SAP GRC Server Sizing
SAP GRC Server Sizing We find SAP GRC Server Sizing by two ways, one is T-Shirt Method & another is Expert Method. 1) T-Shirt Sizing :This is the simplest approach to sizing. Using T-shirt model, customers can size the necessary products accordingly. This method is not as accurate as transactional sizing but gives you a rough estimate before you are able to do a more in-depth approach. Compliance Calibrator (Risk analysis and remediation) : The factors that influence the sizing of Compliance Calibrator are the number of roles, the number of users and the number of violations.
The table below gives you an indication of the resource consumption according to usage categories.
2 ) Expert Sizing : We have to find out SAPS for below scenarios, Initial Load Sizing This provides the total number of SAPS per hour required when the master data is being uploaded to the system for the first time like initial data load, initial role import, full user synchronization, etc. Transactional Sizing This provides the total number of SAPS per hour required for the daily transactional data required by the system. These include request creation, incremental user/role synchronization, role generation, risk analysis, web-service calls etc. Batch Sizing This provides the total number of SAPS per hour required for the Batch processes executed on the system. These include Risk Analysis, Mass role generation, Mass role updating, etc
The detailed CPU, memory and hard disk sizing with examples for the individual modules of the Access Control Suite are mentioned below.
* Compliance Calibrator will require 80-120 GB of Disk Space (Depending on usage).
Note: 1) Import Roles from SAP backend system into Compliance Calibrator. This will be full synchronization. This will be done only once so it is part of Initial Data Load. 2) Import Users from SAP backend system into Compliance Calibrator. This will be full synchronization. This will be done only once so it is part of Initial Data Load. 3) Run real time risk analysis in Compliance Calibrator. This will be done daily so it is part of daily transactional sizing. 4) Run background job for Risk Analysis. This takes care of risk analysis and updating management reports. This is done on weekly basis as a batch job. 5) Import Roles from SAP backend system into Compliance Calibrator. This will be incremental synchronization. This will be done weekly/monthly so it is part of daily batch sizing. 6) Import Users from SAP backend system into Compliance Calibrator. This will be incremental synchronization. This will be done weekly/monthly so it is part of daily batch sizing.
Client Scenario : Approximate number of total named SAP Users (User Sync) – 10,500 SAPS Value = 10 * 10500/3500 = 30 ---------------------(a) Memory (MB) = 300 * 10500/3500 = 900 ---------------(b) Approximate number of total Roles (Role Sync) – 6000 (Don’t know exactly) SAPS Value = 10 * 6000/1500 = 40 ------------------------------- (c ) Memory (MB) = 250 * 6000/1500 = 1000 --------------------------(d) Approximate number of SOD Violations during risk analysis– 10000 (Maximum) SAPS Value = 100 * 10000/1000 = 1000 -----------------------------(e) Memory (MB) = 100 * 10000/1000 = 1000 --------------------------(f) Update Management Report SAPS Value = 200 ----------------------------------------------------------(g) Memory (MB) = 1000 -----------------------------------------------------(h) Additionally, these are the following assumptions for those scenarios: • The scenarios are performed during peak time. • The SAPS value is for per hour processing. ** Add 3 GB memory to the total calculated memory for OS level.
Phase 1:-During Full Synchronizations of Users & Roles (One Time): SAPS Required = (a) + (c ) = 30 + 40 = 70 SAPS Memory Required = (b) + (d) = 900 + 1000 = 1900 MB Update Management Report : SAPS Value = (g) = 1000 SAPS Memory (MB) = (h) = 1000 MB Total SAPS = 1070 SAPS Total Memory = 2900 MB
** Add 3 GB memory to the total calculated memory for OS level.
Phase 2:-No. of SoD violations during Risk Analysis : SAPS Required = (e) = 1000 SAPS Memory Required = ( f)= 1000 MB Update Management Report : SAPS Value = (g) = 1000 SAPS Memory (MB) = (h) = 1000 MB Total SAPS = (e) + (g) = 2000 SAPS Memory = (f) + (h) = 2000 MB ** Add 3 GB memory to the total calculated memory for OS level.
Notes : 1) The scenarios are performed during peak time. 2) The SAPS value is for per hour processing. 3) If they run concurrently, you have to summarize the number of SAPS; otherwise you would use the highest number of SAPS. 4) The overall sizing result is the sum of sizing results of the involved components. Based on those numbers, your hardware vendor can suggest you the right hardware for your SAP GRC implementation. 5) Additional memory will help the application perform better when multiple users are using it except it won't enhance the performance of full time batch risk analysis job as it creates only one thread and it will limit to the heap size of that particular node where that thread is running.