Telematics Wire Magazine 2018

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Enabling Connected Mobility in India year ac on plan charted out by Ni Ayog, automobile sector can contribute towards the Smart Ci es Mission by offering affordable, safer and low carbon transporta on. Since the launch of Smart Ci es Mission, the need for Smart Mobility is fast catching up in India.

Aravind Doss Associate Vice President, Telema cs Harman Interna onal Aravind Doss is the Associate Vice President of Telema cs Business Unit at Harman (a Samsung Company). He heads the effort to develop Next Genera on Telema cs solu ons. His focus is to create cu ng edge Telema cs to enable new use cases like 5G/V2X/ADAS/ Autonomous driving, and op mizing the cost/value to allow for adop on of Telema cs across mul ple market segments.

(TCU) which can support this technology become impera ve for the successful adop on of connected mobility. HARMAN and Samsung are jointly developing modular solu ons for advanced telema cs which will be capable of providing one Gigabit/second bandwidth. 5G connec vity can prove to be the major enabler in terms of the infrastructure to develop the ecosystem for connected mobility.

Smart Mobility will bring in safety of users, efficiency in the cars, protec ng the environment. We can achieve this through the Vehicle to Everything (V2X) technology where the auto industry is working to build the right ecosystem.

5G: Enabler for Connected Mobility

India has been a rapid adapter of technology which has improved the quality of life over last few decades. For instance, Google Maps has redefined the way India travels and has made naviga on through busy roads easier. Similarly, India recorded its one-billionth mobile phone customer which at one point of me was considered luxury. India being a cost sensi ve market, every technology that is developed must appeal to masses which defines the scale and success of the product offering. Infrastructural support such as 5G communica ons technology and Advanced Telema cs Control Unit

5G Connec vity is envisioned to cater to three broad categories of services: 1. Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB): Enhanced Mobile Broadband will lay founda on for immersive In Car experiences and augmented reality. In automobile there will be a surge in bandwidth requirement and need for sustained high capacity with mul ple sensors exchanging data. 2. Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communica on (URLLC): V2X and automated driving which are mission cri cal will require an ultra-reliable extremely low latency communica on.

Today, cellular and wireless media are enabling a connected world where informa on exchange has become easier. The biggest example is the Internet of Things, which enables smart connec vity, star ng from home to smart ci es - where we are trying to create a connected world. This is enabling a be er way of life, op mum u lisa on of resources and improved produc vity. Similarly, automobile industry is also adap ng to connected technology where vehicles are connected in an ecosystem and are sharing informa on on traffic as well as Roadside Unit (RSU), such as traffic lights, public transport system, road work warnings, and variable message signs. India’s Smart Ci es Mission has promoted sustainable and inclusive ci es that can provide low carbon transporta on and core infrastructure. Ni Ayog has created an ac on plan to provide convergence of Amrut, Smart Ci es mission and low carbon transport. As part of this three PG.6

| Smart Automo ve | Mar - Apr 2018

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