Semester 2A
Level C
Literacy Numeracy
General Awareness
Rhymes and Stories
Academic Authors: Melanie Grobler, Sonia Duggal, Roma Jain, Sangeeta Gupta, Anuj Gupta, Monika Jain
Creative Director: Bhavna Tripathi
Book Production: Sanjay Kumar Goel, Tauheed Danish, Amisha Gupta, Naveen Gauniyal
Project Lead: Pooja Gupta
VP, Learning: Abhishek Bhatnagar
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Book Title: Sunrise Semester 2A Level C
ISBN: 978-81-982267-8-5
Published by Uolo EdTech Private Limited
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Middle Sounds /u/
tub hug mug
hub rub dub
Read aloud� nut but
rug bug jug tug
fun nun run gun un bun sun
cut hut
• Rhyming words • Understanding words in same word families • Blending and reading
Look at the pictures� Colour the correct word with your favourite colour�
pictures with the correct words�
• Reading • Matching
• Association
Read for Fun: /u/ Sound
Activity Time
Name each picture� Then write the first and the last letters�
• Building words • Association • Writing skills o o a
Look at the pictures� Write the names in the corr column� The first row has been done for you� a e i o u
rat net dog wig mug
blanks using the picture clues�
The cat had a nap.
The cub is big.
We sat in a bus.
The pan is hot.
The pup is in a tub.
• Reading fluency
• Matching and association
Position Words: In and On
Where is the cat?
The cat is in the cup.
Where is it? Write in or on.
The cat is on the cup.
The ball is the box
The ball is the box
The rat is the hut. The rat is the hut.
The pen is the table. The pen is the box.
Position Words: Under and Ne
Where is the top?
The top is under the cot. The top is near the cot.
Where is it? Write under or near.
The mop is the bed. The mop is the bed.
The bug is the flower. The bug is the flower.
The cat is the hat. The cat is the hat.
Look at pictures and write in, on, under or near�
1. The cat is __________ the mat.
____________ the bus.
____________ the hut.
____________ the hut.
The dog is ________________ the cot.
• Understand the use of 'in', 'on', 'near', 'under' • Reading and writing
Position Words: in Front of, Behind
Where is the pup?
The pup is in front
The pup is behind of the hut. the hut.
Where is it? Write in front of or behind�
The bug is the box. The bug is the box.
The bug is the net. The bug is the net.
Come and Dance with Me
Once, in a big forest, there was a giraffe who loved to dance. He tapped his feet and swayed his long neck. All the animals clapped.
A lion came along and roared, “Stop dancing, you’re too noisy!” But the giraffe did not even hear him.
Then, the giraffe opened one eye and said, “Come and dance with me. You never have any fun.”
The lion tried a few steps, and all the animals cheered. He gave three steps left and three steps right, thee steps left and three steps right.
Soon, all the animals—rabbits, birds, and even turtles—joined the dance. The forest was a happy place.
Sight Words: in, a, big, there, was, to, he, his, all, the
Starting Blends–1
These words begin with cl, fl, pl, sl� Read them aloud�
• Blending and reading
Starting Blends–2
These words begin with cr, dr, fr, pr� Read them aloud�
Starting Blends–3
These words begin with sp, sk, st, sn� Read them aloud�
• Blending and reading
Write the starting blends�
• Blending and reading
• Identify beginning blends
Ending Blends–1
These words end with ng, nt, nk, nd� Read them aloud� king plant
• Reading words with ending blends
Ending Blends–2
These words end with mp, ft, lt, sk, st� Read them aloud�
• Reading words with ending blends
Look at the pictures and complete the words�
ju e
many pens
One and Many
many tops many bags
Add ‘s’ at the end of the words to write the words for more than one. van tap
• Understand the concept of 'one' and 'many'
Is and Are
When we talk about one person or thing we use is
When we talk about more than one person or thing
we use are.
The rat is small.
The rats are small.
