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Bright Beginnings, Brighter Futures

Rhymes and Stories

Level A


Level A Rhymes and Stories

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Academic Authors: Roma Jain, Sangeeta Gupta, Anuj Gupta

Creative Director: Bhavna Tripathi

Book Production: Naveen Gauniyal, Sanjay Kumar Goel

Project Lead: Pooja Gupta

VP, Learning: Abhishek Bhatnagar

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Book Title: Dawn Rhymes and Stories Level A

ISBN: 978-81-979689-2-1

Published by Uolo EdTech Private Limited

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CIN: U74999DL2017PTC322986

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elcome to DAWN, our comprehensive series for Early Childhood Education that has been meticulously crafted to align with the guidelines of the Foundational Stage as outlined in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. This series is designed to provide a holistic learning experience, fostering the comprehensive development of young learners in accordance with the developmental milestones and learning outcomes specified in the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2022

DAWN offers a rich blend of interactive and activity-based content to nurture each child's physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth. Our approach ensures that learning is enjoyable and meaningful, catering to every child's interests and abilities. By integrating various domains of development, we aim to create an environment where children can thrive, explore their unique potentials and cultivate a lifelong love for learning. The curriculum is structured to promote Physical Development by incorporating activities that enhance motor skills, health, and overall physical well-being. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a critical component focusing on building empathy, cooperation, and strong interpersonal relationships. Through engaging and thought-provoking activities, children develop Intellectual Capacities, fostering critical thinking, problemsolving, and a curious mind.

In line with the NCF 2022, DAWN also emphasises Spiritual and Moral Development, encouraging children to understand and embody values such as honesty, integrity, and respect for others. We aim to instill a sense of responsibility towards the environment, promoting sustainable practices from an early age.

Our curriculum is not just a series of lessons but a journey of discovery, growth, and joy. We believe that every child is unique, and our tailored approach ensures that each learner can engage with the content in a way that resonates with their individual needs and interests. By providing a nurturing and stimulating environment, DAWN sets the foundation for future success, preparing children not just for school, but for life.

The DAWN Level A Kit includes:

1. Literacy Skillbook

3. Numeracy Skillbook

Literacy Workbook

Numeracy Workbook

5. General Awareness 6. STEM Exploration

7. Art and Craft

8. Rhymes and Stories

Free Additional Resources:

• Flash Cards

• Sticker Sheets

• Suggested Activities List, for teachers and parents

• Teacher's Manual

• Digital Learning Resources

Thank you for embarking on this educational journey with us. Together, we can make the dawn of early childhood education a bright and promising start for every child.

This is Me
Bob wants to be a bear. He tries to growl.

Grrrrl! Grrrr!

Bob tries to stomp like a bear.

Bob looks in the mirror. He is sad.

I don’t look like a bear!

Mummy brings an ice cream for Bob.

Bob! Here is an ice cream for you!

Bob eats the ice cream.

I am happy I’m not a bear. Bears don’t eat ice creams!

1. What does Bob want to be? Bear Dog

2. When Bob looks into the mirror, he is . Sad Happy

3. Who brings Bob ice cream? Mummy Papa

4. In the end, is Bob happy or sad? Happy Sad

For the teacher

Encourage the children to observe each picture and talk about it. Also, talk about different animals and the sounds they make, like ‘bow-wow’ for dogs; and ‘meow’ for cats.

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, Knees and toes. Knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, Eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.

Pikku’s Birthday

It is Pikku’s birthday. Mummy and Papa are in the drawing room. They give him gifts.

Happy birthday, Pikku!

Here is your jar of honey.

Happy birthday, Pikku! Here is your bicycle.

The bell rings. Ding, dong! Pikku’s friends are outside. They here for the party.

Hello! Please come in.

Happy birthday, Pikku!

Mummy and Papa are in the kitchen. They bake Pikku’s cake. Pikku and his friends are in the hall. They watch a magician. They clap in joy at his magic tricks.

Mummy and papa bring the cake. It is in the living room. Pikku cuts the cake. Every one sings, ‘Happy birthday to you!’

Pikku and his friends eat a tasty lunch in the dining room.

1. Where do mummy and papa cook food for the party?

Bathroom Kitchen

2. In which room do they see the magician?



3. Where does Pikku cut the cake?

Kitchen Living room

4. Where do they eat their lunch?

Dining room Bathroom

For the teacher

Encourage the children to observe each picture and talk about it. Also, talk about being polite and using words like ‘please’, ‘thank you’, etc.

