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Can You Convince?

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About the Chapter: Through this module, learners will develop the skill of persuasive speaking. Listening Speaking Outcomes:Learners will be able to • Listen to and interpret key details in informational texts. • Speak persuasively about the advantages or disadvantages of something.

Part A - Period 1

10 min

The Latest in Smartphones

• Read the text aloud OR play the Talking Book in the classroom. • Ask questions as follows. Invite responses from as many learners as possible. Before story: What is one gadget that you would like to have? Why? During Story:After ‘many types of smartphones available in the shops and online, they all have the same basic features.’:What features of smartphones do you know about? After story: What one feature of smartphones do you think is the most important? What is one caution you need to keep in mind when using a smartphone?

Speak on the Spot!

To Have or Not to Have?

20 min

• Divide the class into pairs. • Instruct:

A.One of you speaks in favour of smartphones, while the other speaks against them.

Write your names in the blanks accordingly.

B.Read the conversation prompts and practise your conversation. • Allot 2–3 minutes to discuss and practise. • Say: Now I will call some of the pairs to present their conversations. Take note of the following things:

A.First, tell us which partner is speaking in favour and which one is speaking against the use of smartphones.

B.Speak in complete sentences as you present your conversation.

C.Speak in the same sequence as given for the conversation. • Invite AS MANY pairs to present as possible. Select randomly through games. (page ix)

they help us connect to the people we love and need.

We spend too much time watching and creating videos. This can waste our study time.

Many smartphone applications help with our homework and learning new things.

The use of many applications needs the internet and cost us.

Good work! Your conversation was very informative! I liked that you shared new pros and cons. I have one feedback –Don’t forget to use expression while talking or presenting. If you struggle to find a word in English, you can ask for help.

Homework 1: E-Speak Instruct the learners to complete both projects in the E-Speak section.

Project 5: Sell That Smartphone

This project will be evaluated automatically. Scan the QR code to see the submissions of your learners.

This project will be evaluated by you. Scan the QR code to see the submissions of your learners.

Homework 2: Preparation for Part B Explain steps 1–4 in the Plan and Speak section for prep work. Facilitate as follows. 1. Divide the class into pairs. 2. Instruct the pairs to pick any one pair of items from the given list of topics. 3. Instruct learners to discuss in pairs and fill in the notes for both the products.

Suggest that they look at the hints and write about their advantages and disadvantages, following the format. 4. Post writing, suggest that they take one part (product) each and practise speaking in favour of their product. Together, they should practise it as a debate.

Part B - Period 2

Gadget Gurus

• Instruct learners to label the sentences according to their thinking. • Invite a few learners to share their responses and reasons for it. 5 min

Plan and Speak

East or West, My Product is the Best!

• Warm Up

A.Recapitulate the activity for the learners.

B. Instruct: Revise your notes. Practise how you will present the debate. 5 min

• Presentation and Feedback 30 min • Invite ALL the pairs for presentation. Select randomly through games. (page ix)

Laptop vs Desktop

Laptop Laptops it is easy to carry them. They are light in weight. We can use them for watching movies and reading articles.

it is heavy and stays in one place. I support laptops. a desktop

Desktop Desktops they can have a wide screen. We can adjust the height of the screen as well. So, they help us maintain good posture.

a laptop

they come in small screen sizes. you should buy only a desktop.

• Appreciate all presentations. Give concrete feedback on content, fluency, presentation style and teamwork.

Thank you! You were right about the benefits of your products. I loved how strongly you debated them! Next time, you should make sure that you put your strong points with more confidence.

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