Look at the picture� Fill in the blanks with ‘is’ or ‘are’ �
1. The dog happy.
3. The flag green.
4. The plums red.
5. The frog in the pond.
• Understand the concept of 'is' and 'are' is
6. The blocks on the slab.
Starting Digraphs
These digraphs begin with ch, sh, wh, th� Read them aloud�
• Reading words with beginning digraphs
Name these pictures� Then, circle the correct starting
Ending Digraphs–1
These are words that end with ck� Read them aloud�
Objectives • Reading __ck words
Look at the pictures� Complete the words�
Objectives • Association
a n e c h i c k c k f r o t r u r o c l o b l o
Building words
Ending Digraphs–2
These are words that end with ll� Read them aloud�
Objectives • Reading words with /ll/ sound
Name the pictures�
Ending Digraphs–3
These are words that end with ss� Read them aloud�
• Blending and reading words ending with ss
More Ending Digraphs
These words that end with sh, ch, th� Read them aloud�
What Comes After
Look at the picture and read the sentences.
The elephant comes just after the lion.
The dog comes just after the elephant.
To find a number that comes just after a given number, we count forward. What comes just after the number 4?
Let us look at the number track and count forward from 4.
Number 5 comes just after the number 4.
In the same way, number 8 comes just after number 7.
We can also find numbers that come just after the given numbers from 10 onwards by counting forward.
Number 21 comes just after the number 20.
Look at the picture and draw the thing that comes just after.
Count forward and write the number that comes just after.
Sequential thinking
What Comes Before
Look at the picture and read the sentences.
The bear comes just before the monkey.
The giraffe comes just before the rat.
To find a number that comes just before a given number, we count backward. What comes just before the number 6?
Let us look at the number track and count backward from 6.
Number 5 comes just before the number 6.
Number 34 comes just before the number 35. Number 9 comes just before the number 10.
We can also find numbers that come just before the given numbers, from 10 onwards, by counting backward.
Look at the picture and draw the thing that comes just before.
Count backward and write the number that comes just before. 7 31
Sequential thinking
Counting and number recognition
Fine motor skills
What Comes Between
Look at the picture and read the sentences.
The bat comes between the ball and the car.
The car comes between the bat and the cake.
To find a number that comes between two given numbers, we count forward from the first number and backward from the second number. What comes between the numbers 1 and 3?
Let us look at the number track and count forward from 1 to 3.
Number 2 comes between the numbers 1 and 3.
We can also find numbers that come between the given numbers from 10 onwards by counting forward from the first number and backward from the second number.
Number 20 comes between the numbers 19 and 21. 1 2 3 4 1 19 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 20 21 10
Look at the picture and draw the thing that comes between the given things in each set.
Write the number that comes between the given numbers.
12 29 10 27 45 71 43 69 40 86 38 84 Objectives
Sequential thinking
Counting and number recognition
Fine motor skills
Backward Counting
Look at how the number cards are arranged in order from numbers 10 to 1. This is backward counting. Start counting from number 10. Then, write the numbers from 10 to 1.
Sequential thinking Understanding reverse order 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 1
Write the numbers to take the boy down the ladder from 10 to 1.
Write the numbers to take the girl down the ladder from 20 to 11.
10 1 20 11
Greater than and Less than
To compare two groups of the given things, we first count the things in each group. Then, we put the correct sign.
This shows us that number 6 is greater than number 1.
6 2 1 4
This shows us that number 2 is less than number 4.
Counting objects Comparing quantities Understanding the concept of >/<
Count the things in each set and write the numbers in the squares. Use the correct sign (< or >) in the circle.
Objectives Counting objects
Comparing quantities
Understanding the concept of >/<
Equal Numbers
To compare two groups of the given things, we first count the things in each group. Then, we put the correct sign.
5 5 =
This shows that both sides have an equal number of mangoes.
Count the things in each set and write the numbers in the squares. Use the correct sign in the circle.
Small to Big
Circle the smallest number in each set. Write the numbers in order from small to big.