My Toys

I have a toy bear, soft and sweet, A big toy drum with a happy beat.

Trains and cars go zoom, zoom, zoom, Playing all day, morning till noon!

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around!

Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground!

Teddy bear, teddy bear, jump up high!

Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the sky!

Teddy bear, teddy bear, bend down low!

Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch your toes!

Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn out the light!

Teddy bear, teddy bear, say good night!

People Who Help Us

Bob needs a haircut.

My hair has grown. I need a haircut.

Bob goes to a tailor.

I am a tailor. I don’t cut hair. I stitch clothes.

Bob goes to a cobbler.

I am a cobbler. I don’t cut hair. I mend shoes.

Bob goes to a doctor.

I am a doctor. I don’t cut hair. I treat who are ill.

Bob goes to a barber.

Come, sit on this chair. I will cut your hair.

Bob is happy now. He has found the right person.

1. What does Bob need?

A haircut A new shirt

2. What does the tailor do?

Stitches clothes. Cuts hair.

3. What does the cobbler do?

Mends shoes. Cuts hair.

4. Who does Bob meet after the cobbler?

The doctor

For the teacher

The barber

Encourage the children to observe each picture and talk about it. Also, talk to them about different professions, especially what they may see commonly, like policemen, postmen, etc.

Pat a Cake

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man.

Bake me a cake as fast as you can. Roll it and pat it and mark it with T, And bake it in the oven for the teacher and me.

A Sailor Went to Sea

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,

To see what he could see, see, see. But all that he could see, see, see, Was the bottom of The deep blue sea, sea, sea.

Peggy’s Clothes

Peggy loves cheese. He eats cheese for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

One day, Peggy dresses up for a party. He wears his favourite shirt and pants. Oh no! The clothes don’t fit. The buttons go pop, pop, pop!

The clothes don’t fit Peggy. He starts crying. Mummy comes in and hugs Peggy.

‘Oh Peggy! Don’t cry! Tell me what happened?’

Mummy tells Peggy about tasty fruits. And vegetables. And other tasty food.

We can eat tasty fruits and vegetables. That will make your clothes fit again!

Now, Peggy has a full plate of food. He eats vegetables. He eats fruits. And one small slice of cheese!

1. What does Peggy eat for all his meals? Cheese Bread

2. What happens to Peggy’s clothes when he becomes fat? They become loose. Their buttons pop.

3. What kind of food does Peggy start eating later? Healthy Junk

4. Why do his clothes start fitting him? He becomes fat. He becomes fit.

For the teacher

Encourage the children to observe each picture and talk about it. Also, talk about the advantages of having healthy food through the story.

Bits of Paper

Bits of paper, Bits of paper,

Lying on the floor,

Lying on the floor. Make the place untidy, Make the place untidy, Pick them up, Throw them in the bin! Pick them up, Throw them in the bin!

Healthy Food

Healthy food is good for me, I eat it very happily. I eat it every single day, It keeps me fit in every way.

Fruits and vegetables, I love to eat. They are my favourite, Healthy treat!

Bittoo’s Balloons

Bittoo wakes up. He brushes his teeth and gets ready.

He goes outside to play. He throws up a water balloon.

It falls and bursts. Bittoo is sad.

Mummy comes out with a balloon pump. She fills air in one balloon. She ties the mouth with a thread. She gives the balloon to Bittoo.

Here is your balloon!

Together, they fill more balloons and fly a nice bunch of colourful balloons.

1. What does Bittu do after he wakes up Brushes his teeth. Eats breakfast.

2. What happens to the balloon filled with water? It falls. It flies.

3. With what does mummy fill the balloon? Air Water

4. What helps the balloons to fly?

Water Air

For the teacher

Encourage the children to observe each picture and talk about it. Also, talk about the uses of water and air through the story.

Two Little Birds

Two little birds Sitting in a nest. One flew away She didn’t want to rest. One little bird Alone in the nest. Played with a squirrel Who came as a guest.

A Plant

A plant has roots

A plant has a stem

A plant has leaves that grow.

A plant has flowers

A plant has fruits

And that is all I know!

Wendy and Mendy

It is the rainy season. Wendy and Mendy are playing near a pond.

Here I come.

Catch me if you can!

Wendy and Mendy feel drops of rain. Tip! Tap!

Mendy, can you feel the raindrops?

It is going to rain. Let us hide under the leaves.

It rains fast. Pitter, patter! Pitter, patter! Mendy and Wendy use leaf umbrellas. They also sing in the rain.

