”.

67 Chapter 8 • Introduction to the Internet
Engage Build
Warm Up
Sum Up
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins

15 mins Engage

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Open a web page. Tell the students that in order to visit a web page, you need to know its web address. Then describe the steps to open a web page, as given on page 45.

Describe online safety rules.

Tell the students that online safety rules are important because they help us stay protected. Describe online safety rules to the students, as given on page 46.

Be a good digital citizen. Explain the meaning of being a good digital citizen. Also, describe to them the rules to be a good digital citizen, as given on page 47.

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 3B section and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:

1. a. B b. G c. G d. B

2. a. Do not talk to unknown people over the internet.

b. Do not use the internet for a long period of time. It may cause health issues.

c. Do not click on unknown advertisements shown on the internet.


7 mins

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic ‘Cyberbullying’. Possible Response: Sometimes people say rude things online. This is called cyberbullying. For example, sending mean messages, posting hurtful comments, and sharing embarrassing photos or videos without consent.

3 mins

Sum Up

● Conclude the session by summarising the steps to visit a web page. Also, revise with them the online safety rules: avoid sharing personal details, clicking on unknown ads, etc., and explain that being a good digital citizen involves using the internet responsibly, treating others with respect, and seeking help if something goes wrong.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Question 5

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 2 and 3

C. Who Am I?: Questions 4 and 5

D. Write T for True and F for False: Question 5

E. Answer the Following: Question 5

F Apply Your Learning: Question 2


Adventures with AI Friends

Story Time

Story in a Nutshell…

Mel and Conji go to the hidden library to explore the secrets that it is hiding. They see some pictures and information on the screen. Suddenly, darkness surrounds Mel, and she loses her memory. They get to know that Lord Ero is behind this, and he didn’t want Mel to know about the secret information. They search for the small pictures and words in the library. They finally manage to know with the help of First Elder Robot that they are strong weapons that Ero is making to harm Avora. Ms Idea tells them about an envelope which contains all the required information, and they search for it. Also, Mr Geebal and Mr Time help Conji restore Mel’s memory by using different ways. Mel and Conji think about creating a weapon against Lord Ero but the Elders explain to them that a weapon for a weapon is not a good idea. They also give them a document to create a new and powerful spell. There is a battle between the kids and Lord Ero, where they use the spell on him with the help of the Elders. They manage to get rid of him finally. Everyone is proud of Mel and Conji.

This chapter is divided into the following classroom sessions

1. Introduction to AI and AI in Daily Life

2. AI Gadgets


1. Introduction to AI and AI in Daily Life

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● explain what AI is.

● describe the role of AI in daily life.


● AI (Artificial Intelligence): It is a technology that enables machines to think and learn like humans.

WEBS at a Glance Warm Up

Ask the students: Have they ever wished for a friend who is smart, like a computer or a robot, who can help them answer questions, play games, and even learn new things with them?

Explain the concepts of AI. Also, explain how AI can help us with many things to make our daily lives easier. Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Action Plan

5 mins

Warm Up

● Ask the students: Have they ever wished for a friend who is smart, like a computer or a robot, who can help them answer questions, play games, and even learn new things with them?

● Now, build the concept by explaining what AI is.


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes

15 mins


Explain what AI is. Tell the students that AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, which means the machines that can think and learn like humans. Explain the concept “What is AI” to the students, as given on page 146.

Build Sum Up
5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins

Learning Outcomes

Describe the role of AI in daily life.


Tell the students that AI is used in many ways to help people in their daily lives. Some of the ways we use AI include answering questions, playing games, etc. Explain the concept of AI in daily life to the students, as given on pages 146 and 147.

Check for Understanding

● Give an example of how AI can be a helpful friend in daily life.

Possible Response: Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, which can answer questions, play music, and assist with tasks.

7 mins

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic “How does AI make playing games more exciting?”

Possible Response: AI makes playing games more exciting by being our playmate in video games and board games, making the games more fun and challenging.

3 mins

Sum Up

● Conclude the session by summarising that AI means artificial intelligence. It is a technology which enables machines to think and learn like humans. AI can help us by answering questions, playing games, driving cars, suggesting films and music, and even learning and drawing, making our daily lives easier.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 1 and 2

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 1 and 2

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 1 and 5

E. Answer the Following: Questions 1, 2, and 3

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 1 and 2

71 Chapter 9 • Adventures with AI Friends Build

2. AI Gadgets

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● describe AI in appliances.

● explain the role of AI in toys.


WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up Engage

Ask the students: Have you ever thought about how smart refrigerators or robot vacuum cleaners work in our homes? Describe to the students what AI appliances like smart refrigerators, or robot vacuum cleaners, etc. can do to make our lives easier. Also, explain to them about AI toys like Cubby, the curious bear; Loona, the AI pet, etc.

● AI gadgets: They are special machines that can think and make our lives easier. 5 mins

Action Plan

Build Sum Up

Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Warm Up

● Ask the students: Have you ever thought how smart refrigerators or robot vacuum cleaners work in our homes? Then, build the concept of AI gadgets.

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Describe AI in appliances. Explain to the students how machines like smart refrigerators, robot vacuum cleaners, voice assistant, smart lights, and smart doorbell work in our homes. Explain the concept of AI in appliances to the students, as given on page 147.

5 mins 15 mins 7 mins 3 mins
mins Engage

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Explain the role of AI in toys.

Check for Understanding

Explain to the students how AI toys like Cubby, the curious bear; Loona, the AI pet; and Cozmo, the playful robot can talk, play games, and even learn like your friends, as given on page 148.

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 9A section and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

Correct Responses:

1. Through discussions with parents, we’ve come up with some fantastic ways in which AI could be used in our daily lives to make our work easier and faster.

Smart Home Assistance: AI can be integrated into our homes to create a smart environment. Imagine having a voice-activated assistant, like Siri or Alexa, controlling the lights and temperature and even suggesting recipes for dinner.

Health Monitoring: With AI, health monitoring could become more proactive. Smart devices could track fitness levels, remind us to stay hydrated, and even provide suggestions for healthy meals. This would contribute to the overall well-being.

2. AI

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic “Special features of Smart lights and how they can be controlled”.

Possible Response: Smart lights can change colours, and you can control them with your voice or a remote control.

Sum Up

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising that AI gadgets, like smart appliances and toys, are machines that think and make our lives easier. Examples include smart refrigerators that suggest recipes, robot vacuum cleaners that clean independently, and playful AI toys like Cubby the bear, Loona the AI pet, and Cozmo the playful robot.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 3 and 4

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 3 and 4

C. Who Am I?: Questions 1, 2, and 3

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 2, 3, and 4

F. Apply Your Learning: Question 3

73 Chapter 9 • Adventures with AI Friends
Build 7 mins

Introduction to Coding 10

This chapter is divided into the following lab sessions

1. What is Coding?

2. Exploring Code.org and Sprite

3. Visiting the Sprite Lab

1. What is Coding?

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● describe what coding is.

● explain block-based coding.

● explain algorithms.


● Program: A set of instructions is called a program.

4. Setting the Background, Adding Behaviours and Events

5. Final Project

● Coding languages: The languages used to write programs are called coding languages.

● Block-based coding: Coding languages which use blocks to give commands to the computer are called block-based coding.

● Algorithm: The set of steps that you follow to solve a specific problem is called an algorithm.

WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

Engage Build Sum Up

Discuss coding with the students.

Describe the concept of block-based coding.

Elaborate on an algorithm.

Attempt the activity on the Assignment page

Conclude the concepts

Assign homework

5 mins 7 mins 15 mins 3 mins

Action Plan

● Instruct the students to go to Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on What is Coding?

● Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Describe what coding is.

Discuss coding as a language used to write programs, as given on page 1. Also, discuss how learning coding helps us.

Explain block-based coding. Tell the students that coding languages which use blocks to give commands to the computer are called block-based coding, as given on page 2.

Explain algorithms. Describe the algorithm as the steps to solve a specific problem, as given on page 3.

Check for Understanding

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the student’s understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions.

● Read aloud the question provided in the Do It Yourself 1A section and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

● Explain the activity to the students.

● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

● Conclude the session by summarising that coding is a set of instructions given to a computer. Also, when we use blocks to do coding, it is called block-based coding. Similarly, revise that the set of steps that we follow to solve a specific problem is called an algorithm.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

75 Chapter 10 • Introduction to Coding
Pupa Butterfly Eggs Caterpillar 2 4 1 3 7 mins Engage Build 15 mins Sum Up 3 mins
5 mins Warm Up

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 1, 2, and 3

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 2 and 4

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 1 and 5

E. Answer the Following: Questions 1 and 4

F. Apply Your Learning: Questions 1, 2, and 3


2. Exploring Code.org and Sprite

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● use the code.org platform.

● identify the parts of the code.org platform.

● describe what is a sprite.


● Code.org: It is a platform to use block-based coding.

● Play area: This is the area where you can see things happening.

● Toolbox: It is the area that holds all the code blocks used to give commands.

