Key facts - Ecodesign and energy labelling

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Key facts

Ecodesign and energy labelling

What is ecodesign? The ecodesign directive states the energy and environmental requirements for a variety of energy consuming products (e.g. washing machines) and energy-related products (e.g. windows). Ecodesign states the requirements for products, when these are not already regulated by the EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive), which provides the general requirements for buildings. Energy requirements By way of example, the energy requirements for heat pumps are seen in terms of a requirement of the energy efficiency of the products. This also means that a new valuation of the efficiency of heat pumps and a new test are introduced.

The same applies for a number of refrigeration plants. Environmental requirements The environmental requirements are given based on an examination of the life cycle of the products. Moreover, the requirements can include the choice of materials for the construction of the product. For e.g. refrigeration plants, most environmental requirements are reflected in terms of a modification of the energy efficiency requirements when choosing a harmfull refrigerant. Ecodesign requirements are often implemented in steps that gradually tighten the requirements of e.g. energy efficiency.

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What is energy labelling? An energy label is a simple way to inform customers about key factors related to the product capacity and operation, e.g. the efficiency, performance and sound power level of the product. The efficiency of a product is given based on information about which energy class a product belongs to. The best products are in the energy classes starting with an A specified in green colour tones, and the worst products are indicated by red and orange colour tones and a letter further up the alphabet, e.g. D, E or F. Energy labelling of products is not a new concept. For example, household refrigerators and air conditioners (air to air heat pumps) have be energy labelled for years. Energy labelling makes it possible for the customer to get an overview of important parameters of a product and to compare

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this product to similar products. Comparable energy labels have been introduced for different types of space heaters in buildings. Thus, it is now possible to compare gas and liquid boilers, heat pumps and other types of space heating technologies merely by looking at the energy labels. The individual elements on the energy label are presented in detail in the regulations. Equivalent to the ecodesign requirements, new energy labels with higher energy classes are continuously being introduced, which means that the worst energy classes are eliminated and a new higher energy class is implemented.

The best products are indicated with green colour tones and are in the energy classes starting with A. The worst products are indicated with red and orange colour tones and are in the energy classes starting with D, E or F. The new energy classes are characterized by an additional ‘+’ to the right of the letter. Thus, yet more effective products are required to achieve the higher energy classes.

Figure 1: An example of an energy label for a reversible air/air heat pump

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Why ecodesign and energy labelling?

The amount of energy consuming products used in homes and industry increases while the global climate challenges increase concurrently. This necessitates higher requirements for the energy efficiency of energy consuming products. Through ecodesign and energy labelling, the energy consumption is reduced by means of regulation and information also called the ‘push’ and ‘pull’ effect.

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The push - pull effect Figure 2 shows a typical repositioning of a product on the market, which is regulated according to ecodesign and influenced by energy labelling. The x-axis shows the energy consumption of the product and the y-axis shows the share which the product presents on the market. The less good products with high energy consumption are shown furthest to the right. These products account for a minor part of the market. Furthest to the left, the good products with low energy consumption are shown and these products also account for a minor part of the market. The mediocre products with an average energy consumption are shown in the middle of the figure. The mediocre products account for the

major part of the available products on the market. Now, the products are subject to ecodesign requirements, and a part of the right side is, therefore, cut off, which means that the better products remain on the market. Thus, the market is pushed towards more energy efficient products. An energy label for the products is implemented as well, which means that it becomes clear for the costumer which products are better in regard to energy performance and the customer will, therefore, ask for more energy efficient products. Thus, the market is “pulled” towards the left side of the figure.

Figure 2: The push - Pull effekt - the market is pushed and pulled towards bettere products.

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Expectations of a great energy saving effect •

In 2020, the overall saving is expected to be 5,640 GWh per year in Denmark, which is equivalent to 5% of Denmarks energy consumption in 2011, exclusive of transportation.

90% of the saving will come from power savings and 10% will come from other savings.

45% of the savings will come from households and 55% will come from the business community.

85% of the savings are expected to come directly from regulation i terms of ecodesign requirements and 15% are expected to come from an increased demand for more energy efficient products through energy labelling.

In 2030, the overall saving is expected to be 7,169 GWh per year in Denmark.

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How is ecodesign and energy labelling implemented in practice?

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The result of a common European cooperation The ecodesign requirements and the energy labelling of the different types of products are a result of a common European cooperation. The individual countries are allowed to make requirements in cases where the products are not regulated according to ecodesign, but it is not allowed to make stricter or lower requirements in cases where the products are regulated according to ecodesign. By an example, this means that Denmark is not allowed to implement stricter requirements for the energy efficiency of a heat pump. The common European requirements also mean that the movement of products is free within the EU in that a product that comply with the ecodesign and energy labelling requirements e.g. in Italy also comply with the requirements in Denmark.

