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GoMentum StaƟ on in California

GoMentum Station, California

GoMentum Station is a testing ground for connected and autonomous vehicles at the former Concord Naval Weapons Station in Concord, California. Picture Courtesy: www.gomentumstation.net


GoMentum StaƟ on in Concord, California is the center of cuƫ ng edge transportaƟ on research in America. Spread in an area of about 5000 acres, it was formerly a naval weapons staƟ on but now is the naƟ on’s largest secure tesƟ ng facility for autonomous and connected vehicle technology.

The StaƟ on is built on a public/private partnership model, it allows the private sector space to innovate and test at the same Ɵ me giving access to the public sector to new technologies being developed. This helps facilitate informed policy, regulaƟ on and planning decisions. Contra Costa TransportaƟ on Authority (CCTA), a public agency formed by Contra Costa leads the collaboraƟ ve eff ort and facilitates a partnership among mulƟ ple AMs; OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers; communicaƟ ons suppliers; technology companies; researchers and academia; public agencies and other partners.

These enƟ Ɵ es converge in research development, tesƟ ng validaƟ on and commercializaƟ on of Connected Vehicle (CV) applicaƟ ons and Autonomous Vehicles (AV) technologies to

defi ne the next generaƟ on of transportaƟ on network infrastructure. The staƟ on’s unique and varied terrain and infrastructure allows for the latest developments in transportaƟ on technology to be safely tested in similar condiƟ ons found on public streets. Being located in the San Francisco Bay Area it enables easy access to the world’s top technology companies.

It has got partnerships with companies like LyŌ , Sumitomo electric and agencies like American Automobile AssociaƟ on (AAA) and Toyota Research InsƟ tute (TRI). The staƟ on is also collaboraƟ ng with bodies like Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Japan and Netherlands’ Coast-to-Coast Smart E-mobility program. In India, automoƟ ve sector has a large share in GDP and is going through a transitory phase. Several companies are working on developing autonomous vehicles in the country. AutomoƟ ve Research AssociaƟ on of India and Cognizant Technologies are working on India’s fi rst indigenous autonomous car. Minda iConnect and MicrosoŌ India recently have entered into a strategic collaboraƟ on to locally develop connected vehicle technologies. Indian automaker Tata Motors is also working on the autonomous cars framework in India and developing semi-autonomous vehicles. Apart from these, there are various startups that are working on self driving technology like Flux Auto, Hi Tech RoboƟ c Systemz, Netradyne, Auro RoboƟ cs etc. All these developments point out to the dire need of insƟ tuƟ ons like CVTA and tesƟ ng sites like GoMentum in India. The government should take inspiraƟ on from the iniƟ aƟ ves like these to device policies which help create a favorable ecosystem for research and innovaƟ on in the country. Source: Offi cial Website - gomentumstaƟ on.net

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