● Workspace: The area where you can drag and attach the blocks together to make things happen is called the workspace.

● Instructions: These hints help you know what to do next.

WEBS at a Glance

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

● Sprite: These are the characters that are used to make stories in a block-based coding language. 5 mins

Warm Up

Describe the code.org platform to the students. Describe what a sprite is.

Attempt the activity on the Assignment page Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Action Plan

● Instruct the students to go to Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on Exploring Code.org and Sprite

● Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.

77 Chapter 10 • Introduction to Coding
Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up
5 mins 7 mins 15 mins 3 mins

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Use the code.org platform. Tell the students that code.org is a platform to use block-based coding, as given on page 4.

Identify the parts of the code.org platform. Explain the various parts of the code.org platform such as Play Area, Toolbox, Workspace, and Instructions, as given on page 5.

Describe what is a sprite. Explain to them that the characters that are used to make stories in a block-based coding language are called sprites, as given on page 5.

Check for Understanding

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the student’s understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions. Build 15 mins

● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students. Sum Up

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising that we use the Code.org platform to do block-based coding. Also, tell them that a sprite is a character in coding.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Question 4

B. Tick the Correct Option: Question 1

C. Who Am I?: Question 1

D. Write T for True and F for False: Questions 2, 3, and 4

E. Answer the Following: Question 2

78 7 mins Engage

3. Visiting the Sprite Lab

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● make a sprite.

● choose another sprite.

● change the size of the sprite.


● Play area: It is the area where the story runs.

● Toolbox: This is the area that holds the blocks needed to create a project.

● Workspace: The area where you can drag the blocks and join them together to make things happen is called the workspace.

WEBS at a Glance

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

Explain how to make a new sprite. Discuss the steps to change the size of a sprite.

Attempt the activity on the Assignment page

Action Plan

Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Warm Up

● Instruct the students to go to Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on Visiting the Sprite Lab

● Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Make a sprite. Demonstrate how to make a new sprite as given on the pages 6, 7, and 8. Choose another sprite. Elaborate to the students how to choose another sprite from the dropdown menu of the make new sprite at block, as given on page 7.

79 Chapter 10 • Introduction to Coding
Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up
5 mins 7 mins 15 mins 3 mins
5 mins
7 mins

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Change the size of the sprite.

Check for Understanding

Demonstrate how to change the size of the sprite as given on page 9.

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the student’s understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions.

● Read aloud the question provided in the Do It Yourself 1B section and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book. Match the component with its function.

make new sprite at block

Plays the project

change size by block Creates a new sprite

Costumes library Changes the size of the sprite when run block Contains a group of sprites

Setting the Background


● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students.

Sum Up

15 mins

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising that we can make a new sprite using the make new sprite block. Also, tell them that in a project, we can select and work with other sprites. Finally, conclude that we can change the size of the sprite using the change size block.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 3 and 5

C. Who Am I?: Questions 2 and 3

E. Answer the Following: Question 3


4. Setting the Background, Adding Behaviours and Events

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● set the background.

● add behaviours.

● describe events.


● Behaviour: A behaviour of a sprite defines an action that a sprite can perform.

WEBS at a Glance

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

Explain to the students how to set a background. Also, tell them how to add behaviours.

Then, explain what an event is.

Attempt the activity on the Assignment page

Conclude the concepts

Assign homework

Action Plan

Warm Up

● Instruct the students to go to Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on Setting the Background, Adding Behaviours and Events.

● Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.

7 mins


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcomes


Set the background. Explain to the students that the backgrounds provide a meaningful context to the story. Also, tell them that a background can be added to a project by using the blocks provided under the World category of blocks, as given on page 10. Demonstrate the steps to set a background as given on page 10.

81 Chapter 10 • Introduction to Coding
Engage Build
Warm Up
Sum Up
5 mins 7 mins 15 mins 3 mins
5 mins

Learning Outcomes Explanation

Add behaviours. Describe that the behaviour of a sprite defines an action that it can perform. Discuss the steps to add behaviours as given on page 12.

Describe events. Tell the students that an event is something that brings about an action or a change, as given on page 13.

Check for Understanding

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the student’s understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions.

● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students.

Sum Up

3 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising that to add a background, we use set background block. Also, behaviour is an action that a sprite can perform. Then, conclude that an event is something that brings about an action or change.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Question 5

C. Who Am I?: Question 5

82 Build
15 mins

5. Final Project

Learning Outcome

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● create a project on Code.org

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

WEBS at a Glance

Explain the steps to create a project on the life cycle of a butterfly.

