1 minute read
Nervous System and Brain Disorders
Dr. Noham Wolpe
Psychiatry in action
It may seem quite menial, but even a simple action like reaching for a cup of coffee requires complex, yet instantaneous computations by the brain. In addition to variables like how full the cup is or the shape of the cup, there are many other factors that can affect these computations Changes in cognition, such as memories of using similar cups in the past, and changes in mental health, affecting how much we value drinking this coffee –can all determine how we will reach for and grasp this cup of coffee.
Dr. Wolpe , MD, PhD, Department of Physical Therapy in the School of Health Professions, completed his medical degree at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He conducted most of his research in the UK: he first completed an MSc degree in Neuroscience at University College London, and later did a PhD as a Bill & Melinda Gates Scholar and a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Cambridge. He was then received a National Institute of Health Research Academic Clinical Fellowship in general psychiatry, allowing him to combine clinical psychiatry and academic work.
Dr. Wolpe’s research aims to improve our understanding of the links between cognition, mental health and action both in health and disease. More specifically, a main theme of the current research is how mental health impacts cognition and motor functioning across the adult lifespan. His team examines the role of specific mental health factors, such as motivation, in bringing about age-related decline. For our research, we combine clinical and basic neuroscience methods, including neuroimaging and computational models of behaviour.