1 minute read

Nervous System and Brain Disorders

Prof. Michal Itzhaki

Emotion management

Feeling rules are unwritten social rules that dictate the strength of emotions appropriate for different situations. In case of incompatibility between experienced and socially expected emotions, emotional management is required to overcome the dissonance. Dr. Itzhaki explores the feelings experienced by healthcare workers and patients and their coping strategies with differences between expected versus experienced emotions in life-threatening situations

Prof. Itzhaki, PhD, Department of Nursing, School of Health Professions, serves as the Chair of the Department. She is the first registered nurse in Israel to have completed a direct PhD track, which she obtained at the Department of Nursing Department at Tel Aviv University. She completed her postdoctoral training at the Department of Sociology & Anthropology at Bar-Ilan University. Prof. Itzhaki collaborates with nursing theorists in academic institutions worldwide exploring caring in multicultural societies.

(emergency and disaster) and in complex care situations. Investigation of the emotion management experienced by nurses includes attention to caring and emotional resilience. Her research forms the basis for developing intervention programs aimed at efficient emotional labor, which includes raising the caregiver/patient's sense of resilience and emotional support. She uses a mixed methods design that combines qualitative and quantitative methods.

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