Attempt the activity on the Assignment page

Conclude the concepts

Assign homework

Action Plan

Warm Up

● Instruct the students to go to Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on Final Project

● Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.

Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcome Explanation

Create a project on Code.org

Demonstrate how to create a new project as given on pages 14 to 18. Explain the steps to set up the scene and then create the project.

Check for Understanding

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the student’s understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions.

83 Chapter 10 • Introduction to Coding
Warm Up
Build Sum Up
5 mins 7 mins 15 mins 3 mins
7 mins Engage

● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students.

● Conclude the session by summarising that we can create a project on code.org on any topic of our choice. We need to create an algorithm, set up the scene, and then proceed to create the project.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

E. Answer the Following: Question 5

84 Build 15 mins
Sum Up
3 mins

This chapter is divided into the following classroom and lab sessions

1. Repeating Actions and Repeat Loops

3. The for Loop

2. Variables in Block Coding 4. Using for Loops

1. Repeating Actions and Repeat Loops

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● describe what a loop is.

● explain repeat loop.


● Loop: A loop is an action of doing something over and over again.

● Repeat loop: The repeat loop is used when we want to repeat a task a certain number of times.

WEBS at a Glance

Ask the students if they do some tasks in which they have to repeat certain steps, like walking or skipping rope.

Discuss the concept of loops in coding with the students. Also, explain the concept of repeat loop.

Action Plan

Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Warm Up

● Ask the students if they do some tasks in which they have to repeat certain steps, like walking or skipping rope.

● Now, relate this topic of repetition to the concept of loops in coding.

Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up
5 mins 8 mins 14 mins 3 mins 5 mins
Loops 11

Repeating Actions

Explain the following concepts:

Think about the way you walk. You move one foot forward and then the other. You continue walking in the same manner. We can call this a loop.

Learning Outcomes


Describe what a loop is. Tell the students that a loop is the action of doing something over and over again, as given on page 22.

Explain repeat loop. Tell the students that repeat loop is used when we want to repeat a task a certain number of times, as given on pages 23 and 24.

Check for Understanding

3 To create three waves, we need to repeat the process three times. So, here we will use the repeat block. Do It Yourself 2B

A loop is an action of doing something over and over again. What will happen if you never stop walking? You will pass your destination and you will get very tired. It is important to know when to stop doing something. Do It Yourself 2A

Tick () the picture that does not show an example of a loop.

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 2A and 2B sections and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book. Do It Yourself 2A

Consider the angry bird moves only one step forward. How many times should the loop repeat to make the angry bird reach the pig? Write the number in the space provided.

Variables in Block Coding

Suppose, your mother surprises you with a gift box. You open the box to see what’s inside. It’s full of your favourite chocolates!

Drumming Burning Candle
Book 1.indb 22 11/30/2023 2:03:44 PM   Do It Yourself 2B
Playing Football
Chocolates 5 8 mins Engage

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic “Real-life Examples of a Repeat Loop”.

Possible Responses: Jumping, paddling on a boat, playing drum on a beat, etc.

● Conclude the session by summarising that a loop is the action of doing something over and over again. Repeat loop is used when we want to repeat a task a certain number of times.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Questions 1 and 2

B. Tick the Correct Option: Question 2

C. Answer the Following: Question 1

D. Apply Your Learning: Questions 1 and 2

87 Chapter 11 • Loops Build 14 mins Sum Up 3 mins

2. Variables in Block Coding

Learning Outcome

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● describe and create a variable.


WEBS at a Glance

Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

Describe the variables and explain how to create a variable.

Attempt the activity on the Assignment page

Action Plan

● Variables: A variable is a container to store values. 5 mins

Warm Up

Conclude the concepts Assign homework

● Instruct the students to go to Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on the concept of Variables in Block Coding.

● Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.

8 mins


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcome

Describe and create a variable.


Explain to the students that a variable is a container to store values. Also, tell them that we use the set block from the variables category to create a new variable, as given on pages 24 and 25.

Check for Understanding

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the student’s understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions.

5 mins 8 mins 14 mins
3 mins

● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students.

● Conclude the session by summarising that a variable is a container to store values. Also, conclude that we use the set block from the variables category to create a new variable.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

A. Fill in the Blanks: Question 3

89 Chapter 11 • Loops Build 14 mins
Sum Up 3 mins

3. The for Loop

Learning Outcome

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

● use for loop in coding.


● The for loop: The for loop is a loop with a known beginning, end, and interval.

WEBS at a Glance Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up

Ask the students to write the numbers in their notebooks using skip counting. For example, they can write a table of 3.

