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ACT members working for both climate and gender justice
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ACT members working for both climate and gender justice
DanChurchAid is a Danish non-governmental organisation supporting the world’s poorest through both long term development and humanitarian aid. It was founded in 1922, and is rooted in the Danish National Evangelical Lutheran Church. Both gender and climate change are cross cutting commitments, which should be integrated into all DCA programs, and addressed through stand alone projects and advocacy themes (twin-track approach). DCA recognizes that in order to mitigate and adapt to the negative impacts of climate change in a gender-transformative and rights-based manner, women and girls as well as men and boys should lead climate change mitigation and response efforts together, and their differentiated needs and ideas should therefore be taken into consideration in all DCA’s climate related programming and advocacy.
Act Church of Sweden
Act Church of Sweden is the international development work of the Church of Sweden. We are involved in humanitarian action, long term development in partnerships with local and global ecumenical alliances, as well as policy dialogue with duty bearers to promote human rights and sustainable development. Act Church of Sweden is committed to contribute and strengthen locally-led climate change adaptation and increased resilience of people and societies at the frontline of the climate crises. Promoting gender inclusive climate justice and the right to climate finance of climate crises affected communities are strategic priority areas for policy dialogue with duty bearers, to ensure compliance with the Paris Agreement and its Gender Action Plan.
Felm is an agency of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland for its international work. It promotes human dignity and social justice in thirty different countries with over a hundred partnering NGOs and churches. Both gender and climate are cross-cutting themes to its projects. Moreover, Felm runs versatile community development projects that aim in mitigating climate change or building the resilience of communities to adapt to the already occurring biophysical changes. The resilience is also strengthened via action for disaster risk reduction and advocacy challenging the socioeconomic root causes of the climate-related vulnerabilities.
Finn Church Aid
Finn Church Aid (FCA) is a Finnish development cooperation organisation and important provider of humanitarian assistance. FCA is a faith-based organisation with more than 70 years of experience, founded by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. We value the different backgrounds and beliefs of all the people we work with and promote interfaith collaboration.
There are three cross-cutting issues common to all FCA working modalities: 1) Gender Equality and Social Inclusion, 2) Climate action and environmental protection and 3) Do No Harm and Conflict sensitivity. FCA recognizes that climate change affects men and women differently, and understands that women have diverse everyday experiences of how to best adapt to climate change and how it can be mitigated most effectively. However, women’s possibilities to influence decision-making are often limited. Therefore, FCA supports the