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Which products are included by the ecodesign and energy labelling work? - and which products are expected to be included?

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Overordnet anbefaling: udrulningsprocesser Energy labelling is not appliedKollektive in all areas Always check whether a specific product is covered by ecodesign requirements

covered by ecodesign and energy labelling

Det overses ofte, hvordan forbrugeren indgår i sociale sammenhænge, der påvirker If you want introduce a product ondem the market and have Energy labelling is not introduced in alladfærd areas, where og beslutningsprocesser. ecodeMen to lokale fællesskaber, som vi har mødt found which ecodesign category your product sign requirements are introduced. i DREAM projektet, kan have stor out betydning for praksisproduct i den enkelte husstand. I belongssom to, you must then find the ecodesign omlægningen af energisystemet proces, skal vi derfor i langt højereregulation grad kiggefor the productsom areaviltopåvirke, see which ecodesign requirements It is estimated that energy labelling onlypåhas – og anlære effect omwhen – sociale kontekster, hvordan omstillingen kan are applicable for the specific product. the buyer cannot be classified as ”professional”. realiseresTherefore, forskelligeansteder i Danmark. Det kan være et stærkt redskab for at skabe energy label is made available for the buyer gennemslagskraftige of a household forandringsprocesser. Især i starten, hvor omstillingen er svær The first thing to for check is whetherlokale the product is exempted refrigerator, but is considered unnecessary og mangler if the operations ”de gode historier”, er der brug håndholdte, indsatser. I DREAM the ecodesign requirements and energy labelling. You manager in a factory is to purchase a chiller. projektet When har purchasing vi mødt små from samfund, hvor det lokale fællesskab har direkte betydning will find the information og under 1 ”Subject matter and the chiller, it is expected that more knowledge for de beslutninger, is present and der træffes på energiområdet, hvorArticle den sociale infrastruktur scope” inDer theerecodesign regulations relevant for the given an energy label is, therefore, not necessary. således har en enorm indflydelse. et tæt netværk i byerne, hvor man stiller product. både vejledning, arbejdskraft og redskaber til rådighed for hinanden. Projektet kan arbejde med forskellige tilgange til at adressere dette – og lokalområder som helheThere areforcertain exceptions ofi projektets products being exempted der skal være primære målgrupper udrulningsinitiativer kommende from the ecodesign and energy labelling requirements. This is demonstrationsfase. for example the case for a product category if the product is produced in one specific product following the customer’s directions. In such cases, it is not reasonable to make ecodesign and energy labelling requirements.

Where can I find more information?

You can find much useful information about ecodesign and energy labelling on the Internet. Here, you can see a list of a few useful websites. •

Danish Energy Agency:

Vassdrags- og energidirektorat (Norway): View under ”Økodesign og energimerking av produkter”

The official Nordic Co-operation: View under ”Nordsyn”

European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy:

European Commission: S. / 16

Keep informed

On the Danish Energy Agency’s website, you can keep yourself informed about the ongoing work with ecodesign and energy labelling. Read more at: Ecodesign and Energy Labelling introduce new requirements for the supplier of a specific product and to a lesser extent to the distributor. These requirements will inevitably require an effort from the supplier. However, it is attempted to reduce the burden of the implementation by only introducing requirements, where the amount of produced units is greater and the triggered effect considerable.

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What is the status of ecodesign and energy labelling within heat pump and refrigeration technology? Table 1 shows that requirements for a wide variety of product areas have already been introduced, and that several other areas are on the way. The table also shows that there is no energy labelling requirements for larger plants when the buyer is considered a professional.

Table 1: Overview of the status of ecodesign and energy labelling of heat pumps and refrigeration technologies.

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Energy labelling?

Air to air heat pumps



Air to water heat pumps



Liquid to water heat pumps (ground source



Domestic hot water heat pumps



Refrieration and freezer appliances (house-



Wine coolers and mini bars



Professional refrigerators and refrigeration

yes (01-07-2016)

yes (01-07-2016)


yes (01-07-2016)


Condensing units

yes (01-07-2016)


Chillers for industrial processes, LT + MT

yes (01-07-2016)


Walk-in cold storage rooms

yes (01-07-2016)


Chillers for industrial processes, HT

01-01-2018 (expected date)


A/C in large buildings, chillers for A/C

01-01-2018 (expected date)


Professional refrigeration equipment, bottle

In preparation, proposals for both ecodesign and energy labelling

heat pumps)

hold refrigeration cabinets)


coolers, ice cream freezers etc. S. / 19

Directives, regulations and standards T he work with ecodesign and the work with energy labelling have taken place in parallel, but the work is divided into two different processes. Figure 4 describes the correlation between directives and regulations. Directives have been issued for ecodesign and energy labeling indicating the overall framework for the two areas. The directives are implemented by law in Denmark. The directives set the overall framework for the execution of ecodesign and energy labelling . Moreover, they explain the story

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behind the implementation, why the implementation takes place and about the expected effect. The overall framework for the areas specified in the directives also contain requirements for documentation and information about the product. Ecodesign and energy Labelling are implemented for various product areas through implementing measures presented in the regulations. The regulations are EU acts and must therefore be followed by the member countries.