Explain the for loop. Group discussion Conclude the concepts Assign homework

Action Plan

Warm Up

● Ask the students to write the numbers in their notebooks using skip counting. For example, they can write a table of 3.

● Now, tell them that this is an example of for loop, where they have started from a certain point, skipped two numbers, and then they have stopped after a specific number of steps.


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcome


Use for loop in coding. Tell the students that for loop is a loop with a known beginning, end, and interval, as given on page 26.

Check for Understanding

● Read aloud the questions provided in the Do It Yourself 2C section and encourage the students to solve the questions. Instruct the students to write the answers in their book.

5 mins 8 mins 14 mins 3 mins
5 mins
8 mins


1 Find the Interval by looking at the circled numbers.

1 Find the Interval by looking at the circled numbers.

Starting value: 0

Starting value: 0

Ending value: 18 Interval: ?

Ending value: 18 Interval: ?

2 Find the ending and the interval.

2 Find the ending and the interval.

Starting value: 7

Starting value: 7

Ending value: 14

Using for Loops

Using for Loops

As you know, it is important to know when to end a loop.

As you know, it is important to know when to end a loop.

Interval: ?


Ending value: 14 Interval: ?

● Conduct a group discussion in the class among the students based on the topic “What will happen if we do not provide an end condition in the for loop?”

Possible Response: If you do not provide an end condition in a for loop, the loop will not stop. Sum Up 3 mins

Starting value of the counter

Starting value of the counter

Value we need to add to the counter each time as an interval

Value which keeps on changing as we add the interval

Value which keeps on changing as we add the interval

Value we need to add to the counter each time as an interval

● Conclude the session by summarising that for loop is the loop with a known beginning, end, and interval.

Ending value of the counter

Ending value of the counter

● Assign the following questions from the Chapter Checkup given at the end of the chapter as homework.

Here, the counter is like a score in a game; it keeps on changing as you score.

Here, the counter is like a score in a game; it keeps on changing as you score.

B. Tick the Correct Option: Questions 1 and 3

Let’s make a project called “Catch the Ghost” using a for loop.

Let’s make a project called “Catch the Ghost” using a for loop.

C. Answer the Following: Question 2

91 Chapter 11 • Loops Correct
Do It Yourself 2C
Book 1.indb 27 11/30/2023
Do It Yourself 2C
Loops 27
3 i 2.
Chapter 2 • Loops 27 Book 1.indb 27 11/30/2023 2:03:45 PM
14 mins

4. Using for Loops

Learning Outcome

At the end of the session, the students will be able to:

WEBS at a Glance Warm Up

Let the students watch the video or the learning slides related to the topic on the digital panel.

Discuss how to use the for loop in a project.

Attempt the activity on the Assignment page

Action Plan

● use the for loop. 5

Warm Up

Conclude the concepts Assign homework

● Instruct the students to go to Tekie’s Digital platform and open a Lab session on the topic Using for Loops.

● Show the learning slides one by one and discuss the concepts shown on the slides in the panel.


Explain the following concepts:

Learning Outcome


Use the for loop. Discuss how to use the for loop as given on pages 27 to 29.

Check for Understanding

● Ask the questions provided on the slides one by one to assess the student’s understanding. Discuss the answers to the questions with the students. If necessary, ask additional relevant questions. Build

● Instruct the students to attempt the assignment by clicking on the Assignment tab.

● Explain the activity to the students.

Engage Build Sum Up
5 mins 8 mins 14 mins 3 mins
8 mins

● Conclude the session by summarising that we use the for loop when we know the beginning, end, and interval time.

● Assign the additional activity given on the panel to the students as homework.

93 Chapter 11 • Loops Sum Up 3 mins

Answer Key Term I

Chapter-1 File Management

Chapter Checkup

A. Fill in the Blanks.

1. information 2. files 3. folders 4. computer 5. save

B. Tick () the Correct Option.

1. a. Cursor 2. b. Inside folders 3. b. A container for files 4. b. Icon 5. b. To use the file later

