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Public Health
Dr. Moran Bodas
Resilience in a pandemic
Dr. Bodas deciphers the psychosocial determinants of preparedness behavior and develop newer and more refined behavioral models that could explain why disaster risk communication falls short of achieving its goal of promoting public readiness to emergencies
At the Gertner Institute, his research focuses on the epidemiology of injury. The Israeli National Trauma Registry provides 25 years of data covering hospitalized cases due to traumatic injuries in Israel. This vast database allows
Dr. Bodas, MPH, PhD, is a member of the Department of Emergency Management and Disaster Medicine in the School of Public Health. He is also the acting director of the Israel National Center for Trauma & Emergency Medicine Research, Gertner Institute of Epidemiology. Dr. Bodas holds a B.Sc. in Life Sciences, a Master’s in Public Health (MPH) with an emphasis in emergency and disaster management, and a PhD in Disaster Management, all from Tel Aviv University. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine clinical aspects of treatment provided to casualties, as well as the impact of interventions and public health policies designed for the trauma system. These studies have supported the improvement of the Israeli trauma system, which is now one of the leading trauma systems in the world.
(CRIMEDIM) in Novara, Italy, where he studied the Italian population's preparedness for earthquakes. He is an affiliated faculty member at the PhD Program in Global Health, Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Medicine and the European Master in Disaster Medicine, both at Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy.