Jboss Free Tutorial

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JBoss Free Tutorial http://tekslate.com/

Introduction to JBoss Welcome to the free Tutorials of JBoss. The intent of these tutorials is to provide in depth understanding of JBoss Tool. In addition to free JBoss Tutorials, you can find interview questions, how to tutorials and issues and their resolutions of JBoss Product.

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JBOSS Architecture


How to Start JBoss Application Server  To start JBoss, run $JBOSS_HOME/bin/run.sh on Unix/Linux and

%JBOSS_HOME%\run.bat on Windows

 The script figures out JBOSS_HOME by itself – though it does not

hurt to have it pre-specified.

 On Unix/Linux, use a script like jboss_init_redhat.sh  Copy (or symbolically link) this script to /etc/init.d/jboss  Edit the script as needed (to specify user, IP, and file paths)  Add #chkconfig: 3 80 20 and #description: JBoss to this script  Run chkconfig –add jboss


Introduction to JMS  Framework for reliable both synchronous and asynchronous

communication between distributed components

 Guaranteed push-based delivery  Peer to peer  One to One, One to Many, Many to Many  Loosely coupled (standard message formats)  JMS Implementation provides necessary services to its clients  JMS is unlike RMI, which is tightly coupled. In JMS, The sender

and the receiver need to know only which message format and which destination to use. http://tekslate.com/

Introduction to JMX JMX is a standard for managing and monitoring all varieties of software and hardware components from Java. In addition, JMX aims to provide integration with the large number of existing management standards, such as SNMP and WBEM.


Security Domain – JBoss  Add to WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml:  <jboss-web>  <security-domain>java:/jaas/MyPolicy</security-domain>  </jboss-web>  Default security domain is other, which authenticates against

the properties files

 Security domains declared in conf/login-config.xml are relative

to java:/jaas/ JNDI context


Fronting with Apache HTTPD – JBoss  Install and setup Apache HTTPD  Install and configure mod_jk on Apache  AJP Connector on JBoss AS already enabled  Access web apps through Apache  There seems to be some confusion regarding which

protocol and module to use to set up Apache HTTP in front of JBoss/Tomcat.

And Also  Issues  Interview Questions  How to’s

For More JBoss Tutorials Please Visit http://tekslate.com/tutorials/jboss


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