C. Who Am I?

1. File 2. File 3. Cursor 4. Keyboard 5. Saving a file

D. Write T for True and F for False.

1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F

E. Answer the Following.

1. A file is a collection of information.

2. A folder is a container that stores files.

3. An icon is an image on the computer screen that represents a file or a folder.

4. Go to the desktop and double-click on the file icon to open it.

5. We save a file to save our work for later use.

F. Apply Your Learning.

1. This image is called an icon.

2. Riya can create a folder to store all the pictures.

3. Sree can create a text file to store name and address.

4. Rina can save her file to open it later.

5. Anish can go to the desktop and double-click on the file icon to open it.

Chapter-2 Introduction to Paint

Chapter Checkup

A. Fill in the Blanks.

1. Drawing area 2. Shapes 3. Text 4. Erase 5. Colour

B. Tick () the Correct Option.

1. c. Drawing 2. a. Pencil 3. c. Airbrush 4. a. Colour picker 5. d. All of these

C. Who Am I?

1. Group 2. Title bar 3. Callout 4. Fill with colour 5. Brushes

D. Write T for True and F for False.

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F

E. Answer the Following.

1. MS Paint, a short form for Microsoft Paint, is like a colouring book on the computer, where you can draw and colour pictures using different tools and colours.

2. There are three types of callouts in Paint: Rounded rectangular callout, Oval callout, and Cloud callout.


3. The Brushes group provides various brush tools for freehand drawing and painting in Paint. Brushes help us apply various strokes and effects to the drawing area.

4. Quick Access Toolbar is a group of tools that helps to perform common tasks like saving a drawing.

5. The Shapes group helps us draw different types of shapes in our paintings, like circles, squares, lines, etc.

F. Apply Your Learning.

1. Riya can draw the stars and the moons using the Paint program.

2. Sakshi must use the Eraser tool.

3. Rinku must use the Colour picker tool.

4. The Text tool will help Archi write the text in the drawing.

5. Atul can draw the shape using the Oval tool (shape).

Chapter-3 More Features of Paint

Chapter Checkup

A. Fill in the Blanks.

1. Two

2. Flipping

3. Reduce

4. PNG

5. Resizing

B. Tick () the Correct Option.

1. c. Zoom out and Zoom in 2. c. 3. a. To select a specific area of an image

4. a. Cut and Paste 5. d. PNG

C. Who Am I?

1. Rectangular Selection 2. Copy and Paste 3. Jpeg 4. File 5. Flip

D. Write T for True and F for False.

1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T

E. Answer the Following.

1. a. Rectangular Section b. Free form selection

2. The cut command is used for moving an image from one place to another while the copy command is used to make a duplicate.

3. Flipping means to make a mirror image of an object in Paint.

4. PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics. Paint files are saved in the PNG format by default. It is mostly used for images on the websites. PNG images do not lose their quality.

5. Paste commands is used to move an image from one location to another or for duplication.

F. Apply Your Learning.

1. Free form selection using the Paint program.

2. The file will be saved in the PNG format.

3. For doing upside down Rotate tool is used.

4. For making copies, he must use Copy and Paste commands.

5. He must use flipping tool for this.

Chapter-4 Introduction to Word Processing

Chapter Checkup

A. Fill in the Blanks.

1. Edit 2. Word Processor 3. Auto Save 4. Uniquely 5. Quick Access

95 Answer Key

B. Tick () the Correct Option.

1. d. All of these 2. a. Document is saved 3. c. Close the document

4. a. Share the document with friends 5. b. Click on File Menu > Click on Open Option

C. Who Am I?

1. Document bar 2. Menu Bar 3. Save As 4. Share 5. Document Workspace

D. Write T for True and F for False.

1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T

E. Answer the Following.

1. Autosave means that doc will be saved automatically you will not have to save it.

2. Google Docs is a software program that allows you to create, edit, and format text documents. You can share the documents written in the Google Docs with your friends.

3. a. Type docs.google.com in the address bar of the web browser and press the Enter key.

b. Click on the Blank + icon under Start a new document. It will open a blank document with an Untitled document name.

4. Nothing will happen if we do not save the file as the file is saved automatically in the Google Docs.

5. In a document tab, the ‘X’ sign is used to close the document.

F. Apply Your Learning.

1. Ram can search the document from the recent documents list.

2. This happened because Ravi shared his document with his friend.

3. All the documents in the Google Docs are saved automatically, so all his work will be saved there.

4. The first step to work in a new document is to type docs.google.com in the address bar of the web browser.

5. He can give an appropriate name to his document.

Chapter-5 Editing Text Using a Word Processor

Chapter Checkup

A. Fill in the Blanks.

1. Editing 2. Double-click 3. Duplicate 4. Delete 5. Reverse

B. Tick () the Correct Option.

1. a. Copy 2. c. Paragraph 3. a. Cut and paste

4. c. Removing the text from the document 5. c. Cut

C. Who Am I?

1. Cut 2. Copy and Paste 3. Undo 4. Delete

D. Write T for True and F for False.

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F

E. Answer the Following.

1. Editing a text means making changes to it. It also includes copying, deleting, and moving the text.

2. The Delete key erases the text from the document.

3. Using the Copy command will keep the original text in its place. Whereas the text will be removed from its original position if you use the Cut option.

