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Cancer and Molecular Therapies
Dr. Yaara Oren

Cancer persister cells
Our lab studies nonDarwinian evolution in the context of cancer therapy. We focus on a recently discovered subpopulation of cancer cells, called persister cells, that can evade therapy through a non-mutational reversible mechanism. We combine experimental and computational approaches to uncover the basic biology underlying the ability of cells to survive drug onslaught in the absence of a resistancemediating genetic alteration. We develop new tools and systems to study reversible resistance in hope to pave the way for new therapeutic approaches that could prevent the emergence of genetic resistance.
Dr. Oren is a new faculty member at the Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry at the School of Medicine, completed her PhD at Tel Aviv University and her postdoctoral training at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT. She was recently selected as a Zuckerman Faculty Scholar. She has earned several prestigious prizes for early-career scientists, including the American Association for Cancer Research Women in Cancer Scholar Award, the Rivkin Award, and the Cozzarelli Prize for scientific excellence and originality in biomedical sciences.