Number recognition
Comparing numbers
Ordering numbers from least to greatest Fine motor skills
Big to Small
Circle the biggest number in each set. Write the numbers in order from big to small.
Top and Bottom
Let us look at the position of things in the pictures.
The cat is at the bottom of the tree.
The bird is on top of the tree.
The girl is at the top of the ladder.
The boy is at the bottom of the ladder.
Identifying position of things Spatial awareness Object recognition Fine motor skills
Circle the things that are at the bottom in each box.
Circle the things that are at the top in each box.
Identifying position of things Spatial awareness
Object recognition
Fine motor skills
Over and Under
The blue bird is flying over the tree. Let us look at the position of things in the picture.
The red bird is sitting under the tree.
Identifying position of things Spatial awareness Object recognition Fine motor skills
Tick () the picture in which the frog is under the mushroom.
Tick () the picture in which the butterfly is over the flower.
Identifying position of things Spatial awareness Object recognition Fine motor skills
Behind and In Front
Let us look at the position of things in the picture.
The sheep is standing behind the tree.
The sheep is standing in front of the tree.
Identifying position of things Spatial awareness Object recognition Fine motor skills
Tick () the picture in which the deer is standing behind the fence.
Tick () the picture in which the girl is standing in front of the cabinet.
Identifying position of things
Spatial awareness
Object recognition
Fine motor skills
Open and Close
Let us read the instructions and do the actions.
Open your eyes!
Open your mouth!
Open your pencil box!
Open your bag!
Close your eyes!
Close your mouth!
Close your pencil box!
Close your bag!
Match the things that are open with the closed ones.
General Awareness
Look at the fruit. Trace their names.
• Fine motor skills • Identification
Peel or Not
Write ‘P’ in the box for the fruits you eat after peeling.
• Fine motor skills • Identification
Arrange the pictures in correct sequence by numbering them from 1 to 4. Wash your hands. Peel the banana.
Eat the banana. Throw the peel in the dustbin.
• Sequencing • Logical thinking • Understanding hygiene
Fruit have seeds. Some have one. Some have many. Write ‘one’ under the fruit that has one seed and ‘many’ under the fruit that has many seeds. One has been done for you.
• Identification • Observation
Look at the vegetables. Trace their names.
Raw or Cooked
Circle the vegetables that can be eaten raw.
• Identification • Observation
Ordering Sizes
Compare the sizes of vegetables. Write numbers 1 to 3 in the order of smallest to biggest.
• Size comparison • Visual discrimination
Healthy Me
Some of the food items are healthy and can be eaten every day.
Some food items are tasty but not healthy. We should only eat them once in a while.
Healthy Eating Habits
Circle the actions that show healthy habits.
Eat food that is clean and covered
Drink water that is clean and covered
Wash fruits and vegetables before eating
• Health and hygiene • Awareness
Good Habits
Circle ‘yes’ for healthy habits. Circle ‘no’ for unhealthy habits.
• Health awareness • Decision making
Safety at School
Let us learn about some safety rules at school.
Do not sit or slide on the handrail.
Do not push anybody on stairs.
Do not walk on wet floor.
Never bully and do not let anyone bully you.
Do not stand in front of or behind the bus. Do not stand on chair.
Do not hide behind the classroom door. Use scissors safely. Listen to your teacher.
• Knowing safety rules
Look at the pictures. Cross () the unsafe actions.
• Recognizing safe and unsafe behaviours • Developing safety decision making skills
Safety at Home
Put a tick () on the safe action and a cross () on the unsafe actions given below.
• Understanding the importance of safety rules
Safety on Road
We should follow safety rules on the road. Let us learn about some of them.
Wear seatbelt when in a car.
Use the zebra crossing to cross roads.
Wear a helmet when riding a scooter or a bike.
• Road safety awareness • Decision making
Do not take your hand or head out of the window.
Do not run on the road.
Do not cycle on the main road.