4. The Redo option reverses the last action of the Undo command.

5. Cut and Paste is the best option to do this.

F. Apply Your Learning.

1. Delete key as well as the backspace key.

2. She should first select the paragraph.


3. Ctrl+Z she must use to do that.

4. He should copy and paste that word.

5. Click on the Edit menu and choose the Select all option. Selecting text using or Press the Ctrl + A keys.

Term II

Chapter-6 Knowing a Computer

Chapter Checkup

A. Fill in the Blanks.

1. Hardware 2. Output 3. Printer 4. Input 5. CPU

B. Tick () the Correct Option.

1. a. Software 2. d. All of these 3. d. Speakers 4. a. System software 5. c. Microcomputer

C. Who Am I?

1. ALU 2. Printer 3. Mouse 4. Touchscreen 5. Microphone

D. Write T for True and F for False.

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T

E. Answer the Following.

1. RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It stores the information temporarily on a computer. It allows the computer to run programs and access the data quickly.

2. The different types of monitors are Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), and Light Emitting Diode (LED).

3. A Central Processing Unit (CPU) is a processing device. It is the brain of the computer that manages all the calculations and programs.

4. An example of the IPO cycle is:

Input: Fabric, Thread, Sewing Machine, and Scissors

Process: Sewing the dress

Output: A stitched dress

5. Software is the part of a computer that cannot be touched. It is a set of instructions or programs given to the computer to do some work.

There are two types of software: System software and Application software.

F. Apply Your Learning.

1. Rahul can use a joystick to play games.

2. Sakshi is using a keyboard as an input device for typing her essay.

3. A microphone is an input device that records your voice and various sounds on a computer. It also allows you to talk with your family and friends on the internet.

4. Suhani’s mother is using a touchscreen.

5. Shivam can create a softcopy of the assignment questions using a scanner.

Chapter-7 GUI Operating System

Chapter Checkup

A. Fill in the Blanks.

1. program 2. interface 3. taskbar 4. Icons 5. search

B. Tick () the Correct Option.

1. b. Date modified

2. a. Notifications to see

3. a. All apps present on the computer

97 Answer Key

4. c. Manage the programs you are using

5. a. Right-click on the desktop and select the Personalize option.

C. Who Am I?

D. Write T for True and F for False.

1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T

E. Answer the Following.

1. An operating system (OS) is a program that manages various tasks, helps us search for files and apps, and makes sure that the computer runs smoothly.

2. The taskbar is a bar at the bottom of the screen that contains various components, like the Start button, Task View button, and Notification Area.

3. The different types of interfaces are Character User Interface (CUI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI).

4. Windows 10 provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

5. Sorting icons means arranging them in a specific order.

F. Apply Your Learning.

1. Mia should select the Personalize option.

2 Rani must click on the Task View button.

3. Screensaver

4. Ronita can search the Paint program using the Search bar.

5. Aastha can arrange the icons by sorting them.

Chapter-8 Introduction to the Internet

Chapter Checkup

A. Fill in the Blanks.

computer network 2. uniform resource locator 3. Internet 4. search engine 5. antivirus

B. Tick () the Correct Option.

1. d. All of these

2. c. Being kind and respectful online

3. b. Your house address

4. c. Uniform

5. b. Sending electronic message

C. Who Am I?

1. Internet

2. Address bar

3. Web address or URL

4. A Good Digital Citizen

5. Cyberbullying


D. Write T for True and F for False.

1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T

E. Answer the Following.

1. We use email to send messages to people over the internet.

2. Popular search engines are Google and Yahoo.

3. When we spend a lot of time on the internet, it can distract us from our important tasks, like homework, exercise, cleaning our room, etc.

4. All the websites have a web address. A web address helps us open a website in the browser. This web address is known as a URL (Uniform Resource Locator).

5. If you end up opening a wrong website by mistake, close it immediately.

F. Apply Your Learning.

1. The internet helped Chirag play games online.

2. No, it is not a good thing to do. Do not share personal information, like your address, phone number, photo, school name, etc., with strangers online. If you share these things online, someone might use them to hurt you or trick you. That’s why it’s important to keep your personal information private and safe.

3. A search engine like Google can help Sree find the desired information.

4. Sheetal should use a web browser to open the websites.

5. When we spend a lot of time on the internet, it can distract us from our important tasks, like homework, exercise, cleaning our room, etc.

