Telematics Wire Magazine 2017

Page 19

Smart Trails and Connected Cars Piyush Rajan, Asst Editor, Telema cs Wire spoke to Jitender Sandhu, M2M Director, ASEAN & India, Gemalto on future of connected devices, cybersecurity and more. Jitender is the Head of ASEAN and India for Gemalto’s Machine-to-Machine (M2M) segment.


It is being predicted that in future out of all the connected devices there will be a few number of mobile devices, rest all the devices will be connected through M2M or embedded SIM. Comment.


Unlike the SIMs being used in mobile devices it will not be possible to change the operators that easily in case of embedded SIMs. Although there are some solu ons being developed for operators but they have not reached the maturity level. The policy forma on on the operator side is also missing.

As more and more devices get connected, the a ack surface will increase and so will their vulnerability. How do we tackle this?



With the increased usage of M2M communica on data vulnerability and security threat both will increase. Even a very simple innocent looking data can have huge consequences if it goes into the wrong hands. Metering data for instance gives details of the usage pa ern of the client which can be used in many ways. A lot of private and personal data may also be a ached to simple data that can also be used in different ways. Gemalto takes care of data security right from the client device level to the server level. Every data in and data out port Gemalto has security solu ons for it.

Recently there was an ar cle in American bankers associa on that in future the connected car industry will in a way swallow the banking industry. What are your views on that?


Banking industry and connected cars are two seperate industries now but as they www.telema I


will get aligned the number of transac ons will increase many folds and this will be a challenge for us. Right now things like online shopping etc are taking place which has changed the way transac ons used to take place. But in connected cars where voice modula on etc will be used for user authen ca on it will be a challenge. Securing the exchange of informa on and transac ons is where the company like Gemalto will play an important role.


As things get more and more connected we will have new business models coming up. Would you like to men on some of these?


As we will have connected cars, we will also have connected homes etc where we will have different devices connected to each other. There may be business models based on repair, maintenance of devices. The devices would be able to send informa on about their usage and schedule themselves for repair and maintenance automa cally. In monitoring of new energy sources like solar energy etc we can have business models built around that. There is a need to have defined road map for technology longevity so that the companies can design their products keeping this in mind.


Connec vity is the prime requirement for the things like connected cars to be realized. In India s ll there are many parts of the country where we do not have connec vity. How to deal with this issue?


There are many dark spots on the Indian Map. Even in the urban areas the issues like call drops are witnessed. For this the government should come up

Jitender Sandhu M2M Director, ASEAN and India, Gemalto

with a policy that puts a condi on like connected data up me should be 99.99%. Recently, TRAI had asked the operators to pay for the call drops which were not being accepted by them. The government should come up with the norms which sets high standards for service.

Technologically we are ready but the absence of regula ons is a hurdle. Comment.



Yes, the government is coming up with new telecom policy which might solve some of the important issues and will help in stabilizing things in the fragmented market. In other countries they have defined guidelines for the devices being used and power consumed by devices. In low band width connec vity, some mes even when the service is denied the device keeps sending connec vity requests which put the load on the network. A clear guideline should be there.

What are your views on the ownership of data? who owns the data?



Data being generated can be classified into Personal data and Vehicle data. The vehicle data can belong to OEMs and Personal data can belong to the user or the service provider depending upon the terms and condi ons. There is some ambiguity regarding right to privacy eventually as things will get clarified.

Sep - Oct 2017 | Smart Automo ve | PG.19

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