Our Earth
We live on the Earth. Earth has land and water. Colour the picture of the Earth per the code. 1 2
The green part shows the land. The blue part shows water.
Uses of Water
Let us see how we use water in our daily life.
drinking brushing
washing clothes cooking
bathing the pet cleaning
• Critical thinking • Understanding uses of water
watering plants
washing fruit and vegetables
Tick () the pictures that show wastage of water.
• Environmental awareness • Critical thinking
Forms of Water
Water has three forms—ice, water, and steam.
Sources of Water
Let’s learn the names of some sources of water.
• Learn the names of sources of water
Let’s Make Lemonade
Step 1: Take a glass of water (half fill).
Step 2: Add sugar.
Step 3: Add little salt.
Step 4: Add lemon juice.
Step 5: Mix them up.
Step 6: Add ice cubes.
Lemonade is ready.
For the teacher
Take water, salt, sugar and lemon. Add one thing at a time and let children taste it. Make them understand that water has no taste and smell of its own.
• Sequencial thinking • Attention to detail
Water Pollution
Water pollution happens when our rivers, lakes, and oceans get dirty. See the picture below. Point to the activities that make the water dirty.
• Observation • Awareness about keeping the water clean
For the teacher
Discuss in class about the different sources of water pollution and how not throwing away plastic saves water from pollution.
Air Around Us
We need air. Look at the different ways we can use air.
flying a kite
playing a flute
drying clothes
• Observation skills
blowing bubbles growing plants
filling a tyre
spinning a pinwheel
Tick () the activities that show presence of air.
Air Pollution
Air pollution occurs when the air becomes dirty from smoke, dust and chemicals. Cross out () the actions that cause air pollution.
Smoke from cars and buses
Smoke from burning garbage
Smoke from factories
Smoke from bursting crackers
• Identification of air pollution sources • Awareness of environmental issues
Caring for Earth
It is important to take care of our Earth to stay happy and healthy. Let us see some ways to care for Earth.
Plant more trees.
Do not burn garbage.
Do not waste water.
Do not cut trees.
Use less plastic.
Throw waste in bin.
Get a Ticket
Get a ticket, ticket, ticket, for the train.
Don’t stand out in the wind and rain.
Get a ticket, ticket, ticket, for the bus.
Climb aboard, you can ride with us.
Get a ticket, ticket, ticket, for the boat. The water’s too cold to swim or float.
Get a ticket, ticket, ticket, for the plane. Up in the clouds, we’ll fly in the rain.
Which Season is the Best?
Spring says, “I am the best! I make the flowers bloom. I make the trees green, the birds sing, and the farmers plant seeds.”
Rain says, “I am the best! I make everything fresh. I fill the rivers with water. I make the plants grow. Kids love to splash about in the puddles.
Autumn says, “I am the best! I make the rice ripe. I make the fruit ripe. I turn the leaves red and gold.
Winter says, “I am the best! I make the houses cozy. People sit around the fire and tell each other stories. Children love to play in the snow.”
Mother Nature says, “All four of you are special in your own way. So, all of you are the best!”
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the shore, If you see a lion, Don’t forget to roar!
The Giant Turnip
Once upon a time, a farmer called Manu, planted turnip seeds in his garden. Soon, a giant turnip grew! Manu was amazed! He bent down and pulled on the turnip, but it wouldn’t come out. “Dear wife! Please help me pull out this huge turnip!” he called.
Manu and his wife pulled and pulled, but it was stuck. They called their granddaughter, who held onto the wife, who held onto the farmer, and they all pulled together. But the turnip would not move!
They called their dog for help! He held onto the granddaughter, who held onto the wife, who held onto the farmer, and they pulled. But the turnip would not move!
They called their donkey, who held onto the dog, who held onto the granddaughter, who held onto the wife, who held onto the farmer, and they PULLED. Suddenly, the turnip came out and they all fell on their backs!
The Friendly Policeman
The policeman walks along the street, With shiny shoes upon his feet.