Chapter-9 Adventures with AI Friends

Chapter Checkup

A. Fill in the Blanks.

1. Siri 2. Fun 3. Recips 4. Loona

B. Tick () the Correct Option.

1. b. Artificial Intelligence

C. Who Am I?

2. d. All of these 3. c. Smart Doorbell 4. b. Cubby

1. Smart Light 2. Robot Vacuum 3. Cubby

D. Write T for True and F for False.

1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T

E. Answer the Following.

1. You can use AI devices and toys to play with you, answer your questions, and guide you.

2. The self-driving cars make use of AI to automate driving and make decisions to keep us safe on the road.

3. Voice Assistant is the device which I use at home. It can answer questions, play my favourite songs, and tell me jokes.

F. Apply Your Learning.

1. Self-Driving Cars. 2. Voice assistant. 3. Robot vacuum cleaners

Chapter-10 Introduction to Coding

Chapter Checkup

A. Fill in the Blanks.

1. machine 2. small 3. visual 4. sprite 5. event

B. Tick () the Correct Option.

1. a. Code.org

99 Answer Key

2. b. Coding

3. c. Play Area

4. d. an Algorithm

5. b. Sprite Lab

C. Who Am I?

1. Sprite

2. Play Area

3. Workspace

4. Run button

5. Event

D. Write T for True and F for False.

1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T

E. Answer the Following.

1. Coding is the language that is used to write programs.

2. The elements that make up a story are characters, problem, setting, and events.

3. Toolbox is the area that holds all the code blocks that are needed to create the project.

4. When we give more than one command in an order, it is called a sequence.

5. The stages involved in the life cycle of a butterfly are Egg, Caterpillar, Pupa, and Butterfly.

Apply Your Learning.

F Apply Your Learning.

F. Apply Your Learning.

1 Write the correct sequence to eat an apple.

1. Write the correct sequence to eat an apple.

1 Write the correct sequence to eat an apple.

2 Write the correct sequence to prepare the sandwich.

2 Write the correct sequence to prepare the sandwich.

2. Write the correct sequence to prepare the sandwich.

3 Look at the given patterns and complete the sequence in the following pictures.

3 Look at the given patterns and complete the sequence in the following pictures.

2 1 3
4 3 2 1

3 Look at the given patterns and complete the sequence in the following pictures.

3. Look at the given patterns and complete the sequence in the following pictures.

Chapter-11 Loops

Chapter 1 • Introduction to Coding

Chapter Checkup

A. Fill in the Blanks.

1. repeat

2. programmer

3. Variable

B. Tick () the Correct option.

1. b. for

2. a. repeats a set of instructions

3. a. Start

2 Name the three things that are need to make a for loop.

C. Answer the Following.

1. A loop is an action of doing something over and over again.

2. The three things that are needed to make a for loop are: Start, End, and Interval.

11/30/2023 2:03:41 PM

D. Apply Your Learning.

D Apply Your Learning.

1. Tick () the task that can be done continuously in a loop.

1 Tick () the task that can be done continuously in a loop.

2 Draw the following patterns to complete the loops.

101 Answer Key
Book 1.indb 21
  

2. Draw the following patterns to complete the loops.

2 Draw the following patterns to complete the loops.

11/30/2023 2:03:46 PM

Book 1.indb 31
Chapter 2 • Loops 31

About the Book

This teacher manual has been designed to implement Tekie, the storytelling-based Coding and Computer Science program. The manual consists of lesson plans within each chapter that teachers transact within classrooms and computer labs. Each lesson is based on a research-based ‘WEBS’ framework that simplifies pedagogical practices for teachers and enables them to deliver effectively.

Special Features

• Sharp Lesson Planning: Each lesson plan focuses on specific sub-learning outcomes within a chapter and are designed for delivery within the stipulated class or lab time.

• Real-life and Application-based Questions: Additional questions that link Computer Science to real-life contexts and assist teachers to develop learners’ conceptual understanding and application skills.

• Support and Detailed Solutions: In-depth solutions for in-class and post-class activities to reinforce learning.

About Uolo

Uolo partners with K-12 schools to bring technology-based learning programs. We believe pedagogy and technology must come together to deliver scalable learning experiences that generate measurable outcomes. Uolo is trusted by over 10,000 schools across India, South East Asia, and the Middle East.

Singapore  |  Gurugram  |  Bengaluru  |  © 2024 Uolo EdTech Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved. hello@uolo.com
W E B S Warm Up Engage Build Sum Up ‘WEBS’

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