Figure 4: The directives set the framework and the regulations specify rules and requirements in different product areas.

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Minimum ecodesign requirements

Energy labelling requirements and responsibility

It is the ecodesign regulations for a product area that specify An energy labelling regulation of a product area contains inforspecific requirements for energy effiency and enironmental mation in detail about the energy label and how it should be firendly design for a given product area. designed for the given product area. The ecodesign regulations also inform about requirements The energy labelling regulation also informs about the responfor product information and verification procedures in con- sibilities of both the supplier and the distributor, the verification nection with market surveillance. procedures related to market surveillance, and requirements for product data sheets and technical documentation. To have a common benchmark, e.g. for energy efficiency, it is necessary that the products are tested in accordance with harmonized standards. Therefore, the regulations specify how the various products are tested, i.a. by refering to test standards.

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Where do I find information about ecodesign and energy labelling for a given product area?

As a supplier of a product, you have to familiarize yourself with the ecodesign requirements and possibly the energy labeling requirements for the product! Thus, it is necessary to read the directives and regulations that apply for the product.

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You will find the current ecodesign and energy labelling requirements in the regulations.

The overall ecodesign directive - title:

Table 2 shows the regulations that cover the implementing measures for ecodesign - only adopted regulations are shown.

Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energyrelated products

Table 3 shows the regulations that cover the implementing measures for energy labelling - only adopted regulations are shown. The easiest way to find a regulation is to search for the regulation number on the Internet. The regulation will be among the first available links. The regulations are usually in English and various other languages. When in doubt, it is always the English version that applies. A regulation that is relevant for many suppliers is regulation number 518/2014, which deals with the requirements related to the sale of products on the Internet.

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The overall energy labelling directive - title: Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products

Table 2

Table 3


Ecodesign regulation no.


Energy labelling regulation no.

Air to air heat pumps


Air to air heat pumps


Air to water heat pumps


Air to water heat pumps


Liquid to water heat pumps (ground source heat pumps)


Liquid to water heat pumps (ground source heat pumps)


Domestic hot water heat pumps


Domestic hot water heat pumps


Refrigeration and freezer appliances (household refrigeration cabinets)


Refrigeration and freezer appliances (household refrigeration cabinets)


Wine coolers and min bars 643/2009

Wine coolers and min bars 1060/2010

Professional refrigerators and refrigeration tables


Professional refrigerators and refrigeration tables





Chillers for industrial processes, LT + MT



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How to read a regulation?

A regulation is made up of articles, which are followed by a series of annexes. By way of example, the articles for ecodesign define when requirements are to be implemented. For information about the specific requirements please refer to the annexes. In connection with energy labelling, the articles specify i.a. when the energy labels are to be implemented, and the annexes describe in detail how the energy labels are prepared. When reading a regulation, it is necessary to first examine the articles and then search the annexes for the details.

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Responsibility In addition to the requirements for energy and the environment, ecodesign also specifies requirements for product information.

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Market surveillance in Denmark

T he Danish Energy Agency is responsible for overseeing the compliance with the requirements for heat pumps and refrigeration. The Secretariat for Ecodesign and Energy labelling of products assists the Danish Energy Agency to perform the market surveillance in the area. In connection with market surveillance, the information supplied by the manufacturer on the energy label, data sheet

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and other required product information is usually the first to be checked to make sure it is accurate and can be substantiated with documentation, e.g. in terms of test reports. During the market surveillance, it is also checked that the minimum requirements described in the ecodesign regulation are met. The CE declaration of the model is checked as well.

The market surveillance can include the control of advertisements for both print and web as well as control of whether the required product information is available on the manuafacturer’s website.

The market surveillance can be followed up by control measurements of the product in an accredited test laboratory where the compliance with the minimum requirements of ecodesign are checked. It is also checked that the measurements can verify the provided values.

Where can I find more information?

Find information about Danish Technological Institute’s laboratory services within ecodesign and energy labelling at

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A special thank you to the Ministry of Higher Education and Science as well as the Danish Energy Agency for their contributiones to the booklet.

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