He helps us cross, and keeps us safe, He has a smile on his face.
He stops the cars, so we can go, And waves a hand to say hello.
So, when you see him, wave and say, “Thank you, sir, for helping me today!”
The Magic Pot
On a hot afternoon, Gopi the farmer was ploughing the field. While digging, he suddenly heard a CLANG! Gopi found a big metal pot.
When Gopi got tired, he kept the spade into the pot. When he looked again, he couldn’t believe his eyes— there were one hundred spades! “Wow! This is a magic pot!” he said to himself.
He then put an apple in the pot and found one hundred apples! Gopi shared the spades and the apples with the villagers. Gopi kept the pot a secret. He became rich and helped the people in his village.
Gopi’s neighbour wanted to know what Gopi’s secret was. He visited Gopi's house. His dog jumped into the pot. A hundred dogs came out of it! They all looked the same.
The neighbour ran away in fright! A hundred dogs ran after him, barking loudly. The neighbour never came to Gopi’s house again. Gopi kept on helping the villagers.
Firemen, firemen, In red and gold, Rushing to the fires, Brave and bold.
With hoses and water, They fight the flame. Firemen are heroes, That’s their name!
The Gingerbread Man
Once upon a time, an old woman and an old man made a gingerbread man. They mixed the dough, rolled it out, and cut out a shape. They put it in the oven. When the baking was done, out jumped the gingerbread man!
Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me! I’m the gingerbread man!
The gingerbread man then ran outside. The old woman and the old man chased him. The gingerbread man just ran faster and faster.
Come back! Come back!
Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me! I’m the gingerbread man!
He ran past a cow, a horse, and a donkey. They all ran after him to catch him.
Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me! I’m the gingerbread man!
He came to a river. He did not know how to cross it. A clever fox was standing at the river. He saw the gingerbread man. He knew how to catch him.
Jump on my head. I will help you cross the river.
Thank you, mister fox!
The gingerbread man jumped high. SNAP went the fox’s mouth. And that was the end of the gingerbread man!
There Were Ten in the Bed
There were ten in the bed, And the little one said, ‘‘Roll over, roll over.’’ So they all rolled over, And one fell out.
There were nine in the bed, And the little one said, ‘‘Roll over, roll over.’’ So they all rolled over, And one fell out.
For the teacher
You may continue the lines with numbers in descending order.
The Princess and the Pea
A long time ago, there was a queen who wanted her son to marry a princess. But she could not find a true princess.
One stormy night, a girl came to the castle. In a beautiful voice she asked if she and her servants could stay for the night. The girl said she was a princess, but the queen was not sure.
To test her, the queen placed a tiny pea under many feather-soft mattresses. “If she is a true princess, she will feel the pea!” the queen said to herself.
The girl went to bed. The next morning, the queen asked her how she had slept. The girl said, “I had a terrible night! I felt something hard in my bed!”
The queen smiled. “You are a real princess! Only a true princess could feel a pea under so many mattresses!” The prince was very happy. He and the princess were married and lived happily ever after.
About the Book
Sunrise is a comprehensive, NCF 2022-based Early Childhood Education program that lays a solid foundation for lifelong well-being and holistic growth, encompassing physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development.
This semester book has been designed to especially develop the learner's literacy and numeracy skills, their understanding and general awareness about the world around them, as well as their love for reading and listening comprehension skills.
Key Features
• Play-based learning activities, which promote holistic development of the child in all ECE domains
• School readiness, which is assured in the curriculum and learning design
• All-round development, in areas of physical, cognitive, cultural and socio-emotional domains
• Teacher assets, like assessment tools and lesson plans, to help maximise program quality and outcomes
About Uolo
Uolo partners with K-12 schools to provide technology-enabled learning programs. We believe that pedagogy and technology must come together to deliver scalable learning experiences that generate measurable outcomes. Uolo is trusted by over 15,000+ schools across India, Southeast Asia and the Middle East.
ISBN 978-81-982267-8-5