Reaching the ground to say a warm ‘Hi’! Pitter, patter raindrops falling from the sky!

The rain stops. The sun comes out again from behind the clouds. There is a rainbow across the sky. It is so huge!

Look at that beautiful rainbow!

Mendy and Wendy sing in joy.

Rainbow, rainbow in the sky, Come to meet us, don’t be shy!

1. Which season is it?

Rainy Winter

2. What do Mendy and Wendy feel falling on them?



3. What comes out from behind the clouds after the rain?

Sun Moon

4. Which beautiful thing do the frogs see in the sky?


For the teacher


Encourage the children to observe each picture and talk about it. Also, talk about the weather and the seasons.

I Hear Thunder

I hear thunder, I hear thunder

O don’t you? O don’t you?

Pitter patter raindrops,

Pitter patter raindrops, I’m wet through, so are you!

Thank You, Mr Sun

Thank you, Mr Sun For shining so bright. Yellow and round, You give us light. But I wonder where You go at night!

Raksha Bandhan

Arushi makes a rakhi for her brother, Rohan.

She ties the rakhi on Rohan’s wrist.

Arushi waits for Rohan to give her a gift.

What gift?

Where is my gift?

Arushi is sad. She sits in a corner. Rohan comes from behind with a gift.

Rohan gives the gift to Arushi. She jumps in joy.

Here is your gift, my little sister! It is your favourite book.

Arushi is very happy. She hugs Rohan and thanks him.

Thank you so much, my big brother!

1. What does Arushi make? A rakhi A kite

2. Arushi waits for Her rakhi. Her gift.

3. Does Rohan give Arushi a gift? Yes No

4. What does Arushi say to Rohan?


For the teacher

Thank you

Read out the story to the children while talking about the pictures. Talk about other festivals and the importance of celebrating all festivals together.

If You’re Happy and You Know It

If you’re happy and you know it, Clap your hands. Clap! Clap!

If you’re happy and you know it, Clap your hands. Clap! Clap!

If you’re happy and you know it, Then your face will surely show it. If you’re happy and you know it, Clap your hands. Clap! Clap!

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers, let him go! Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

Grandma’s Lost Phone

Aman is watching a cartoon on the TV. Grandma comes to the door.

Aman, could you please help me find my phone?

Yes, grandma!

They look for the phone everywhere—behind the TV, beside the oven, inside the mixer, under the washing machine.

Grandma, I can’t find it anywhere.

Tired, both of them sit on the sofa. Their dog, Ruff, is sleeping on the sofa.

There is a buzzing sound. It is the phone! But where is it? It is under their dog, Ruff!

There it is! It was under Ruff.

slept on top of it.


Aman brings the phone. They laugh. Ruff wags his tail.

1. Where is Aman watching a cartoon? In the clock On the TV

2. What can grandma not find? Her phone Her TV

3. Where does Aman look for the phone? In the mixer In the car

4. Where did they find the phone? On the sofa Under Ruff For the teacher

Encourage the children to observe each picture and talk about it. Also, talk about the various gadgets we use in the house.

I Can Fly in a Plane

I can fly in a plane. I can ride in a train. In a boat, I can row. I can go, go, go! I can go near and far In a bus or a car. I can go anywhere. Without any fear!

Red, Green, Yellow

Red, green, yellow traffic light

Follow it, day and night.

Red says STOP, Green says GO, Yellow says VERY SLOW. Red, green, yellow traffic light

Follow it, day and night.

About the Book

DAWN is a comprehensive, NCF 2022-based Early Childhood Education program that lays a solid foundation for lifelong well-being and holistic growth, encompassing physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development.

Designed to inspire love for reading and build listening comprehension skills, this coursebook exposes learners to a range of engaging rhymes and captivating stories.

Key Features

Additional Resources

•Flash Cards

•Sticker Sheets

• Suggested Activities List, for teacher and parents

•Teacher's Manual

•Digital Resouces

• Play-based learning activities, which promote holistic development of the child in all ECE domains

• School readiness, which is assured in the curriculum and learning design

• All-round development, in areas of physical, cognitive, cultural and socio-emotional domains

• Teacher assets, like assessment tools and lesson plans to help maximise program quality and outcomes

About Uolo

Uolo partners with K-12 schools to provide technology-enabled learning programs. We believe that pedagogy and technology must come together to deliver scalable learning experiences that generate measurable outcomes. Uolo is trusted by over 15,000+ schools across India, Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

ISBN 978-81-979689-2-1

Not to be sold separately

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