1 minute read
Nervous System and Brain Disorders
Prof. Tova Most
Rehabilitation and education of hard of hearing and deaf individuals
Prof. Most’ research activities focus on the effect of hearing loss and the use of various sensory aids (hearing aids, cochlear implants) on the perception and production of spoken language. The research relates to individuals from in a wide range of ages and various degrees of hearing loss from unilateral and mild hearing loss to profound deafness. Prof. Most also studies the ramifications of a hearing and communication deficiency on the individual's academic, social and emotional functioning. She examines their functioning in the various life environments of education, family, community and occupation, focusing on the individuals with hearing loss as well as their parents, friends, teachers and employers. She provides a holistic approach and broad indepth understanding of the ramifications of the hearing loss on the individual's functioning.
Prof. Most, PhD, is at the Department of Communication Disorders, Steyer School of Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine and the Department of Counselling and Special Education, Jaime and Joan Constantiner School of Education. Prof. Most research focuses on the rehabilitation and education of deaf and hard of hearing individuals. Her research work has been published in leading international scientific journals including 95 research manuscripts, 15 book chapters and a book in the area of education and rehabilitation of deaf and hard of hearing children and adults.